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37:1  By those set in ranks, ranging.
37:2  And the drivers, driving.
37:3  And the reciters, reminding.
37:4  Indeed, your god is surely one,
37:5  Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between both of them, and the Lord of the easts.
37:6  Indeed We, We adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment, the stars.
37:7  And a guard from every rebellious devil,
37:8  They shall not listen to the highest chiefs; and they are hurled at from every side,
37:9  Expelled, and for them is lasting punishment;
37:10  Except he who snatched the hearing, and there followed him a firebrand with piercing brightness.
37:11  So ask them for a decision: Are they a stronger creation, or who We created? Indeed We, We created them from sticky clay.
37:12  Nay, you wondered and they ridicule.
37:13  And when they are reminded, they do not remember;
37:14  And when they see a sign they ridicule,
37:15  And they say, 'This is not except clear magic.
37:16  When we die, and we become dust and bones? Will we indeed, surely be raised?
37:17  And our forefathers, the former people?'
37:18  Say, 'Yes, and you will be contemptible.'
37:19  And it will only be one cry, and behold they, they will look,
37:20  And they will say, 'O woe to us! This is the Day of Judgment.'
37:21  This is the Day of Decision, the one which you used to call a lie.
37:22  Gather those who did wrong, and their spouses, and what they used to serve
37:23  Besides God, and guide them to the way of the Hellfire,
37:24  And make them stationary; indeed, they will be questioned.
37:25  What ails you, you do not help one another?
37:26  Nay, they will submit today.
37:27  And some of them will advance towards some, questioning one another,
37:28  They will say, 'Indeed, you used to come to us from the right.'
37:29  They will say, 'Nay, you were not believers,
37:30  And we had no authority over you; nay, you were immoderate people.
37:31  And due against us is the speech of our Lord; indeed, we will surely taste;
37:32  And we caused you to err; indeed, we were erring.'
37:33  Then indeed they, on that day, are co-partners in the punishment;
37:34  Indeed We, thus We do with the sinners.
37:35  Indeed they, when it was said to them, 'There is no god except God,' they were proud,
37:36  And they say, 'Shall we indeed, surely leave our gods for a mad poet?'
37:37  Nay, he came with the truth, and verified the messengers;
37:38  Indeed, you will surely taste the painful punishment,
37:39  And you will not be recompensed except what you used to do.
37:40  Except the sincere servants of God,
37:41  Those, for them is a known provision,
37:42  Fruits, and they will be honoured
37:43  In the gardens of pleasure,
37:44  On couches face to face;
37:45  A cup of wine from a flowing spring will be passed around them,
37:46  White, delicious to those who drink,
37:47  No headache in it, and they, they will not be exhausted from it;
37:48  And with them, women restraining their glances, wide-eyed;
37:49  As if they were a protected egg;
37:50  And some of them will advance towards some, questioning one another;
37:51  A speaker amongst them will say, 'Indeed, I had a companion,
37:52  He would say, "Are you indeed surely among those who verify?
37:53  When we die, and we become dust and bones? Will we indeed, surely be requited?"'
37:54  He will say, 'Will you look?'
37:55  And he will look and see him in the midst of the Hellfire.
37:56  He will say, 'By God, indeed you almost surely caused me to perish.
37:57  And if not for the favour of my Lord, I surely would have been among the arraigned.
37:58  Shall we not die,
37:59  Except our first death? And shall we not be punished?’
37:60  Indeed this, surely it is the great success.
37:61  For the like of this then let the workers work.
37:62  Is that a better entertainment, or the tree of Zaqqum?
37:63  Indeed We, We have made it a trial to the wrongdoers.
37:64  Indeed, it is a tree which comes forth in the bottom of the Hellfire;
37:65  Its spathe is as if it were the heads of devils;
37:66  And indeed, they will surely eat from it, and fill the bellies from it.
37:67  Then indeed, for them upon it is surely a mixture of hot water;
37:68  Then indeed, their return is surely to the Hellfire.
37:69  Indeed, they found their forefathers astray,
37:70  And they rushed upon their footsteps.
37:71  And surely, certainly most of the former people went astray before them,
37:72  And surely, certainly We sent warners among them.
37:73  Then see how the end of those who were warned was,
37:74  Except the sincere servants of God,
37:75  And surely, certainly Noah called Us, and surely excellent are the responders;
37:76  And We saved him and his family from the great trouble;
37:77  And We made his offspring, they are the remaining;
37:78  And We left for him among the later people,
37:79  'Peace be upon Noah in the worlds;'
37:80  Indeed We, thus We recompense the good-doers;
37:81  Indeed, he is among Our believing servants.
37:82  Then We drowned the others.
37:83  And indeed, of his sect is surely Abraham;
37:84  When he came to his Lord with a sound heart;
37:85  When he said to his father and his people, 'What do you serve?
37:86  Do you desire a lie, gods besides God?
37:87  What then is your thought about the Lord of the worlds?'
37:88  And he looked, a glance at the stars,
37:89  And he said, 'Indeed, I am sick.'
37:90  And they turned away from him, retreating.
37:91  Then he turned aside to their gods and he said, 'Do you not eat?
37:92  What ails you, you do not speak?'
37:93  Then he turned aside upon them, striking with the right hand.
37:94  And they advanced towards him, hastening.
37:95  He said, 'Do you serve what you hew out,
37:96  And God created you, and what you make?'
37:97  They said, 'Build for him a building and throw him in the Hellfire.'
37:98  And they desired a plot for him, but We made them the lowest.
37:99  And he said, 'Indeed, I am going to my Lord, soon He will guide me.
37:100  My Lord! Give me of the righteous.'
37:101  And We gave him glad tidings of a clement boy.
37:102  And when he attained to working with him, he said, 'O my son! Indeed, I see in the dream that I sacrifice you, so look, what do you see?' He said, 'O my father! Do what you are commanded. Soon you will find me, if God wills, of the patient.'
37:103  And when they both had submitted, and he had thrown him down upon the side of the forehead,
37:104  And We called out to him, saying, 'O Abraham!
37:105  Certainly you have verified the vision;’ indeed We, thus We recompense the good-doers.
37:106  Indeed, this, surely it is the clear trial.
37:107  And We ransomed him with a great victim;
37:108  And We left for him among the later people,
37:109  'Peace be upon Abraham;'
37:110  Thus We recompense the good-doers;
37:111  Indeed, he is among Our believing servants.
37:112  And We gave him glad tidings of Isaac, a prophet among the righteous;
37:113  And We blessed him and Isaac; and of their offspring is one who does good, and one who clearly wrongs himself.
37:114  And surely, certainly We bestowed favour upon Moses and Aaron.
37:115  And We saved both of them and their people from the great trouble,
37:116  And We helped them, then they were the overcomers;
37:117  And We gave both of them the perspicuous Book;
37:118  And We guided both of them to the straight way;
37:119  And We left for both of them among the later people,
37:120  'Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.'
37:121  Indeed We, thus We recompense the good-doers;
37:122  Indeed, they were both among Our believing servants.
37:123  And indeed Ilyas is surely among the messengers;
37:124  When he said to his people, 'Do you not fear?
37:125  Do you call on Baal and leave the best of creators,
37:126  God, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers, the former people?'
37:127  And they called him a liar; so indeed, they will surely be arraigned,
37:128  Except the sincere servants of God,
37:129  And We left for him among the later people,
37:130  'Peace be upon Ilyas.'
37:131  Indeed We, thus We recompense the good-doers;
37:132  Indeed, he is among Our believing servants.
37:133  And indeed, Lot is surely among the messengers;
37:134  When We saved him and his family all together,
37:135  Except an old woman among those who tarried;
37:136  Then We destroyed the others;
37:137  And indeed you, surely you pass by them morning,
37:138  And in the night; so will you not become intelligent?
37:139  And indeed, Jonah is surely among the messengers;
37:140  When he ran away to the laden ship;
37:141  And he cast lots and he was among the rebutted;
37:142  And the fish swallowed him, and he was blameworthy;
37:143  And if not that he was of those who glorify,
37:144  Surely he would have tarried in its belly until the day they are raised.
37:145  And We threw him on the naked land; and he was sick;
37:146  And We made a tree of gourd to grow over him;
37:147  And We sent him to a hundred thousand or more,
37:148  And they believed; and We gave them enjoyment until a time.
37:149  So ask them for a decision: Are the daughters for your Lord and the sons for them?
37:150  Or have We created the angels females while they are witnesses?
37:151  Lo, indeed they, of their lie, they say,
37:152  'God has begotten,' and indeed, they surely are liars.
37:153  Has He chosen the daughters over the sons?
37:154  What ails you? How do you judge?
37:155  Then will you not remember?
37:156  Or have you clear authority?
37:157  Then come with your book, if you are truthful.
37:158  And they made a relationship between Him and the jinn. And surely, certainly the jinn knew indeed, they will surely be arraigned.
37:159  Glory be to God from what they describe.
37:160  Except the sincere servants of God.
37:161  So indeed, you and what you serve,
37:162  You will not tempt against Him,
37:163  Except he who will broil in the Hellfire;
37:164  And there is none among us except for him is a known station,
37:165  And indeed we, surely we are those in ranks,
37:166  And indeed we, surely we are those who glorify.
37:167  And indeed, they used to surely say,
37:168  'If that with us was a reminder from the former people,
37:169  Surely we would have been the sincere servants of God.'
37:170  Then they disbelieved in it; so soon they will know.
37:171  And surely, certainly Our word has preceded for Our servants, the messengers,
37:172  Indeed they, surely they are those who will be helped;
37:173  And indeed, Our army, surely they are the overcomers.
37:174  So turn away from them until a time,
37:175  And look at them, for soon they will look.
37:176  So do they seek to hasten Our punishment?
37:177  Then when it descends in their court, then evil is the morning of those who were warned.
37:178  And turn away from them until a time;
37:179  And look, for soon they will look.
37:180  Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of honour, from what they describe.
37:181  And peace be upon the messengers,
37:182  And praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.