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56:1  When the event happens;
56:2  There is no lying to its happening.
56:3  Abasing, exalting.
56:4  When the earth will be shaken, shaking.
56:5  And the mountains will be crumbled, crumbling,
56:6  And become dispersed motes.
56:7  And you will be three kinds;
56:8  Then the fellows of the right, what are the fellows of the right?
56:9  And the fellows of the left, what are the fellows of the left?
56:10  And the foremost, the foremost.
56:11  Those are the ones who are brought near,
56:12  In the Gardens of pleasure.
56:13  A crowd of the former people,
56:14  And a few of the later people.
56:15  On woven couches,
56:16  Reclining on them, face to face.
56:17  There will go round them perpetual children,
56:18  With cups and ewers and a cup of wine from a flowing spring;
56:19  They will not be affected with headache from it, and they will not be exhausted.
56:20  And fruit of what they choose;
56:21  And meat of birds of what they desire;
56:22  And wide-eyed houris,
56:23  Like the similitudes of the protected pearls;
56:24  A recompense for what they used to do.
56:25  They will not hear in it idle speech nor sin,
56:26  Except saying, 'Peace, peace.'
56:27  And the fellows of the right, what are the fellows of the right?
56:28  Among thornless lote trees,
56:29  And compact talh,
56:30  And extended shade,
56:31  And water poured out;
56:32  And much fruit,
56:33  Not failing and not forbidden;
56:34  And raised beds.
56:35  Indeed We, We have produced them, producing.
56:36  And We have made them virgins,
56:37  Darlings, equal in age
56:38  For the fellows of the right.
56:39  A crowd of the former people,
56:40  And a crowd of the later people.
56:41  And the fellows of the left, what are the fellows of the left?
56:42  In hot wind and hot water;
56:43  And a shade of black smoke,
56:44  Not cool nor generous.
56:45  Indeed they, they were affluent before that,
56:46  And they used to persist upon the great oath breaking.
56:47  And they used to say, 'When we die and we become dust and bones, will we indeed, surely be raised?
56:48  And our forefathers, the former people?'
56:49  Say, 'Indeed, the former people and the later people
56:50  Will surely be gathered together to an appointed time of a known day.'
56:51  Then indeed you, the erring, those who say it is a lie,
56:52  Will surely eat of a tree of Zaqqum,
56:53  And fill the bellies from it,
56:54  And drink upon it of the hot water,
56:55  And drink, the drinking of thirsty camels.
56:56  This is their entertainment on the Day of Judgment.
56:57  We, We created you, so if only you would verify.
56:58  And have you seen what you emit?
56:59  Do you create it or are We the creators?
56:60  We have decreed death between you and We are not to be outrun;
56:61  On that We exchange your similitudes and produce you in what you do not know.
56:62  And surely, certainly you knew the first creation, so if only you would remember.
56:63  And have you seen what you sow?
56:64  Do you make it grow or are We the ones who make it grow?
56:65  If We will, surely We would make it grit, then you would continue wondering,
56:66  'Indeed, we are surely in debt,
56:67  Nay, we are denied.'
56:68  And have you seen the water which you drink?
56:69  Did you send it down from the clouds or are We the senders?
56:70  If We will, We would make it bitter; so if only you would be grateful.
56:71  And have you seen the fire which you strike?
56:72  Did you produce its tree or are We the producers?
56:73  We have made it a reminder and provision for the wayfarers of the desert.
56:74  So glorify with the name of your Lord, the Great.
56:75  And I swear by the positions of the stars;
56:76  And indeed, it is surely a great oath if you know,
56:77  Indeed, it is surely a noble Quran,
56:78  In a protected book.
56:79  None touch it except the purified.
56:80  A revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
56:81  So is this the information you hold in light estimation?
56:82  And you make your provision that you say it is a lie.
56:83  Then why not when it reaches the throat,
56:84  And you at that time are looking,
56:85  And We are nearer to him than you, but you do not see,
56:86  Then why not, if you are not to be requited,
56:87  Return it, if you are truthful.
56:88  Then as for if he is of those who are brought near,
56:89  Then rest and fragrant plants and a Garden of pleasure.
56:90  And as for if he is of the fellows of the right,
56:91  Then 'Peace for you,' from the fellows of the right.
56:92  And as for if he is of those who say it is a lie, the erring,
56:93  Then an entertainment of hot water,
56:94  And broiling in Hellfire.
56:95  Indeed, this, surely it is the truth of the certainty.
56:96  So glorify with the name of your Lord, the Great.