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19:1  ‘Kãf-’Ha-’Ya-’Aĩn- Ṣãd.
19:2  (This is) a mention of the Mercy of your Lord to His servant Zachariah:
19:3  When He made supplication to his Lord with silent voice,
19:4  Saying: ‘Most certainly my bones are weakened, and my head shimmers with gray hair, but I have never been impious toward my prayer to you.
19:5  I am truly concerned regarding (the Faith) of my relatives after me, since my wife is barren. So grant me from Yourself an heir,
19:6  Who will inherit (the gift of prophecy) form me and form the Family of Jacob, and make him, my Lord, well pleasing to You."
19:7  (He was inspired): "O’ Zachariah, We give you the glad tidings of a boy whose name is John. Never have We given this name to anyone before him."
19:8  He said: ‘My Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached an extreme old age?’
19:9  ’It will be so, your Lord says: ‘It is easy for Me. Most certainly I have created you aforetime when you were nothing’.
19:10  Zachariah said: ‘My Lord, give me a sign!’ He said: ‘Your sign is that you shall not speak to the people for three consecutive nights’.
19:11  Then he came out to his people from the sanctuary and inspired them (through gesture) to celebrate the praise of their Lord and to declare His Glory in the morning and the evening.
19:12  (We Said): ‘O’ John, hold fast to the Scripture". And We granted him the Gift of Prophecy even in his childhood,
19:13  As well as purity and compassion and from us. And he was a pious devotee,
19:14  And dutiful to his parents. He was neither supercilious nor insubordinate.
19:15  Peace Be Upon Him the day he was born, the day he will die, and the day he will be raised to life!
19:16  And mention in the Book (the story of) Mary when she withdrew in solitude from her family to a place on the eastern province,
19:17  Then she took a veil (to cover herself) from them. Then We sent to her Our spirit- (Gabriel). So he appeared before her in the form of well-proportioned human being.
19:18  She said: "indeed, I earnestly seek refuge with the True Merciful (God) from you! (Stay away from me) if you are one of the Pious (who live before the Face of God).”
19:19  (The Archangel Gabriel) said: ’I am a Messenger of your Lord. I’ve come to bestow on you an immaculate son’.
19:20  She said: ‘How can I bear a child when no man has ever touched me, neither have I been unchaste?’
19:21  He said: ‘It will be so, your Lord said: 'It is easy for Me: and (We are pleased to) make him a Sign to the people and a Mercy from Us. It is a matter which has already been decreed’.
19:22  Then she conceived him and withdrew with him to a far-off place.
19:23  The throes of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She said: ‘Oh, would that I had died before this and become something forgotten- completely falling into oblivion!"
19:24  Then he reassuringly called out to her from beneath the (palm tree): "No need to grieve! For your Lord has caused water to gush out of a hollow in the ground at your feet.
19:25  And shake the trunk of this palm tree towards you. It will drop fresh, ripe dates upon you.
19:26  Eat, drink and be merry! If it happens that you see any human being, then say (through gesture): ‘Indeed, I have vowed a Fast (of silence) to the True Merciful (God). Now, therefore, I shall not speak to any human being this day ’.
19:27  Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said: "O’ Mary! Verily, you have brought an unpredictable thing.
19:28  O’ sister of Harun, your father was not a sacrilegious, nor was your mother a promiscuous woman’.
19:29  Then she pointed (her finger) at him. They said: ‘How can we speak with a baby in the cradle?’
19:30  (Jesus) said: ‘Verily! I am the servant of Allâh. He has given unto me the Scripture and the Gift of Prophecy.
19:31  He has made me holy wherever I may be, and has commanded me to establish prayer and to pay Zakāt as long as I live,
19:32  And to show kindness to my mother. And He has not made me a supercilious person or insubordinate.
19:33  Peace Be Upon Me the day I was born, the day I shall die, and the day when I shall be raised to life!”
19:34  Such is Jesus, son of Mary. And this is the word of the truth, concerning which they have been disputing.
19:35  It is not appropriate for (the Majestic Glory of) Allâh to take to Himself a son. Eternal is He in His Majestic Glory! When He decrees a matter, He only says unto it: "Be", and there it is.
19:36  (Jesus) said: "Indeed, Allâh is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him ( in the way He wants us to worship Him). This is the straight path’ .
19:37  So the sects among them differed (and chased myths about Jesus) . Woe, then, to those who abandoned the truth (in favor of myths) from a scene of horrible day.
19:38  How plainly will they hear and see on the day when they come before Us. Today those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims are living in utter deception.
19:39  And warn them of the Day of Contrition, when all matters will have been decided, for even now they are heedless and living in spiritual darkness.
19:40  Verily, it is We alone Who will inherit the earth and whatsoever is thereon. And to Us they will be brought back.
19:41  And mention Abraham in the Book- (the‘Qur'ân). He was certainly a man of truth, a Prophet.
19:42  He said to his father: ‘O’ my father! Why do you worship that which can neither hear nor see, nor benefit you in anything?
19:43  O’ my father! I have truly received of the (divine) knowledge that which has not be given to you. So follow me, and I will direct you to the path of Truth.
19:44  O’ my father! Don’t worship Satan! Most certainly, Satan is an insubordinate to the True Merciful (God).
19:45  O’ my father! I truly fear that a chastisement of the True Merciful (God) will fall upon you, and then you become a companion of the devil’.
19:46  His father said: ‘Are you renouncing my deities, O’ Abraham? If it happens that you don’t desist, then I will certainly stone you (to death). Now stay away from me for some while."
19:47  He said: ‘Peace Be Upon You! I will pray to my Lord for your forgiveness. Indeed, He has been ever gracious to me.
19:48  I shall withdraw from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allâh. I will call on my Lord and hope that my supplications won't be in vain.
19:49  Then, after he had withdrawn from them, and from all that which they were worshiping besides Allâh, We bestowed upon him Isaac (a son), and Jacob (a grandson). And We gave to both of them the Gift of Prophecy.
19:50  And We bestowed of Our Mercy on them and We granted them true and exalted prominence.
19:51  Mention Moses in the Book- (this Qur'ân). He was a chosen man, and was a Messenger (of Allâh and) a Prophet.
19:52  We called him from the right side of Mount Ṭûr, and drew him near in direct and close communion with Us.
19:53  And out of Our Mercy, We appointed for him, his brother Aaron, a prophet,
19:54  And mention Ishmael in the Book. He was true to his promise, and was a Messenger (of Allâh and) a Prophet.
19:55  He used to urge his people to establish prayer and to pay Zakāt, and was one in whom his Lord was well-pleased.
19:56  And mention Idrīs- (Enoch)- in the Book. He was certainly a man of truth and a Prophet.
19:57  We raised him to a high station.
19:58  Those were the ones upon whom Allâh bestowed His Blessings, from among the Prophets of the seed of Adam and of those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah, of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We chose and enlightened their path to the Knowledge of truth. When the (Holy) Verses of the True Merciful (God) were recited to them, they fell down prostrating and weeping.
19:59  But there succeeded after them a posterity who failed to care of prayer properly, and pursued wordily lusts: so they are doomed to face perdition,
19:60  Except he who repents, lives by Faith and strives to do righteous acts, such will enter Al- Jannah, and they won’t be wronged in aught.
19:61  (They will be admitted) into Gardens of Eden, which the True Merciful (God) has promised to His servants in the unseen: for His promise is ever sure of fulfillment.
19:62  They won’t hear therein any evil vain talk but only Peace. They will have their sustenance therein, morning and evening.
19:63  That is Al-Jannah which We shall let the Pious among Our servants inherit.
19:64  (Gabriel explained to Mohammad): "We -(the Angels)- don’t descend except by the Command of your Lord. Unto Him belongs whatever is before us, and whatever is behind us, and whatever is between them. And your Lord is never forgetful.
19:65  (He is) the Lord of the heavens, the earth and all that is between them, so worship Him alone, and be constant and patient in His worship. Do you know anyone who is eligible for the same Name as He?"
19:66  The (impious) man says: ‘What! When I am dead, shall I then be brought forth alive?’
19:67  Does man not remember that We created him aforetime, when he was nothing?
19:68  By your Lord, We shall most certainly gather them along with the devils, and then shall We bring them around Gehenna on their knees.
19:69  Then We shall pluck out from every sect the ones who were most insubordinate toward the True Merciful (God).
19:70  Verily, We already know those who are most worthy of being burnt therein.
19:71  There is none of you but will pass over it. That is an inevitable decree of your Lord,
19:72  Then We shall deliver those who act piously toward the Lord, leaving those who willfully persist in yielding to their whims there on their knees.
19:73  And when Our Verses are recited to them as conclusive evidence, those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth say to those who live by Faith: ‘Which of the two groups is more eminent in status and more magnificent in respect of companions?’
19:74  Yet, so many generations have We destroyed before them, who had better abundance of valuable possessions and manifestation!
19:75  Say: "Whoever is living a life of self-deception, the True Merciful (God) will definitely extend (the rope of deception) to him, until they face what they were threatened with, either the (divine) retribution or the Hour. Then they will come to know who is worst in position, and who is weaker in forces.”
19:76  Those who have inclination to pursue salvation, Allâh increases in their inclination. The righteous acts of everlasting merit are far better with your Lord in reward and better in outcome.
19:77  Then, have you seen the one who persistently refuse to yield to what We have revealed of the Knowledge of the Truth and says: ‘I will definitely be given wealth and children (in the Hereafter)?"
19:78  Has he obtained (the knowledge of the) unseen? Or has he made a covenant with the True Merciful (God)?
19:79  Nay! We shall assuredly write down what he says, and prolong for him the chastisement extensively.
19:80  And We will inherit of him what he says; and he will come to us alone.
19:81  They have taken (for worship) gods, besides Allâh in order that they may be a source of power and glory for them.
19:82  Indeed no! They (fabled gods) will deny their worship of them and turn against them as opponents (on the Day of Judgment).
19:83  Have you not seen how We unleash the devils against those who have no tendency to live by Faith to incite them to do evil?
19:84  Now, therefore, don’t be in haste against them. We only count out to them specified number (of days).
19:85  On the day We gather the Pious before the True Merciful (God) as honorable delegates,
19:86  And drive the Ungodly Sinners to Gehenna like thirsty beasts.
19:87  No one will have the right of intercession except those who have made a covenant with the True Merciful (God).
19:88  They say: "The True Merciful (God) has taken to Himself a child.”
19:89  Indeed you have (in such an assertiveness) brought forth something an outrageous-
19:90  By which the Heavens are about to disintegrate, the Earth is about to cleave asunder, and the mountains are about to crumble down in ruins–
19:91  That they ascribe a son to the True Merciful (God)!
19:92  It is not appropriate for (the Majestic Glory of) the True Merciful (God) that he should take to Himself a son.
19:93  There is none in the Heavens and on the Earth but comes to the True Merciful (God) as (an obedient and submissive) servant.
19:94  He has indeed enumerated and computed them.
19:95  Every one of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection, alone.
19:96  Indeed, those who Live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts (in this worldly life), the True Merciful (God) will demonstrate His own love for them.
19:97  Thus, We have made It (-this Qur'ān) easy in your tongue so that you may give glad tidings to the Pious and warn thereby the most antagonistic people.
19:98  We have utterly destroyed so many generations before them! Can you feel (the existence) of a single one of them, or hear any sound of them?