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Oh you believers, observe your commitments; lawful for you are domestic cattle except what you have been told, but hunting is not lawful for you whilst you are on pilgrimage, for Allah decides what He wills.
O you believers, do not desanctify the rites of Allah, nor the sacred month, nor the offering, nor the traditions, nor those on their way to the house of Allah seeking favour from their Lord and contentment, and when you come out of the state of being a pilgrim, you may go hunting, and do not let the condition of people who want to prevent you from the sacred mosque mislead you to transgress, and help each other in righteousness and awareness (of Allah) and do not help each other in sin and enmity, and beware of Allah, for Allah is severe in retribution.
Forbidden to you are carrion, blood, pork and whatever has been consecrated for other than Allah, and what has been strangled, killed by impact, died from falling, died in a fight (between animals), and what has been eaten from by beasts of prey, (and permitted is) only what you have slaughtered correctly, and (forbidden is) what has been sacrificed (to idols) on an altar and that you should divine with arrows, (all) that is an abomination. Today those who reject (the truth) give up on your religion, so do not fear them but fear Me; today I have completed your religion for you and perfected My favour upon you and am content with Islam (submission) as a religion for you, then, whoever is forced from hunger without intending to sin, Allah is forgiving and merciful.
They ask you what is permitted for them, say, the good things are permitted for you, and the hunting animals you have trained and teach them what Allah has taught you, eat from what they catch for you and mention the name of Allah over it and beware of Allah, for Allah is swift in counting.
Today the good things have been permitted for you, and the food of those who were given the Book before you is permitted for you and your food is permitted for them, and the chaste women amongst the believers and the chaste women of those who were given the Book before you if you gave them their (marital) dues, chaste and not through fornication nor taking girlfriends, and whoever rejects faith, his work is wasted and in the hereafter he is amongst the losers.
Oh you believers, when you get up for prayer rinse your faces and your hands up to the elbows and wipe over your heads and your feet up to the ankles. And if you are in a state of sexual impurity, then have a full cleansing. And if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the toilet or you have touched women and you do not find water, then look for clean soil and wipe with it over your faces and hands. Allah wills not to place hardship on you but Allah wills to purify you and to complete His favour upon you so that you are grateful.
And remember Allah´s favour upon you and His promise He gave you when you said we listen and we obey, and beware of Allah, for Allah knows what is kept inside.
Oh you believers be upright for Allah as witnesses with fairness and let not the condition of a people mislead you not to be just; be just, it is closer to awareness (of Allah), and beware of Allah, for Allah knows what you do.
Allah has promised those who believe and do good work that for them is forgiveness and immense reward.
And those who reject (the truth) and disbelieve Our signs, they will be the inmates of hell-fire.
Oh you believers remember the favour of Allah upon you when people tried to get hold of you but He kept them out of reach from you, and beware of Allah, and on Allah let the believers rely.
And Allah already took a promise from the Children of Israel and We raised twelve chiefs from amongst them, and Allah said: I am with you; if you keep up prayer and give Zakat and believe in My messengers and assist them and extend to Allah a beneficial loan, I will cancel your bad deeds and enter you into gardens through which rivers flow; and whoever rejects (the truth) after that from amongst you, he has strayed from the level way.
Then because they went back on their promise We cursed them and made their hearts remorseless. They twist the meaning of words and forget part of what they had been reminded with, and you will always find betrayal in them except a few of them, so let them be and ignore them, for Allah loves those who do good.
And from those who said: we are disciples (Christians), We took their promise, but they forgot part of what they had been reminded with, so We brought about enmity and hatred between them until the day of resurrection, and soon Allah will inform them about what they used to fabricate.
Oh people of the book, Our messenger has come to you to clarify for you much of what you used to hide of the book, and much he lets be. A light and clear book has come to you from Allah.
By it Allah guides who pursues His approval to the ways of peace and takes them out of darkness to the light by His permission and guides them unto a straight path.
Those have already rejected (the truth) who say that Allah is the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary); say then who has any power over Allah if He wanted to destroy the Messiah, the son of Maryam, and his mother and all those who are on earth? And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them. He creates what He wills, and Allah is able to do anything.
And the Jews and Christians say, we are the children of Allah and His beloved, say then why does He punish you for your sins, but you are humans from amongst His creation, He forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases, and to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and to Him is the journey.
Oh people of the book, Our messenger has come to you to clarify (the truth) for you, following a break after the (earlier) messengers, in case you might say no bringer of good news nor warner has come to us; so a bringer of good news and warner has come to you, and Allah is able to do anything.
And when Musa (Moses) said to his people, oh my people, remember the favours of Allah upon you when He placed prophets amongst you and placed you in charge and gave you what He did not give to anyone else.
Oh my people, enter the holy land which Allah has ordained for you and do not turn your backs on it so you would turn out losers.
They said, oh Musa (Moses), there are giants in there, and we will not enter it until they leave it, and if they leave it, then we will enter.
Two men from those who were fearful, whom Allah had blessed, said enter against them the gate, then when you enter it you will be victorious, and rely on Allah if you are believers.
They said, oh Musa (Moses), we will never enter it while they are in it, so go you and your Lord and fight, we will stay here.
He said, oh my Lord, I am only in charge of myself and my brother, so differentiate between us and the sinful.
He said, so it will be forbidden for them for forty years (during which) they wander the earth, so do not feel sad for the sinful people.
Recite to them the true account of the two sons of Adam when they offered a sacrifice and it was accepted from one of them and not accepted from the other. He said ´I shall kill you´; he said ´Allah only accepts from those who beware (of Him).
If you stretch out your hand to kill me, I will not stretch out my hand to kill you, for I fear Allah the Lord of all worlds.
For I want that you will earn my sin and your sin and will be amongst the inmates of the fire, and that is the reward of the wrongdoers.´
Then his self caused him to kill his brother, and he killed him and became of the losers.
Then Allah sent a raven who uncovered the earth to show him how to bury the body of his brother. He said, woe to me, am I not able to be like this raven and bury the body of my brother? and he became remorseful.
On account of that we prescribed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul other than (in retaliation) for a killing or for a crime on earth, it is as if he had killed all mankind, and whoever revives one, it is as if he had revived all mankind, and Our messengers came to them before with clear proofs, after which many of them were wasteful on earth.
For the punishment of those who wage war on Allah and His messenger and strive to cause corruption on earth is that they shall be killed or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides or be banned from the earth. This is a disgrace for them in this world and immense punishment awaits them in the hereafter.
Except those who repent before you overpower them, so know that Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Oh you believers, beware of Allah and seek to get closer to Him and strive in His way so you may be successful.
Those who reject (the truth), if they had all that is on earth and the same again to ransom themselves with it from the punishment of the day of resurrection, it would not be accepted from them and a painful punishment awaits them.
They want to escape from the fire but will not escape from it, and a lasting punishment awaits them.
As for the male thief and the female thief, cut their hands as a penalty for what they did and a warning from Allah, and Allah is mighty and wise.
But whoever repents after his wrongdoing and does good, then Allah accepts it from him, for Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Don´t you know that to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, He punishes whom He pleases and He forgives whom He pleases, and that Allah is able to do anything.
Oh messenger, let not those sadden you who are quick to reject (the truth) amongst those who say we believe with their mouths whilst their hearts do not believe and of those amongst the Jews who listen to lies and listen to other people who have not come to you, twisting the meaning of words and saying: if you get this, then take it, and if you don´t get it, then be wary, and whomever Allah wills to tempt, you will not have control over anything for him regarding Allah. Those are the ones whose hearts Allah does not will to purify; disgrace is theirs in this world and in the hereafter immense punishment awaits them.
They listen to lies and consume bribes, and when they come to you, judge between them or turn away from them. And if you turn away from them, then they will not harm you the least, and if you judge between them, then judge between them with justice, for Allah loves the just.
And why should they ask you for judgement when they have the Torah containing the judgement of Allah, then they turn away after that, and most of them are not believers.
We revealed the Torah containing guidance and light by which the prophets, who submitted to it, judged the Jews, as did the scholars and rabbis with what had been entrusted to them of the book of Allah, and they were witnesses to it. So do not fear people but fear Me and do not sell My signs for a small price, and whoever does not judge with what Allah has revealed, those are rejecters (of the truth).
And We prescribed for them in it a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and wounds in retaliation, but if someone is charitable about it, then it is an expiation for him, and whoever does not judge with what Allah has revealed, those are the wrongdoers.
And We had ´Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) follow into their footsteps, confirming that which came before him of the Torah, and We gave him the Injil containing guidance and light and confirming what came before it of the Torah and a guidance and admonition for those who beware (of Allah).
So let the people of the Injil judge with what Allah has revealed in it, and whoever does not judge with what Allah has revealed, those are the sinful.
And We revealed to you the Book in truth, confirming what came before it as scripture and preserving it, so judge between them with what Allah has revealed and do not follow their desires away from the truth which has come to you. To each we have given a path and a direction, and if Allah willed, He would have made you a single community but for Him to test you in what He had given you, so pursue what is right, to Allah is your return altogether, then He will inform you about what you used to differ in.
And you must judge between them with what Allah has revealed and not follow their desires and be wary that they do not tempt you away from some of what Allah has revealed to you. And if they turn away, then know that Allah wills to afflict them on account of some of their sins, for many of the people are sinful.
Do they desire the judgement of (the days of) ignorance? And who is better in judgement than Allah for people who are sure?
Oh you believers, do not take the Jews and the Christians as protecting friends, they are protecting friends of each other, and whoever amongst you befriends them is from amongst them, for Allah does not guide wrongdoing people.
Then you see those in whose hearts there is a disease hurrying to be amongst them, saying: we fear that a turn of events will befall us, but maybe Allah will bring victory or some other outcome from Him so that they start regretting what they hid within themselves.
And the believers will say: are those the ones who swore by Allah the greatest oaths that they were with you? There deeds were wasted and they have become losers.
Oh you believers, if any of you turns away from his religion, soon Allah will bring a people whom He loves and who love Him, humble towards the believers and assertive towards the rejecters, who fight in the way of Allah and do not fear anybody´s criticism, that is a favour from Allah which He gives to whom He pleases, and Allah is generous and knows.
For your protecting friend is Allah and His messenger and the believers who keep up prayer and give Zakat and who bow down (in prayer).
And whoever seeks the protection of Allah and His messenger and the believers, then the party of Allah are the winners.
Oh you believers, do not take those who joke and make fun of your religion from amongst those who were given the book before you nor the rejecters as protecting friends, and beware of Allah if you are believers.
And when you call to prayer they joke and make fun of it, that is because they are people who do not understand.
Say: oh people of the book, do you resent us for anything other than that we believe in Allah and what He has revealed to us and what He has revealed before and that most of you are sinful?
Say: shall I inform you of a worse outcome with Allah? Whom He has cursed, and with whom He is angry, and from whom He made monkeys and pigs and worshippers of the devils, those are in a worse place and further astray from the level way.
And when they come to you they say: we believe, whilst they entered in rejection and left with it, and Allah knows best what they hide.
You see many of them hurrying towards sin and enmity and their consumption of bribes, bad is indeed what they used to do.
Why do not their scholars and rabbis stop them from sinful talk and consuming bribes, bad is indeed what they used to fabricate.
And the Jews say: Allah´s hand is tied up. Their hands are tied up, and they are cursed for what they say. Rather, His hands are wide open, He spends how He wills. And what has been revealed to you from your Lord only increases the rejecters amongst them in disobedience and rejection, and We have placed between them enmity and hatred until the day of resurrection. Whenever they ignite a fire for war, Allah extinguishes it, and they hasten to cause corruption on earth, and Allah does not love the corrupters.
And if the people of the book believed and bewared (of Allah), We would cancel their bad deeds and enter them into gardens of blessing.
And if they upheld the Torah and the Injil and what has been revealed to them from their Lord, they would eat from above and from below; amongst them is a well-meaning community, but what many of them do is bad.
Oh messenger, convey what has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you did not do that, you would not have conveyed His message, and Allah protects you against mankind, for Allah does not guide people who reject (the truth).
Say: O people of the book, you have no argument until you uphold the Torah and the Injil and what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And what has been revealed to you from your Lord only increases many of them in disobedience and rejection, so do not worry about the people who reject (the truth).
The believers and the Jews, the Sabeans and the Christians � whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good work, they shall not fear nor worry.
And We already took a promise from the Children of Israel and sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger came to them with what they themselves did not desire, they denied some of them and killed some of them.
And they counted on not being tested, so they closed their eyes and ears, then Allah turned back to them, then many of them closed their eyes and ears, and Allah sees what they do.
And those have already rejected (the truth) who say: Allah is the Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary), and the Messiah said: O Children of Israel, serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord, for who associates anything with Allah, Allah has already forbidden the garden (of paradise) for him and his abode is the fire, and the wrongdoers have not helpers.
Those have already rejected (the truth) who say: Allah is the third of a trinity, and there is no god but a single god, and if they do not stop what they are saying, then a painful punishment will afflict those who reject (the truth) amongst them.
Are they then not going to repent to Allah and ask Him for forgiveness? And Allah is forgiving and merciful.
The Messiah, the son of Maryam (Mary) is only a messenger - messengers have already come before him - and his mother was a truthful woman. They both ate food. See how We explain for them the signs, then see where to they are diverted.
Say: do you serve besides Allah what has no power to harm or benefit you, and Allah listens and knows?
Say: Oh people of the book, do not transgress in your religion away from the truth and do not follow the desires of people who have already gone astray before and have led astray many and strayed from the level way.
Those who reject (the truth) were cursed in the words of Dawud (David) and ´Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam (Mary) because they disobeyed and transgressed.
They did not stop each other from the wrongdoing they committed, bad is indeed what they used to do.
You see many of them befriending those who reject (the truth), bad is indeed what they have sent ahead for themselves so that Allah is displeased with them and they will remain in the punishment.
And if they believed in Allah and the prophet and what has been revealed to him, they would not have taken them as protecting friends - but many amongst them are sinful.
You will certainly find fiercest of people in enmity against the believers the Jews and the idolaters, and you will certainly find most inclined of them to love towards the believers those who call themselves Christians; this is because amongst them are priests and monks and that they are not arrogant.
And when they hear what has been revealed to the messenger you see their eyes overflow with tears on account of what they knew of the truth and they say: our Lord, we believe, so list us amongst the witnesses.
And how should we not believe in Allah and the truth which has come to us and hope that our Lord will enter us amongst the righteous people?
So Allah gave them on account of what they said gardens through which rivers flow where they will remain, and this is the reward of those who do good.
And those who reject (the truth) and disbelieve Our signs, they will be the inmates of hell-fire.
Oh you believers, do not prohibit the good things which Allah has made lawful for you and do not transgress, for Allah does not love the transgressors.
And eat of what Allah has provided you with as lawful and good, and beware of Allah in whom you believe.
Allah does not hold you to account for unintentionally spoken oaths, but He holds you to account for oaths you have confirmed, and the compensation (for not keeping them) is to feed ten poor people from the average of what you feed your families or to clothe them or to free a slave, and who does not find (the means), then fasting for three days, that is the compensation for your oaths once you have sworn them, so keep your oaths, this is how Allah explains to you His signs so that you may be grateful.
Oh you believers, narcotic drugs and gambling and idolatry and divining are filth from the work of the devil, so shun it in order to be successful.
The devil wants to place enmity and hatred amongst you with narcotic drugs and gambling and to divert you from the remembrance of Allah, so will you stop?
And obey Allah and the messenger and be wary, and if you turn away, then know that the duty of Our messenger is only to convey clearly.
There is no sin for those who believe and do good works in what they used to eat if they bewared (of Allah) and believed and did good works and then bewared and believed and then bewared and did good, and Allah loves those who do good.
Oh you believers, Allah will certainly test you with some animals for hunting in reach of your hands and spears, so that Allah knows who fears Him secretly. Then whoever transgresses afterwards, for him is a painful punishment.
Oh you believers, do not kill animals by hunting whilst you are on pilgrimage, and whoever of you kills them intentionally, his punishment is equal to what he has killed of the catch, judged by two just people amongst you, as an offering to reach the Ka´bah, or the compensation is to feed poor people or fasting in place of it so that he feels it and comprehends his situation. Allah has forgiven what happened in the past, and whoever returns, Allah will avenge it from him, and Allah is mighty and vengeful.
Lawful for you are the animals for hunting on sea and its food as a provision for you and for those on a journey, and forbidden to you are the animals for hunting on land for as long as you are on pilgrimage, and beware of Allah to whom you will be gathered.
Allah has made the Ka´bah, the sacred house, a focal point for mankind, and (likewise) the sacred month and the offering and the traditions, this is in order for you to know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on earth and that Allah knows everything.
Know that Allah is severe in punishment and that Allah is forgiving and merciful.
The duty of the messenger is only to convey, and Allah knows what you let on and what you hide.
Say: bad and good are not alike even if the abundance of bad astonishes you, so beware of Allah oh you who have understanding, in order to succeed.
Oh you believers, do not ask about matters which if they were made known to you would trouble you. And if you ask about them at the time the Qur´an is being revealed, they will be made known to you. Allah forgives this, and Allah is forgiving and gentle.
People before you asked about them and then started to reject them.
Allah has not made any Bahirah, Sa´ibah, Wasilah or Ham (types of cattle exempted from being utilised for food or work due to superstition), but those who reject (the truth) invented a lie against Allah and most of them do not understand.
And when they are told to accept what Allah has revealed and the messenger they say: What we found our ancestors doing is sufficient for us. What if their ancestors never knew anything nor were guided?
Oh you believers, you are responsible for yourselves, nobody who has gone astray will harm you if you are guided, to Allah is your return altogether, then He will inform you of what you used to do.
Oh you believers, evidence between you at the time of making a will, if death comes to any of you, is (provided) by two just men from amongst your own - or two others from people other than your own if you travel on the earth and the affliction of death befalls you. You shall keep them behind after prayer and if you are in doubt they shall swear by Allah that we will not buy any gain for it even if it concerned a relative and we will not hide the evidence given before Allah, as then we would be sinful.
And should it be discovered that they committed a sin, then two others from those who were wronged by the first two, who will then swear by Allah that our evidence is more truthful than their evidence and we do not transgress, as then we would be wrongdoers.
In this way it is more likely that they will disclose the evidence or fear that their oaths will be opposed by subsequent oaths; and beware of Allah and listen, and Allah does not guide the sinful people.
On the day Allah will gather the messengers and say: what reply did you receive? They will say: We have no knowledge, for you are the One who knows the unseen.
When Allah will say: Oh ´Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), remember My favour upon you and upon your mother when I helped you with the holy spirit and you spoke to people in infancy and as an adult, and when I taught you the book and the wisdom and the Torah and the Injil, and when you created the shape of a bird from clay by My permission and breathed into it and it became a bird by My permission, and you cured the blind and the leper by My permission, and when you brought back the dead by My permission, and when I kept the Children of Israel back from you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who rejected amongst them said this is only plain magic.
And when I inspired the disciples to believe in Me and My messenger and they said: we believe, and be you a witness that we have submitted.
When the disciples said: oh ´Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), is your Lord able to send down to us a laden table from the heaven? He said: beware of Allah if you are believers.
They said: we want to eat from it and put our hearts at ease and know that you have said the truth to us and to be witnesses to it.
´Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary) said: Oh Allah, our Lord, send down to us a laden table from the heaven to be a feast for the first and last of us and a sign from You, and give us provision, and You are the best who give provision.
Allah said: I will send it down to you, then who rejects (the truth) afterwards from amongst you, I will punish him with a punishment with which I will not punish anybody else.
And when Allah will say: Oh ´Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), did you say to people take me and my mother as gods besides Allah? He will say: glorified are You above that I should say what I have no right to; if I said it, You would already know, You know what is inside me and I do not know what is inside You, for you know all the unseen.
I did not say to them except what You commanded me with: that you serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness against them whilst I stayed amongst them, and when you took me, You were watching over them, and you are a witness over everything.
If You punish them, then they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then You are the mighty and wise.
Allah will say: this day their truthfulness will benefit those who were truthful. For them are gardens through which rivers flow where they will remain forever. Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. That is the ultimate success.
And to Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what they contain and Allah is able to do anything.
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