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4:1  O mankind! Fear your Lord, the one who created you from one soul, and from it created its mate, and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear God, in whose name you beg of one another, and the wombs; surely God watches over you.
4:2  And give unto the orphans their property, and do not give them the bad in exchange for the good, and do not devour their property to your property; surely that is a great sin.
4:3  But if you fear that you cannot do justice between orphans, then marry what seems good to you of women, two or three or four; and if you fear that you cannot be equitable then one, or what your right hands possess. That keeps you nearer to not being partial.
4:4  And give women their dowries freely; and if they are pleased to remit any of it of themselves, then devour it with good wholesome digestion.
4:5  And do not give to the fools your wealth which God has made standing for you; and provide for them in it, and clothe them, and say kind speech to them.
4:6  And test the orphans until when they reach a marriageable age, and if you perceive in them rectitude, then hand over to them their property, and do not consume it extravagantly and hastily that they will grow up. And whoever is rich, then let him abstain; and whoever is needy, then let him consume in reason, and when you hand over to them their property, then take witnesses on them; and God sufficed for a reckoner.
4:7  To the men a portion of what parents and nearer relatives leave, and to the women a portion of what parents and nearer relatives leave, whether it be little or much, a determined portion.
4:8  And when the relatives and the orphans and the poor are present at the division, then maintain them out of it, and say kind speech to them.
4:9  And let those fear who, if they left behind them weak offspring, would be afraid on their account, and let them fear God, and speak a straightforward speech.
4:10  Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly, only devour into their bellies fire, and they shall broil in flames.
4:11  God instructs you concerning your children; to the male the like portion of two females, and if there are women above two, then for them two thirds of what he leaves; and if there is one, then to her a half; and to his parents to each one of the two the sixth of what he leaves, if he has a child; and if he has no child, and his parents inherit, then a third to his mother, and if he has brothers, then to his mother a sixth, after payment of the bequest he bequeaths or debt. Your parents and your children, you do not know which of them is nearer to you in usefulness, an ordinance from God. Indeed, God is knowing, wise.
4:12  And for you half of what your wives leave, if they have no child; but if they have a child, then for you of what they leave a fourth, after payment of the bequests they bequeath or of their debts. And for them a fourth of what you leave, if you have no child; but if you have a child, then for them of what you leave an eighth, after payment of the bequest you bequeath and of your debts. If a man or a woman has no heir direct, but has a brother or a sister, then to each of the two a sixth; but if they are more numerous than that, then they share equally in a third, after payment of the bequest he bequeaths and of his debts, without prejudice, an ordinance from God, and God is knowing, clement.
4:13  Those are God's limits, and whoever obeys God and His messenger, He will make him enter into gardens beneath which rivers flow, therein dwelling forever; and that is the great success.
4:14  And whoever rebels against God and His messenger, and transgresses His limits, He will make him enter into fire, therein dwelling forever; and for him is shameful punishment.
4:15  And those of your women who commit immorality, call witnesses against them, four from you; and if they bear witness, then keep the women in houses until death releases them, or God makes for them a way.
4:16  And the two who commit it among you, then punish them both; then if they repent and do right, leave them alone, indeed, God is relenting, compassionate.
4:17  The relenting is only upon God for those who do evil in ignorance, then they repent soon after. Then those, God relents upon them. And God is knowing, wise.
4:18  And the relenting is not for those who do the evil deeds until when death becomes present before one of them, he says, 'Indeed, now I repent;' nor those who die while they are disbelievers. Those, We have prepared for them a painful punishment.
4:19  O those who believed! It is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will; nor to hinder them, that you may go off with part of what you have given them, except that they commit manifest immorality; but associate with them in kindness, for if you are averse to them, it may be that you are averse to a thing, and God placed in it much good.
4:20  And if you wish to exchange one wife for another, and you have given one of them a great amount, then do not take from it anything. Would you take it for a calumny and a manifest crime?
4:21  And how can you take it when one of you has gone in unto the other, and they have taken from you a strong covenant?
4:22  And do not marry women your fathers married, except bygones, indeed it was an immorality and hateful, and an evil way.
4:23  Unlawful for you are your mothers, and your daughters, and your sisters, and your father's sisters and your mother's sisters, and your brother's daughters, and your sister's daughters, and your foster mothers, and your foster sisters, and your wives' mothers, and your step daughters who are under your protection, born of your women to whom you have gone in; but if you have not gone in unto them, then it is no crime in you; and the lawful spouses of your sons from your loins, and that you should have two sisters together, except bygones, indeed, God is forgiving, compassionate;
4:24  And married women, except what your right hands possess, God's Book against you. And lawful for you is what is beyond that, that you to seek with your wealth, marrying not fornicating; so what you enjoyed from them of it, then give them their hire as a lawful due; for there is no crime in you about what you agree between you after such lawful due, indeed, God is knowing, wise.
4:25  And whoever of you is not able to afford to marry free chaste women who believe, then take of what your right hands possess, of your maids who believe; and God knows best about your faith. You come one from the other; then marry them with the permission of their people, and give them their hire in reason, they being chaste and not fornicating, and not taking lovers. And when they are married, if they commit immorality, then inflict upon them half the penalty for the free chaste women; that is for whoever of you fears wrong; and that you should have patience is better for you, and God is forgiving, compassionate.
4:26  God wishes to explain to you and to guide you into the ordinances of those who were before you, and to relent on you, and God is knowing, wise.
4:27  God wishes to relent on you, and those who follow their lusts wish that you should swerve with a mighty swerving.
4:28  God wishes to make it light for you, for man was created weak.
4:29  O those who believed! Do not consume your wealth amongst yourselves with falsehood, unless it be a trade by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves; indeed, God is compassionate unto you.
4:30  And whoever does that in enmity and unjustly, then soon, We will broil him with fire; and that is easy for God.
4:31  If you avoid great sins from which you are forbidden, We will cover from you your evil deeds and make you enter with a noble entrance.
4:32  And do not wish for that by which God has favoured some of you over some. To the men a share of what they have earned, and to the women a share of what they have earned; and ask God for His grace, indeed, God knows all things.
4:33  And for all We have made heirs of what the parents and the nearer relatives leave, and those whom your right hands have made a covenant, so give them their share; indeed, God is witness over all things.
4:34  Men are in charge of women, because God has favoured some of them over some, and because they spend of their wealth; So righteous women are obedient, guarding in secret that which God has guarded. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish them and forsake them in the bed and strike them; then if they submit to you, then do not seek a way against them; indeed, God is high, great.
4:35  And if you fear a breach between the two, then send a judge from his people and a judge from her people. If they wish for reconciliation, God will arrange between them; indeed, God is knowing, aware.
4:36  And serve God, and do not associate anything with Him; and with the two parents be good, and with the relative, and the orphans, and the poor, and the neighbour who is a relative, and the neighbour who is a stranger, and the companion by the side, and the wayfarer, and what your right hands possess, indeed, God does not love him who is proud, boastful;
4:37  Those who are stingy and bid mankind stinginess, and hide what God has given them of His grace; and We have prepared for the disbelievers a shameful punishment.
4:38  And those who spend their wealth to be seen of mankind, and they do not believe in God nor in the Last Day; and whoever has the devil for his companion, then an evil companion has he.
4:39  What harm would it do them if they believed in God and the Last Day, and spent of what God has provided them? And God knows about them.
4:40  Indeed, God would not wrong by the weight of an atom; and if it is a good work, He will double it and give from Himself a great reward.
4:41  How then when We bring from every nation a witness, and bring you as a witness against these.
4:42  On that day those who disbelieved and rebelled against the messenger would wish that the earth were levelled with them; and they cannot hide the news from God.
4:43  O those who believed! Do not approach prayer while you are drunk, until you know what you say; nor after a seminal emission, unless you are passing by the way, until you have washed yourselves. And if you are sick, or on a journey, or one of you comes from the toilet, or if you have touched a woman, and you cannot find water, then use good surface sand and wipe your faces and your hands; indeed, God is pardoning, forgiving.
4:44  Do you not see those who have been given a portion of the Book? They buy error, and they wish that you may err from the way.
4:45  And God knows best your enemies, and God sufficed for a patron, and God sufficed for a helper.
4:46  Among those who became Jews, they alter the word from its proper meaning, and they say, 'We heard and we disobeyed' and 'Listen without hearing' and 'Observe us,' distorting with their tongues and slandering religion. If they had said: 'We heard and we obeyed' and 'Hear' and 'Regard us,' surely it would have been better for them, and most straight; but God has cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except a few.
4:47  O you who have been given the Book! Believe in what we have revealed, confirming what is with you; before We efface faces and turn them on their backs, or curse them as we cursed the fellows of the Sabbath, and God's command is to be done.
4:48  Indeed, God does not forgive associating partners with Him, and He forgives what is besides that to whom He wills; and whoever associates partners with God, then surely he has devised a great sin.
4:49  Do you not see those who attribute purity to themselves? Nay, God purifies whom He wills, and they shall not be wronged the filament on a date-seed.
4:50  See how they devise against God a lie, and it sufficed for a clear sin.
4:51  Do you not see those to whom a portion of the Book has been given? They believe in idols and false deities, and they say for those who disbelieve, 'These are better guided in the way than those who believe.'
4:52  Those are the ones whom God has cursed, and whoever God has cursed, you will not find for him any helper.
4:53  Or have they a share in the kingdom? And then they will not give mankind the dent on a date-seed.
4:54  Or do they envy mankind for what God has given them of His grace? And certainly, We gave the family of Abraham the Book and the wisdom, and We gave them a great kingdom.
4:55  Then of them is he who believed in it, and of them is he who turned away from it. And Hell sufficed for a blaze.
4:56  Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our signs, soon We will broil them with fire; whenever their skins are well done, We will change them for other skins, that they may taste the punishment. Indeed, God is mighty, wise.
4:57  And those who believe and do good works, We will make them enter gardens beneath which the rivers flow, therein dwelling forever, for them therein are pure spouses, and We will make them enter into a shady shade.
4:58  Indeed, God commands you pay your trusts to their owners, and when you judge between mankind to judge with justice. Indeed, God, excellent is what He admonishes you with; indeed God is hearing, seeing.
4:59  O those who believed! Obey God and obey the messenger and the possessors of command among you; and if you quarrel about anything, refer it to God and the messenger, if you believe in God and the Last day; that is better and fairer as a settlement.
4:60  Do you not see those who claim that they believe in what has been revealed to you, and what was revealed before you; they wish to refer their judgment to idols, and surely they were commanded to disbelieve therein, and the devil desires to lead them astray, a far error.
4:61  And when it is said to them, 'Come to what God has sent down and to the messenger,' you see the hypocrites, they turn away from you, turning away.
4:62  How then when there befalls them a calamity because of what their hands have sent forward? Then they will come to you, swearing by God, 'We meant nothing but good and concord.'
4:63  Those, God knows what is in their hearts. So turn away from them and admonish them, and speak to them penetrating words about themselves.
4:64  We have not sent a messenger except that he may be obeyed with the permission of God; and if they, when they have wronged themselves, come to you and ask pardon of God, and the messenger asks pardon for them, surely they will find God relenting, compassionate.
4:65  And no, by your Lord, they will not believe, until they have made you judge of what is in dispute between them, then find within themselves no straitness from what you decide, and submit with submission.
4:66  And if that We had prescribed for them 'Kill yourselves' or 'Leave your homes,' they would not have done it, except a few of them; but if they had done what they are admonished, surely it would have been better for them, and stronger in firmness.
4:67  And then We would surely have brought them from Ourselves a great reward,
4:68  And surely We would have guided them to a straight way.
4:69  And whoever obeys God and the messenger, then those are with those who God has favoured, of the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the righteous; and excellent are those companions.
4:70  That is grace from God, and God sufficed for a knower.
4:71  O those who believed! Take your precautions; then move forward in detachments, or move forward all together.
4:72  And indeed, there is among you he who lingers behind; and if a calamity befalls you, he says, 'Verily, God has been gracious to me, since I am not a martyr with them.'
4:73  And if there befalls you grace from God, he would surely say - as though there were no friendship between you and him - 'O would that I had been with them, then I would have attained a great success!'
4:74  So let those fight in God's way who sell the worldly life for the hereafter; and whoever fights in God's way, and is killed or achieves victory, then soon We will give him a mighty reward.
4:75  And what ails you that you do not fight in the way of God, and for the weak men and women and children, who say, 'Our Lord, bring us out of this town of oppressive people, and appoint for us from Yourself a patron and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?'
4:76  Those who believe fight in the way of God; and those who disbelieve fight in the way of idols; So fight against the patrons of the devil, Indeed, the devil's tricks are weak.
4:77  Do you not see those to whom it is said, 'Restrain your hands, and be steadfast in prayer and give alms;' and when it is prescribed for them to fight then a party of them fear mankind, as though it were the fear of God or a still stronger fear, and they say, 'Our Lord! Why have You prescribed for us to fight, could You not let us abide till our near appointed time?' Say, 'The enjoyment of the world is slight, and the hereafter is better for him who fears; and you shall not be wronged the filament on a date-seed.'
4:78  Wherever you are, death will overtake you, even if you are in lofty towers. And if a good thing befalls them, they say, 'This is from God,' but if a bad thing befalls them, they say, 'This is from you.' Say, 'It is all from God.' What ails these people? They can hardly understand a story.
4:79  What befell you of good, then from God; and what befell you of bad, then from yourself. And We have sent you to mankind as a messenger, and God sufficed for a witness.
4:80  Whoever obeys the messenger then surely he has obeyed God; and whoever turns away, then We have not sent you as a guardian over them.
4:81  They say, 'Obedience.' Then when they leave you, a company of them brood by night over other than that which you say; and God writes down that over which they brood. So turn away from them and rely on God, and God sufficed for a trustee.
4:82  Do they not ponder the Quran? If it were from other than God surely they would find in it many a discrepancy.
4:83  And when there comes to them a matter of security or fear they broadcast it; but if they were to report it to the messenger and to those in authority among them, surely those of them who are able to think out the matter would have known it. If it had not been for the grace of God on you and His mercy surely you would have followed the devil, except a few.
4:84  So fight in the way of God; do not task except your soul, and urge on the believers; it may be that God will restrain the violence of those who disbelieved, and God is more violent and more severe in deterrent punishment.
4:85  Whoever intercedes a good intercession there will be for him a share of it; and whoever intercedes an evil intercession there will be for him a portion of it; and God is over all things a keeper.
4:86  And when you are greeted with a greeting, then greet with better than it, or return it; indeed, God is over all things a reckoner.
4:87  God, there is no god but He. He will surely gather you to the Day of Resurrection, there is no doubt in it; who is truer than God in discourse?
4:88  Why are you two parties about the hypocrites, when God has overturned them for what they earned? Do you wish to guide those whom God has led astray? And whoever God has led astray, you shall not find a way for him.
4:89  They wish that you should disbelieve as they disbelieve, so you would be alike; so do not take patrons from them until they emigrate in the way of God; and if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take from them neither patron nor helper,
4:90  Except those who reach people between whom and you is an alliance or who come to you while their breasts prevent them from fighting you or fighting their own people. And if God had pleased surely, He would have given them authority over you, and they would surely have fought you. But if they withdraw from you and do not fight you and offer you the peace, then God has given you no way against them.
4:91  You will find others desiring to be secure from you, and secure from their people; whenever they return to hostility they shall be overturned in it: So if they do not withdraw from you, nor offer you the peace, nor restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And those, We have made for you a clear authority against them.
4:92  It is not for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake; and whoever kills a believer by mistake then let him free a believing neck; and the blood-money must be paid to his family except what they remit as charity. But if he is from people hostile to you and yet a believer, then let him free a believing neck. And if it is people between whom and you there is an alliance, then let the blood-money be paid to his family, and let him free a believing neck; and whoever cannot find the means, then let him fast for two consecutive months, a repentance from God, And God is knowing, wise.
4:93  And whoever kills a believer purposely, then his reward is Hell, to dwell therein forever; and God will be wroth with him, and curse him, and prepare for him a mighty punishment.
4:94  O those who believed! When you are journeying in the way of God, then investigate, and do not say to whoever offers to you the peace, 'You are not a believer,' seeking goods of the worldly life, and with God are many spoils. Thus were you before, then God bestowed favour on you, so investigate; indeed, God is aware of what you do.
4:95  Not alike are those of the believers who sit at home without harm, and those who strive in God's way with their wealth and their souls. God has favoured those who strive with their wealth and their souls over those who sit, by many degrees, and to each has God promised good, but God has favoured those who strive for a mighty reward over those who sit,
4:96  Degrees from him, and pardon and mercy, and God is forgiving, compassionate.
4:97  Indeed, those whom the angels cause to die while wronging themselves, they say, 'What state were you in? They say, 'We were weak in the earth;' They say, 'Was not the earth of God spacious so you could emigrate in it?' So those, their habitation is Hell, and it is an evil destination.
4:98  Except for the weak men, and women, and children, who could not devise a plan and were not guided to a way;
4:99  Then those, it may be God will pardon them, and God is pardoning, forgiving.
4:100  Whoever emigrates in the way of God shall find in the earth many places of refuge and abundance; and whoever goes out of his house an emigrant to God and His messenger, then death overtakes him, then certainly his reward is incumbent on God. And God is forgiving, compassionate.
4:101  And when you are journeying in the earth, it is no crime to you that you come short in prayer, if you fear that those who disbelieve may afflict you. Indeed, the disbelievers are your clear enemies.
4:102  And when you are among them, and stand up to pray with them, then let a party of them stand up with you, and let them take their weapons; and when they have prostrated, then let them go behind you, and let another party who have not prayed come and pray with you; and let them take their precautions and their weapons. Those who disbelieve wish that you should be careless of your weapons and your baggage, that they may attack you once for all. And it is no crime to you if you are annoyed with rain or are sick, that you lay down your weapons; but take your precautions, indeed, God has prepared for those who disbelieve a shameful punishment.
4:103  Then when you have fulfilled the prayer, then remember God standing and sitting and on your sides; and when you are in safety then be steadfast in prayer; indeed, prayer is for the believers prescribed, timed.
4:104  And do not be weak in pursuit of the people; if you feel pain, then indeed they feel pain as you feel pain; and you hope from God what they do not hope; and God is knowing, wise.
4:105  Indeed, We have revealed to you the Book with the truth that you may judge between mankind with what God has shown you; and do not be for the treacherous a disputant;
4:106  And seek God's forgiveness: indeed, God is forgiving, compassionate.
4:107  And do not argue for those who defraud themselves; indeed, God does not love he who is treacherous sinful.
4:108  They hide themselves from men; but they cannot hide themselves from God, for He is with them while they brood at night over speeches that do not please Him; and God encompasses what they do.
4:109  Here you are, these, you argued for them in the worldly life; but who will argue with God for them on the Day of Resurrection, or who shall be a trustee over them?
4:110  And whoever does evil or wrongs himself, then seeks God's forgiveness, he shall find God forgiving, compassionate;
4:111  And whoever commits a sin, he only commits it against himself, and God is knowing, wise.
4:112  And whoever commits a fault or a sin then throws it on the innocent, then surely, he has burdened himself with a slander and a manifest sin.
4:113  Were it not for God's grace upon you, and His mercy, a party of them would have tried to lead you astray; but they only lead themselves astray; they shall not hurt you in anything. And God has sent down upon you the Book and the wisdom, and taught you what you did not know. And God's grace is mighty on you.
4:114  There is no good in most of their secret discourse; except for him who bids charity, or kindness, or reconciliation between mankind; and whoever does this, seeking the pleasure of God, then soon We will give him a great reward.
4:115  And whoever splits from the messenger after guidance has become clear to him and follows other than the way of the believers, We will turn him to what he turned away to; and We will broil him in Hell, and it is evil a destination.
4:116  Indeed, God does not forgive associating partners with Him, and He forgives what is besides that to whom He wills; and whoever associates partners with God, then surely he has erred a far error.
4:117  They do not call besides Him on anything but females; and they do not call on anything except a rebellious devil
4:118  Whom God has cursed. And he said, 'I will surely take from your servants a portion due to me;
4:119  And I will surely, definitely lead them astray; and I will surely, definitely stir up vain desires within them; and I will surely, definitely order them and they will surely, definitely crop the ears of cattle; and I will surely, definitely order them and they will surely, definitely alter God's creation; and whoever takes the devil for a patron besides God, then certainly he has lost, a clear loss.
4:120  He promises them and stirs up vain desires within them; and the devil promises them not except deception.
4:121  Those, their habitation is Hell; and they shall not find an escape from it.
4:122  And those who believed, and did good works, soon We will make them enter gardens beneath which the rivers flow, to dwell therein forever, God's promise in truth; and who is truer than God in speech?
4:123  Not for your wishful thinking, nor the wishful thinking of the people of the Book. Whoever does evil shall be recompensed with it, and shall not find for him besides God a patron, nor a helper.
4:124  And whoever does good works, be it male or female, and he is a believer, then those shall enter the Garden, and they shall not be wronged the dent on a date-seed.
4:125  And who has a better religion than he who submits his face to God, and does good, and follows the faith of Abraham, the upright? And God took Abraham as a friend.
4:126  And God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and God encompasses everything.
4:127  They ask you for a decision about women. Say: 'God decides for you about them, and what is recited to you in the Book concerning orphan women to whom you do not give what is prescribed for them - and you desire to marry them - and the weak among children, and that you stand for orphans with justice. And what you do of good, then indeed, God knows of it.
4:128  And if a woman fears from her husband perverseness or aversion, then it is no crime in them both that they make terms of peace between themselves, a reconciliation, and reconciliation is best. And the souls are prone to covetousness; and if you do good and fear, then indeed, God is aware of what you do.
4:129  You are not able, to act equitably between women, even though you are eager; but do not incline all the inclination and leave her like the suspended one; and if you reconcile and fear, then indeed, God is forgiving, compassionate.
4:130  And if they separate, God will enrich each from His abundance; And God is immense, wise.
4:131  God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. And surely, certainly We have instructed those who have been given the Book before you, and you that you fear God; and if you disbelieve, then indeed, God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and God is rich, praiseworthy.
4:132  And God's is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. And God sufficed for a trustee.
4:133  If He wills He can remove you, O mankind! And come with others; and God is powerful over that.
4:134  He who wishes for a reward in the world, then with God is the reward of the world and of the hereafter, and God is hearing, seeing.
4:135  O those who believed! Be steadfast in justice, witnessing for God though it is against yourselves, or parents and nearer relatives, be it rich or needy, and God is more worthy of both of them. So do not follow lusts, so as to act partially; but if you swerve or turn aside, then indeed, God is aware of what you do.
4:136  O those who believed! Believe in God and His messenger, and the Book which He revealed to His messenger, and the Book which He sent down before; and whoever disbelieves in God, and His angels, and His Books, and His messengers, and the Last Day, then surely he has erred a far error.
4:137  Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe, then disbelieve, then increase in disbelief, God will not forgive them, and He will not guide them to the way.
4:138  Give to the hypocrites the glad tidings that for them is painful punishment.
4:139  Those who take the disbelievers for patrons rather than believers, do they seek honour from them? But indeed, honour is altogether God's.
4:140  And surely He has revealed to you in the Book, that when you hear the signs of God disbelieved in and mocked at, then do not sit with them until they plunge into vain discourse about a story other than it. Indeed, you then are like them. Indeed, God will gather the hypocrites and the disbelievers into Hell all together.
4:141  Those who wait for you, and if the victory is yours from God, they say, 'Were we not with you?' And if the disbelievers have a chance they say, 'Did we not gain the mastery over you, and defend you from the believers?' But God shall judge between you on the Day of Resurrection; and God will not give the disbelievers a way against believers.
4:142  Indeed, the hypocrites strive to deceive God, but He deceives them; and when they rise up to pray, they rise up lazily. They make a show to men, and they do not remember God, except a little;
4:143  Wavering between the two, not to these nor to these. And whoever God leads astray, you will not find a way for him.
4:144  O those who believed! Do not take disbelievers for patrons instead of believers; do you wish to give God a clear warrant against you?
4:145  Indeed, the hypocrites are in the lowest depths of the fire, and you shall not find a helper for them.
4:146  Except those who repented and did right, and took tight hold of God, and were sincere in religion to God; then those are with the believers, and soon God will give to the believers a mighty reward.
4:147  Why should God punish you, if you are grateful and you believe? And God is grateful, knowing.
4:148  God does not love publicity of evil speech, unless one has been wronged; and God is hearing, knowing.
4:149  If you display good or hide it, or pardon evil, then indeed, God is pardoning, powerful.
4:150  Indeed, those who disbelieve in God and His messengers and desire to make a distinction between God and His messengers, and say, 'We believe in part and disbelieve in part,' and seek to choose a way in between;
4:151  Those in truth are the disbelievers, and We have prepared for the disbelievers a shameful punishment.
4:152  And those who believe in God and His messengers and do not make a distinction between any one of them, to these soon He will give them their reward; and God is forgiving, compassionate.
4:153  The people of the Book will ask you to bring down to them a book from heaven; but indeed, they asked Moses greater than that, and they said, 'Show us God plainly;' So the thunderbolt caught them in their injustice. Then they took the calf, after the clear proofs came to them; then We pardoned that and We gave Moses clear authority.
4:154  And We held over them the mountain at their covenant, and We said to them, 'Enter the gate prostrating;' and We said to them, 'Do not transgress in the Sabbath,' and We took from them a strong covenant.
4:155  Then for that they broke their covenant, and for their disbelief in God's signs, and for their killing the prophets without right, and for their saying, 'Our hearts are uncircumcised,' nay, God has stamped on them their disbelief, So that they believe not, except a few,
4:156  And for their disbelief, and for their saying against Mary a great slander,
4:157  And for their saying, 'Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of God.' And they did not kill him, and they did not crucify him, but a similitude was made for them. And indeed, those who disagreed concerning him are surely in doubt of it; they have no knowledge of it, except the following of conjecture. And they did not kill him, for sure.
4:158  Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is mighty, wise.
4:159  And there shall not be one of the people of the Book but shall surely believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Resurrection he shall be a witness against them.
4:160  And for the wrongdoing of those who became Jews We have forbidden them good things which had been lawful for them, and for their hindering many from the way of God,
4:161  And for their taking usury when certainly they were forbidden it, and for their consuming the wealth of people with falsehood. And We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve a painful punishment.
4:162  But those amongst them who are firmly rooted in the knowledge, and the believers believe in what is revealed to you, and what was revealed before you and the steadfast in prayer, and the givers of alms, and the believers in God and the Last Day, those, soon We will give them a great reward.
4:163  Indeed, We have inspired you as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, and as We inspired Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes, and Jesus, and Job, and Jonah, and Aaron, and Solomon; and to David We gave the Psalms.
4:164  And messengers We have mentioned to you before and messengers We have not mentioned to you; and God spoke to Moses, speaking;
4:165  Messengers giving glad tidings and warning, that mankind should have no argument against God, after the messengers; and God is mighty, wise.
4:166  But God bears witness to what He has revealed to you: He revealed it in His knowledge, and the angels bear witness; and God sufficed for a witness.
4:167  Indeed, those who disbelieved and hindered from the way of God, certainly they have erred, a far error.
4:168  Indeed, those who disbelieved and did wrong, God will not forgive them, and He will not guide them to a way,
4:169  Except the way to Hell, to dwell therein forever; that is easy for God.
4:170  O mankind! Surely the messenger has come to you with the truth from your Lord: so believe, it is better for you. But if you disbelieve, then indeed, God's is what is in the heavens and the earth, and God is knowing, wise.
4:171  O people of the Book! Do not exceed in your religion, or say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is only a messenger of God and His word, which He cast to Mary and a spirit from Him; so believe in God and His messenger, and do not say 'Three.' Cease! Better for you. God is only one god, Glory be to Him that there be for Him a son. For Him is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth; and God sufficed for a trustee.
4:172  Never would the Messiah disdain to be a servant of God, nor would the angels who are near; and whoever disdains His service and is proud, then He will gather them altogether to Himself.
4:173  But as for those who believe and do good works, then He will give them in full their reward and will give increase to them of His grace. And as for those who disdain and are proud, then He will punish them with a painful punishment, and they shall not find for them other than God a patron or a helper.
4:174  O mankind! Proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have sent down to you a clear light.
4:175  So as for those who believed in God, and took tight hold of Him, then soon He will make them enter into mercy from Him and grace; and He will guide them to Himself, a straight way.
4:176  They ask you for a decision; say, 'God gives you a decision concerning remote kinship.' If a man perishes and has no child, but has a sister, let her have half of what he leaves; and he shall be her heir, if she has no child. But if there are two sisters, let them both have two thirds of what he leaves; and if there are brothers and sisters, men and women, let the male have like the portion of two females. God makes clear to you, lest you go astray; and God knows all things.