And give the women their dower graciously. But if they remit to you of anything of it (on their) own, then eat it (in) satisfaction (and) ease.
And give unto women their marriage portions in the spirit of a gift; but if they, of their own accord, give up unto you aught thereof, then enjoy it with pleasure and good cheer
And give unto the women (whom ye marry) free gift of their marriage portions; but if they of their own accord remit unto you a part thereof, then ye are welcome to absorb it (in your wealth)
And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, Take it and enjoy it with right good cheer
Give women ˹you wed˺ their due dowries graciously. But if they waive some of it willingly, then you may enjoy it freely with a clear conscience.
Give women their bridal gift upon marriage, but if they decide to give you back a portion, then you may enjoy it with a good conscience.
And give the women their dowers willingly, but if they, of their own accord, remit any part of it to you, you may make use of it with pleasure and goodwill
And give women their dowries as a free gift, but if they of themselves be pleased to give up to you a portion of it, then eat it with enjoyment and with wholesome result
And give wives their marriage portion as a spontaneous gift. Then, truly, if they (f) were pleased to offer to you anything of it on their (f) own, consume it wholesomely with repose.
Give women their marriage portions with no strings attached. If they themselves waive some of it for you, then consume it at leisure and with good cheer.
And give women (whom you marry) their dower (as obligation) willingly. But if they willingly give up to you any part of it on their own, then you may enjoy it without fear of any harm.
And give the women their bridewealth as a free gift, but if they are pleased to remit unto you any part thereof, then consume it with wholesome enjoyment
Give women their dowries as a free gift. But if they willingly forgo a part of it, then consume it with good cheer and gratitude.
Give women their dowries graciously. But if they willingly forego some of it, then consume it with enjoyment and pleasure
And hand over to women their saduqat (mahr or bridal money) happily with inclination. Afterwards, if (your wives) return to you any thing therefrom of their own (free will), then you utilize it (as) pleasant (and) wholesome
At the time of marriage, give the women their dowries willingly as an obligation; but if they, by their own free will, give up to you a portion of it then you may enjoy it with pleasure
And bring the women their dowries as an endowment, so in case they are good to you concerning any portion of it, (Literally: in case they feel good in themselves to you about anything of it) then eat it up rejoicing with wholesome appetite (i.e., take it and make use of it to your profit and advantage)
Pay the women their dowry as though it were a gift. However, if they allow you to keep a part of it as a favor to you, you may spend it with pleasure
Give women their dower in good cheer. Then, if they forego some of it, of their own will, you may have it as pleasant and joyful
Upon marriage, give women their marital gifts, a generous portion of your property, unless they forgo it voluntarily. In that case you are welcome to accept it as rightfully yours
And willingly pay the women (you marry) their ´mehar´ _ (the nuptial dues). However, if they, on their own, remit a portion of it back to you, then you may enjoy it with cheer and joy
And give the women (in marriage) their dowry as a free gift; But if they, with their own good pleasure, give back any part of it to you, take it and enjoy it with right good cheer
And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease
And give the women their charities willingly, and if they remit any of it to you of their own will, then you may take it with good feelings.
Give women their bridal gift upon marriage, though if they are happy to give up some of it for you, you may enjoy it with a clear conscience
And give unto women dowries as a gift, and if of themselves they give up aught thereof unto you, then eat it in pleasure and profit
Give to women their dowers willingly, but if they forego part of it themselves, then use it to your advantage
Give women their dowry as an outright gift. But if they are happy to give you some of it, make use of it with pleasure and goodwill.
Give to the women (whom you marry) their bridal-due (mahr) willingly and for good (i.e. without expecting a return); however, if of their own accord they remit any part of it to you, then you are welcome to enjoy it gladly
Give women their dowries as an obligation; but if they remit anything of it of their own accord, then consume it as [something] lawful and wholesome
And give women their dowries freely; and if they of their own will remit any of it, then accept and enjoy it with good cheer
And give women their compensations (marriage portions) dutifully. But if they, on their own, are willing to give you back any part of it, then consume it as something joyful and wholesome.
And give the women their dowry. But if they, of their own free will, return any part of it to you, take it and enjoy it with gratefulness
Give women their dowers as a marriage gift; however, if they are kind and give you some of it back, then take it and use it as you wish
Give women their bridal-due in good cheer (considering it a duty); but if they willingly remit any part of it, consume it with good pleasure
And give the women their dues willingly, and if they remit any of it to you of their own will, then you may take it with good feelings.
And give the women their dues as free gifts. And if they themselves give up a portion of it for you, then accept and use it with a wholesome attitude
And give the women their dowries willingly. But if they, of their own pleasure of heart remit something of it to you, then consume it with taste and pleasure.
You shall give the women their due dowries, equitably. If they willingly forfeit anything, then you may accept it; it is rightfully yours.
Give women their dowries freely, but if they are pleased to offer you any of it, consume it good and smooth
And give women their dowries as a free gift. But if they of themselves be pleased to give you a portion thereof, consume it with enjoyment and pleasure
And give the women their dowries specified personally , so if they (them)self allowed/permitted for you from a thing/something from it, so eat it pleasurable/wholesome tasty
Give your wives their dowries, as well as whatever you have promised them at the moment of wedding. If they want to make it (or a part of it) a gift for you, enjoy it and be thankful to them
And give the women their bridal money willingly; then if they willingly give you a part of it, eat (use) it with joy and fruition
And give the women their dowries willingly. But if they, of their own pleasure, remit to you a part thereof, then enjoy it as something pleasant and wholesome
And pay the women their dower with a pleased heart. Then if they forgo for you some (of the dower) out of their own pleasure, you may consume it as pleasant and favourable (for you)
And give the women their dowers unasked, willingly and as agreed gift. But if they be pleased to remit you a portion thereof, of their own free will, then take it with grace and pleasure
And give to the women (whom you marry) their Mahr (obligatory bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a good heart, but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, take it, and enjoy it without fear of any harm (as Allah has made it lawful)
And give the women their dowries as a gift spontaneous; but if they are pleased to offer you any of it, consume it with wholesome appetite
And give women their dowry freely; but if they voluntarily remit unto you any part of it, enjoy it with satisfaction and advantage
And give women their dowries freely; and if they are good enough to remit any of it of themselves, then devour it with good digestion and appetite
Give women their dowry freely; but if of themselves they give up aught thereof to you, then enjoy it as convenient, and profitable
Give women their dowry as a free gift; but if they willingly choose to make over to you a part of it, you may enjoy it as lawfully yours
And give the women their dowries as a happy gift but if they, out of the pleasure of their own heart, forego a portion of it for you, then eat it with gratulation and delectation.
And give to the woman whom you marry their dowries as a wedding gift. If they give up willingly a portion of it to you, then it is lawful for you to consume it up, and enjoy it without fear of any harm.
And give the women their (marriage) gifts willingly, but if they make some of it permissible to you themselves, then consume it legitimately and content.
Moreover, bring women their dowries graciously. But if they willingly forgo some of it for youpl, then devour it with satisfaction, with ease.
Give (brides) their dowries as gifts. If they, of their own accord, want to give some back to you, you may enjoy it with pleasure and good cheer.
Give women their marriage dowers with no strings attached (graciously). If they themselves waive some of it for you, then consume it at leisure and with good cheer.
And give the women their dowries as gracious gifts. So, if they themselves are pleased to offer you anything from it willingly, So eat it with happiness and wholesome appetite.
Give women their dower as a free gift; but if they, of their own accord, choose to give up to you a part of it, then you may take it with pleasure.
And give the women their dowries as gifts; but if they favor you with anything from it of their own accord, then enjoy it as wholesome and salutary.
Give the dowry (marriage gift) to women with love. If they willingly and benevolently give a portion of it back to you, then accept it wholeheartedly.
And give women their dowries as a free gift, but if they, of themselves, be pleased to give up to you something of it, then consume it with pleasure and wholesomely
And give the women, whom you join in wedlock. their dower with good will. But if they -the women- willingly remit a part thereof of their own accord, then you may eat it into your hearts and enjoy it; may it give you pleasure; may it do you good
And give their dowries to the women as a free gift, but if they of themselves (voluntarily) give up anything from it to you, then absorb it (in your wealth) enjoying the result (of this increase).
And give women their dowries freely; and if they are pleased to remit any of it of themselves, then devour it with good wholesome digestion.
And give the women (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you, Take it and enjoy it with right good cheer
And give the women their dower graciously. But if they remit to you anything of it (on their) own, then eat it (in) satisfaction (and) ease
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