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3:1  Alif. Lam. Mim.
3:2  Allah! There is no deity save He, The Ever-living, The upholder of everything.
3:3  He sent the book down unto you by the truth testifying to that which went before it and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.
3:4  Aforetime as guidance for the mankind and He sent down the criterion. Truly those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah, for them there will be a formidable punishment and Allah is All-mighty, Master of retribution.
3:5  Truly Allah, there is nothing hidden unto Him in the earth nor in the heaven.
3:6  He it is who fashions you in the wombs in the manner He pleases. There is no deity save He, The All-mighty, The All-wise.
3:7  He it is Who has sent down to you the Book: In it are verses of definite import; they are the mother of the Book: and others are of indefinite import. But those in whose hearts there is a deviation follow the part thereof that is of indefinite import, seeking the discord, and searching for its ultimate interpretation, but no one knows its ultimate interpretation except Allah. And those who are firmly grounded in the knowledge say, "We believe in it [the Book]; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none remembers except men of the living heart,
3:8  "O Our Lord!" (they say), "Let not our hearts deviate now after You have guided us, but grant us mercy from Your own presence; for You are the All-Endowing.
3:9  O our Lord! Truly You are the gatherer of the mankind for a day wherein there is no doubt.” Truly Allah does not fail the promise.
3:10  Truly those who disbelieve, their wealth nor their children will ever avail them from Allah in aught and it is they who are the fuel of the fire.
3:11  In the manner of the people of Pharaoh and those before them. They belied Our signs so Allah took them to account for their sins. And Allah is Formidable in the chastisement.
3:12  Say unto those who disbelieve, “You will soon be vanquished and then flocked to hellfire.” and what a woeful resting place.
3:13  Indeed there was for you a sign in two groups which met; one group fighting in the way of Allah and the other disbelievers. They see them twice their number with the very seeing of the eye and Allah strengthens with His help whom He pleases. Truly in that surely is an illustrious lesson for the people endowed with perception.
3:14  Love of the lusts has been made seemly unto the mankind from the women and the children and the amassed treasures of the gold and the silver and the horses of high breed and the cattle and the farm. That is the temporary enjoyment of the life of this world. But Allah, indeed with Him is the excellent place of return.
3:15  Say, “Should I inform you of what is better than that? For those who safeguard their own souls from the presence of their Lord are gardens, beneath which the rivers flow to abide therein forever, and spouses made pure and pleasure from Allah.” and Allah is All-seeing about the servants;
3:16  those who say, "O our Lord! We indeed have believed so forgive us our sins and safeguard us from punishment of the fire;
3:17  the ones who are patient and the truthful ones and the ones devout and those who spend [in the way of Allah] and those who ask for forgiveness in the early hours of the dawn.
3:18  Allah has witnessed that indeed there is no deity save He and the angels and people of the knowledge [have also witnessed] standing in uprightness. There is no deity save He, The All-mighty, The All-wise.
3:19  Truly the religion in the sight of Allah is the self-submission [Islam]. And those who were given the book did not disagree except after that the knowledge had come unto them due to mutual envy between them. But whoever disbelieves in the signs of Allah, then truly Allah is Swift in the reckoning.
3:20  And if they argue with you then say, “I have submitted myself totally to Allah and so have those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the book and to the unlettered people, “Have you [too] submitted yourself?” If they have submitted themselves, then they indeed have found the right guidance but if they turn away then there is nothing on you except the clear deliverance and Allah is All-seeing about the slaves.
3:21  Truly those who disbelieve in the signs of Allah and kill the prophets for no right and kill those who command to the uprightness from the mankind, then give glad tidings to them of a painful punishment.
3:22  It is those whose deeds have gone in vain in this world and in the hereafter and there are no helpers for them.
3:23  Have you not seen those who were given a share from the book. They are called to the book of Allah so that it may judge between them but then a party of them turn their backs while they turn their sides in arrogance.
3:24  That is so because they said, “The fire will never touch us except for days numbered.” And all that they used to contrive deluded them in their religion.
3:25  But then how will things go [with them] when We gather them together for a day wherein there is no doubt and every soul will be paid in full for all that it had earned and they will not be wronged in the least.
3:26  Say, “O Allah! O The owner of dominion! You give the dominion unto whom You please and take the dominion away from whom You please and You bestow dignity unto whom You please and You humiliate whom You please. In Your hand is the good. Truly You have power over everything.”
3:27  "You cause the night to enter into the day and You cause the day to enter into the night and You bring the living forth from the dead and You bring the dead forth from the living and You provide whom You please without calculation.”
3:28  Let not the believers take the disbelievers for their allies in preference to the believers – whosoever does so has no part in Allah - unless it be that you safeguard yourselves from them surreptitiously. And Allah warns you with regards to Himself and unto Allah is the place of final coming.
3:29  Say, “If you hide that which is in your bosoms or you reveal it, Allah does know it and He knows all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth and Allah has power over everything.”
3:30  A day when every soul will find present all that it had done of good and all that it had done of evil. It will wish that there was between itself and it [the evil that it had done] a great distance and Allah warns you in regard to Himself and Allah is All-tender to the servants.
3:31  Say, “If you indeed love Allah, then follow me. Allah will love you and will forgive you your sins and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, All-merciful.”
3:32  Say, “Obey Allah and the messenger.” But if they turn away, then truly Allah loves not the disbelievers.
3:33  Truly Allah has chosen Adam and Noah and family of Abraham and family of Imran above all the people.
3:34  Progenies one from another and Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
3:35  When the wife of Imran said, “O my Lord! I indeed have vowed unto You that which is in my womb sincerely for You so accept it from me. Truly You are indeed The All-hearing, The All-knowing.”
3:36  Once she delivered it she said, “O my Lord! I have indeed delivered it a female” - but Allah knows best what she had delivered and the male is not like the female - “and I indeed have named her Mary and I indeed seek refuge in You for her and her descendants from Satan the pelted one.”
3:37  So her Lord accepted her with a goodly acceptance and caused her to grow a goodly growth and Zachariah tended to her. Each time Zachariah entered upon her in the sanctuary he found with her sustenance. He said, “O Mary! From where do you get this?” She said, “It is from the presence of Allah. Truly Allah provides for whom He pleases without calculation.”
3:38  Thereupon Zachariah called out on his Lord. He said, “O my Lord! Grant me from your presence a goodly progeny. Truly You are Hearer of the supplication.”
3:39  Then the angels called him while he stood in prayer in the sanctuary [Saying], “Allah gives you glad tidings of Yahaya; testifying to a word from Allah [i.e. Jesus] and a leader and a chaste celibate and a prophet from among the righteous.
3:40  He said, “O my Lord! How can there be a son for me when indeed the old age has overtaken me and my wife is barren?” He said, “Thus Allah does whatever He pleases.”
3:41  He said, “O my Lord! Appoint a sign for me.” He said, “Your sign will be that you speak not to men for three days except by sign language and remember your Lord a great deal and glorify [Him] by the evening and by the morning.”
3:42  And when the angels said, “O Mary! Truly Allah has chosen you and has cleansed you and has chosen you over all the women of the worlds.”
3:43  "O Mary! Sincerely devout yourself to your Lord and prostrate and bow down with those who bow down.”
3:44  That is from the tidings of the unseen that We reveal it unto you. And you were not present with them when they were throwing their pens [to decide] who among them will tend to Mary and you were not present with them when they were quarreling.
3:45  When the angels said, “O Mary! Truly Allah gives you glad tidings of a word from Him. His name is the Messiah Jesus son of Mary a leader in this world and in the hereafter and is of those who are drawn near [to Allah].
3:46  And he will speak to people in the cradle and while in a mature age and will be among the righteous.”
3:47  She said, “O my Lord! How can I have a son when no human has ever touched me?” He said, “It is thus that Allah creates what He pleases. When He decrees a matter, He just says to it ‘be’ and it is,
3:48  and He will teach him the book and the wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel.
3:49  And a messenger [He will appoint him] to the children of Israel." [saying that], “I indeed have come to you with a sign from your Lord. I indeed fashion for you from the clay the likeness of the bird then I breathe into it and lo! It is a bird by the leave of Allah and I heal the born blind and the lepers and I revive the dead by the leave of Allah and I inform you about all that you eat and all that you store in your houses” - Truly in that surely is a sign for you if you are indeed believers -
3:50  “and I testify to that which went before me from the Torah and so that I may make lawful for you some of that which has been made unlawful for you and I have come to you with a sign from your Lord so revere Allah and obey me.”
3:51  "Truly Allah is my Lord and your Lord therefore worship Him alone. This is a way most upright.”
3:52  But when Jesus sensed the disbelief from them he said, “Who are my helpers unto Allah?” The disciples said, “We are helpers of Allah. We believe in Allah and you bear witness that we indeed are those who have submitted to Allah.
3:53  O our Lord! We have believed in that which You have sent down and we have followed the messenger therefore write us with those who are the witnesses.”
3:54  And they devised a plan and Allah devised a plan and Allah is the best of the planners.
3:55  When Allah said, “O Jesus! Truly I am going to take your soul and raise you unto Me and cleanse you from those who have disbelieved and [I am] going to make those who follow you above those who disbelieve until the day of resurrection. Then unto Me is your place of return. Then I will judge between you in all that in which you used to disagree.”
3:56  "As for those who disbelieve, I will surely punish them a formidable punishment in this world and in the hereafter and there will be no helpers for them.”
3:57  And as for those who believe and work the righteous deeds, He will surely give them their reward in full, for Allah loves not those who wrong their own souls.
3:58  That is what We relate unto you from the signs and from the remembrance most wise.
3:59  Truly, the likeness of Jesus with Allah is like the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust and then He said unto him, “Be” and it is.
3:60  The truth is from your Lord. Therefore be not of those who are in confusion.
3:61  But whoever disputes with you about him after that which has come to you from the knowledge then say, “Come! Let us call our children and your children, and our women and your women, and ourselves and your selves then let us earnestly invoke Allah and make a curse of Allah come upon those who are the liars.”
3:62  Truly this surely is the true story. And there is no other deity except Allah and that truly Allah surely, He is The All-mighty, The All-wise.
3:63  And if they turn away, then truly Allah is All-knowing about the corrupters.
3:64  Say, “O people of the scripture! Come unto a word which is common between us and you, that we should worship none except Allah and that we should ascribe nothing as a partner with Him and that some of us do not take others as Lords besides Allah.” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we indeed are those who have submitted to Allah.”
3:65  O you people of the scripture! Why do you argue about Abraham when the Torah and the Gospel were not revealed except after him. Do you not then understand?
3:66  Here you are arguing about that of which you have knowledge. Why then do you argue about that of which you have no knowledge and Allah knows and you do not know.
3:67  Abraham was neither a follower of Judaism nor of Christianity rather he was one who had turned away from all else except Allah and was one who had submitted to Allah and he was not of those who ascribe partners to Allah.
3:68  Truly of all the people, those who followed him and this prophet and those who believe, are certainly the most entitled to Abraham and Allah is Ally of the believers.
3:69  A party among the people of the scripture wished if only they could lead you astray. But they will lead astray none except themselves but they are not aware.
3:70  O people of the scripture! Why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah when you yourselves witness?
3:71  O people of the Scripture! Why do you mix the truth with the falsehood and thereby you hide the truth while you yourself know?
3:72  And a party from among the people of the scripture said, “Believe in that which has been sent down on those who believe [in the entire book] at the beginning of the day and disbelieve at the end of it perhaps they will return.
3:73  And do not believe except in one who follows your religion.” Say [O Muhammad], “Truly the true guidance is Allah’s guidance; that someone else is given the like of that which you are given or that they may argue with you in the presence of your Lord.” Say [O Muhammad], Truly the bounty is in the hand of Allah and He gives it to whom He pleases and Allah is All-encompassing, All-knowing.
3:74  He selects for His mercy whom He pleases and Allah is Master of the magnificent bounty.
3:75  And from among the people of the scripture are such whom if you entrust him with a whole treasure, he will give it back to you but among them are such whom if you trust him with a piece of gold coin, he will not give it back to you unless you persistently go after him. That is because they said, “The unlettered people have no right over us” and they contrive the lie against Allah when they themselves know.
3:76  Nay! Indeed whoever fulfills his firm pledge and safeguards his own soul, then truly Allah loves those who safeguard their own souls.
3:77  Truly those who sell the firm pledge to Allah and their oaths for a little price, there is no share for them in the hereafter and Allah will not speak to them and will not look at them on the day of resurrection and will not sanctify them and for them there will be a painful punishment.
3:78  And truly among them is certainly a group who twist their tongues with the book so that you may think it to be from the book while it is not from the book and they say that it is from the presence of Allah but it is not from the presence of Allah and they contrive the lie on Allah while they themselves know.
3:79  It is not fitting for a human that Allah should give him the book and the wisdom and the prophethood and thereafter he says unto men, “Be servants for me instead of Allah” but rather [he should say], “Be Godly men because of the fact that you teach the book and because of the fact that you study it in-depth.”
3:80  Nor does He command you to take the angels and prophets as Lords. Will He command you to the disbelief after that you had truly submitted [to Him]?
3:81  And when Allah took the covenant of the prophets [saying] by virtue of that which I have given you in book and wisdom then comes to you a messenger confirming that which is with you then certainly you must believe in him and you must certainly assist him. He said, “Do you agree and take on that My firm pledge.” They said, “Yes we agree” and He said, “Then bear witness and I am with you among the witnesses.”
3:82  But whosoever turns back after that, then they are those who are the renegades.
3:83  Seek they aught other than the religion of Allah? While for Him all those is in the heavens and all those is in the earth have submitted willingly or unwillingly and unto Him they shall be returned.
3:84  Say, “We believe in Allah and in that which was sent down unto us and in that which was sent down unto Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes and that which was granted unto Moses and Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them and we are submitted unto Him”
3:85  And whoever seeks a [way] other than the self submission [Islam] as religion, then it will never be accepted from him and he will be in the hereafter among those who are in loss.
3:86  How would Allah guide a people who have disbelieved after their belief and have witnessed that the messenger is true and the clear signs came unto them and Allah does not guide the people who do wrong to their own souls.
3:87  Those, their reward is such that upon them is curse of Allah and of the angels and of the people altogether.
3:88  They will abide therein forever. The punishment will not be alleviated for them nor will they be looked at;
3:89  except those who have repented after that and have made amends then truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, All-merciful.
3:90  Truly those who have disbelieved after their belief, then they increased in disbelief, their repentance will never be accepted and it is those who have gone astray.
3:91  Truly those who disbelieve and they die while disbelievers, then the fill of the earth in gold will never be accepted from any of them even though they may offer it as ransom. Those for them there will be a painful punishment and there will be no helpers for them.
3:92  You will never attain to the piety until you spend from that which you love. And whatever thing you may spend, truly Allah is All-knowing about it.
3:93  All the food was lawful for the children of Israel except that which Israel had made unlawful upon himself before the Torah was sent down. Say, “Do bring the Torah and rehearse it if you are indeed truthful.”
3:94  Then whoever contrives the lie upon Allah after this, then those are the ones who do wrong to their own souls.
3:95  Say, “Allah has indeed spoken aright. Therefore follow the way of Abraham sincerely in devotion to Allah and he was not of those who ascribe partners to Allah.”
3:96  Truly the first house laid down for the mankind is certainly the one at Bakka blessed and a guidance for all the peoples.
3:97  Therein are clear signs; the station of Abraham. And whoever enters it, he is indeed safe. And it is a right for Allah upon people the pilgrimage to the house whoever is capable of making a way to it but whoever disbelieves then truly Allah is All-self-sufficient from the worlds.
3:98  Say, “O people of the scripture! Why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah while Allah is a witness over all that you do?”
3:99  Say, “O people of the scripture! Why do you hinder from the way of Allah one who believes. You seek to make it [the way] crooked while you are witnesses and Allah is not unmindful about all that you do.”
3:100  O you who believe! If you obey a party of those who were given the scripture, they will turn you back as disbelievers after your belief.
3:101  How could you disbelieve when Allah’s signs are rehearsed unto you and among you is His messenger and whoever seeks sanctuary with Allah, then he indeed is guided to a path most upright.
3:102  O you who believe! Revere Allah His true reverence and you should not die except that you are in submission [to Him].
3:103  And hold fast unto the rope of Allah altogether and do not divide. And remember the blessing of Allah upon you when you used to be enemies and He united between your hearts so that through His blessing you became brothers and you used to be on the brink of a pit of fire but He rescued you from it. Thus Allah makes evident for you His signs so that perhaps you may find guidance.
3:104  And let there be among you a group who calls unto the good and they command unto the kindness and they forbid from the wickedness and those are the ones who have prospered.
3:105  And be not like those who divided up and disagreed after that the clear signs had come unto them and those for them, there will be an awful punishment.
3:106  A day when some faces will turn bright and some faces will turn dark. As for those whose faces have darkened [it will be said unto them], “Have you disbelieved after your belief? Then taste the punishment for that you used to disbelieve.”
3:107  And as for those whose faces have turned bright, then they will be in the mercy of Allah to abide therein forever.
3:108  Those are the signs of Allah We rehearse them unto you by the truth. And Allah does not intend any wrong for the peoples.
3:109  And for Allah is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth and unto Allah all the matters will be returned.
3:110  You indeed are best nation brought forth for the mankind, you continue to command unto the kindness and you continue to forbid from the wickedness and you continue to believe in Allah. And had the people of scripture believed it would surely have been better for them. Among them are the believers but most of them are the renegades.
3:111  They will never harm you except for a hurt and if they fight you, they will turn you the backs and then they will not be helped.
3:112  The humiliation is inflicted upon them wherever they may be found except for a rope from Allah and for a rope from the men and they went off with an anger from Allah and the misery is inflicted on them. That is because they used to disbelieve in the signs of Allah and used to kill the prophets without a right. That is because they disobeyed and they used to transgress.
3:113  They are not equal. From among the people of the scripture, there is a group who stand upright, they rehearse signs of Allah in the hours of the night while they prostrate.
3:114  They believe in Allah and in the last day and they command unto the kindness and they forbid from the wickedness and they hasten unto all the charitable deeds and those are among the righteous.
3:115  And whatever act of grace they do, then they will never be denied of it and Allah is All-knowing about those who safeguard their own souls.
3:116  Truly those who disbelieve, neither their wealth nor their children will ever avail them in aught from Allah and those are the people of the fire. They will abide therein forever.
3:117  The example of what they spend in the life of this world is like a wind wherein there is a cold storm. It overtook the crop of a people who had wronged their own souls so it destroyed it and Allah did not wrong them but it is they who wrong their own souls.
3:118  O you who believe! Do not take unto yourself intimate friends from those other than yourselves. They will spare no effort in confounding you it makes them happy that you distress. Indeed the hatred has come forth from their mouths but what their bosoms hide is even greater. We indeed have made the signs evident for you if you indeed understand.
3:119  Here you are! You love them but they love you not and you believe in the book all of it. And when they meet you they say, “We believe.” But when they are alone they bite the fingers against you from the rage. Say, “Die with your rage.” Truly Allah is All-knowing about the essence of the hearts.
3:120  If something good touches you, it saddens them and if something evil befalls you, they exult over it. But if you are patient and you safeguard your own souls, their plans will not harm you in aught. Truly Allah is All-encompassing over all that they do.
3:121  And when you set out in the morn from your family to station the believers in positions for the battle and Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
3:122  When two sections from among you were considering to fail away and Allah was their ally and on Allah let the believers put their trust.
3:123  And Allah indeed helped you at Badar while you were an insignificant [group]. Therefore revere Allah so that you may offer gratitude.
3:124  As you were saying to the believers, “Is it not enough for you that your Lord reinforces you with three thousand from the angels coming down [to your aid]?”
3:125  "Yes indeed – If you are patient and you safeguard your own souls, and should they happen to come against you in this very moment of theirs, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand from the angels all well marked.”
3:126  And Allah did not make it except as a glad tiding for you and so that your hearts may find rest thereby. But the help is from nowhere else except from the presence of Allah, The All-mighty, The All-wise.
3:127  So that He may cut a wing from those who disbelieve or that He may keep them in check so that they turn back in disappointment.
3:128  From the command you have no part. Whether He accept their repentance or punish them - for they anyway are indeed those who have done wrong to their own souls.
3:129  And for Allah is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. He forgives whom He pleases and punishes whom He pleases and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, All-merciful.
3:130  O you who believe! Do not consume the usury by scores and scores and revere Allah so that you may prosper.
3:131  And safeguard yourselves against the fire which has been kept in store for the disbelievers.
3:132  And obey Allah and the messenger so that you may receive mercy.
3:133  And hasten unto a forgiveness from your Lord and to a garden the width of which are the heavens and the earth which has been made ready for those who safeguard their own souls;
3:134  those who spend in the time of ease and in the time of hardship and keep in check the rage and pardon the people, and Allah loves those who act in excellence,
3:135  and those who, when they commit an offensive act or otherwise wrong their own souls, they remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins and who forgives the sins except Allah as long as they do not persist knowingly on that which they have committed.
3:136  Those, their reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens beneath which the rivers flow to abide therein forever and how excellent is the reward of the workers.
3:137  Many examples had gone forth before you therefore go about in the earth and see how was the ending of the beliers.
3:138  This is an evident message for the mankind and is a guidance and is an admonition for those who revere Allah.
3:139  Do not be faint at heart and do not grieve, for you are the ones with the upper hand if you are indeed believers.
3:140  If pain touches you, then indeed pain touched the people like unto it. And those days We rotate between people and so that Allah may mark out those who believe and that He may take out the witnesses from among you, and Allah loves not those who wrong their own souls,
3:141  and so that Allah may purge those who believe and may wipe out the disbelievers;
3:142  Or do you think that you could enter the garden while Allah has not yet marked out those who have strived hard among you; and so as well that He may mark out those who are patient.
3:143  And indeed you used to yearn for the death before you met it. Now you have indeed seen it while you look on.
3:144  And Muhammad is but a messenger; the messengers had indeed passed away before him. Should he die or get killed, will you then turn on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels, then he will never hurt Allah in the least and Allah shall soon reward those who offer gratitude.
3:145  And it is not for a soul to die except by the leave of Allah; a book with a fixed term. And whoever seeks a reward of this life, We will give him from it and whoever seeks a reward of the hereafter, We will give him from it and We will soon reward those who offer gratitude.
3:146  And how many a prophet who fought [in the way of Allah] with them were many Godly men but they did not get faint at heart for what happened to them in the way of Allah nor did they get weak nor did they succumb and Allah loves those who are patient.
3:147  And their say was nothing more than that they said, “O our Lord! Forgive us our sins and our wastefulness in the matter of our affair and strengthen our foothold and give us victory over the people who are the disbelievers.”
3:148  So Allah gave them reward of this world and an excellent reward of the hereafter and Allah loves those who act in excellence.
3:149  O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve they will make you turn back on your heels so then you will turn away as losers.
3:150  Nay, Allah is your patron and He is the best of the helpers.
3:151  We will soon cast in the hearts of those who disbelieve the terror because they have ascribed as partners to Allah that by which Allah has not sent down any authority and their resting place is the fire and what a woeful resting place of those who wrong their own souls.
3:152  And indeed Allah has made true His promise to you as you harvested them down by His leave until when you got defeated in your heart and you disagreed about the affair and you disobeyed after that He showed you that which you love. Among you are those who seek this world and among you are those who seek the hereafter. Then He turned you back from them so that He may try you. He has indeed pardoned you and Allah is Lord of bounty unto the believers.
3:153  As you climb up the mountain and no one paid heed to no one while the messenger was calling you from your rear so He rewarded you distress for distress so that you may not grieve over that which you missed nor over that which has happened to you and Allah is All-acquainted with all that you do.
3:154  Then He sent down on you after the distress a tranquility in the form of slumber it comes over a party from among you. While the other party [which it avoided] were indeed concerned on account of their own souls. They conceived thoughts about Allah other than the truth; the ill thinking of the ignorance. They say, “Have we any part in the commandment?” Say, “Truly the commandment all of it is for Allah.” They hide within themselves what they do not reveal to you. They say, “Had we had any part in the commandment, then we would not have been killed here.” Say, “Even if you were in your houses, surely those upon whom the killing was written, would have gone forth to their resting place.” and so that Allah may try that which is in your bosoms and that He may purge that which is in your hearts and Allah is All-knowing about the essence of the bosoms.
3:155  Truly those who turned in flight among you the day the two hosts met, it is only Satan that caused them to trip because of some of that which they perpetrated. Truly Allah had pardoned them. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, All-magnanimous.
3:156  O you who believe! Do not be like those who disbelieved and said about their brethren when they travel abroad in the earth or they were out on a campaign, “Had they been with us they would not have died and they would not have been killed.” So that Allah makes that a sorrow in their hearts and Allah is one who gives life and puts to death and Allah is All-seeing about all that you do.
3:157  And if you are killed in the way of Allah or you die, then surely forgiveness from Allah and mercy is better than all that they gather.
3:158  But if you died or get killed [in the way of Allah], surely it is unto Allah that you will be gathered.
3:159  Indeed it is due to a mercy from Allah that you are lenient to them and if you were furious and hard hearted, then they would have surely scattered away from around you. Therefore pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and give them share in the command. But when you make up your mind, then put your trust on Allah. Truly Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.
3:160  If Allah helps you, then there is no one to overcome you but if Allah abandons you, who then is there to help you after Him so in Allah let the believers put their trust.
3:161  And it is indeed not meet for a prophet to filch and whoever filches, he will come with that which he filched on the day of resurrection. Then every soul will be paid in full all that it had earned and they will not be cheated.
3:162  Is he who follows the goodly pleasure of Allah like one who goes away with the displeasure from Allah? and his resting place will be the hellfire and what a woeful place of ending.
3:163  There are ranks in the sight of Allah and Allah is All-seeing about all that they do.
3:164  Allah indeed has favoured the believers when He sent a messenger among them from themselves. He rehearses upon them His signs and he sanctifies them and he teaches them the book and the wisdom even though before that they were surely in evident misguidance.
3:165  What? When a calamity befell you and you had inflicted twice as much, then you said, “Where is this from?” Say, “It is from your own souls.” Truly Allah has power over everything.
3:166  And all that befell you on the day when the two hosts met [in battle] happened by Allah's leave and so that He might mark out the [true] believers,
3:167  and so that also He may mark out those who had taken to hypocrisy. And when they were told to come and fight in the way of Allah or for self-defence, they said, “If we knew how to fight, we would surely follow you.” On that day they were closer to the disbelief than they were to the belief. They say with their mouths what was not in their hearts and Allah is All-knowing about all that they conceal.
3:168  It was they who said to their brothers while they themselves sat back, “Had they obeyed us, they would not have been killed.” Say, “Then defend your own souls against the death if you are indeed truthful.”
3:169  And do not count those who were killed in the way of Allah as dead. Nay! They are living ones provided with their sustenance from the presence of their Lord.
3:170  Exultant over all that Allah granted them from His bounty and they rejoice on the account of those who have not joined them from those in their wake [knowing] that there will be no fear over them nor will they grieve.
3:171  They rejoice over a blessing from Allah and a bounty and [knowing] that Allah does not allow the reward of the believers to go in waste.
3:172  They are those who responded to Allah and the messenger after that the calamity had befallen them. As for those who had acted in excellence from among them and had safeguarded their own souls, for them there is a magnificent reward.
3:173  Those unto whom some people said, “Truly people have congregated in wait for you therefore have deference for them.” But that only increased them in belief and they said, “Allah is sufficient for us and He is the best trustee.”
3:174  So they went back with a blessing from Allah and with a favor and no evil touched them and they followed good pleasure of Allah and Allah is Master of magnificent bounty.
3:175  That is but Satan who makes [people] fear his allies so fear them not and fear Me if you are indeed believers.
3:176  And let not those who hasten to the disbelief make you grieve. Truly they will never harm Allah in aught. Allah does not want to make for them any share in the hereafter and for them there will be an awful punishment.
3:177  Truly those who purchase the disbelief with the belief, they will never harm Allah in aught and for them there will be a painful punishment.
3:178  And let not those who disbelieve think that because We give them respite, that is good for them. Truly We give them respite only so that they may increase in sin and for them there will be a humiliating punishment.
3:179  Allah never was going to leave the believers in the way you are until He separates the bad from the good and Allah never was going to let you peer into the unseen but Allah chooses from among His messengers whom He pleases therefore believe in Allah and in His messengers and if you believe and safeguard your own souls, then for you there will be a magnificent reward.
3:180  And let not those who withhold what Allah has given them from His bounty think that it is good for them. Nay! That is bad for them. They will soon be girded by that on the day of resurrection which they held back and for Allah is the heritage of the heavens and of the earth and Allah is All-acquainted with all that you do.
3:181  Indeed Allah heard the saying of those who said that, “Truly Allah is needy and we are self-sufficient.” We will soon write what they said and their killing of the prophets without right and We will say, “Taste you the punishment of the burning fire.”
3:182  That is because of what your hands have put forth and truly Allah does no wrong at all to the slaves.
3:183  Those who claimed that Allah has made a covenant with us that we should not believe in any messenger until he brings us a sacrifice which the fire consumes. Say, “Indeed messengers before me did come to you with the clear signs and with that which you claim. Then why did you kill them if you are indeed truthful?”
3:184  But if they belie you so indeed did they belie messengers before you who came with the clear signs and with the warnings and with the illuminating book
3:185  Every soul is going to taste the death. And you will only be given your reward in full on the day of resurrection so whoever is removed away from the fire and is made to enter the paradise, then he indeed has succeeded and the life of this world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion.
3:186  You will surely be tried in your properties and in your lives and surely you will hear from those who were given the scripture before you and from those who ascribe partners to Allah a lot of hurt but if you are patient and you safeguard your own souls, then truly that is of the matters most resolute.
3:187  And when Allah took solemn pledge of those who were given the scripture that surely you will make it clear for the people and you will not hide it. But they cast it behind their backs and they bought with it a little price. How woeful is that which they buy.
3:188  And do not think that those who exult in that which they give and they love to be praised for that which they have not done, do not think that they are at refuge from the punishment and for them there will be a painful punishment.
3:189  And for Allah is the dominion of the heavens and of the earth and Allah has power over everything.
3:190  Truly in the creation of the heavens and of the earth and in the alternation of the night and of the day are surely signs for people of the heart.
3:191  Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and on their sides and they reflect on the creation of the heavens and of the earth [and they say], "O our Lord! You have not created all this in vain. Glory be unto you so protect us from the punishment of the fire.
3:192  O our Lord! Truly anyone you cause to enter the fire, then indeed You have covered him with ignominy and for those who wrong their own souls, there will be no helpers.
3:193  O our Lord! We indeed have heard a caller calling to the belief [saying], ‘Believe in your Lord!’ So we have believed. O our Lord! Forgive for us our sins and rid from us our ills and take our souls with the pious ones.”
3:194  "O our Lord! And give us that which You have promised us with your messengers and do not cover us with ignominy on the day of resurrection. Truly it is You who does not fail the promise.”
3:195  So their Lord responded to them [saying], “I indeed do not allow the work of any worker from among you, male or female, to go waste. You are one of the other. Then those who migrated and were expelled from their homes and were hurt in My way and fought and were killed, then I will surely rid them of their ills and I will surely make them enter gardens beneath which the rivers flow; a reward from the presence of Allah and it is Allah in whose presence is the most excellent reward.”
3:196  Let not the peregrinations of those who disbelieve in the land tempt you.
3:197  A little enjoyment! Then their resting place will be hellfire and what a woeful place of rest.
3:198  But as for those who revere their Lord, for them there will be gardens beneath which the rivers flow to abide therein forever, a place of welcome from the presence of Allah and whatever is in the presence of Allah is better for the pious.
3:199  Truly from among the people of the scripture are surely those who believe in Allah and in that which has been sent down unto you and in that which has been sent down unto them humbled for Allah. They do not sell the signs of Allah for a trifling price. They are the ones for whom their reward is with their Lord and truly Allah is Swift in the reckoning.
3:200  O you who believe! Be patient and exhort one another unto patience and re-comfort one another and revere Allah so that perhaps you may prosper.