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2:1  Alif. Lam. Mim.
2:2  That is the book. There is no doubt in it. A guidance for those who guard their own souls.
2:3  These are those who believe in the unseen and establish the prayer and spend out of that which We have provided them;
2:4  and those who believe in that which has been sent down unto you and that which has been sent down before you while they have certitude in the hereafter.
2:5  It is they who are on a [true] guidance from their Lord, and it is they who are the prosperers.
2:6  Truly those who disbelieve, it is equal to them whether you warn them or you do not warn them for they will not believe.
2:7  Allah has placed a seal on their hearts and on their hearing while there is a covering on their sights and for them there will be an awful punishment.
2:8  And among the mankind there are such who say, “We believe in Allah and in the last day” while they are not true believers.
2:9  They seek to beguile Allah and those who have believed but they beguile none except their own souls while they are not aware.
2:10  In their hearts there is a sickness so Allah increased them in sickness and for them there is a painful punishment because of that they used to lie.
2:11  And when it is said unto them, “Do not spread corruption in the earth” They say, “We are but those who practice righteousness.”
2:12  Nay! They indeed are the ones who spread corruption but that they are not aware.
2:13  And when it is said unto them, “Believe the way everyone has believed.” They say, “Should we believe the way the simpletons have believed?” Nay indeed it is they who are the simpletons but they know not.
2:14  And when they meet those who have believed they say, “We have believed.” But when they find themselves in private with their devils they say, “We are with you, we were but mocking.”
2:15  It is Allah who mocks at them and makes allowance for them to wander blindly in their transgression.
2:16  They are the ones who purchased the misguidance for the guidance but their trade did not profit and they were not well guided.
2:17  Their example is like the example of one who lit off a fire but when it brightened all that was around him, Allah took away their light and left them in darknesses so they do not see;
2:18  deaf and dumb and blind so that they do not return.
2:19  Or like a cloud storm from the sky in it there are darknesses and thunder and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears from the thunder strike for fear of the death. For Allah is All-encompassing around the disbelievers.
2:20  The lightning almost snatches away their sights. Whenever He makes it bright for them, they walk in it [in the brightness] but when He turns it dark on them, they stand still. And had Allah so pleased, He would have surely taken away their hearing and their sights. Truly Allah has power over everything.
2:21  O you the mankind! Worship your Lord who created you and those before you so that perhaps you may guard your own souls.
2:22  Who has made the earth for you a carpet and the sky a roof and He sent down from the sky a water so that by it He brought forth the fruits as a provision for you. Therefore, do not make equals to Allah while you know.
2:23  And if you are in doubt about that which We have sent down on Our servant [Muhammad] then bring forth a surah [chapter] like unto it and call your witnesses besides Allah if you are indeed truthful.
2:24  But if you do not, and never will you do, then safeguard yourself against the fire the fuel of which is the mankind and the stone. It is made ready for the disbelievers.
2:25  And give glad tidings to those who have believed and did righteous deeds that for them there will be gardens beneath which the rivers flow. Each time they are provided with a fruit therefrom, they would say, “This is what we were provided with before” but it was brought to them similar to one another and for them there will be mates who are purified and they will abide therein forever.
2:26  Truly Allah does not shy to set an example of a gnat or whatever is above it. As for those who believe they will surely know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they will say, “What does Allah mean by this as a similitude?” He misguides thereby many and He guides thereby many and He misguides thereby none except the renegades.
2:27  Those who undo the covenant with Allah after its firm deed and cut that which Allah has commanded to be connected and spread corruption in the earth. Those are the ones who are in loss.
2:28  How can you disbelieve in Allah when you used to be dead and then He brought you to life and then He puts you to death and then He will bring you to life and then unto Him will you return.
2:29  He it is who created for you what is in the earth altogether then He extended His presence to the Heaven and thereupon He extended them into seven heavens while He is All-knowing about everything.
2:30  And when your Lord said to the angels, “Truly I am going to appoint a vicegerent in the earth.” They said, “Are you going to appoint therein one that will spread corruption therein and will spill the blood while we are glorifying Your praises and sanctifying [Your names] for You.” He said, “Truly I know that which you do not know.”
2:31  So He taught Adam the names all of them then He presented them to the angels and He said, “Inform me about the names of these if indeed you are truthful.”
2:32  They said, “Glory be unto You. There is no knowledge for us except that which You have taught us. Truly You are The All-knowing, The All-wise.”
2:33  He said, “O Adam! Inform them about their names.” So when he informed them about their names He said, “Did I not say unto you that I indeed know the secrets of the heavens and of the earth and I know all that you show and indeed all that you hide.”
2:34  And when We said unto the angels, “Prostrate yourselves for Adam.” So they prostrated themselves except Iblis. He refused and he grew arrogant and was of those who were the disbelievers.
2:35  And We said, “O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in tranquility in the garden and eat freely therefrom wherever you two please but don't come close to this tree, lest you two become of those who do wrong to their own souls.
2:36  But Satan caused them to slip therefrom [the garden] so he caused them to exit from that in which they were in before [tranquility and peace]. Then We said, “Come down. Some of you being enemy of the others and there will be for you in the earth a station and a temporary enjoyment for a little while.”
2:37  So Adam received words from his Lord so He turned to him in repentance. Truly He is The Acceptor of repentance, The Most Merciful.
2:38  We said, “Go down from it all of you together and if ever there comes unto you from Me a guidance, so whoever follows My guidance, then there will be no fear on them and nor will they grieve.”
2:39  "But those who disbelieved and belied Our signs, these are the people of the fire. They will abide therein forever.”
2:40  O Children of Israel! Remember My blessing which I bestowed upon you and fulfill [your] covenant with Me and I shall fulfill [My] covenant with you and do stand in awe of Me alone.
2:41  And believe in that which I have sent down testifying to the truth of that which is with you and do not be the first to disbelieve in it and do not sell My signs for a trifling price and do stand in reverence for Me alone.
2:42  And do not mix the truth with the falsehood and hence hide the truth while you know.
2:43  And establish the prayer and give the sanctifying dues and bow down along with those who bow down.
2:44  Do you command the mankind unto the piety and you forget yourselves while you rehearse the book? Will you not then understand?
2:45  And seek help through the patience and the prayer and truly it is surely hard except on those who are humble.
2:46  Who expect that they are going to meet their Lord and that they indeed are going to return to Him.
2:47  O children of Israel! Remember My blessing which I bestowed upon you and that I indeed favoured you over the peoples,
2:48  and take your guards against a day when no soul can avail another soul in aught and no intercession will be accepted from it and no exchange will be taken from it nor will they be helped.
2:49  And when We saved you from Pharaoh’s folk who used to make you taste the woeful punishment. They slaughtered your male children and they kept alive your women and in that was an awful trial from your Lord.
2:50  And when We parted the sea with you so We saved you and We drowned Pharaoh’s folk while you looked on.
2:51  And when We appointed with Moses a rendezvous of forty nights, then you took the calf [for worship] after him while you wronged your own souls.
2:52  But then We pardoned you after that so that perhaps you may offer gratitude.
2:53  And when We gave to Moses the book and the criterion so that perhaps you may find guidance.
2:54  And When Moses said to his people, “O my people! You have indeed wronged your own souls by taking the calf [for worship], therefore return in repentance to your Fashioner and kill your own selves. That is better for you in the sight of your Fashioner but then He accepted your repentance. For truly it is He who is The Acceptor of repentance, The Most Merciful.”
2:55  And when you said, “O Moses! We will never believe in you until we see Allah openly.” Then the thunder strike seized you while you looked on.
2:56  Then We raised you after your death so that perhaps you may offer gratitude.
2:57  and We shaded you with the white cloud and We sent down on you the mann and the salva. Eat from the good things that We have provided for you. They did not wrong us but they used to wrong their own souls.
2:58  And when we said, “Enter this township and eat therefrom wherever you please freely and enter the door prostrate and say, ‘Hitta [Make our sins fall down from us]’” Then We will forgive you your wrongdoings and We shall increase those who act in excellence.
2:59  But those who wronged their own souls changed the word for another word not told to them so We sent down upon those who had wronged their own souls a plague from the heaven because of that they used to renegade.
2:60  And when Moses asked for water for his people We said, “Hit the rock with your staff.” Then twelve springs gushed forth from it. Indeed every group of people knew their place of drinking. “Eat and drink from the provision of Allah and do not go about in the earth spreading corruption.”
2:61  And when you said, "O Moses! We shall never bear with one kind of food; Therefore ask your Lord for us to bring forth for us from what the earth grows from, -its pot-herbs, and its cucumbers, and its garlic, and its lentils, and its onions." He said, "Will you replace that which is the best with that which is the least?” Therefore fallback into Egypt for truly for you is all that you have asked." And the humiliation was set upon them and the misery. And they went off with an anger from Allah. That is because they used to disbelieve in the signs of Allah and kill the prophets without the truth. That is because they disobeyed and they used to transgress.
2:62  Truly Indeed those who believe in the entire book and those who have adhered to Judaism and the Christians and the Sabians; whoever believes in Allah and in the last day and has done a righteous deed, indeed for them there will be their reward in the presence of their Lord and there will be no fear upon them and nor will they grieve.
2:63  And when We took your firm covenant and We raised the mount Toor above you [saying], ”Hold unto that which We have given you with strength and remember all that is in it so that perhaps you may safeguard your own souls.”
2:64  But then you turned away after that. Had it not been for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, you indeed would be of those who are the ones in loss.
2:65  And you indeed know about those who had transgressed among you in the Sabbath and so We said unto them, “Be apes! While an abject.”
2:66  And We made it an exemplary punishment for all that is before it and for all that is behind it and an admonition for those who safeguard their own souls.
2:67  And when Moses said to his people, “Truly Allah commands you to slaughter a cow.” They said, “Are you taking us for a jest?” He Said, “I seek refuge from Allah that I be of those who are the ignorant.”
2:68  They said, “Ask your Lord for us to make clear for us what it [the cow] is?” He said, “He says ‘It is a cow neither old nor young, middling between that’. So do that which you are commanded.”
2:69  They said, “Ask your Lord for us to make clear for us what color it is.” He said, “He says ‘It is a yellow cow immaculate in color. It pleases those who look on it.’”
2:70  They said, “Ask your Lord for us to make clear for us what it [precisely] is? Indeed the cows look similar one to another for us, for truly if Allah wills we certainly will be of those who are rightly guided.”
2:71  He said, “He says ‘it indeed is a cow not subject to domestication in order to till the land nor to water the crops, immaculate there is no spot on it’.” They said, “Now you have come up with the truth.” So they slaughtered it and they nearly never did.
2:72  And when you killed a soul and then you recriminated with one another about it but Allah was going to bring to the open that which you were hiding.
2:73  So We said, “Hit him with some part thereof.” Thus Allah brings the dead to life and shows you His signs so that perhaps you may understand.
2:74  But then your hearts hardened after that as though they were the rocks or even worse [than a rock] in hardness. For truly among the rocks are such out of which rivers gush forth. And truly among them there are such which crack so that the water flows out of them. And truly among them there are such which fall down from the deference of Allah and Allah is not unmindful about all that you do.
2:75  Do you then entertain the hope that they will believe in you when indeed a party of them hears the word of Allah but then they alter it after having understood it while they know.
2:76  And when they meet those who have believed in the entire book they say, “We too believe.” But when they meet one another in private they say, “Are you going to disclose to them about that which Allah has conferred upon you so that they may use it as a proof against you in the presence of your Lord?” Do you not understand?
2:77  Do they not know that Allah knows all that they make secret and all that they make public?
2:78  And among them are those who are uninstructed. They do not know the book except for mere wishful thinking and all they do is but speculation.
2:79  So woe unto those who write the book with their own hands and then they say, “This is from Allah” so that they may sell it for a trifling price. So woe unto them for all that their hands have written and woe unto them for all that they have earned.
2:80  And they said, “The fire will never touch us except for days numbered.” Say, “Have you received a promise from Allah that Allah will never fail His promise? Or do you say about Allah that which you know not.”
2:81  Nay whoever has perpetrated evil and his wrongdoings have surrounded him, they indeed are people of the fire. They will abide therein forever.
2:82  And those who have believed and have done the righteous deeds, they are people of the garden. They will abide therein forever.
2:83  And when We took a solemn covenant from the children of Israel that you should not serve any except Allah and kindness to both parents and to the near of kin and to the orphans and to the needy ones and to say a kind word to the people and to establish the prayer and to give the sanctifying dues. But then you turned back except a few among you while you were disregardful.
2:84  And when We took your firm covenant that you will not spill one another’s blood and that you will not drive out one another from your homes. Then you acquiesced while you witnessed.
2:85  Now here you are killing one another and driving out a party among you from their homes. You collude with one another against them in sin and transgression. But if they come to you as captives you ransom them while driving them out was unlawful for you. Will you then believe in part of the book and disbelieve in parts? What is the reward for such a one among you who does that except humiliation in the life of this world? And on the day of resurrection, they will be brought back to the most formidable punishment. And Allah is not oblivious about all that you do.
2:86  These are the ones who have purchased the life of this world with the hereafter so the punishment will not be lightened upon them nor will they be helped.
2:87  And We had indeed given the book to Moses and We followed him up with the messengers and We gave unto Jesus son of Mary the clear signs and We strengthened him with the spirit of the holiness. Is it that each time a messenger comes to you with something that your souls desire not, you will grow arrogant? Then a party [of them] you belie and another party you kill.
2:88  And they said, “Our hearts are filled up to the brim” Nay. Allah has cursed them for their disbelieve. How little then do they believe!
2:89  And when a book came unto them from the presence of Allah testifying to the truth of that which was with them, although before then they used to seek victory over those who disbelieved. However when came to them that which they recognized, they disbelieved in it. Lo! Allah’s curse is on the disbelievers.
2:90  How woeful is that for which they sold away their souls because of that they disbelieved in what Allah sent down, out of malice, that Allah should send down His favor on whomever He pleases from among His servants. Therefore they turned away with anger upon anger and for the disbelievers, there will be a debasing punishment.
2:91  And when it is said unto them, “Believe in that which Allah has sent down” they say, “We believe in that which has been sent down upon us” and they disbelieve in all that came after that although that is the truth testifying to the truthfulness of that which is with them. Say, “Why then did you kill the prophets of Allah aforetime if you are indeed believers?”
2:92  And Moses had indeed come unto you with the clear signs but then you took the calf after him while you wronged your own souls.
2:93  And when We took your firm covenant and We raised the mountain of Toor above you, [We said], “Hold firm unto that which We have given you and hearken.” They said, “We heard and we disobeyed” and the love of the calf was made to sink into their hearts because of their disbelief. Say, “How woeful is that which your belief commands you unto if you are truly believers.”
2:94  Say, “If the home of the hereafter in the presence of Allah is exclusively for you instead of all the other people, then wish the death if you are indeed truthful.”
2:95  But they will never wish for it because of all that their hands have put forth and Allah is All-knowing about those who wrong their own souls.
2:96  And you will surely find that of all the people, they are the most greedy for life and even more than those who ascribe partners to Allah. Each one among them would wish to live a thousand years but living long is not going to remove him from the punishment and Allah is All-seeing about all that they do.
2:97  Say, “Whoever is an enemy unto Gabriel, Lo indeed he brought it down unto your heart by the permission of Allah, testifying to the truthfulness of that which went ahead of it and a guidance and a glad tiding for the believers.”
2:98  Whoever is enemy to Allah and to His angels and to His messengers and to Gabriel and to Michael, Lo Allah is enemy to the disbelievers.
2:99  And We have indeed sent down unto you clear signs and none disbelieves in it except the renegades.
2:100  What! Is it that each time they make a covenant, a party among them discards it. Nay! Most of them believe not.
2:101  And when a messenger from Allah’s presence came unto them testifying to the truthfulness of that which was with them already, a party of those who were given the book discarded the book of Allah behind their backs as though they know not.
2:102  And they followed that which the devils falsely attribute to the Kingdom of Solomon. However Solomon disbelieved not and it was rather the devils that disbelieved. They taught mankind the magic and that which was sent down onto the two angels at Babul; Harut and Marut. And the two of them will teach no one until they tell that, “We are but a test therefore do not disbelieve.” But nonetheless they learned from the two of them that by which they cause a division between the man and his pair but they are not going to harm thereby anyone except by the permission of Allah. So they learned that which harms them and benefits them not. But surely they know that anyone who purchases such a thing, there is no share for him in the hereafter and how woeful it is that for which they sell their souls if only they knew.
2:103  And had they believed and guarded their own souls, then surely a reward from the presence of Allah is better if only they knew.
2:104  O you who believe! Do not say [unto the prophet], “Watch over us [Ra’ ina]” but say, “Look at us” and then hearken and as for the disbelievers, there will be a painful punishment.
2:105  Nor those who disbelieve from among the people of the book nor those who ascribe partners to Allah will desire that any good be sent down upon you from your Lord. But Allah chooses for His mercy whomever He pleases and Allah is the Master of the magnificent favor.
2:106  We do not abrogate any of a sign or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring one which is better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah indeed has power over everything?
2:107  Know you not that for Allah indeed is the dominion of the heavens and of the earth? and for you there is no ally nor a helper besides Allah.
2:108  Or do you want to question your messenger as Moses was questioned aforetime? But whoever replaces the belief with the disbelief, then he indeed has gone astray from the middle of the way.
2:109  Many from among the people of the book wish if only they could turn you away as disbelievers after your belief out of jealousy from their own souls after that the truth had become evident to them. Therefore pardon and overlook until Allah comes along with His commandment. Truly Allah has power over everything.
2:110  And establish the prayer and give the sanctifying dues and whatever good you send forth for your selves you will find it in the presence of Allah and truly Allah is All-seeing about all that you do.
2:111  And they said, “None will ever enter the paradise except one who is a Jew” or, “a Christian.” Those are their wishful thoughts. Say, “Bring along your proof if you indeed are truthful.”
2:112  Nay anyone who submits himself entirely to Allah while he acts in excellence, surely for him will be his reward in the presence of his Lord and there will be no fear on them and nor will they grieve.
2:113  And the people of Judaism say, “The Christians are following nothing” and the Christians say, “The people of Judaism are following nothing” while they all rehearse the book. Thus spoke those who do not know, the like of their speech. But Allah will judge between them on the day of resurrection regarding all that in which they disagree.
2:114  And who does greater wrong to his own soul than one who forbids [from] the houses of Allah lest His name be remembered therein and he endeavours for their ruin. Such have no right to enter therein except in fear. For them there is humiliation in the life of this world and in the hereafter there will be an awful punishment for them.
2:115  For Allah is the east and the west so wherever you are turned towards, surely Allah’s face is there. Truly Allah is All-encompassing, All-knowing.
2:116  And they say, “Allah has taken unto Himself a son.” Glory be unto Him. Nay for Him is all that is in the heavens and in the earth. They all stand in servitude to Him.
2:117  The inventor of the Heavens and of the earth and when He decrees a matter, He just says to it, “Be” and it is.
2:118  And those who do not know say, “If only Allah will speak to us or a sign will come to us.” Thus spoke those who were before them the like of their speech. Their hearts are similar to one another. We indeed have made the signs clear for a people who have certitude.
2:119  Truly We have sent you by the truth as a bringer of glad tidings and as a warner and you will not be asked about the people of the hellfire.
2:120  And never will the Jews be pleased with you nor the Christians until you follow their way. Say, “Truly Allah’s guidance, that is the only guidance” and if you follow their vain desires after that which has come to you from the knowledge then there will be no ally for you from Allah nor a helper.
2:121  Those unto whom We gave the book who rehearse it its true rehearsal, those are the ones who [truly] believe in it and whosoever disbelieves in it, it is they who are the people in loss.
2:122  O Children of Israel! Remember my blessing with which I blessed you. I had indeed favoured you over the other peoples.
2:123  And safeguard yourselves against a day when a soul will not avail another soul in aught nor will any compensation be accepted from it nor will intercession benefit it nor will they be helped.
2:124  And when Abraham was tested by his Lord through some words until He completed them. He said, “Truly I am going to appoint you as an imam for the mankind.” He [Abraham] said, “And also for my offspring?” He said, “My promise does not reach out to those who have wronged their own souls.”
2:125  And when We made the house a place of retreat for the mankind and a place of safety. So take the standpoint of Abraham as a place of prayer. And We made over Our covenant to Abraham and Ishmael that the two of you should purify My house for those who are in circumambulation and for those who are standing therein and for those who are bowing down prostrating.
2:126  And when Abraham said, “O my Lord! Make this a safe city and provide its people from the fruits such as who believe in Allah and in the last day from among them.” He said, “But whosoever disbelieves, I will grant him an enjoyment for a little. Then I will compel him to punishment of the fire and how woeful a place of ending.”
2:127  And as Abraham raised the foundations of the house and Ishmael, [they prayed], “O our Lord! Accept from us. Truly You are The All-hearing, The All-knowing.
2:128  O our Lord! Make both of us those who are wholly submitted to You and make from our descendants a nation that is wholly submitted to You and show us our rites and accept our repentance. Truly You are The Acceptor of repentance, The Most Merciful.
2:129  O our Lord! Raise within them a messenger from among them who will rehearse unto them Your signs and will teach unto them the knowledge of the book and the wisdom and he will sanctify them. Truly You are The All-mighty, The All-wise.”
2:130  And who renounces the way of Abraham except the one who has made himself a fool. Truly We have chosen him in this life and truly in the hereafter he indeed will be of those who are the righteous.
2:131  When his Lord said unto him, “Submit yourself wholly.” He said, “I have submitted myself wholly to Lord of the worlds.”
2:132  And Abraham enjoined it to his children and so did Jacob, “O my children! Truly Allah has chosen the religion [Islam] for you so die not except as those who have submitted wholly to Allah.”
2:133  Or is it that you were present when the death came upon Jacob when he said to his children, ”What will you worship after me?” They said, “We will worship your God and the God of your fathers Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac; one God and unto Him we are wholly submitted.”
2:134  That is a nation which has passed on. For them all that they earned and for you all that you have earned and you will not be questioned about all that they used to do.
2:135  And they said, “Be people of Judaism” or, “Be Christian”; then you will be rightly guided. Say, “Nay. Rather follow the way of Abraham who turned away from all else and he was not of those who ascribe partners to Allah.”
2:136  Say, “We believe in Allah and in that which has been sent down to us and in that which has been sent down to Abraham and to Ishmael and to Isaac and to Jacob and to the tribes and in that which has been given to Moses and Jesus and in that which was given to the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between any from among them and we are wholly submitted to Him.”
2:137  So if they believe in the like of that in which you believe, then they are rightly guided but if they turn away, then they are in nothing except dissension. So Allah will sufficiently take care of them for you and He is The All-hearing, The All-knowing.
2:138  Allah’s anointment and who is more excellent in anointing than Allah and we are truly devoted to Him.
2:139  Say, “Are you disputing with us about Allah while He is our Lord and your Lord and for us are our deeds and for you are your deeds while we make our religion sincere for Him.”
2:140  Or are you affirming that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes were people of Judaism or Christians? Say, “Do you know better or Allah?” and who does more wrong to his own soul than one who conceals a witnessing with him from Allah and Allah is not unmindful about all that you do.
2:141  That is a nation which has passed on. For them all that they earned and for you all that you have earned and you will not be questioned about all that they used to do.
2:142  The fools among the people will say, “What has turned them from their direction which they used to be on?” Say, “The east and the west belong to Allah. He guides whom He pleases to a way most upright.”
2:143  And thus We have appointed you a nation of just middle so that you may be witnesses over the mankind and that the messenger may be a witness over you. And We did not appoint the direction on which you were before except for the purpose that We may mark out who follows the messenger from him who turns back on his heels. And truly it surely was a hard test except for those whom Allah guided. And Allah surely was not going to let your faith go in waste. Truly Allah is surely All-tender, Most Merciful for the mankind.
2:144  Indeed We see your turning your face in the sky. Surely We will turn you towards a direction with which you are pleased. So turn your face towards the sacred mosque and wherever you are, do turn your faces towards it and truly those who are given the book surely know that it indeed is the truth from their Lord and Allah is not unmindful about all that they do.
2:145  And even if you were to come to those who are given the book with every sign, they will not follow your direction and you are not going to follow their direction and they are not going to follow each other’s direction and if you follow their vain desires after that which has come to you from the knowledge, then surely you will be of those who have wronged their own souls.
2:146  Those unto whom We gave the book recognize it as they recognize their sons and truly a party among them do hide the truth while they know.
2:147  The truth is from your Lord so be not of those who are in confusion.
2:148  And unto each there is a direction where he turns his face therefore vie with one another in the deeds of grace and wherever you may be, Allah will bring you altogether. Truly Allah has power over everything.
2:149  And wheresoever you [O Muhammad] have gone forth, do turn your face towards the sacred mosque and truly that surely is the truth from your Lord and Allah is not unmindful about all that you do.
2:150  And wheresoever you may have gone forth, do turn your face towards the sacred mosque and wherever you all may be, do turn your faces towards it so that the people may have no argument against you except those who have wronged their souls among them. Therefore do not defer to them but defer to Me and so that I may complete My blessings upon you and so that perhaps you may be truly guided.
2:151  As We have sent within you a messenger from among you who rehearses Our signs unto you and sanctifies you and teaches you the knowledge of the book and the wisdom and teaches you that which you knew not.
2:152  Therefore remember Me and I will remember you and be grateful to Me and do not be ungrateful to Me.
2:153  O you who believe! Seek help through the patience and the prayer. Truly Allah is with those who are patient.
2:154  And do not call those who were killed in the way of Allah, “They are dead.” Nay! They are living but you are not aware.
2:155  And surely We will test you with a little bit of the fear and of the hunger and with reduction in the wealth and in the lives and in the produce but give glad tidings to those who are patient.
2:156  Those whenever a calamity befalls them they say, “Lo! Unto Allah We belong and Lo unto Him we are going to return.”
2:157  They are the ones upon whom there will be blessings and mercy from their Lord and they are the ones who are the rightly guided.
2:158  Truly the Safa and the Marwa are among the landmarks of Allah so whoever goes for pilgrimage to the house or performs Umrah, there is no blame on him if he circumambulates around the two of them. And whoever performs an act of grace voluntarily, truly Allah is All-grateful, All-knowing.
2:159  Truly those who hide that which We have sent down from the clear signs and from the guidance after that We have made it clear for the people in the book, those Allah will curse them and the cursers will curse them.
2:160  Except those who repent and do righteous deeds and make clear [what they had hid]. Truly those are the ones from whom I accept the repentance and truly I am The Acceptor of repentance, The Most Merciful.
2:161  Truly those who disbelieve and die while they are disbelievers, they are the ones upon whom will be the curse of Allah and of the angels and of the mankind altogether.
2:162  They will abide therein forever. The punishment will not be lightened on them nor will they be looked at.
2:163  And your God is one God. There is no God save He, Ar-Rahman [The All-merciful], The Most Merciful.
2:164  Truly in the creation of the heavens and of the earth and in the alternation of the night and of the day and in the vessels which sail in the sea with that which is of benefit to mankind and in that which Allah has sent down from the heaven as rainwater so that He cause the earth to come to life after its death and He spread therein from every type of creature and in the blowing of the winds in different directions and in the cloud which hangs between the heaven and the earth are truly signs for a people who understand.
2:165  And among mankind is such who takes equals to Allah; they love them as much as they love Allah but those who believe are those that love Allah the most and if only those who wrong their own souls could see, when they will see the punishment, that the power altogether is for Allah and that truly Allah is formidable in punishment.
2:166  When those who were followed will disown those who followed [them] and they would have seen the punishment and the ties between them would have been cut,
2:167  and those who followed would say, “If only there could be another round for us so that we may disown them as much as they have disowned us.” Thus Allah will show them their deeds as regrets for them and they will not emerge from the fire.
2:168  O you the mankind! Eat from that which is in the earth as lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Truly he for you is an enemy most evident.
2:169  He commands you only to the evil and to what is offensive and that you may attribute unto Allah that which you know not
2:170  and when it is said unto them, “Follow that which Allah has sent down.” They say, “Nay we will continue to follow what we found our fathers on.” “What? Even if their fathers understood nothing nor were they well-guided?”
2:171  And the likeness of those who disbelieve is the likeness of one who shouts with that which he hears not except as a call and a cry-out. Deaf, dumb and blind so they do not understand.
2:172  O you who believe! Eat from the good things that which We have provided for you and do offer gratitude to Allah if it is only Him that you truly worship.
2:173  He has only forbidden unto you the dead meat and the blood and the flesh of the swine and that which has been proclaimed for any other than Allah. But one who is driven by necessity not seeking to trespass nor to transgress, then there is no sin on Him. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2:174  Truly those who conceal that which Allah has sent down from the book and they sell it for a trifling price, they eat nothing in their bellies except the fire and Allah will not speak to them on the day of resurrection and He will not sanctify them and for them there will be a painful punishment.
2:175  Those are the ones who have purchased the misguidance in exchange of the guidance and the punishment in exchange of the forgiveness. O! How patient they are in the face of fire.
2:176  That is because Allah revealed the book with the truth and truly those who disagree in the book are surely in a dissension far removed.
2:177  The piety does not consist of turning your faces towards the east and the west, but the pious is the one who believes in Allah and in the last day and in the angels and in the book and in the prophets; and who gives the wealth out of His love to the near of kin and to the orphans and to the needy ones and to the wayfarer and to the beggars and in freeing the slaves and who establishes the prayer and gives out the sanctifying dues and those who fulfill their promise when they makes a promise and those who are patient in the adversity and in the affliction and during the strife. Truly those are the ones who are truthful and those are the ones who have guarded their own souls.
2:178  O you who believe! Justice in retribution concerning the slain is prescribed upon you. The free man against the free man and the slave against the slave and the female against the female but whoever is given a pardon from his brother in aught, then let the kindness therefore be duly observed and the right be given to him in an excellent manner. That is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that, then for him there will be a painful punishment.
2:179  In the law of just retribution there is life for you, O you men of understanding; that ye may guard your own souls.
2:180  It is prescribed upon you that when death comes to one of you, if he has left any good behind, the testament should be in the interest of the two parents and of the near of kin in the kindly manner. That is a binding on those who safeguard their own souls.
2:181  But whoever changes it [the testament] after having heard it, then the sin thereof is only on those who have changed it. Truly Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
2:182  But if anyone fears partiality or sinful doing on the part of the one making the testament and therefore reconciles between them, there is no burden upon him. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2:183  O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn to guard your souls.
2:184  For a number of days well determined. But whosoever among you is sick or on a journey, then similar number from other days. As for those who can afford, then substitute of feeding a needy one but whoever voluntarily does good, then that is better for him and therefore for you to fast is better for you if you indeed know.
2:185  The month of Ramadan which is the one in which the Quran was sent down; guidance for the mankind and clear signs from the guidance and from the criterion. So whosoever is present among you in the month then let him fast in it. But whoever among you is sick or on a journey then [let him fast] a similar number of other days. Allah intends ease for you and He does not intend hardship for you and so that you may complete the prescribed number and that so you may acclaim the grandeur of Allah for that He has guided you and that perhaps you may offer gratitude.
2:186  And if My servants ask you about Me then know that I am indeed close. I answer the call of the caller if he calls Me. Therefore, let them respond to Me and let them believe in Me perhaps they will find guidance to the right way.
2:187  It has been made lawful for you in the night of the fasting to approach your wives. They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them. Allah is fully aware that you used to cheat your own souls but He has accepted your repentance and has pardoned you. Therefore now hold intercourse with them and seek that which Allah has written for you and eat and drink until the white thread becomes distinct for you from the black thread of the dawn. Then complete the fast up till the night and do not hold intercourse with them while you are in retreat in the mosques. Those are the boundaries of Allah therefore do not come near them. Thus Allah makes clear His signs for the mankind perhaps they will guard their own souls.
2:188  And do not eat your wealth among you by wrongful means and do not give it by way of bribery to the judges so that you may eat a portion of the wealth of the people by sin while you are fully aware.
2:189  They ask you about the crescents. Say, “They are markers of time for the mankind and for the pilgrimage.” And piety does not consist of coming to the houses from their backs but rather piety is in such a one who guards his own soul. Therefore come to the houses from their doors and revere Allah. Perhaps you will be successful.
2:190  And fight in the way of Allah against those who are fighting you but do not transgress. Truly Allah does not love the transgressors.
2:191  And kill them wherever you find them and drive them out from wherever they drove you out and the sedition in religion is worse than killing but do not fight them at the sacred mosque unless they fight you there. So if they fight you, then fight them. Thus is the reward of the disbelievers.
2:192  But if they desist then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2:193  And fight them until that there is no more sedition and the religion is all for Allah. But if they desist, then there is no transgression except against those who wrong their own souls.
2:194  The sacred month by the sacred month and the violation of the sacred things is redressed by the law of just retribution. So whoever makes hostility against you then make hostility against him as much as he has made hostility against you and revere Allah and know that indeed Allah is with those who safeguard their own souls.
2:195  And spend in the way of Allah and do not abandon yourselves to destruction and act in excellence. Truly Allah loves those who act in excellence.
2:196  And complete the pilgrimage and the Umrah for Allah. But if you are hindered then any such dedicated offerings as are easily attainable and do not shave your heads until the dedicated offerings have reached their destination. But whoever among you is sick or is hurt in his head then he must make it up through a substitute of fasting or charity or sacrifice. And when you feel secure, whoever wishes to join the Umrah to the pilgrimage, then [let him offer] any such of the offerings which are easily attainable. And whoever cannot find it [the offering] in his means to do so then fasting for three days during the pilgrimage and seven [days] when you return [home]. That is a complete ten. This as an option is for only such whose household is not in the vicinity of the sacred mosque and revere Allah and know that Allah is formidable in chastisement.
2:197  The pilgrimage consists of months well marked so whoever takes upon himself the pilgrimage within these [months], then there should be no obscenity and no acts of renegation and no arguments in the pilgrimage. And whatever you do of good, Allah does know it and carry with you your provision of the way. Lo! The best provision of the way indeed is the reverence of Allah so revere Me O people of the heart.
2:198  There is no blame on you to seek a bounty from your Lord. So when you flow down from ‘Arafat then remember Allah at the sacred precinct and remember Him as He had guided you although before it you were surely among those who had gone astray.
2:199  Then flow down from whence the people have flown down and seek forgiveness from Allah. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2:200  And when you have completed your rituals, then remember Allah as much as you remember your parents or an even greater remembrance. And among mankind are those who say, “O our Lord, give us in this life” and there is no portion for him in the hereafter.
2:201  And among them are those who say, “O our Lord, give us in this world an excellent reward and in the hereafter an excellent reward and save us from the punishment of the hellfire.”
2:202  For such there is a portion out of that which they have earned and Allah is swift in the reckoning.
2:203  And remember Allah through days numbered. Then whoever hastens by two days, then there is no guilt on him and whoever delays, there is no guilt on him either. That is for any who safeguards his own soul and revere Allah and know that you will indeed be gathered unto Him.
2:204  And among the mankind is such whose speech about the life of this world incites you to admiration and he makes Allah a witness over that which is in his heart while he is of all the contenders the most argumentative.
2:205  But when he turns away, he goes about the earth spreading corruption therein and destroying the mate and the progeny: and Allah does not love the corruption.
2:206  And when it is said to him, “Revere Allah” the false pride in the sin takes the better of him. The hellfire then suffices for him and lo! What a woeful place of resting.
2:207  And among the mankind is such who would fain sell himself seeking the pleasure of Allah and Allah is All-tender towards the servants.
2:208  O you who believe! Enter all of you in the submission and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He indeed for you is an enemy most evident.
2:209  But if you slip after that clear signs have come to you then know that Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
2:210  Are they waiting for aught else except that Allah and the angels come to them in waves of the clouds and the commandment is decreed and unto Allah will be returned all the commandments.
2:211  Ask the children of Israel how many a clear sign We gave unto them and whosoever alienates the blessing of Allah after that it had come unto him then truly Allah is most formidable in chastisement.
2:212  The life of this world has been made seemly unto those who disbelieve so they mock at those who believe but those who safeguard their souls will be above them on the day of resurrection and Allah gives provision to whomsoever He pleases without calculation.
2:213  The mankind was one nation before and Allah sent the prophets as bringers of glad tidings and as warners and He sent down with them the book by the truth so that it may judge with wisdom between the mankind regarding matters in which they disagreed. And only those who were given it [the book] disagreed about it after that the clear signs had come unto them because of their internecine transgression. So Allah guided those who believed unto that in which they disagreed from the truth by His permission and Allah guides whom He pleases unto a path most upright.
2:214  Or do you think that you will enter the paradise while the example of those who had gone before you has not yet come unto you. They were touched by the adversity and the hardship and they were shaken to the foundation until the messenger and those with him said, “When will the help of Allah come?” Truly the help of Allah indeed is most near.
2:215  They ask you [O Muhammad] about what they should spend. Say, “Whatever you spend of good should be for the parents and the near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy ones, and the wayfarer. And whatever you do of good truly Allah indeed is All-knowing about it.”
2:216  The fighting has been prescribed over you though it is something disliked by you but perhaps you may dislike something while it is good for you and perhaps you may love something while it is bad for you and Allah knows and you do not know.
2:217  They ask you [O Muhammad] about the sacred month should there be any fighting in it? Say, “Fighting in it is a great offence but hindering from the way of Allah and disbelief in Him and hindering from the sacred mosque and driving its people out of it are greater offences in the sight of Allah. And the sedition is greater [wrong] than the killing” and they will continue to fight against you until they turn you back from your religion if they could and whosoever among you turns back from his religion and dies while he is a disbeliever then those are the ones whose deeds have come to naught in this life and in the hereafter and those are the people of the fire. They will abide therein forever.
2:218  Truly those who believe and those who migrate and those who strive in the way of Allah, these are the ones who are expecting the mercy of Allah and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2:219  They ask you [O Muhammad] about wine and gambling. Say, “In both of them there is a great sin and some benefits to the mankind but their sin is greater than their benefit” and they ask you what they should spend. Say, “The pardon.” Thus Allah makes the signs clear to you so that perhaps you may reflect
2:220  about this life and the hereafter. They ask you [O Muhammad] about the orphans. Say, “To act righteously towards them is better and if you mix with them then they are your brothers” and Allah marks out the corrupter [among you] from the redresser and had Allah so willed, he would have taken you to task. Truly Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
2:221  And do not marry the women who ascribe partners to Allah until they believe and surely a believing slave woman is better than a woman who ascribes partners to Allah even though she may be pleasing to you and do not give in marriage [your women] to those men who ascribe partners to Allah until they believe. And surely a believing slave is better than a man who ascribes partners to Allah even though he may please you. Those are calling unto the fire and Allah is calling unto the garden and unto the forgiveness by His permission and He makes His signs clear unto the mankind so that perhaps they may remember.
2:222  And they ask you [O Muhammad] about the monthly cycle. Say, “It is a temporary discomfiture therefore keep away from women in their monthly cycle and do not come near unto them until they are cleansed and when they are cleansed, then approach them from whence Allah has commanded you.” Truly Allah loves those who oft repent and He loves those who cleanse themselves.
2:223  Your wives are your farmland so come unto your farmlands as you please but do send forth [good deeds] ahead of yourselves and revere Allah and know that you surely are going to meet Him and give glad tidings to the believers.
2:224  And do not make Allah in your oaths an excuse for you not to act in piety and in reverence and bringing goodness between the mankind and Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
2:225  Allah will not hold you accountable for your oaths taken in jest but He will hold you accountable for that which you have firmly intended with your hearts and Allah is Oft-forgiving, All-magnanimous.
2:226  For those who take an oath of abstention from their wives, there is a waiting period of four months and if they return back to one another then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2:227  But if they decide to divorce, then Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
2:228  And the divorced women should hold themselves for a waiting period of three monthly cycles and it is not lawful for them to hide that which Allah has created in their wombs if they indeed believe in Allah and in the last day. And their husbands have more right to take them back [in that waiting period] if they want reconciliation. And for the women there are rights as much as the duties that are upon them all in fair kindness but there is a degree for the men above them and Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
2:229  The divorce is two times then either hold [unto one another] in fair kindness or let go in a graceful manner and it is not lawful for you [men] that you take anything from that which you have given unto them unless they both fear that they will not be able to observe the boundaries of Allah. Then if you fear that the two of them will not be able to observe the boundaries of Allah then there is no guilt on the two of them for that which she gives as a ransom for her freedom. That are the boundaries of Allah so do not transgress them and whoever transgresses the boundaries of Allah, those are the ones who have wronged their own souls.
2:230  So if he divorces her [for the last time] then she is not lawful for him thereafter until she marries another husband. Then if he [later husband] divorces her then there is no guilt on both of them if they return to one another when both of them think that they will be able to observe the boundaries of Allah and those are the boundaries of Allah that He makes them clear for a people who know.
2:231  And when you divorce women and they have reached the end of their term then hold them in fair kindness or release them in fair kindness and do not hold them out of malice so that you may transgress [against them] and whosoever does that he indeed has wronged his own soul and do not hold the signs of Allah in contempt and remember the blessing of Allah on you and that which He sent down on you from the book and from the wisdom that he admonishes you with and revere Allah and know that truly Allah is All-knowing about everything.
2:232  And if you divorce women and they reach the end of their term then do not obstruct them from marrying their [former] husbands if they mutually are agreeable between them in fair kindness. One who believes in Allah and in the last day among you is admonished thereby. That is more sanctimonious and purer for you and Allah knows and you do not know.
2:233  And the mothers should suckle their infants for two complete years. That is for anyone who wants to complete suckling and it is upon him to whom the child is born [the father] to provide livelihood and clothing for them [the mothers] in fair kindness. No soul should be made to bear more than its capacity. No mother should be harmed on account of her infant nor the one for whom the child is born [the father] on account of his infant and the same applies to the heir [of the father]. But if they decide to wean out of mutual consent from both of them and mutual consultation then there is no guilt on both of them. But if you want to give your children out for suckling then there is no guilt on you if you hand over that which you are supposed to pay in fair kindness and revere Allah and know that Allah is All-seeing about all that you do.
2:234  And those who are taken by death among you and they leave wives, they [the wives] should wait four months and ten [days before making any decision] about themselves. But when they reach their term, then there is no blame on you regarding that which they do concerning themselves in a fairly manner and Allah is All-acquainted about all that you do.
2:235  And there is no blame on you in regards to passing remarks which you make suggesting your intention to marry women or that which you hide within yourselves. Allah knows that you will surely bear them in your mind but do not make promises of marriage secretly with them except that you say a fairly word. And do not fasten the tie of marriage until the prescribed period comes to its term and know that Allah knows all that is within yourselves therefore beware of Him and know that Allah is Oft-Forgiving, All-Magnanimous.
2:236  There is no blame on you if you divorce the women even though you have not touched them or have not appointed for them a dower and give them a gift, the one who is well-to-do according to his means and one who is hard up according to his means, a gift in a fairly manner. It is binding on those who act in excellence.
2:237  And if you divorce them before you have touched them but you had appointed for them a dowry, then half of what you had appointed for them [is due to them] unless they forego or he forgoes the one in whose hand is the marriage tie and that you forego is closer to Allah’s reverence and do not forget the kindness between yourselves. Truly Allah is All-seeing about all that you do.
2:238  Guard over your prayers and the prayer of the middle and stand devoutly for Allah.
2:239  If you are in fear [then pray] walking or riding but when you feel safe then remember Allah the way He taught you that which you did not know.
2:240  And those who are taken by death among you and who leave wives behind them then a testament of an year’s maintenance is due to their wives without them being driven out. but if they go out on their own, then there is no blame on you in regards to what they do concerning themselves in a fairly manner and Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
2:241  There is maintenance due to the divorced women in a fairly manner. This is binding on those who safeguard their own souls.
2:242  Thus Allah makes His signs clear for you so that perhaps you may understand.
2:243  Have you not seen those who fled from their homes in thousands for fear of the death and Allah said to them, “Die” and then He brought them back to life and truly Allah indeed is Master of favor unto the mankind but most of the mankind does not offer gratitude.
2:244  And fight in the way of Allah and know that Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
2:245  Who is the one who will loan unto Allah a most excellent loan so that He may multiply it for him many many times and it is Allah who contracts and expands and unto Him you shall be returned.
2:246  Have you not seen the chieftains among the children of Israel after Moses when they said to a prophet of theirs, “Raise for us a king that we may fight in the way of Allah.” He said, “What if the fighting is prescribed upon you that you may not fight.” They said, “What is the manner with us that we will not fight in the way of Allah when we have been driven out of our homes and away from our children?” But when the fight was prescribed upon them they turned away except a few of them and Allah is All-knowing about those who wrong their own souls.
2:247  And their Prophet said to them, "Truly Allah has raised for you Talut as a king.” They said, “How can he have the kingship over us while we are more entitled to the kingship than him when he is not even endowed with abundance of wealth.” He said, ”Truly Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him with great capacity in the knowledge and in the bodily strength and Allah gives His dominion to whom He pleases.” and Allah is All-encompassing, All-knowing.
2:248  And their prophet said to them, “Truly the sign of his kingship is that the ark will come to you wherein there is Sakeena [tranquility] from your Lord and remnants from that left by family of Moses and family of Aaron carried by the angels.” Truly in that surely is a sign for you if you indeed are believers.
2:249  So when Talut set forth with the hosts he said, “Truly Allah is going to try you with a river. Whoever drinks from it is not of me and whoever does not partake of it he certainly is of me except one who takes a scoop with his hand.” But they drank from it except a few among them. So when he went past it, he and those who kept faith with him, they said, “Today we have no power against Goliath and his hosts.” But those who knew that they are going to meet Allah said, “How many a small group has overcome a bigger group by the leave of Allah.” and Allah is with those who are patient.
2:250  And when they came out against Goliath and his hosts they said, “O our Lord! Shower down patience upon us and establish our foothold and give us help against the disbelieving people.”
2:251  So they defeated them by the leave of Allah and David killed Goliath and Allah granted him the kingship and the wisdom and taught him of all that He pleased. Where it not that Allah check some people by others, certainly the earth would have gone corrupt but Allah is Master of bounties unto the worlds.
2:252  Those are signs of Allah that We rehearse unto you by the truth and truly you are from the messengers.
2:253  Those messengers, We favoured some of them above others. Among them were such whom Allah spoke to, and some of them He raised in ranks and We granted unto Jesus son of Mary the clear signs and We strengthened him with the spirit of the holiness. And had Allah so pleased then those who came after them would not have fought with one another after that all the clear signs had come unto them but they disagreed and among them are those who believed and yet among them are others who disbelieved. And had Allah so pleased they would not have fought with one another but Allah does what He wills.
2:254  O you who believe! Spend from that which We have provided you with, before a day comes wherein there is no trade and there is no friendship and there is no intercession and the disbelievers, it is they who wrong their own souls.
2:255  Allah, there is no deity except He, The Ever-living, The All-sustaining. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. For Him is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Who else can intercede with Him except by His leave? He knows all that is in front of them and all that is behind them. And they do not encompass anything from His knowledge except that which He pleases. His throne encompasses the heavens and the earth and guarding the two of them does not burden Him and He is The All-high, The All-magnificent.
2:256  There is no compulsion in the religion. The guidance [to the right way] has become distinct from the misguidance. So whoever disbelieves in the false deity (taghut) and believes in Allah, he indeed has held fast unto the firm rope which breaks not and Allah is All-hearing, All-knowing.
2:257  Allah is The Ally of those who believe. He takes them out from the darknesses to the light. But those who disbelieve, their allies are the false deities (Taghut). They take them out from the light to the darknesses. Those are the people of the fire. They will abide therein forever.
2:258  Have you not seen the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord [just] because Allah gave him the kingship. When Abraham said, “My Lord is He who gives life and puts to death.” He said. “I also give life and I put to death.” Abraham said, “Truly Allah is He who brings the sun from the east so you bring it from the west!” Then the one who disbelieved was confounded and Allah does not guide the people who wrong their own souls.
2:259  Or like him who passed by a township which was tumbled upside down. He said, “How can Allah bring this to life after its death.” Thereupon Allah put him to death for a hundred years then He raised him up. He said, “How long have you remained?” He said, “I remained a day or part of a day.” He said, “Nay you remained a hundred years. Look at your food and your drink they have not staled and look at your donkey and so that We may make you a sign for the mankind. And look at the bones (of the donkey) how We sew them together then We cover it with meat. So when it became clear to him, he said, “I know certainly that Allah indeed has power over everything.”
2:260  And when Abraham said, "O my Lord! Show me how you bring the dead to life.” He said, “Do you not believe?” He said, “Yes indeed but so that my heart may find rest.” He said, “Take hold of four birds and cut them for yourself into pieces and then put a portion [of their meat] upon each mountain and then call them and they will come to you running in earnest.” and know that truly Allah is All-mighty, All-wise.
2:261  The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed out of which grow seven ears and in each ear hundred seeds and Allah multiplies for whom He pleases and Allah is All-encompassing, All-knowing.
2:262  Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah and then do not follow that which they have spent with bragging nor with injurious statements, for them is their reward with their Lord and there is no fear upon them nor will they grieve.
2:263  A word of kindness and forgiveness are better than a charity followed by injurious statements and Allah is All-self-sufficient, All-magnanimous.
2:264  O you who believe! Do not void your charities by the bragging and the injurious statements; like one who spends his wealth for show off to men and does not believe in Allah and in the last day. So his likeness is like that of a rock whereupon there is dust and heavy torrent hits it and leaves it bare and smooth. They have no power in aught over all that they had earned and Allah does not guide the people who are the disbelievers.
2:265  And the likeness of those who spend their wealth to seek the pleasure of Allah and to strengthen their own souls is like a garden on a raised land, visited by a torrential rain so that it brings forth its produce two folds and if it is not visited by torrential rain, then a light shower [waters it] and Allah is All-seeing about all that you do.
2:266  Does one of you like to have a garden of date-trees and of grapes under which the rivers flow? He has therein all sorts of fruits and old age overtakes him while he has weak children and suddenly it [the garden] is struck with a tempest wherein there is fire so it burns down. Thus Allah makes evident for you the signs so that you may reflect.
2:267  O you who believe! Spend from the good things that you have earned and from that which We have brought forth for you from the earth and do not go for the mediocre in order to spend thereof while you yourself will not accept it except by closing your eyes to it and know that Allah is All-self-sufficient, All-praiseworthy.
2:268  Satan promises you the poverty and commands you unto the offensive things but Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and a bounty and Allah is All-encompassing, All-knowing.
2:269  He gives the wisdom unto whom He pleases and whosoever the wisdom is given to, he indeed is given a lot of good but none does remember except the people of the living heart.
2:270  And whatever expenditure you may spend or whatever vow you may vow, truly Allah does know it and for those who wrong their own souls, there are no helpers.
2:271  If you make public the charities, then so much so good but if you conceal it and give it to the poor, then it is better for you and He removes from you your evil deeds and Allah is All-acquainted with all that you do.
2:272  Their guidance is not up to you but Allah guides whom He pleases and whatever you spend of good is for the benefit of your own souls and you will not spend except to seek the face of Allah and whatever you spend of good it will be paid back to you in full and you will not be cheated.
2:273  It is for the poor who have been confined in the way of Allah, they are incapable to travel in the land [for trade]; the one who is ignorant [of their state] will think that they are well to do due to the self continence. You will recognise them by their marks. They do not ask people importunately. Whatever you spend of good, truly Allah is All-knowing about it.
2:274  Those who spend their wealth by the night and by the day, secretly and publicly, indeed for them will be their reward with their Lord and there will be no fear upon them nor will they grieve.
2:275  Those who consume the usury do not stand except as stands one whom Satan has discomfited with the touch. That is because they say, “The trade is but like the usury.” while Allah has made the trade lawful and has made the usury unlawful. So whoever desists after that his Lord’s admonition had come to him, then his past gains are for him and the decision in his case is up to Allah. But whoever reverts [back to usury] they indeed are the people of the fire; they will abide therein forever.
2:276  Allah deprives the usury from any growth and He causes the charities to grow and Allah loves not every disbelieving sinful one.
2:277  Truly those who believe and work righteous deeds and establish the prayer and give out the sanctifying dues, for them is their reward with their Lord and there is no fear over them nor do they grieve.
2:278  O you who believe! Revere Allah and forego all remaining gains from the usury if you indeed are believers.
2:279  But if you do not, then take heed that there is a war [against you] from Allah and His messenger. But if you repent, then your capital is for you. You will not wrong and nor will you be wronged.
2:280  But if the one [in debt] is hard-up, then let there be respite [for him] till the time of ease but if you remit it as charity, that is better for you if you indeed know.
2:281  And safeguard your souls against a day wherein you will be brought back to Allah and every soul will be paid back in full all that it had earned and they will not be cheated in the least.
2:282  O you who believe! If you make a contract of debt among you until a fixed term, then commit it to writing. And let a writer write between you by justice. And let not a writer refuse to write as Allah has taught him then let him write and let the one upon whom the debt lies dictate and let him revere Allah his Lord and let him not cheat aught from it. But if the one upon whom the debt lies is a fool or is weak or incapable of dictating himself, then let his guardian dictate in justice. And call two of your men to stand as witnesses. If not two men, then a man and two women from among those you are satisfied with as witnesses. In case one of the two women forgets, then one of them will remind the other. And let not the witnesses refuse to come forward when they are called upon. And do not get tired of writing it whether small or big until its appointed term. That is more equitable in the eyes of Allah and more upright for the witnessing and more likely that you do not doubt unless it be a present trade which you circulate between yourselves, then there is no blame on you if you write it not. But do take witnesses whenever you trade between you and let not a writer or a witness be caused harm and if you do, that is indeed a renegation from you and revere Allah and Allah will teach you and Allah is All-knowing about everything.
2:283  And if you are on a journey and you find no writer, then let pawns be taken. But if one of you trust the other, then let the one who was trusted deliver his trust and let him revere Allah his Lord and do not conceal the witnessing and whoever conceals it, he indeed is sinful in his heart. And Allah is All-knowing about all that you do.
2:284  For Allah is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth and if you reveal what is in your selves or you hide it, Allah will account you for it and then He will forgive whom He pleases and punish whom He pleases and Allah has power over everything.
2:285  The messenger believes in that which has been sent down unto him from his Lord and the believers [too]. Each believes in Allah and in His angels and in His books and in His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers and they say, “We hear and we obey. O our Lord grant us your forgiveness and unto You is the place of final ending.”
2:286  Allah does not charge a soul with more than its capacity. For it is all that it has earned and against it is all that it has perpetrated. O our Lord! Do not take us to task if we forget or we make mistakes. O our Lord! And do not put upon us a burden like the one You put upon those before us. O our Lord! And do not burden us with what we have no strength to bear and pardon us and forgive us and have mercy on us. You are our Master so help us against the disbelieving people.