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10:1  Alif. Lam. Ra. These are the Holy Verses of the Book of wisdom.
10:2  Is it a matter of astonishment to the people that We inspired a Man among them? (We commanded him) to warn the people (of Hellfire), and to announce the glad tidings (of eternal salvation) to those who Live by Faith that they have before their Lord the lofty rank of truth. But those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth say: "This (man) is indeed an expert magician."
10:3  Most certainly, your Lord is Allâh Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then He established Himself upon the Throne (of Power & Glory), disposing the Matter of all things. There is no intercessor (with Him) save after His permission. That is Allâh, your Lord. So worship Him (in the way He wants us to worship Him). Will you not, then, celebrate His praise and declare His glory?
10:4  To Him is your return all together. The promise of Allâh is definitely true. It is He Who initiates the creation, then repeats it, that He may equitably reward those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts. But those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth will have a drink of scalding water and a painful chastisement for their persistent and purposeful denial of the Truth.
10:5  He is the One Who made the sun incandescent and the moon illustrious, and ordained for the moon (specific) phases in order that you may know the computation of years and the reckoning. Allâh did not create this (for vain) but for genuine reasons. He distinctly explains what He reveals of the Knowledge of the Truth for a people who have spiritual gift of knowledge.
10:6  Indeed, in the alternation of the night and the day, and in all that which Allâh has created in the heavens and on the earth, there are Signs (of Allâh’s glory & power) for those who act piously.
10:7  Verily those who do not hope in Our meeting and are pleased with the worldly life, and those whose mind's eye is blind to see Our signs-,
10:8  As for those, their abode is Hellfire because of what they used to earn.
10:9  Indeed, as for those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts, their Lord will lead them to salvation by their Faith. Rivers will flow beneath them in the Gardens of Bliss.
10:10  Their supplication therein will be: “Glory Be To You, O’ Allâh!” and their greeting therein will be ‘Peace’. The close of their supplication will be: “All praise is due to Allâh, the Lord of the all the beings!”
10:11  If Allâh were to hasten on the evil for the people, as they would hasten on good, then their term would have been decreed for them. We leave those who do not hope in Our meeting to wander blindly in their transgression.
10:12  When a misfortune touches a man, he prays to Us while lying on his side, or sitting and standing. However, as soon as We have eliminated his misfortune for him, he goes on as if he never prayed to Us for the misfortune that had touched him. This is how the deeds of the prodigals have been made appealing to them.
10:13  Verily We destroyed generations before you when they voluntarily and consciously indulged in iniquitous deeds, and their Messengers came to them with the Decisive Signs. But they had no tendency to live by Faith . This is how We chastise those who are Ungodly Sinners.
10:14  Then We made you successors in the earth after them in order that We may see how you would act.
10:15  And when Our Verses are recited to them as conclusive evidence, those who have no hope in meeting Us say: “Bring us a Qur’ān other than this (one), or change It." Say: "It is not of my own free will to change It. I simply follow what is revealed to me. If it happens that I disobey my Lord, I fear the punishment of a magnificent day- (the Day of Judgment)."
10:16  Say: "If Allâh had willed, I would not have recited It to you, nor would He have made It known to you. Indeed, I have lived among you a whole life before this. Don't you have conscious thoughts at least in this sense?
10:17  Who then does greater evil than one who attributes falsehood to Allâh, or persistently refuses to acknowledge what He reveals of the Knowledge of the Truth?” But, never will the Ungodly Sinners achieve their aims.
10:18  They worship (& venerate), other than Allâh, things that neither harm nor benefit them. And they say: "These are our intercessors with Allâh." Say: "Do you inform Allâh of something He has no knowledge of it in the heavens or on the earth?- Exalted is He and high above of what they associate as partners with Him!
10:19  People were but one (solidified) community, then they fell into variance. Had it not been for a Word that had already gone forth from your Lord, it would have certainly been judged between them in respect of that wherein they differ.
10:20  They say: "Why is not a (miraculous) Sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "(The complete knowledge) of the unseen certainly belongs unto Allâh alone. So wait! Surely, I am waiting with you.”
10:21  When We let the people taste some of (Our) clemency after adversity has touched them, they devise an evil scheme to criticize what We reveal of the Knowledge of the Truth. Say: "Allâh is far Swifter in making plans!" Our (Angelic) Messengers record all the evil schemes you devise.”
10:22  He is the One Who has given you the ability to travel through the land and sea. When you are in the ships and they sail smoothly on with them in a pleasant wind, and they are joyful therein, then comes a stormy wind and the waves surround them from every side, and they think that they are overwhelmed therein. They implore and pray to Allâh, being faithful to Him in Faith, saying: “(O’ Lord!) If it happens that You deliver us from this, we would definitely be among those who give thanks.
10:23  Nevertheless, when He has delivered them, they rebel on the earth, voluntarily and consciously indulging in iniquitous deeds. O’ mankind, your rebellion is only against your own selves. You may take pleasure in this worldly life, but (you need to know that ) you (are destined to) return to Us; and We will inform you of what you accustomed to do.
10:24  Indeed, the likeness of this worldly life is only as water which We send down from the sky, then the plants of the earth intermingle with it whereof people and cattle eat, till, when the earth wears its ornaments and becomes embellished, and its inhabitants assume that they have the power over it, Our Command comes to it, by night or by day, and We make it stubble as if it had not flourished yesterday! This is how We distinctly explain (Our) Revelations for a people who persist in meditation.
10:25  Allâh invites (you) to the House of Peace and inspires whomsoever He wills, to the path of truth.
10:26  For those who pursue righteousness and perfection in faith is the most excellent reward- (Al-Jannah) - and even more. Neither dust nor indignity will overspread their faces. Those are the Denizens of Al- Jannah; they will live therein forever.
10:27  But those who earn evil deeds: the retribution of an evil deed is the like thereof, substantial ignominy will overspread them. They will have none to defend them from (the retribution of) Allâh. Their faces will be darkened as if they were dark fragments of (gloomy) night. Those are the Denizens of Hell-they will live therein forever..
10:28  The day whereon We shall assemble them all together, then We shall say to those who associated gods with Us: “Stay where you are! You and your associate-gods." Then We shall separate them one from another, and their associate-gods will say: "It was not us that you used to worship (& venerate).
10:29  Sufficient is Allâh as a witness between you and us. Indeed, we were inattentive to this absurd extent of this idolization.”
10:30  There where every Person will be put to trial for what it did aforetime, and they will be brought back to Allâh, their rightful Lord, and there will go astray from them that which they used to fabricate.
10:31  Say: “Who gives you sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Or who possesses the hearing and the sight? Who brings forth the living from the dead, and the dead from the living? Who disposes the Matter (of all things)? They will say: "Allâh." Say: “Will you not then act piously?”
10:32  Such then is Allâh, your rightful Lord. What is there after the truth except deception? How could you then depart from the established course?
10:33  This is how the Word of your Lord becomes rightfully justified against those who walk in the path of disobedience - for they have no tendency to live by Faith.
10:34  Say (O’ Muhammad): “Is there anyone among your associate-gods who can initiate creation, then repeat it?" Say: “Allâh does initiate the creation and then He repeats it. So how they are deceived into going away from the established course?"
10:35  Say: “Is there anyone among your associate-gods who can guide (into all the truth)? Say: “Allâh does guide (into all the truth). Is He then Who guides (into all the truth) more worthy to be followed, or he who does not find the way except if he is guided? What is wrong with you? How do you judge (things)?"
10:36  Most of them do follow naught but speculation. Definitely, speculation will be of no avail against the truth. Indeed, Allâh has the complete knowledge of what you are accustomed to do.
10:37  And this Qur’ān is not such as could ever be devised by anyone other than Allâh. In fact, it is an authentication of that which is before it and elucidation of the Book wherein there is no doubt from the Lord of all the worlds.
10:38  Or do they say that Muhammad has fabricated It? Say: “Bring then one Sūrat like to it, and invite whomsoever you can besides Allâh if you are truthful!"
10:39  Nay! They quickly denied the book whereof they did not encompass in knowledge, and whose clarification has not yet come to them. Even so those who were before them denied. Now, therefore, look and see the (dreadful) end of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
10:40  And of them, there are some who believe in It, others will not . And your Lord has full knowledge of those who indulge in corruption.
10:41  If they denied you, then say: “For me is my work and for you is yours. You are not accountable to what I do, and I am not accountable to what you do.”
10:42  Some of them listen to you. But can you make the deaf hear even though they lack the ability to perceive and understand?
10:43  Some of them do look at you. But can you lead the one who is (spiritually) blind into the right path even though they consistently lack insight?
10:44  Verily Allâh will never deal unfairly with human being in aught: It is the human beings who wrong their own selves when they have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
10:45  The day when He will assemble them all together as though they had not tarried but an hour of the day, recognizing one another. Verily, those who will be doomed to perdition are those who deny the meeting with Allâh and live in spiritual darkness.
10:46  Whether We show you some (of the punishment) which we promise them, or cause you to die, still to Us is their return. And Allâh is Witness of what they are accustomed to do.
10:47  For every nation there is a Messenger and so when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them equitably. And they will not be wronged.
10:48  They will say: “When will this promise come to pass if you are truthful?”
10:49  Say: ”I possess no power to harm, or profit myself except for what Allâh wills. For every community, there is an appointed time. When their interim comes to an end , they can neither delay it an hour, nor hasten it.”
10:50  Say: “Do you see if His retribution comes to you by night or by day?" What part of it do the Ungodly Sinners seek to hasten on?!
10:51  Will you then believe in it at last when the (divine retribution) actually comes to pass? What! Now (you believe)? You sought to hasten it on.
10:52  It will be said unto those who those have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims: "Taste the everlasting chastisement! Are you chastised aught except for what we used to earn?”
10:53  They ask you to inform them (saying): “Is that (the everlasting chastisement) true?" Say: "Aye, by my Lord! It is the very truth! You will never be able to frustrate (the power of Allâh).”
10:54  And if each Human Person that voluntarily and consciously indulges in evil and corrupted acts had all that is in the earth, he would offer it as ransom (against punishment on the Day of Judgement). They will feel compunction within them for having neglected faith when they behold the punishment. They will be judged equitably, and they will not be wronged.
10:55  Most surely Unto Allâh belongs whatever is in the heavens and on the earth. the promise of Allâh is definitely true. But most of them have no knowledge (of Allâh).
10:56  He is the One Who gives life and causes death, and to Him you are destined to return.
10:57  O’ mankind, there has come to you indeed an Admonition from your Lord, and a Healing for what is in the hearts, a True Source of Enlightenment and Mercy for those who live a life of Genuine Faith.
10:58  Say: "In the Bounty of Allâh and His Mercy, let them rejoice. It is far better than what they do accumulate.”
10:59  Say: "Do you see what Allâh has sent down for you of sustenance, and you have made some of it unlawful and some lawful?" Say: "Has Allâh given you the permission to do so, or do you attribute falsehood to Allâh?”
10:60  What will be the speculation of those who attribute falsehood to Allâh on the Day of Resurrection? Verily, Allâh is full of graceful bounty to the people, but most of them are ungrateful.
10:61  In whatever affair you are involved, and whatever you recite from the Qur’ān and whatever deed you (people) do - We are Witness thereof when you are doing it. Not a weight of an atom on the earth or in the heavens is hidden from your Lord, nor what is less than that or greater than that, but it is (recorded) in a Reliable Book.
10:62  Surely those who have true fellowship with Allah, there will come no fear upon them, neither will they ever grieve:
10:63  They are the ones who live by Faith and act piously.
10:64  They will receive the glad tidings in this worldly life and in the Hereafter. There can be no change in the Word of Allâh. This is the most ultimate success and the supreme one.
10:65  And do not let their speech distress you, for all the power, honor and glory belong to Allâh. He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing.
10:66  Verily, unto Allâh belongs whatever is in the heavens and on the earth. And those who call upon associates, other than Allâh, in fact they do not follow any associates, they follow only a conjecture and only invent lies.
10:67  He is the One Who has made for you the night to repose in it, and the day, to behold. Indeed, in this, there are Signs (of Allâh’s power & glory) for people who discern.
10:68  They say: "Allâh has taken to Him a son." Glory Be To Him! He is the Self-sufficient. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. You have no warrant for this. Or do you attribute to Allâh that which you do not encompass in knowledge?"
10:69  Say: "Indeed, those who attribute falsehood to Allâh will never achieve their objectives.
10:70  (They will have little) enjoyment in this worldly life, then unto Us is their return, then We shall make them taste the most severe chastisement for their persistent and purposeful denial of the Truth.
10:71  And relate to them the story of Noah when he told his people: "O’ my people, if my stay among you and my preaching of Allâh has revealed of the Knowledge of the Truth is hard on you, then I place my trust in Allâh. So decide upon your course of action, together with your partners, then do not let your decision be concealed from me. Then carry it out against me and give me no respite.
10:72  However, if you (decided to) walk away, then (remember) I have never asked you for any reward (for my efforts to admonish you). My reward is only due from Allâh, and I have been commanded to be of those who wholly submit themselves (to the authority of Allâh).”
10:73  But they denied him, so We saved him and those with him in the Ark, and made them successors. And We drowned those persistently refused to give credence to what We have revealed of the Knowledge of the Truth. Now, therefore, look and see the (dreadful) end of those who had been admonished!
10:74  Then We sent after him Messengers to their peoples, and they came to them with Decisive Signs. But they were not inclined to believe in what they had already refused to acknowledge before. So We set a seal on the hearts of the transgressors.
10:75  Then, after them, We sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our Decisive Signs. But they displayed an arrogant attitude for they were a people of Ungodly Sinners.
10:76  So when there came to them the Truth from Us, they said: "Most surely this is but an apparent sorcery."
10:77  Moses said: "Do you say this about the Truth when it has come to you? Is this sorcery? Well, magicians will never achieve whatever they may aim to do."
10:78  They said: "Have you come to turn us away from the tradition we have inherited so that the two of you might possess the place of greatness in the land? We have no intention of believing you two.”
10:79  Pharaoh said: "Bring to me every well-experienced magician."
10:80  When the magicians came, Moses said to them: "Cast down whatever you are going to cast!"
10:81  So when they had cast down, Moses said: “Whatever you have brought is an illusory feat. Surely Allâh will nullify it. Verily, Allâh does not modify the work of those who indulge in evil and corrupt acts.
10:82  And Allâh will firmly establish the Truth with His Word and make it clearly visible, no matter how detestable is to the Ungodly Sinner."
10:83  But none believed in Moses except for some scions of his people because of fear of Pharaoh and his chiefs, lest they would persecute them. Indeed, Pharaoh was imperious in the land; and he was truly of the prodigals.
10:84  Moses said: “O’ my people, if you have affirmed your Faith in Allâh, then depend on Him with full trust: if you have already submitted.”
10:85  They said: “We depend on Allâh with full trust. O’ our Lord, do not make us a temptation for those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
10:86  And save us by Your Mercy from a people who are spiritually dead and blind."
10:87  We inspired Moses and his brother: “Appoint houses for your people in Egypt, make your houses places of worship, establish prayer and announce the glad tidings (of eternal salvation) to those who live a life of Genuine Faith."
10:88  Moses said: "Our Lord, surely you have given Pharaoh and his chiefs ornaments and wealth in this worldly life so that they may go astray from your way. Our Lord, destroy their wealth and harden their hearts in spiritual darkness so that they may see (and taste) the painful chastisement."
10:89  Allâh said: "Indeed, the supplication of you both is accepted. Now, therefore, keep on following the right Faith and do not follow the paths of those who live in spiritual darkness.”
10:90  We brought the Children of Israel across the sea. Then Pharaoh and his hosts pursued them tyrannically and hatefully, till, when the drowning overtook him, he said: "I believe that there is no god except that in whom the Children of Israel believe. And I am of one of those who wholly submit (to Allâh).”
10:91  What! Now! Indeed you disobeyed before and you were one of the prodigals.
10:92  So this day We shall preserve your body so as to be a Sign to those who will come after you. And truly most of the people are completely heedless of Our Signs (of glory and power).
10:93  We made the children of Israel to settle in a magnificent dwelling place and provided them with pure sustenance. Then they did not differ till the Knowledge of the Truth has been revealed to them. Indeed, Allâh will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences.
10:94  So if you are in doubt concerning what We have revealed to you, then ask those who read the Scripture before you. Indeed, the Truth has come to you from your Lord. Now, therefore, do not be of those who harbor doubts.
10:95  Do not be of those who refuse to give credence to what Allâh has revealed of the knowledge of the Truth lest you become of those who are doomed to perdition.
10:96  Verily, as for those against whom the verdict (of chastisement) of your Lord has been verified, they will not adhere to Faith
10:97  Even if every Sign (of Allâh’s power & glory) were come to them- till they behold the painful chastisement.
10:98  If only there had been one community that adhered to Faith (before chastisement befell them), they would have reaped the fruits of their Faith like the people of Jonah: When they adhered to Faith, We removed from them the chastisement of humiliation in this worldly life and provided them with the means of enjoyment for a while.
10:99  Had your Lord willed, all those who are on the earth would have adhered to Faith. Would you then compel people against their own will to adhere to Faith?
10:100  It is not for any person to adhere to Faith except by the will of Allâh. Yet He will impose (His) chastisement on those who lack the ability to perceive and understand.
10:101  Say: "Ruminate on what is in the heavens and on the earth." Yet neither Signs nor warnings are of any benefit to a people who have no tendency to live by Faith.
10:102  What do they expect other than (the dreadful requital) like the days of those who passed away before them? Say: "Wait then, I am (too) with you among those who are waiting."
10:103  We ultimately saved Our Messengers and those who adhered to Faith. So it is incumbent on Us to ensure the safety of the believers of unfeigned faith.
10:104  Say: "O’ people, if you harbour doubts about my faith, then (be sure that) I do not worship those whom you worship instead of Allâh. But I only worship Allâh Who causes you to die. And I have been commanded to acknowledge the Absolute Oneness of Allâh,
10:105  To have a deep, pure, focused Faith in Him, not to be of the Polytheists.
10:106  Nor to invoke that which can neither benefit nor harm me, for if I do, then I will certainly be of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
10:107  If it happens that Allâh touches you with a misfortune, there will be none who can remove it but He. And if He intends any good for you, there will be none who can impede His Favor. He allows it to reach whom He wills of His servants. He is the Oft-Forgiving- Most Merciful.”
10:108  Say: “O’ people, the Truth has been revealed to you by your Lord. So whoever makes efforts to get this awesome opportunity for receiving salvation will enjoy the fruits of his endeavors. And whoever chooses to go astray, it is only for his own loss. I am not appointed as a guardian over you.”
10:109  Now yield to what has been revealed to you of the knowledge of the Truth from your Lord. And cling to patience till Allâh gives judgment. And He is the Best of all the judges.