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9:1  This is a declaration of immunity from Allâh and His Messenger to the Polytheists with whom you made a treaty.
9:2  Now, therefor, go to and fro in the land freely and securely four month. But (you should) know that you will never be able to frustrate (the power) of Allâh, and that Allâh will disgrace those who are Spiritually dead and blind.
9:3  This is a declaration from Allâh and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater Pilgrimage, that Allâh is free from any obligation towards the Polytheists, and so is His Messenger. Therefore if you repent, this will be better for you. But if you choose to walk away, then (you you will need to) know that you will never be able to frustrate (the power) of Allâh. Now, therefore, break the news to those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth that a painful punishment awaits him-
9:4  Except such of the Polytheists with whom you have a treaty, and who afterwards will not fail you in any instance or assist any other against you. Now, therefore, fulfil your pact with them to the end of their term. For lo! Allâh demonstrates His own love for the Pious.
9:5  So when the sacred months have passed, then fight and kill the Polytheists wherever you find them (in the battlefield), take them prisoners, besiege them and lay wait for them in every convenient place. But if it happens that they repent, establish the regular Prayer and pay Zakāt, then let them go freely. Indeed, Allâh is Oft- Forgiving- Most Merciful.
9:6  If it happens that any one of the Polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the word of Allâh and afterwards let him reach the place of his security. This is because they are a people who don’t posses enough knowledge of the Truth.
9:7  How can the Polytheists have a covenant with Allâh and His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a peace treaty in the vicinity of the Sacred Mosque? So long as they are true to you, be true to them. Indeed, Allâh demonstrates His own love for the Pious.
9:8  How (can they have a treaty)? If they prevail against you, then they will not regard in you, either any tie of kinship or covenant of protection? They flatter you with their sweet talk, but their hearts are averse from you. And most of them are indulging in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:9  They have voluntarily and consciously abandoned what Allâh has revealed of the Knowledge of Truth in favour of a small gain and hindered men from His Way. Evil indeed is that which they used to do.
9:10  They do not regard in a monotheistic believer either any tie of kinship or covenant of protection. It is they who are the transgressors.
9:11  But if they quit their perversion, establish the regular Prayer and pay Zakāt, then they will be your brethren in Faith. We distinctly explain what We reveal of the Knowledge of the Truth for a people who have spiritual gift of knowledge.
9:12  But if they violate their oaths after their covenant and openly revile your Faith in an abusive manner, then fight the Masters of the Spiritual darkness for no oaths are binding with them- so that they may refrain (from promoting Spiritual Blindness & hostility toward those who adhere to Absolute Monotheism).
9:13  Will you not fight against people who have violated their oaths and planned to expel the Messenger of Allâh, and who were the first to attack you? Do you fear them? It is (the wrath of) Allâh that you should avoid if you truly live a life of Genuine Faith.
9:14  (Because of their hostile attitude toward those who adhere to Absolute Monotheism), Fight against them! Allâh will chastise them by your hands, cover them with ignominy and grant you victory over them, healing the hearts of those who live a life of Genuine Faith-
9:15  And eliminating the indignation from their hearts. And Allâh turns in forgiveness to whomever He will. Lo! Allâh is All-Knowing- All-Wise.
9:16  Do you think, (O’ Monotheistic Believers), that Allâh will leave you (without being tested), whereas Allâh has not yet identified those among you who struggle hard for His cause and take none for guardians except for Allâh, His Messenger and the Monotheistic Believers? Allâh is well acquainted with that which you do.
9:17  It is not for the Polytheists to maintain the Mosques of Allâh while they voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth. They are the ones whose deeds have been nullified; and in the Fire of Hell shall they abide.
9:18  The Mosques of Allâh will be maintained only by those who believe in Allâh and the Last Day, establish the regular Prayer , pay Zakāt and stand in awe of none but Allâh. There is hope that they will be among those who get the awesome opportunity of receiving salvation.
9:19  Do you consider giving drink to the pilgrims or the maintenance of the Sacred Mosque as equal to (the deeds of) of those who believe in Allâh and the Last Day, striving hard and fighting (bravely) in the cause of Allâh? They are not equal (indeed) in the sight of Allâh. Most surely Allâh holds back the light of His inspiration from those who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
9:20  Those who live by Faith, emigrate and struggle hard in the cause of Allâh with their wealth and with their lives are in the highest rank of honor with Allâh. And these are the triumphant ones.
9:21  Their Lord gives them the glad tidings of (divine) clemency from Him, and goodly acceptance; for them await Gardens in which there is enduring delight.
9:22  They will live therein forever. Most surely with Allâh is a great reward.
9:23  O’ you who Live by Faith, do not take your fathers or your brothers for guardians if they voluntarily and consciously abandoned Faith in favour of spiritual darkness. And whosoever of you takes them for guardians, such are those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
9:24  Say: "If your fathers, or your sons, or your brothers, or your wives, or your kindred, or the wealth that you have acquired, or the commerce in which you fear a decline, or the dwellings in which you delight are more beloved to you than Allâh, and His Messenger, and than striving hard in His cause; then wait and watch until Allâh will send His Command. Most surely Allâh holds back the light of His inspiration from those who indulge in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:25  Verily, Allâh has granted you victory on many battles including the Day of Hunayn, when you were enamoured of the number of your men who proved to be of no avail, and the earth became too strait for you, in spite of its spacious, then you turned back in flight.
9:26  Afterwards Allâh poured down His tranquility upon His Messenger and upon the Monotheistic Believers, and sent down (to your aid) troops of Angels which you did not see. So He chastised those who those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth. Such is the requital for those who are Spiritually dead and blind.
9:27  Nevertheless Allâh will accept the repentance after that for whom He wills. And Allâh is Oft- Forgiving- Most Merciful.
9:28  O’ you who Live by Faith! The Polytheists are certainly impure, so do not let them come near to the Sacred Mosque (Al-Masjid Al-Haram) after this year of theirs. If you fear indigence, Allâh will enrich you through His Own Bounty if He wills. Most assuredly Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
9:29  Fight against those who neither believe in the Absolute Oneness of Allâh nor in the Last Day, and who do not prohibit what Allâh and His Messenger have prohibited, and those who persistently refuse to acknowledge the Religion of the Truth among those who have been given the Scripture till they pay the Jizyah out of hand and have been humbled.
9:30  The Jews say: "Ezra is the son of Allâh". The Christians say: "Messiah is the son of Allâh." They say this only with their mouths, imitating the saying of those who indulge in Polytheism before them. May Allâh rebuke all the Polytheists! How can they be deceived (into going away from the established course)?
9:31  They took their rabbis and monks as well as Christ, son of Mary, as their lords besides Allâh, although they are commanded to worship (& venerate) none but One true God. And there is no other god beside Him. Glorified is He above whatever they associate with Him.
9:32  They eagerly pursue and seek to extinguish the Light of Allâh with their mouths. But Allâh intends no other than to perfect His Light. No matter how detestable is to those who are spiritually dead and blind.
9:33  He is the One who has sent His Messenger with the True Source of the Enlightenment, and with the Religion of the Truth so that He may make it prevail over all religions. No matter how detestable is to those who indulge in polytheism
9:34  O’ you who live by Faith, there are many of the (Jewish) rabbis and (Christian) monks, who devour the wealth of the people in vanity and hinder them from the path of Allâh. However, those who hoard up gold and silver, and do not expend it on the cause of Allâh, break the news to them that a painful punishment awaits them.
9:35  On the day when their gold and silver will be intensely heated in the Fire of Gehenna, therewith their foreheads, their sides and backs will be stigmatized. (They will be told): "This is the treasure which you hoarded for yourselves. Now, therefore, taste (the dire consequences) of what you used to hoard.”
9:36  Indeed, the number of months with Allâh is twelve months, which were ordained in the Book of Allâh since the day when He created the heavens and the earth. Of these, four are sacred. This is the right Faith. Now, therefore, do not deal unfairly with your own selves therein. And fight against those who indulge in polytheism collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allâh is with the Pious.
9:37  Verily postponement (of a sacred month) is indeed only an increase in (their) spiritual darkness so that those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth may be deceived into Falling away the Faith: for they allow it one year and forbid it another year in order that they may adjust the number of the months that Allâh has commanded to be kept sacred. So they (deliberately) make lawful what Allâh has forbidden. The evil of their deeds is decked out fair to them. Most surely Allâh holds back the light of His inspiration from those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth.
9:38  O’ you who come by Faith! What ails you that when you are asked to go forth (to the Expedition of Tabūk) in the cause of Allâh, you cling heavily to the earth? Are you fully contented with this worldly life instead of the Hereafter? (You need to be aware that) the provision of this worldly life in respect of the Hereafter is but modicum.
9:39  If it happens that you do not go forth, then He will chastise you with an extremely painful torment, placing another people instead of you. And you will not harm Him at all. Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
9:40  If you do not help (the Prophet), Allâh will definitely help him as He helped him formerly, when those who indulge in Polytheism drove him out (of Mecca), the second of two: when they were both in the cave, he said to his companion: "Do not grieve! Most assuredly Allâh is with us." Then Allâh sent His tranquility upon him, strengthened him with hosts you could not see and made the word of those who indulge in polytheism to be abased. So the Word of Allâh was highly exalted. Lo! Allâh is Almighty- All-Wise.
9:41  Go forth (to battle), both light and heavy, strive hard and fight (bravely) in the cause of Allâh with your wealth and lives. This is better for you If only you knew.
9:42  If it had been a near advantage and an easy journey, those who indulge in hypocrisy would definitely have followed you. But the journey was too long and tedious for them. Still they will swear by God (saying), "If we had been able (to go forth), we would obviously have accompanied you." They destroy their own selves (through false oaths and perjury), and Allâh already Knows that they invent lies.
9:43  Allâh has already forgiven you, (O’ Muhammad). Why did you give them permission (to stay at home)? (You should have waited) until it became obvious to you who were truthful; and you knew who were the liars.
9:44  Those who believe in the Absolute Oneness of Allâh and the Last Day would not ask your leave to be exempted from fighting with their wealth and lives. And Allâh is Fully Aware of the Pious.
9:45  Only those ask you for exemption who do not believe in in the Absolute Oneness of Allâh and the Last Day, and whose hearts harbour doubts. In their Lord, they hesitate to embrace Faith.
9:46  If they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared themselves (for Journey). However, Allâh was averse to their being sent forth, so he caused them to come to an abrupt end. And it was said (unto them): "Sit with those who are inactive."
9:47  If they had gone forth with you, they would have added nothing to you except confusion, and would have run to and fro between you, stirring you up to sedition; then there would have been some among you, who would have listened to them. And Allâh is Fully Aware of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
9:48  Verily, they had sought to cause sedition before and devised all manner of plots against you- until the truth (victory) came and the decree of Allâh appeared distinctly although they were averse.
9:49  There is of them who says unto you: "Give me leave to stay behind and do not expose me to temptation.” Have they not fallen yet into temptation at home? Most assuredly Gehenna will encompass those who are spiritually dead and blind.
9:50  If it happens that good thing befell you, it would cause great distress to them. But if a misfortune befell you, they would say: "We took our precaution beforehand;” and they would turn their backs, rejoicing in your misery.
9:51  Say: "Nothing will afflict us except for what Allâh has ordained for us. He is our Great Guardian."Now, therefore, let the Monotheistic Believers of Unfeigned Faith depend on Allâh with full trust.
9:52  Say: “What! Do you expect any other should befall us than one of the two most excellent things, (either victory or martyrdom)? But we expect concerning you that Allâh would inflict a severe punishment on you, either from Himself, or by our hands. Now, therefore, wait to see what will be the outcome (of your iniquitous and wicked deeds), for we will wait with you.”
9:53  Say: "Whether you expend your wealth on the cause of Allâh, willingly or unwillingly, it will not be accepted from you. Indeed, you are not more than a folk who indulge in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:54  Nothing hinders their contributions from being accepted of them but that they have no Faith in Allâh and His Messenger, and they do not come to prayer except as idlers, and that they do not offer contributions for the cause of Allâh but reluctantly.
9:55  Now, therefore, do not let their wealth or their children impress you. Verily Allâh intends only to chastise them therewith in this worldly life; and that their souls may depart while they are still living spiritual darkness.
9:56  And these who indulge in hypocrisy swear by Allâh (to you, O’ Monotheistic Believers) that they are indeed of you. But actually they are not. Yet they are a people who fear (your outrage).
9:57  If they could find a place of refuge or caves or a place of concealment, they would definitely turn towards it in headlong haste.
9:58  And among them are men who criticizes you in the matter of (distribution) the alms. Yet if they receive part thereof, they are well-pleased but if they do not receive a part thereof, behold, they are outraged.
9:59  It would have been more commendable if they had been satisfied with what Allâh and His Messenger had given them, and said: "Sufficient is Allâh to us. Allâh will give to us of His abundance, and so will His Prophet. Indeed, to Allâh do we make our invocations.”
9:60  Alms are only for the poor and the needy, for those who are employed to be in charge (of collecting & distributing the alms), for those whose hearts are reconciled (to truth), for the redemption of captives, for those who are in debt (and insolvent), for (serving) the cause of Allâh, for the hopeless wayfarer. This is an ordinance from Allâh. Lo! Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
9:61  And among them are men who offend the Prophet and say: “He is (all) ear.” Say: “He listens to what is best for you: He believes in the Absolute Oneness of Allâh and places his trust in the Monotheistic Believers; and he is a mercy to those of you who Live by Faith.”But those who offended the Messenger of Allâh will be subjected to an extremely painful punishment.
9:62  They swear to you by Allâh in order to please you. But it is more adequate that they should please Allâh and His Messenger if they were living a life of Genuine Faith.
9:63  Do they not know that for him who opposes Allâh and His Messenger is the Fire of Hell?- wherein he will dwell forever. That is indeed the ultimate disgrace and the supreme one
9:64  Some of these who indulge in hypocrisy (pretend to) fear a Sūrat might be revealed to the Monotheistic Believers against them, in which the secrets of their hearts will be laid bare. Say to them: “Scoff as much as you desire. But verily Allâh will bring to light what you (simply pretend to) fear.”
9:65  If it happens that you question them, they will say: "We were only talking idly and playing.” Say: “Were you then mocking at Allâh what He has revealed of the Knowledge of the Truth , and at His Messenger?”
9:66  Make no excuses. You have indeed renounced your Faith after embracing it. If We forgive a party of you, We will chastise others among you because they were Ungodly Sinners.
9:67  The hypocritical men and women proceed one from another. They promote what is evil, forbid what is good, and close their hands (from giving alms). They have forgotten Allâh, So He has forgotten them. Verily those who indulge in hypocrisy are the ones who are indulging in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:68  Allâh has promised the hypocritical men and women, and the spiritual dead and blind, the Fire of Gehenna. They will live therein forever. Sufficient is it for them. And Allâh has cursed them, and for them there is a permanent torment.
9:69  As the for those who have been before you- (O’ Quraysh Tribe of Mecca)- were mightier than you in power and more abundant in wealth and children. They had enjoyed their portion awhile, so enjoy your portion awhile just as they did. And you indulged in vain discourses just as they did. The deeds of these men have been nullified both in this worldly life and the Hereafter. Such are the ones doomed to perdition.
9:70  Has there not reached them the anecdote of those who were before them? The people of Noah, ‘A'd, Thamūd, the folk of Abraham, the dwellers of Midian and the overturned towns of Lot. To them came their Messengers of Allâh with Decisive Signs. So it was not Allâh Who wronged them, but they used to wrong their own selves when they voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
9:71  The Monotheistic Believers, both men and women, are protectors one of another. They enjoin right conduct, forbid indecency, establish the regular prayer, give Zakāt and obey Allâh and His Messenger. Surely Allâh will deliver them from all the consequences of their iniquitous deeds. And most assuredly Allâh is Almighty, All-Wise.
9:72  Allâh has promised to the Monotheistic Believers, both men and women, Gardens through which rivers flow to dwell therein forever, and excellent mansions in the gardens of perpetual abode. But the greatest of all is the graceful pleasure of Allâh. This is most ultimate success and the supreme one.
9:73  O’ Prophet, strive hard against those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth and those who indulge in hypocrisy, and be harsh on them. Their abode is Gehenna- a hapless journey's end.
9:74  Those who indulge in hypocrisy swear by Allâh that they said nothing (evil against the Prophet or the Monotheistic Believers). Yet they did in fact utter blasphemous words - falling into spiritual darkness after embracing Islam. They devised a plot which they were not able to perform. And they were malevolent towards (the Monotheistic Believers) for no other reason but that Allâh through His Messenger had enriched them out of His bounty. If they quit their perversion, it will be better for them. But if they relapse, then Allâh will chastise them with an extremely painful torment in this worldly life and the Hereafter. And they will have none on the earth to protect or help them.
9:75  And among them are men who made a covenant with Allâh, saying: “Indeed, if it happens that He bestowed upon us of His abundance, we would definitely give alms, and would definitely be of the righteous people.”
9:76  Yet when He had given to them of His abundance, they became niggardly thereof and walked away from giving alms in a repulsive manner.
9:77  So as a consequence, Allâh caused hypocrisy to flourish in their hearts until the day whereon they will meet Him because they broke their promise with Allâh and because they used to invent lies.
9:78  Do they not realize that Allâh has full knowledge of their secrets and whatever they conspire together, and that Allâh has full knowledge of the unseen.
9:79  Those who taunt the (generous) believers because of giving alms willingly and mock others who find nothing to give except what is available to them. Allâh will throw back their mockery on them, and they will be subjected to an extremely painful torment.
9:80  Whether you ask Allâh to forgive them or not. Allâh will not forgive them, even. That is because they rejected Allâh and His Messenger and Allâh holds back the light of His inspiration from those who indulge in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:81  Those who were left behind (in the time the Expedition of Tabūk) rejoiced at remaining behind the Messenger of Allâh , and were averse to striving with their wealth and lives in the cause of Allâh. And they said: "Do not go forth in this (unbearable) heat." Say: “The Fire of Gehenna is much more severe in heat"-If only they had Spiritual wisdom and understanding.
9:82  And let them laugh a little: much will they weep: a reward for that which they used to earn.
9:83  When Allâh brings you back (safe by His will) from (the Expedition of Tabūk), then you meet a party of them and they ask you to go forth with you (on some other campaign), Say: "Never shall you go forth with me, nor shall you fight an enemy with me. You preferred to stay behind the first time, therefore, stay with those who lag behind."
9:84  And do not ever offer (funeral) prayers for any of them who dies, neither will you stand by his tomb for they rejected Allâh and His Messenger, and died while they were indulging in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:85  And do not let their wealth or their children impress you. Verily, Allâh intends only to chastise them therewith in this worldly life; and that their souls depart while they are still living in spiritual darkness .
9:86  And whenever a Sūrat is revealed wherein it is said: "Affirm your Faith in Allâh, strive hard and fight (bravely) with His Messenger," the wealthy among them ask your leave to exempt them (from fighting), saying: "Let us be with those who are going to stay behind."
9:87  They prefer to be with those who sit behind (at homes): a seal has been set upon their hearts and so they lack spiritual wisdom and understanding.
9:88  But the Messenger and those who Live by Faith with him strive hard and fight (bravely) with their wealth and lives. Such are they for whom are the good things, and it is they who will ultimately achieve a blissful life.
9:89  And Allâh has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow to abide therein. This is the most ultimate success and the supreme one.
9:90  And there were, among the Bedouin Arabs, men who had an excuse, came asking your permission to exempt them (from fighting), whereas those who lied to Allâh and His Messenger stayed at home. An extremely painful torment will afflict those of them who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth.
9:91  There is no blame on those who are weak, or those who are afflicted with sickness, or those who have nothing to contribute ( to the cause) if they are sincere (in faith and duty) towards Allâh and His Messenger. There is no reason to cast blame on those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith - Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful-
9:92  Neither (is there any blame) on those who when they came to you to be provided with mounts, and when you said to them: "I do not find anything whereon to mount you," they walked away while their eyes overflowing with tears of sorrow because they could not find anything to spend on this cause.
9:93  But there is a solid reason to cast blame on the rich ones who ask permission of you to sit at home. They prefer to be with those who sit behind (at homes): Allâh has set a seal on their hearts so that the eye of their mind may become blind.
9:94  They will make excuses to you when you return back to them. Say: “Make no excuse. We will by no means believe you. Allâh has made us aware of your behavior. And Allâh will observe your activities, and so will His Messenger. Verily, you are (destined) to be brought back to the All-Knowing of the unseen and the seen. And He will notify you of what you used to do.”
9:95  When you return (safe) to them, they will swear to you by Allâh to leave them alone. Now, therefore, leave them alone: they are despicable people, and Gehenna is their permanent home in recompense for what they were accustomed to do.
9:96  And they will swear to you in order to make you feel happy and satisfied. But if you are well- pleased with them, (then you'll need to know that) Allâh is not well-pleased with those who indulge in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
9:97  The Bedouin Arabs are more intense in spiritual darkness and hypocrisy, and more prone to ignorance about the ordinances of what Allâh has revealed to His Messenger. Lo! Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
9:98  Of the Bedouin Arabs there is he who regards what he spends (in the way of Allâh) as a penalty and waits to see calamity befalling you. The evil turn of fortune will be theirs. Lo! Allâh is All-Hearer, All- Knowing.
9:99  Of the Bedouin Arabs there is also who believes in Allâh and the Last Day, and regards what he spends (in the cause of Allâh) as a means of bringing him near to Allâh, and a method of obtaining the supplications of the Messenger. Indeed, they will bring them nearer to Allâh. And Allâh will admit them into His Mercy. Most assuredly Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
9:100  And the first (to embrace Islam of) those who migrated (from Mecca to Medina) and those who gave aid to them, as well as those who followed them exactly (in Faith), Allâh is well-pleased with them, and they are well-pleased with him. He has prepared for them Gardens (in the eternal bliss) through which rivers flow to dwell therein forever. This is the most ultimate success and the supreme one.
9:101  Some of the Bedouin Arabs who dwell round about you indulge in hypocrisy just as some of the inhabitants of Madinah. They are masters of hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We do know them. We shall punish them twice, then shall they be turned back to a terrible chastisement.
9:102  There are others who have confessed their iniquitous deeds. They have mixed a righteous deed with another that was evil. There is hope that Allâh will turn to them in forgiveness. Indeed, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
9:103  Take alms from their wealth so as to purify and sanctify them, and pray for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of tranquility for them. And Allâh is All-Hearer, All-Knowing.
9:104  Do they not know that Allâh accepts the repentance of His servants and takes their charity, and that Allâh is the Oft-Returning, Most Merciful?
9:105  Say: “Carry out your tasks!”Allâh will behold your performance, and (so will) His Messenger and the Monotheistic Believers. Indeed, you are (destined) to be brought back to the All-Knowing of the unseen and the seen. And He will notify you of whatever you used to do.”
9:106  There are others who wait with suspense the decree of Allâh, whether He will chastise them, or turn in mercy to them. Lo! Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
9:107  There are some who have built a Mosque to cause harm (to Islam) and to promote spiritual darkness in order to break up the unity of the Monotheistic Believers, and to provide a safe haven for those who waged war against Allâh and His Messenger aforetime. And they will certainly swear (saying): “We meant nothing but good intention.” But Allâh bears witness that they are certainly liars.
9:108  Do not Stand up to pray therein. Surely there is a Mosque founded on unfeigned piety and obedience from the first day of its building. It is more just that you stand up to pray therein. In it are men who love to be purified and Allâh demonstrates His own love for those who desire to be purified.
9:109  Is he who establishes his building on the basis of reverence for Allâh and His goodly acceptance better or he who establishes his building on the edge of a crumbling bank that has tumbled with him into the fire of Gehenna? Surely Allâh holds back the light of His inspiration from those have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
9:110  The building which they have built will continue to be a source of anxiety in their hearts, unless their hearts will be torn into pieces. Lo! Allâh is All- Knowing, All-Wise.
9:111  Verily, Allâh has purchased of the Monotheistic Believers their lives and their properties, promising them the enjoyment of Al- Jannah on condition that they fight in the cause of Allâh. Whether they slay or be slain, it is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’ān. Who is more faithful to his covenant than Allâh? Now, therefore, rejoice in the contract which you have made. This is most ultimate success and the supreme one.
9:112  (The Believers who will ultimately achieve salvation ) are the ones: who turn in repentance: who worship (Allâh): who celebrate His praise and declare His glory: who fast (or go out in cause of Allâh): who bow down (in prayer): who prostrate themselves (in prayer): who enjoin right conduct: who forbid indecency: who observe the limits (set by) Allâh: And give glad tidings to those who Live by Faith.
9:113  It is not appropriate for the Prophet or for the Monotheistic Believers to implore forgiveness for the Polytheists, even though they be of kin, after it has become obvious to them that they are the Denizens of Gehenna.
9:114  The appeal of forgiveness of Abraham for his father was only because a promise which he had promised to him. But when it became obvious to Abraham that his father was an enemy to Allâh, he declared himself clear of him. Verily, Abraham was, as a matter of fact, compassionate and forbearing.
9:115  And Allâh would never allow a people to go astray after He had given them the light of His inspiration until He had made apparent to them what they should avoid. Indeed, Allâh has full knowledge of everything.
9:116  Most assuredly, unto Allâh belongs the (absolute) sovereignty of heavens and of the earth. He gives life, and He causes death. Other than Allâh, you have neither a protector nor a helper.
9:117  Verily, Allâh has turned with Mercy to the Prophet, and to those who migrated (from Mecca to Madinah) and the supporters (who gave aid to them) as they followed him in the hour of distress, after the hearts of a party of them had almost deviated from the path of truth. Again He turned to them with Mercy. Indeed, He was Most Kind and Most Merciful towards them.
9:118  (He turned in Mercy also) to the three who were left behind (at the Battle of of Tabūk), until the earth, despite its spaciousness, became narrow, and their own selves became straitened for them. They presumed that there was no refuge for them from Allâh save to Him. Then turned He to them in Mercy so that they might repent to Him. Indeed, Allâh is the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful.
9:119  O’ you who Live by Faith! Act piously towards Allâh and be with those who are truthful.
9:120  It is was not appropriate for the inhabitants of Madinah, and the Bedouin Arabs who dwell around them to remain behind the Messenger of Allâh (at the time of Expedition to Tabûk), or to prefer their own lives to his life: That is because they suffer neither thirst nor fatigue, nor hunger in the cause of Allâh, nor do they take any step to irritate the ones who are spiritually dead and blind , nor inflict any injury upon an enemy, but a good work is written down to them for the same. Indeed, Allâh will not let the reward of those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith go in vain.
9:121  Whatever they contribute for the cause of Allâh, small or great, or cross a valley- but it is written to their account, that Allâh may reward them with a recompense exceeding that which they used to do.
9:122  It is not appropriate for all Monotheistic Believers to go forth to war all together. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may attain knowledge in religion and admonish their people when they return to them so that they may take close heed to themselves.
9:123  O’ you who Live by Faith! Fight those who have no tendency to live by Faith around you and let them find stringency in you, and know that Allâh is with the Pious.
9:124  And whenever a Sūrat is revealed, there are some of them who say: "Which of you has had his Faith been invigorated by it?" As for those who live by Faith, It indeed invigorates their Faith. And they do rejoice (in It).
9:125  But as for those in whose hearts is an infirmity, It only adds filth to their filth. And they will die in their spiritual darkness.
9:126  Do they not see that they are tempted once or twice every year? Yet they do not turn in repentance, neither do they take heed.
9:127  And whenever a Sūrat is revealed, they look at one another (and say): "Does any one see you?" Then do they turn aside. Allâh has turned away their hearts (from perceiving the Truth) because they are a people who lack the spiritual wisdom and understanding.
9:128  Verily there has come to you a Messenger from among your own race, an exceptional person. it grieves him to see you suffer. He is genuinely cares (about your welfare), kind and merciful towards the Monotheistic Believers.
9:129  But if they walk away, say: "Allâh is sufficient for me. There is no God but He. I depend on Him with full trust. And He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne."