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53:1  By the star when it falls,
53:2  Your companion has not gone astray, nor has he erred,
53:3  Nor does he speak from lust.
53:4  It is not except an inspiration inspired.
53:5  Intense in strength taught him,
53:6  Possessor of strength, and he made for,
53:7  And he was in the highest region.
53:8  Then he drew near and he approached,
53:9  And he was two bows' length away, or nearer.
53:10  And He inspired His servant what He inspired.
53:11  The heart lied not what it saw.
53:12  So do you doubt him on what he saw?
53:13  And surely, certainly he saw him in another descent,
53:14  Near the lote tree of the ultimate place,
53:15  Near it is the Garden of Abode.
53:16  When what covers covered the lote tree.
53:17  The eye deviated not nor was immoderate.
53:18  Surely, certainly he saw the greatest of the signs of his Lord.
53:19  Have you seen Al Lat and Al Uzza,
53:20  And Manat, the other third?
53:21  For you the male and for Him the female?
53:22  That then is an unjust division.
53:23  They are not except names you have named them, you and your forefathers. God has sent down no authority for them. They follow not except conjecture and what their souls love. And surely, certainly the guidance came to them from their Lord.
53:24  Or for man is what he wishes?
53:25  And for God is the hereafter and the former.
53:26  And how many an angel in the heavens their intercession does not avail anything, except after that God gives permission to whom He wills and is pleased with.
53:27  Indeed, those who do not believe in the hereafter, surely they name the angels the name of the female.
53:28  And there is not for them any knowledge of it. They follow not except conjecture, and indeed, conjecture does not avail against the truth anything.
53:29  So turn away from whoever turned away from Our reminder and desires not except the worldly life.
53:30  That is their sum of knowledge; indeed, your Lord, He knows best who has gone astray from His way, and He knows best who is guided.
53:31  And for God is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, that He may recompense those who did evil with what they did; and recompense those who did good with the best.
53:32  Those who avoid the great of the sins and the immoralities, except the lesser offences. Indeed, your Lord is immense in forgiveness; He knows best about you when He produced you from the earth, and when you were embryos in the wombs of your mothers. So do not attribute purity to yourselves; He knows best he who feared.
53:33  And have you seen the one who turned away?
53:34  And gave a little and withheld.
53:35  Is the knowledge of the unseen with him, so he sees?
53:36  Or was he not informed of what is in the books of Moses
53:37  And Abraham, the one who fulfilled?
53:38  That no burdened one will bear the burden of another.
53:39  And that there is nothing for man except what he strove for;
53:40  And that his striving will soon be seen,
53:41  Then he will be recompensed for it, the fullest recompense;
53:42  And that to your Lord is the goal;
53:43  And that He, He made laugh, and He made weep;
53:44  And that He, He caused death and He gave life;
53:45  And that He, He created pairs, the male and the female,
53:46  From a sperm when it is emitted;
53:47  And that upon Him is the other production;
53:48  And that He, He enriches and gives possessions;
53:49  And that He, He is the Lord of Sirius;
53:50  And that He, He destroyed 'Ad, the former,
53:51  And Thamud, then it did not remain;
53:52  And the people of Noah before, indeed they were, they were most unjust and most immoderate.
53:53  And the overturned cities He made to fall down;
53:54  So what covered covered them.
53:55  Then which of the favours of your Lord will you doubt?
53:56  This is a warner among the former warners.
53:57  The approaching day has approached;
53:58  There is no discloser for it besides God.
53:59  So do you wonder at this information?
53:60  And you laugh and do not weep?
53:61  And you play?
53:62  So prostrate to God and serve.