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54:1  The Hour has drawn near, and the moon is split asunder.
54:2  And if they see a sign they turn away and they say, 'Continuous magic.'
54:3  And they denied and followed their lusts; and every affair is settled.
54:4  And surely, certainly there came to them of the information, that in which is restraint.
54:5  Reaching wisdom, and the warnings do not avail.
54:6  So turn away from them. On the day the caller will call to a terrible thing.
54:7  Their eyes humbled, they will come out of the graves as if they were dispersed locusts.
54:8  Hurrying to the caller. The disbelievers will say, 'This is a difficult day.'
54:9  The people of Noah denied before them, and they called Our servant a liar; and they said, 'Mad.' And he was chid.
54:10  So he called on his Lord, saying, 'I am overcome, so help.'
54:11  Then We opened the gates of heaven with water pouring forth.
54:12  And We made the earth flow forth in springs, and the water met upon a certainly decreed matter.
54:13  And We carried him on a possessor of planks and nails,
54:14  Sailing in Our eyes, a recompense for he who was disbelieved.
54:15  And surely, certainly We left it as a sign, so is there anyone who remembers?
54:16  And how was My punishment and warnings?
54:17  And surely, certainly We made the Quran easy to remember, so is there anyone who remembers?
54:18  'Ad denied; and how was My punishment and warnings?
54:19  Indeed We, We sent upon them an intensely cold wind in a day of continuous misfortune.
54:20  Plucking up mankind as if they were trunks of uprooted palm trees.
54:21  And how was My punishment and warnings?
54:22  And surely, certainly We made the Quran easy to remember, so is there anyone who remembers?
54:23  Thamud called the warnings lies,
54:24  And they said, 'A mortal, one of us, shall we follow him? Indeed, we then will surely be in error and madness.
54:25  Has the reminder been cast upon him from among us? Nay, he is an insolent liar.'
54:26  Soon they will know tomorrow who is the insolent liar.
54:27  Indeed, We are sending the she-camel, a trial for them, so watch them and be patient.
54:28  And inform them that the water will be divided between them; each draught will be attended.
54:29  Then they called their companion, and he took and hamstrung.
54:30  And how was My punishment and warnings?
54:31  Indeed We, We sent upon them one noise, and they were like the dry plants of the fold builder.
54:32  And surely, certainly We made the Quran easy to remember, so is there anyone who remembers?
54:33  The people of Lot called the warnings lies.
54:34  Indeed We, We sent upon them a storm of stones, except the family of Lot, We saved them before dawn,
54:35  A favour from Us; thus We recompense he who is thankful.
54:36  And surely, certainly he warned them of Our assault, and they doubted the warnings.
54:37  And surely, certainly they endeavoured to turn him from his guests; so We effaced their eyes. So taste My punishment and warnings.
54:38  And surely, certainly a settled punishment came to them in the morning between dawn and sunrise.
54:39  So taste My punishment and warnings.
54:40  And surely, certainly We made the Quran easy to remember, so is there anyone who remembers?
54:41  And surely, certainly the warnings came to the people of Pharaoh.
54:42  They called Our signs lies, all of them, so We seized them, a seizing of a mighty, powerful one.
54:43  Are your disbelievers better than those? Or is there for you an immunity in the scriptures?
54:44  Or do they say, 'We are an army helping ourselves.’?
54:45  Soon the army will be routed and will turn the back.
54:46  Nay, the Hour is their promised time. And the Hour is most grievous and most bitter.
54:47  Indeed, the sinners are in error and madness.
54:48  On the day they will be dragged into the fire upon their faces. Taste the touch of Hell.
54:49  Indeed We, everything, We created it by decree,
54:50  And Our command is not except one, like the glance with the eye.
54:51  And surely, certainly We destroyed your sects, so is there anyone who remembers?
54:52  And everything they did is in the scriptures;
54:53  And every small and great is written.
54:54  Indeed, those who fear are in gardens and rivers,
54:55  In a seat of truth, with a powerful king.