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53:1  I swear by the star when it falls (or dies):
53:2  Your companion has not deviated from the path the truth, nor is he deluded,
53:3  Nor does he speak of his own fantasy.
53:4  This Qur’ān is only Revelation Knowledge revealed to him .
53:5  It is taught to him by one who is endowed with mighty power,
53:6  Beauty, sturdiness and wisdom. He grew clear to view
53:7  When he was in the highest part of the horizon.
53:8  Then he approached and came down.
53:9  He was as close to (Muhammad) as the distance of two bows or even less.
53:10  So did (Allâh) reveal to His servant (Muhammad) what was to be revealed (through the Archangel Gabriel).
53:11  His heart has not deluded him in seeing what he saw.
53:12  Will you then dispute with him over what he saw?
53:13  Most surely he saw Him in another descent,
53:14  Near Sidrat al-Muntahā,
53:15  Near which is the Garden of eternal abode,
53:16  When Sidrat al-Muntahā was covered with that which covers.
53:17  (His) sight deviated not, neither did it transgress.
53:18  Verily he did see (some) of the Greatest Signs of his Lord.
53:19  Have you then thought carefully about Lât and ’Uzza,
53:20  And the third one, Manât, as well?
53:21  What! For you the males, and for Him, the females?
53:22  This indeed is an iniquitous division!
53:23  They are just a mere illusion which you and your forefathers have created- a belief Allâh has not authorized. They follow nothing but speculation and their whims although their Lord has already given them the True Source of Spiritual Enlightenment.
53:24  Or shall man have what he desires?
53:25  But to Allâh belongs the End and the Beginning (of all things).
53:26  So many Angels are in the heavens whose intercession avails nothing except after Allâh gives permission to whom He wills and with whom He is pleased.
53:27  Indeed, those who have no Faith in the Hereafter named the Angels with female names.
53:28  They have no knowledge of it. They follow nothing but speculation. Indeed, speculation avails nothing against the Truth.
53:29  Now, therefore, shun the one who turns away from celebrating Our praise and declaring Our glory, and who desires nothing but this worldly life.
53:30  The desire of this worldly life is the full extent of their knowledge. Verily, your Lord has full knowledge of those who have been deceived into going away from His path. And He already knows those who walk on the right path to salvation.
53:31  To Allâh belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. He will chastise those who commit evil deeds with (the penalty of) what they have done, and reward those who strive to do virtuous acts with the best reward, (Al-Jannah).
53:32  Those who avoid by all means committing the great sins and abominations except for minor offenses (let them be sure that) your Lord is extremely vast in Forgiveness. He knows best about you when He initiated you from the earth, and when you were embryos in the wombs of your mothers. Now, therefore, ascribe no purity to yourselves. He knows best the one who acts piously.
53:33  Have you then seen the one who fell away from the faith?
53:34  He gave a little, then he refused to give.
53:35  Does he have the knowledge of unseen, and so he is capable of catching sight of all things?
53:36  Or has he not been informed of what is in the Scriptures of Moses
53:37  And of Abraham who fulfilled (his function of promulgating the Message of God)?
53:38  No One will ever bear the responsibility of the sins of another.
53:39  Man will have only what he (seriously) strives for.
53:40  Surely (the fruit of) his struggle will be seen.
53:41  Then he will be rewarded for it with the fullest reward.
53:42  And that the ultimate end is to your Lord .
53:43  And He is the One Who makes (whom He wills) laugh or cry.
53:44  And He is the One Who causes death and gives life.
53:45  And He is the One Who creates the pairs, male and female,
53:46  From a drop of sperm when it is emitted.
53:47  It is incumbent on Him to bring forth the second creation- (the Resurrection).
53:48  And He is the One Who enriches and provides relief.
53:49  And He is the Lord of Sirius.
53:50  He is the One Who destroyed the ancient ‘Ād
53:51  And Thamūd. He spared none of them.
53:52  (He also destroyed) the folk of Noah before them. They were more transgressors and more rebellious.
53:53  He overthrew the subverted cities (of Sodom & Gomorrah).
53:54  So they were covered with that which covers.
53:55  Which then, of the marvels of your Lord, will you doubt?
53:56  Now take this as a serious warning like that of the ancient warnings.
53:57  The approaching day, (Last Judgment), has become imminent.
53:58  No one besides Allâh can disclose it.
53:59  Do you then wonder at this discourse
53:60  And poke fun at it instead of weeping,
53:61  While you are indulging in fun and amusement?
53:62  Now, therefore, bow down in prostration to Allâh, worship Him (in the way He wants you to worship Him).