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52:1  I swear by the Mount Ṭûr!.
52:2  By the Book inscribed
52:3  In an outstretched vellum.
52:4  By the established House.
52:5  By the elevated roof,
52:6  And by the swollen sea.
52:7  Most assuredly the retribution of your Lord will come to pass.
52:8  There shall be none to preclude it.
52:9  On the day when the sky will fluctuate with a dreadful fluctuation
52:10  And the mountains move away with a rapid movement.
52:11  Then Woe on that day betide those who are spiritually blind
52:12  Who excessively indulge in vain talks.
52:13  The day on which they will be forcefully driven into the Fire of hell.
52:14  This is the Fire which you were inclined to deny.
52:15  Is this magic, or do you not see?
52:16  Now burn in it! It is all the same for you whether you patiently endure it or not. You are only being chastised for what you used to do.
52:17  Surely the Pious servants will dwell in (Great) Gardens and Bliss,
52:18  Rejoicing in what their Lord will bestow upon them. And their Lord will shield them from the punishment of Hellfire.
52:19  Eat and drink with pleasure for what you used to do,
52:20  They will recline on couches set in lines. And We wed them to maidens with gorgeous eyes.
52:21  And those who live by Faith and whose offspring follow them in faith, We shall join their offspring with them, never decreasing the reward of their deeds in aught. Every human person is pledged for what he gains.
52:22  And We shall supply them with fruit and meat of which they desire.
52:23  They will pass therein from one to another a cup wherein is neither vanity nor sin.
52:24  And they will be served by youths of their own race as if they were hidden pearls.
52:25  Some of them will approach the other, questioning,
52:26  Saying: “Indeed, before this, we used to fear on account of our families.
52:27  But Allâh has conferred favor upon us and saved us from the agony of the scorching Fire.
52:28  We used to call upon Him before. Most assuredly, He is the Most Kind, the Most Merciful.”
52:29  Now continue to admonish! By the Grace of your Lord, you are neither a soothsayer, nor a lunatic.
52:30  Or do they say: “He is a poet for whom we await the evil events of time?”
52:31  Say: “Await! For I too will be with you awaiting.”
52:32  Do their minds command them to do this? Or are they cruel and oppressive people?
52:33  Or do they say: "He has fabricated this Qur’ān?" In fact, they have no tendency to live by faith!
52:34  Then let them produce a discourse like this Qur'ân if they are truthful.
52:35  Or were they created out of nothing? Or are they the creators?
52:36  Or did they create the heavens and the earth? The truth is that they have no firm belief (in Allâh).
52:37  Or do they have the treasures of the Lord with them, or are they the ones who hold the absolute power?
52:38  Or do they have a stairway (to the heavens) by means of which they listen (to the angels)? Then let their listener bring a conclusive evidence .
52:39  Or Has He only daughters and you have the sons?
52:40  Or do you ask them a reward for (your preaching) while they are heavily burdened with debt?
52:41  Or do they have (the knowledge of ) the unseen and so they write it down?
52:42  Or do they intend to devise evil schemes against you? But those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth will be the victims of their own evil conspiracy.
52:43  Or do they have another god besides Allâh? All Glory Be To Allâh from all that which they ascribe as partner to Him!
52:44  And if they were to see a deadly fragment of the heavens falling down, they would say: “Heaped-up clouds"
52:45  Now, therefore, leave them alone till they face that day of theirs in which they will be plunged into profound horror and shock.
52:46  On that day, their evil schemes will not avail them at all, nor will they be helped.
52:47  But, verily, for those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own own whims, there is another punishment besides this: But most of them do not know.
52:48  Then wait patiently for the verdict of your Lord. Indeed, you are before Our Eyes. Then celebrate the praise of your Lord and declare His absolute majesty and glory when you rise up for prayer.
52:49  In the night-time, celebrate the praise of your Lord and declare His glory, and at the setting of the stars.