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53:1  By the falling star,
53:2  your friend has not strayed, nor has he erred,
53:3  Nor does he speak (what is revealed to him) from his own whims.
53:4  It is a revealed revelation,
53:5  taught to him by one with mighty powers
53:6  and splendor who stood still
53:7  while he was at the highest horizon.
53:8  Then he drew near coming down
53:9  to within two bows’ length or closer.
53:10  Then God [through that angel] revealed to His servant what He revealed.
53:11  The heart did not doubt what it saw.
53:12  Do you dispute with him what he saw?
53:13  Indeed, he saw him in another descent,
53:14  ) at the Sidra beyond which none may pass,
53:15  near the Garden of Refuge
53:16  where that Sidra was shrouded [in mystery] with what shrouded it.
53:17  The eye did not waver, nor did it exceed its limit.
53:18  He saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord.
53:19  So have you considered al-Lat and al-‘Uzza?
53:20  and Manat, the third, the other one?
53:21  Why do you chose for yourself male offspring and assign to God the female?
53:22  That, then, is an unfair distribution.
53:23  These [allegedly divine beings] are nothing but names, which you [who worship them] and your forefathers have invented. God sent no authority for them. They [who worship them] follow nothing but guesswork and their egotistical whims, although guidance has come to them [your people] from their Lord.
53:24  Should man have whatever he wishes for,
53:25  when this life and the life to come belong only to God?
53:26  There are many angels in the heavens whose intercession is of no benefit at all until God gives permission to whomever He wills, and approves.
53:27  Those who do not believe in the Hereafter give the angels female names,
53:28  they have no knowledge of this. They only follow guesswork. Guesswork is no substitute at all for the Truth.
53:29  So pay no attention to whoever turns away from Our message and desires only this worldly life.
53:30  That is the extent of their knowledge. Your Lord knows best who strayed from His path, and He knows best who is guided.
53:31  To God belongs everything in the heavens and on Earth. He will repay those who do evil according to their deeds, and reward those who do good with the best,
53:32  those who avoid the major sins and immoralities, except for slight ones; your Lord’s forgiveness is vast. He knows you well, ever since He created you from the Earth and ever since you were embryos in your mothers’ wombs. So do not attest to your own virtues; He knows best those who are mindful of Him.
53:33  Have you seen the one who turned away
53:34  and gave a little and then held back?
53:35  Does he have knowledge of all that is beyond, enabling him to see the future?
53:36  Or has he not been told what was in the scrolls of Moses
53:37  and [of] Abraham, who fulfilled his duty,
53:38  that no bearer of burdens will bear the burdens of another,
53:39  that a human being attains only what he strives for,
53:40  and that his striving will be seen.
53:41  Then he will receive for it the fullest reward.
53:42  The ultimate end is to your Lord,
53:43  that It is He who causes [one] to laugh and weep.
53:44  That it is He who causes death and gives life,
53:45  that He creates the two mates - the male and female
53:46  from a fertilized ovum following ejaculation
53:47  that the next creation is incumbent upon Him.
53:48  That it is He who enriches and impoverishes,
53:49  that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius,
53:50  that it is He who destroyed the first people of Aad
53:51  and Thamud. He spared no one.
53:52  And before that the people of Noah who were most unjust and most oppressive.
53:53  That it is He who brought down the ruined cities
53:54  And covered them by that whatever He covered them.
53:55  Which then of your Lord’s blessings do you doubt?
53:56  This is a warning just like the earlier warnings.
53:57  The inevitable Day draws near.
53:58  No one, besides God, can disclose it.
53:59  Do you marvel at this discourse?
53:60  And you laugh and do not weep
53:61  While you are lost in your playfulness?
53:62  So prostrate yourselves before God and worship [Him].