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78:1  What are they wondering about?
78:2  About the huge announcement
78:3  over which they are in disagreement.
78:4  They will know.
78:5  For sure they will know.
78:6  Have We not made the Earth a cradle?
78:7  And the mountains as pegs?
78:8  And We created you in pairs?
78:9  And made your sleep to rest?
78:10  And made the night a cover?
78:11  And made the day for livelihood?
78:12  And constructed above you seven strong [heavens]?
78:13  And made [the sun] a glowing lamp?
78:14  And sent down from the clouds pouring water
78:15  to produce with it grain, vegetation
78:16  and luxuriant gardens?
78:17  The Day of Decision has been appointed.
78:18  The Day the Horn is blown and you will come forth in droves.
78:19  And the heavens are opened and becomes gateways.
78:20  And the mountains are set in motion and will become a mirage.
78:21  Hell has been lying in wait,
78:22  to be a home for the oppressors,
78:23  to stay in for a long, long time,
78:24  They will not taste any coolness there or drink,
78:25  except for boiling water and sizzling pus.
78:26  An appropriate reward.
78:27  They were not expecting to be held accountable.
78:28  And utterly rejected Our verses.
78:29  We have recorded everything in writing.
78:30  So feel it, We will only increase your punishment.
78:31  For those who were mindful of God there is a great achievement,
78:32  gardens and grapevines,
78:33  splendid, well matched spouses,
78:34  and a full cup.
78:35  There, they will hear no gossip or lies.
78:36  A reward from your Lord, a fitting gift,
78:37  The Lord of the heavens and the Earth and everything between them, the Merciful-to-all. They will have no authority from Him to speak.
78:38  On the Day when the Spirit and the angels will stand in rows. They will not speak except for those to whom the Merciful-to-all gives permission, and he will say what is right.
78:39  That is the True Day; so whoever wills, may take now a way back to his Lord.
78:40  We have warned you of an eminent punishment on the Day when a person will see what he has done, and the unbeliever will say, "I wish that I were dust!"