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Muhammad Asad   
True piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or the west - but truly pious is he who believes in God, and the Last Day; and the angels, and revelation, and the prophets; and spends his substance - however much he himself may cherish - it - upon his near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and for the freeing of human beings from bondage; and is constant in prayer, and renders the purifying dues; and [truly pious are] they who keep their promises whenever they promise, and are patient in misfortune and hardship and in time of peril: it is they that have proved themselves true, and it is they, they who are conscious of God
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
Righteousness is not in turning your faces towards the east or the west. Rather, the righteous are those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Books, and the prophets; who give charity out of their cherished wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, ˹needy˺ travellers, beggars, and for freeing captives; who establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and keep the pledges they make; and who are patient in times of suffering, adversity, and in ˹the heat of˺ battle. It is they who are true ˹in faith˺, and it is they who are mindful ˹of Allah˺.
Safi Kaskas   
Righteousness is not a matter of turning your faces eastward or westward. Rather, righteousness is believing in God and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the prophets; giving money for the love of Him to relatives, orphans, the poor, stranded travelers, beggars, and to free slaves; performing prayers and paying the purifying alms; keeping promises, and enduring misery and hard times in time of threat. It is they who prove themselves true, and it is they who are mindful of God.

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۞ لَّیۡسَ ٱلۡبِرَّ أَن تُوَلُّوا۟ وُجُوهَكُمۡ قِبَلَ ٱلۡمَشۡرِقِ وَٱلۡمَغۡرِبِ وَلَـٰكِنَّ ٱلۡبِرَّ مَنۡ ءَامَنَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡیَوۡمِ ٱلۡءَاخِرِ وَٱلۡمَلَـٰۤىِٕكَةِ وَٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ وَٱلنَّبِیِّـۧنَ وَءَاتَى ٱلۡمَالَ عَلَىٰ حُبِّهِۦ ذَوِی ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡیَتَـٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَـٰكِینَ وَٱبۡنَ ٱلسَّبِیلِ وَٱلسَّاۤىِٕلِینَ وَفِی ٱلرِّقَابِ وَأَقَامَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَءَاتَى ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَٱلۡمُوفُونَ بِعَهۡدِهِمۡ إِذَا عَـٰهَدُوا۟ۖ وَٱلصَّـٰبِرِینَ فِی ٱلۡبَأۡسَاۤءِ وَٱلضَّرَّاۤءِ وَحِینَ ٱلۡبَأۡسِۗ أُو۟لَـٰۤىِٕكَ ٱلَّذِینَ صَدَقُوا۟ۖ وَأُو۟لَـٰۤىِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡمُتَّقُونَ ۝١٧٧
Transliteration (2021)   
laysa l-bira an tuwallū wujūhakum qibala l-mashriqi wal-maghribi walākinna l-bira man āmana bil-lahi wal-yawmi l-ākhiri wal-malāikati wal-kitābi wal-nabiyīna waātā l-māla ʿalā ḥubbihi dhawī l-qur'bā wal-yatāmā wal-masākīna wa-ib'na l-sabīli wal-sāilīna wafī l-riqābi wa-aqāma l-ṣalata waātā l-zakata wal-mūfūna biʿahdihim idhā ʿāhadū wal-ṣābirīna fī l-basāi wal-ḍarāi waḥīna l-basi ulāika alladhīna ṣadaqū wa-ulāika humu l-mutaqūn
Word for Word
Dr. Shehnaz Shaikh, Ms. Kauser Katri, and more
It is not [the] righteousness that you turn your faces towards the east and the west, [and] but the righteous[ness] (is he) who believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and gives the wealth in spite of his love (for it) (to) those the near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and (of) the wayfarer, and those who ask, and in freeing the necks (slaves) and (who) establish the prayer, and give the zakah, and those who fulfill their covenant when they make it; and those who are patient in [the] suffering and [the] hardship, and (the) time (of) [the] stress. Those (are) the ones who are true and those, [they] (are) the righteous.

Generally Accepted Translations of the Meaning
Muhammad Asad   
True piety does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or the west - but truly pious is he who believes in God, and the Last Day; and the angels, and revelation, and the prophets; and spends his substance - however much he himself may cherish - it - upon his near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and for the freeing of human beings from bondage; and is constant in prayer, and renders the purifying dues; and [truly pious are] they who keep their promises whenever they promise, and are patient in misfortune and hardship and in time of peril: it is they that have proved themselves true, and it is they, they who are conscious of God
M. M. Pickthall   
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteous is he who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets; and giveth wealth, for love of Him, to kinsfolk and to orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and observeth proper worship and payeth the poor-due. And those who keep their treaty when they make one, and the patient in tribulation and adversity and time of stress. Such are they who are sincere. Such are the Allah-fearing
Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)   
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the Allah-fearing
The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab   
Righteousness is not in turning your faces towards the east or the west. Rather, the righteous are those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Books, and the prophets; who give charity out of their cherished wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, ˹needy˺ travellers, beggars, and for freeing captives; who establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and keep the pledges they make; and who are patient in times of suffering, adversity, and in ˹the heat of˺ battle. It is they who are true ˹in faith˺, and it is they who are mindful ˹of Allah˺.
Wahiduddin Khan   
Virtue does not consist in whether you face towards the East or the West; virtue means believing in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book and the prophets; the virtuous are those who, despite their love for it, give away their wealth to their relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to travellers and those who ask [for charity], and to set slaves free, and who attend to their prayers and pay the alms, and who keep their pledges when they make them, and show patience in hardship and adversity, and in times of distress. Such are the true believers; and such are the God-fearing
Safi Kaskas   
Righteousness is not a matter of turning your faces eastward or westward. Rather, righteousness is believing in God and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the prophets; giving money for the love of Him to relatives, orphans, the poor, stranded travelers, beggars, and to free slaves; performing prayers and paying the purifying alms; keeping promises, and enduring misery and hard times in time of threat. It is they who prove themselves true, and it is they who are mindful of God.
Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar   
It is not virtuous conduct that you turn your faces towards the East or the West. Rather, virtuous conduct consists of: Whoever believed in God and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets. And whoever gave wealth out of cherishing Him to the possessors of kinship and to the orphans and to the needy and to the traveler of the way and to the one who begs and the freeing of a bondsperson, and whoever performed the formal prayer, and gave the purifying alms, and the ones who live up to their compact when they made a contract, and the ones who remain steadfast in desolation and tribulation and at the time of danger, those are those who were sincere and those, they are the ones who are Godfearing!
Virtue does not mean for you to turn your faces towards the East and West, but virtue means one should believe in God [Alone], the Last Day, angels, the Book and prophets; and no matter how he loves it, to give his wealth away to near relatives, orphans, the needy, the wayfarer and beggars, and towards freeing captives; and to keep up prayer and pay the welfare tax; and those who keep their word whenever they promise anything; and are patient under suffering and hardship and in time of violence. Those are the ones who act loyal and they perform their duty.
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteousness is this that one should believe in Allah and the last day and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and give away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for (the emancipation of) the captives, and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in distress and affliction and in time of conflicts-- these are they who are true (to themselves) and these are they who guard (against evil)
Abdul Hye   
It is not piety that you turn your faces towards the east and (or) the west (in prayers); but piety is to believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the books, the prophets; give wealth in spite of love for it to relatives, orphans, poor, travelers, and to those who ask (for help); in ransom (to set free) of captives; establish prayer, pay obligatory charity, fulfill their promises when they make it, remain patient in adversity, affliction (disease), and at the time of fighting (war). Such are they who are truthful and they are pious.
The Study Quran   
It is not piety to turn your faces toward the east and west. Rather, piety is he who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets; and who gives wealth, despite loving it, to kinsfolk, orphans, the indigent, the traveler, beggars, and for [the ransom of] slaves; and performs the prayer and gives the alms; and those who fulfill their oaths when they pledge them, and those who are patient in misfortune, hardship, and moments of peril. It is they who are the sincere, and it is they who are the reverent
Talal Itani (2012)   
Righteousness does not consist of turning your faces towards the East and the West. But righteous is he who believes in God, and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Scripture, and the prophets. Who gives money, though dear, to near relatives, and orphans, and the needy, and the homeless, and the beggars, and for the freeing of slaves; those who perform the prayers, and pay the obligatory charity, and fulfill their promise when they promise, and patiently persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and in the time of conflict. These are the sincere; these are the pious
Talal Itani & AI (2024)   
Righteousness is not about turning your faces East or West. Righteousness is believing in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Scripture, and the Prophets; sharing wealth—despite love for it—with relatives, orphans, the needy, the homeless, those who ask; and freeing enslaved people; performing prayers, giving purifying charity, fulfilling promises when made, and enduring through illness, hardship, and times of strife. These are the truthful, and these are the righteous.
Dr. Kamal Omar   
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East and the West (as Qiblah); but righteousness is this: one who has Believed in Allah and the Last Day, and the angels and Al-Kitab and the Prophets; and he gave his wealth out of His love to close relations, and members of the weaker class and the needy and who has become unpossessed while in travel, and those who are compelled to put up a request; and for giving freedom to one who is in bondage, and he established Salat and he paid off Zakat; and who fulfill their promises and contracts when they have ratified (any); and the patient and perseverent in states of pain and suffering and throughout states of panic — such are the people who have proved (their Belief in Allah) and these are the ones who are Al-Muttaqun
Dr. Munir Munshey   
Piety is not (a ritual requiring) that you turn your faces towards the East or the West (during ´salat´). Rather, pious is he who believes (firmly) in Allah, the last day, the angels, the scriptures, and the prophets. (Pious is he, who) spends his wealth (in charity) _ out of love for Him _ on his kinsfolk, the orphans, the poor, and the wayfarer. (Pious is the one who) gives (help) to those who ask (for help), and (spends money) to free slaves. And (pious are those who) establish ´salat´, pay the ´zakat´, and fulfill the pledges made by them. Those who endure and display fortitude during poverty and adversity, and during times of crises. Such are the people who are sincere! Such are the pious ones
Syed Vickar Ahamed   
It is not rightful conduct that you turn your faces towards East or West; But it is righteousness— To believe in Allah, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the messengers; To spend from your (own) wealth, in spite of your love for it, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; To fulfill the contracts which you have made; And to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering), and adversity, and throughout the periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, those who fear Allah
Umm Muhammad (Sahih International)   
Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous
M. Farook Malik   
Righteousness is not whether you turn your face towards East or West; but righteousness is to believe in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Books and the Prophets, and to spend wealth out of love for Him on relatives, orphans, helpless, needy travellers, those who ask for and on the redemption of captives; and to establish Salah (prayers), to pay Zakah (alms), to fulfill promises when made, to be steadfast in distress, in adversity, and at the time of war. These people are the truthful and these are the pious
Muhammad Sarwar   
Righteousness is not determined by facing East or West during prayer. Righteousness consists of the belief in God, the Day of Judgment, the angels, the Books of God, His Prophets; to give money for the love of God to relatives, orphans, the destitute, and those who are on a journey and in urgent need of money, beggars; to set free slaves and to be steadfast in prayer, to pay the religious tax (zakat) to fulfill one's promises, and to exercise patience in poverty, in distress, and in times of war. Such people who do these are truly righteous and pious
Muhammad Taqi Usmani   
Righteousness is not (merely) that you turn your faces to the East and the West; but righteousness is that one believes in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and gives wealth, despite (his) love for it, to relatives, and to orphans, the helpless, the wayfarer, and to those who ask, and (spends) in (freeing) slaves and observes the Salah (prayers) and pays Zakah___and (the act of) those who fulfill their covenant when they enter into a covenant, and, of course, those who are patient in hardship and suffering and when in battle! Those are the ones who are truthful, and those are the God-fearing
Shabbir Ahmed   
(One obvious result of sectarianism is their pre-occupation with rituals. This is because each sect leaves the Book aside and makes its own set of dogmas they call religion). No wonder, they forget that) Righteousness and exponential development of personality is not in that you turn your faces to the East and the West. But righteous is he who has conviction in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Prophets. And he gives his wealth that he loves in reverence of Him, to: Family and relatives, Orphans, Widows, Those left helpless in the society, Those whose hard-earned income fails to meet their basic needs, Those whose running businesses have stalled, The ones who have lost their jobs, Whose life has stalled for any reason, The disabled, The needy wayfarer, son of the street, the homeless, the one who travels to you for assistance, Those who ask for help, and Those whose necks are burdened with any kind of bondage, oppression, crushing debts and extreme hardship of labor. They (the truly righteous) strive to establish the Divine System, and set up the Just Economic Order. They are true to their promises whenever they make a promise. They remain steadfast in physical or emotional distress and in times of peril. It is they that have proved to be practically true, and it is they, they that indeed journey through life in Blissful honor and security. ((2:4), (3:91))
Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali   
It is not benignancy that you turn your faces around in the direction of East and West; but benignancy is (in him) who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and brings wealth in spite of his love for it (Or: offers out of love for Him) to near kinsmen, and the orphans, and the indigent, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and (to ransom) necks, (i.e. captives "slaves") and keeps up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (i.e. pay the poor-dues) and they who fulfil their covenant when they have covenanted, and the patient (ones) in misery and tribulation, and while in violence; (i.e. during fighting) those are (they) who act sincerely, and those are they who are the pious
[The Monotheist Group] (2011 Edition)   
Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but piety is one who believes in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Scripture, and the prophets, and he gives money out of love to the near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and to free the slaves, and he holds the contact-method, and he contributes towards betterment; and those who keep their pledges when they make a pledge, and those who are patient in the face of good and bad and when in despair. These are the ones who have been truthful, and they are the righteous
Abdel Haleem   
Goodness does not consist in turning your face towards East or West. The truly good are those who believe in God and the Last Day, in the angels, the Scripture, and the prophets; who give away some of their wealth, however much they cherish it, to their relatives, to orphans, the needy, travellers and beggars, and to liberate those in bondage; those who keep up the prayer and pay the prescribed alms; who keep pledges whenever they make them; who are steadfast in misfortune, adversity, and times of danger. These are the ones who are true, and it is they who are aware of God
Abdul Majid Daryabadi   
Virtue is not in this that ye turn your faces toward the east and west, but virtue is of him who believeth in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the prophets: and giveth of his substance, for love of Him unto kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for redeeming necks, and establisheth prayer and giveth the poor-rate and is of the performers of their covenant when they have covenanted; and is of the patient in adversity and affliction and in time or violence these are they who are proven true, and these they are God-fearing
Ahmed Ali   
Piety does not lie in turning your face to East or West: Piety lies in believing in God, the Last Day and the angels, the Scriptures and the prophets, and disbursing your wealth out of love for God among your kin and the orphans, the wayfarers and mendicants, freeing the slaves, observing your devotional obligations, and in paying the zakat and fulfilling a pledge you have given, and being patient in hardship, adversity, and times of peril. These are the men who affirm the truth, and they are those who follow the straight path
Aisha Bewley   
Goodness does not lie in turning your faces to the East or to the West. Rather, those with true devoutness are those who have iman in Allah and the Last Day, the Angels, the Book and the Prophets, and who, despite their love for it, give away their wealth to their relatives and to orphans and the very poor, and to travellers and beggars and to set slaves free, and who establish salat and pay zakat; those who honour their contracts when they make them, and are steadfast in poverty and illness and in battle. Those are the people who are true. They are the people who have taqwa.
Ali Ünal   
Godliness (and virtue) is not that you should turn your faces in the direction of the east and west; but he is godly who believes in God and the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the Prophets, and gives away of his property with pleasure, although he loves it, to relatives, orphans, the destitute, the wayfarer, and those who have to beg (or who need a loan), and for the liberation of slaves, and establishes the Prayer and pays the Prescribed Purifying Alms. And those (are godly) who fulfill their covenant when they have engaged in a covenant, and who are patient and persevering in misfortune, hardship, and disease, and at the time of stress (such as battle between the truth and falsehood). Those are they who are true (in their faith), and those are they who have achieved righteousness, piety and due reverence for God
Ali Quli Qara'i   
Piety is not to turn your faces to the east or the west; rather, piety is [personified by] those who have faith in Allah and the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets, and who give their wealth, for the love of Him, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveller and the beggar, and for [the freeing of] the slaves, and maintain the prayer and give the zakat, and those who fulfill their covenants, when they pledge themselves, and those who are patient in stress and distress, and in the heat of battle. They are the ones who are true [to their covenant], and it is they who are the Godwary
Hamid S. Aziz   
Righteousness is not that you turn your faces towards the East or the West, but it is righteousness to believe in Allah, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers, and to spend of your wealth for love of Him, for your kindred, an
A.L. Bilal Muhammad et al (2018)   
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards East or West. But it is righteousness to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, the Book, and the messengers. To give of your sustenance, out of love for Him, for your family, for orphans, for the needy, and for displaced persons, for those who ask, and for the freeing of slaves. To be steadfast in prayer, and give zakat. To fulfill the contracts which you have made, and to be firm and patient in pain and suffering, and adversity, and through all periods of crisis. Such are the people of truth, the realized
Ali Bakhtiari Nejad   
Goodness (or obedience) is not to turn your face toward the east or the west, but good is someone who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the book, the prophets, and he gives the wealth, in spite of his love for it, to the relatives (and close ones), orphans, the needy, travelers (in need), and those who ask, and to free slaves, and he performs mandatory prayer and gives to mandatory charity, and they fulfill their promise when they make a promise, and they persevere (and are patient) in hardship and loss and during the hard times (and the battle). They are those who tell the truth, and they are those who are cautious (of God).
Musharraf Hussain   
Righteousness is not simply turning your face towards The East or The West in prayer, rather, righteousness is believing in Allah, The Last Day, the angels, the revealedbooks and the prophets; spending wealth for the love of Allah on relatives, orphans, the needy, travellers, beggars and freeing slaves; performing prayer and paying Zakat; fulfilling any contracts one has entered; and being patient in illness, misfortune and in times of hardship. Those who do these thingsare the truthful people, and they are mindful of Allah
It is no virtue. That you turn your faces towards the east or the west, but virtue is that one should sincerely believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the Prophets and, out of His love, spend of one´s choice wealth for relatives and orphans, for the needy and the wayfarer, for beggars and for the ransom of slaves, and establish the Salat and pay the Zakat. And the virtuous are those who keep their pledges when they make them and show fortitude in hardships and adversity and in the struggle between the Truth and falsehood; such are the truthful people and such are the pious
[The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition)   
Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but pious is one who believes in God and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the prophets, and who gives money out of love to the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and to free the slaves; and who upholds the contact prayer, and who contributes towards purification; and those who keep their pledges when they make a pledge, and those who are patient in the face of adversity and hardship and when in despair. These are the ones who have been truthful, and these are the righteous.
Mohammad Shafi   
It is not the righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West. But the righteous is one who believes in Allah, the Hereafter, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets and who gives material assistance — despite one's love for material possessions — to the near and dear, the orphans, the impoverished, the wayfarer, the beggars and in the freeing of the bonded and who is regular and steadfast in prayers and gives to charity. And the righteous are those who keep their word when they give it and are patient in adversities and afflictions and during conflicts. Those are the true people; and those are the ones who are Allah-fearing!

Controversial or status undetermined works
Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)   
The real righteousness is not this that you turn your face towards East or West; yes, the real virtue is this that one has faith in Allah and the Last day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets and gives his dear wealth for love of Allah to kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for redeeming necks, and establishes prayer and pays poor due (Zakat); and the performer of their promises when make promise and the patients in tribulation and adversity and at time of crusade;-These are they, who proved truth of their talks and they are only God-fearing.
Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah   
Righteousness is not whether you face towards the east or the west. But righteousness is to believe in Allah and the Last Day, in the angels and the Book, and the Prophets, and to give wealth however cherished, to kinsmen, to the orphans, to the needy, to the destitute traveler, and to the beggars, and to ransom the slave; who establish their prayers and pay the obligatory charity; who are true to their promise when they have promised. Who are patient in misfortune and hardship and during the time of courage. Such are the truthful; such are the cautious
Maulana Muhammad Ali   
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteous is the one who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the angels and the Book and the prophets, and gives away wealth out of love for Him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and to those who ask and to set slaves free and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate; and the performers of their promise when they make a promise, and the patient in distress and affliction and in the time of conflict. These are they who are truthful; and these are they who keep their duty
Muhammad Ahmed & Samira   
The righteousness/obedience is not that you turn your faces/fronts facing the sunrise/east, and the sunset/west, and but the righteousness/obedience (is) who believed with God, and the Day the Last/Resurrection Day, and the angels and The Book , and the prophets, and brought/gave the property/possession/wealth on his love/like (to it), (to) of the relations/near (ones), and the orphans, and the poorest of the poor/poor oppressed, and the traveler/stranded traveler , and the askers/beggars , and in the necks'/slaves' (freeing) , and kept up/performed the prayers, and gave/brought the charity/purification , and the fulfilling with the promise/contract if they promised/made a contract, and the patient in the misery/hardship and the calamity/disastrous distress , and (during the) time of the war/hardship ,those are who were truthful, and those, those are the fearing and obeying (God)
Bijan Moeinian   
Turning your faces towards the east or the west [during the prayer] is not [a sign of piety or] a virtue [and does not have any importance with God.] The virtue is the belief in God, the last day, the existence of the angles, the Book [sent by God] and the prophets [sent by God], sharing wealth with beloved ones, nearest ones, orphans, poor people, stranded travelers and the beggars [in distress], the act of freeing the slaves, worshipping the Lord on regular basis, paying the minimum charity [as imposed by God upon your income], honoring your words and pledges and patience in hardship, affliction of a disaster and in despair. Such are the sincere ones and considered as pious by God
Faridul Haque   
Basic virtue is not just to turn faces to the East and the West, but true righteousness is that one must believe in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets; and out of love for Allah, to give treasured wealth to relatives and to the orphans and the needy and the traveller, and to those who ask, and to set slaves free; and to keep the prayer established and to pay the charity; and those who fulfil their obligations when they make an agreement; and the patient during times of calamity, in hardships and during holy war; it is they who have proved true to their word; it is they who are the pious
Rashad Khalifa   
Righteousness is not turning your faces towards the east or the west. Righteous are those who believe in GOD, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture, and the prophets; and they give the money, cheerfully, to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the traveling alien, the beggars, and to free the slaves; and they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat); and they keep their word whenever they make a promise; and they steadfastly persevere in the face of persecution, hardship, and war. These are the truthful;
Sher Ali   
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but truly righteous is he who believes in ALLAH and the Last Day and the angels and the Book and the Prophets, and spends his money out of love for HIM, on the kindred and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and those who ask for charity and for ransoming the captives; and observes prayer and pays the Zakat; and those who fulfill their promise when they have made one, and the patient in poverty and afflictions and the steadfast in the time of war; it is these who have proved truthful and it is these who are truly God-Fearing
Amatul Rahman Omar   
It is not the sole virtue that you turn your faces to the east or the west but true virtue is theirs, who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and in the Prophets, and who give away their wealth (and substance) out of love for Him, to the near of kin, the orphans, the needy, the wayfarer and to those who ask (in charity) and in ransoming the slaves; and who observe the Prayer, who go on presenting the Zakat (- the purifying alms) and those who always fulfill their pledges and agreements when they have made one, and those who are patiently persevering in adversity and distress and (steadfast) in times of war. It is these who have proved truthful (in their promises and in their faith) and it is these who are strictly guarded against evil
Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri   
Righteousness is not merely that you turn your faces to the east or the west. But true righteousness is that a person believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book (revealed by Allah) and the Messengers. Driven by love for Allah, he spends (his) wealth on the kindred, the orphans, the needy, the wayfarers and those who ask and in (liberating slaves’) necks, and establishes Prayer and pays Zakat (the Alms-due). And when they make a promise, they fulfil it and are steadfast in hardship (i.e., poverty) and suffering (i.e., ailment) and at the time of fierce fighting (i.e., jihad). It is these who are truthful and it is these who are righteous
Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali   
It is not Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience to Allah, etc.) that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Al-Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, and to Al-Masakin (the poor), and to the wayfarer, and to those who ask, and to set slaves free, performs As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and gives the Zakat, and who fulfill their covenant when they make it, and who are As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.) in extreme poverty and ailment (disease) and at the time of fighting (during the battles). Such are the people of the truth and they are AlMuttaqoon (pious - see V.2:2)

Non-Muslim and/or Orientalist works
N J Dawood (2014)   
Righteousness does not consist in whether you turn your face to the East or to the West. The righteous are those who believes in God and the Last Day, in the angels and the Book and the prophets; who, though they love it dearly, gives their wealth to kin, to orphans, to the destitute, to the traveller in need and to beggars, and for the redemption of captives; who attend to their prayers and renders the alms levy; who are true to their promises and steadfast in trial and adversity and in times of war. Such are the true believers; such are the God-fearing
Arthur John Arberry   
It is not piety, that you turn your faces to the East and to the West. True piety is this: to believe in God, and the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the Prophets, to give of one's substance, however cherished, to kinsmen, and orphans, the needy, the traveller, beggars, and to ransom the slave, to perform the prayer, to pay the alms. And they who fulfil their covenant when they have engaged in a covenant, and endure with fortitude misfortune, hardship and peril, these are they who are true in their faith, these are the truly godfearing
George Sale   
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces in prayer towards the east and the west, but righteousness is of him who believeth in God and the last day, and the angels, and the scriptures, and the prophets; who giveth money for God's sake unto his kindred, and unto orphans, and the needy, and the stranger, and those who ask, and for redemption of captives; who is constant at prayer, and giveth alms; and of those who perform their covenant, when they have covenanted, and who behave themselves patiently in adversity, and hardships, and in time of violence: These are they who are true, and these are they who fear God
Edward Henry Palmer   
Righteousness is not that ye turn your faces towards the east or the west, but righteousness is, one who believes in God, and the last day, and the angels, and the Book, and the prophets, and who gives wealth for His love to kindred, and orphans, and the poor, and the son of the road, beggars, and those in captivity; and who is steadfast in prayer, and gives alms; and those who are sure of their covenant when they make a covenant; and the patient in poverty, and distress, and in time of violence; these are they who are true, and these are those who fear
John Medows Rodwell   
There is no piety in turning your faces toward the east or the west, but he is pious who believeth in God, and the last day, and the angels, and the Scriptures, and the prophets; who for the love of God disburseth his wealth to his kindred, and to the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and for ransoming; who observeth prayer, and payeth the legal alms, and who is of those who are faithful to their engagements when they have engaged in them, and patient under ills and hardships, and in time of trouble: these are they who are just, and these are they who fear the Lord

New, Partial, or In Progress Translations
Fode Drame   
The piety does not consist of turning your faces towards the east and the west, but the pious is the one who believes in Allah and in the last day and in the angels and in the book and in the prophets; and who gives the wealth out of His love to the near of kin and to the orphans and to the needy ones and to the wayfarer and to the beggars and in freeing the slaves and who establishes the prayer and gives out the sanctifying dues and those who fulfill their promise when they makes a promise and those who are patient in the adversity and in the affliction and during the strife. Truly those are the ones who are truthful and those are the ones who have guarded their own souls.
Munir Mezyed   
Expansion of Faith doesn’t lie in turning your faces towards the East or the West (in prayer). But Expansion of Faith lies: in firm belief in Allah, the Last Day, His Angels, all His books, all His Prophets and Messengers: in giving away some of one’s wealth, out of love for Him, for kinsmen, the orphans, the needy, the wayfarer, those who ask and the ransom of slaves and captives: in performing the prescribed prayers: in paying the prescribed Zakāt: in fulfilling one’s promise and pledges: in clinging to patience in time of adversity and hardship, as well as in time of peril. These are ones who are true in their faith: these are the Pious.
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher   
Godliness is not that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but it is to believe in Allah and the last day and the angels and the books and the prophets, and to give wealth out of love for Him to the relatives and the orphans and the poor and the traveller and those who ask and the liberation (of prisoners), and to keep up prayer and give Zakat, and to keep promises once given, and to be patient in adversity and hardship and distress. Those (who do this) are the truthful, and they beware (of Allah).
Linda “iLHam” Barto   
It is not righteousness to turn your faces east or west. It is righteousness to believe in Allah, the last day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets. You must donate from your own wealth, out of your love for (Allah), for your relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, and those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves. You must establish the required prayer and practice required charity. You must fulfill contracts you have made. You must be patient in troubles and problems and stress. Such are those who are sincere. They are the righteous.
Fadel Soliman, Bridges‘ Translation   
Virtue is not (attained) by turning yourpl faces towards the East and the West. Rather, virtue is (exemplified) in one who has attained faith in Allah and the Last Day and the angels and the Scripture and the prophets, and has brought money—despite his love of it—to relatives and orphans and the destitutepl and the traveler in need and the askers and for (the freeing of) slaves, and has established the prayer and brought the purifying charity; and (it is exemplified) in those who fulfill their covenant when they have covenanted, and those who are patient in (the face of) misery and adversity and at the time of battle. Those are the ones who were truthful, and it is those who are the mindful (of God).
Irving & Mohamed Hegab   
Virtue does not mean for you to turn your faces towards the East and West, but virtue means one should believe in God [Alone], the Last Day, angels, the Book ( the Bible and the Quran) and prophets; and no matter how he loves it, to give his wealth away to near relatives, orphans, the needy, the wayfarer and beggars, and towards freeing captives; and to keep up prayer and pay the welfare tax; and those who keep their word whenever they promise anything; and are patient under suffering and hardship and in time of violence. Those are the ones who act loyal and they perform their duty.
Samy Mahdy   
The devotion is not by turning your faces towards the East and the West. But the devotion is whoever believed in Allah, and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the prophets. And give the money, in spite of its love, for possessors of consanguinity, and the orphans, and the needy, and a wayfarer, and the asker(s) (for aid), and for the necks (The slaves freeing); and establish the prayers, and give the zakat, and the fulfillers of their covenant when they covenant and the patient ones in the adversity, and in the bane, and when the time of adversity (War). Those who are truthful ones; and those who are pious.
Thomas Cleary   
It is not righteous that you turn your faces east and west: but they are righteous who believe in God and the last day, and the angels and the Book, and the prophets; and who donate goods and money for love of God to relatives and orphans, and to the poor
Ahmed Hulusi   
Turning (your faces or your consciousness) to the east or the west (the reality of existence OR the knowledge of the mechanics of the system) does not mean you are experiencing its reality (albirra). To experience the reality (albirra) is to believe in Allah in accord with the meaning of the letter B, and to believe in the life to come, the angels (the unperceivable forces of the Names of Allah constituting existence), the Book (the essence of existence and the sunnatullah), the Nabis, and who give from their possessions with the love of Allah to their relatives, orphans, those in need, travelers who are stranded (from their homes), and to free slaves, and who perform salat (duly turn introspectively to Allah) and who unrequitedly share a portion of what Allah has bestowed to them (zakah), and who stay true to their word, and who are resistant in the face of calamity, ailment and violence. Those are the devout and the protected ones.
Sayyed Abbas Sadr-Ameli   
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the East and the West, but righteous is he who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the Apostles, and for the love of Him gives (of) his wealth, although he likes it, to the kindred, the orphans, the needy, the travellers, beggars and for the (emancipation of) slaves, and keeps up the prayer, and pays the poor-rates (zakat) ; and those who fulfil their promise whenever they make a promise, and are patient in distress, adversity, and in the time of war, these are they who are the truthful (in Faith verbally and actually) and these are the pious ones
Mir Aneesuddin   
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces towards the east and the west, but righteous is he who believes in Allah and the period hereafter and the angels and the book and the prophets, and gives wealth out of love for Him to the relatives and the orphans and the poor and the wayfarer and to those who ask (beggars) and for setting the slaves free, and establishes worship (salat) and gives charity (zakat), and those who keep up their agreements when they make an agreement, and the patient in poverty and adversity and at the time of conflict. Those are the persons who are true (believers) and those are the persons who guard (against evil).
Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur‘an al-Karim   
Conformity of life and conduct in divine law for righteous living does not simply mean turning your faces at prayer toward the east or the west, but it entails adherence to principles serving as the basis of Allah’s system of faith and worship. It entails that you believe in Allah and in the Day of Judgement with faithful hearts, that you entertain with profound reverence the belief on ground of Authority in Allah’s, spiritual beings, attendants and Messengers, that you solemnly consent to Allah’s Books revealed to His Prophets and to the Prophets themselves, that you spend of your wealth in benevolence and benefaction on the poor among your kindred, on the orphans, on those in need and on the wayfarer who has no means of transportation, on those who make a request for aid in times of difficulty or distress and on redeeming and setting free servants who are completely divested of freedom and personal rights, that you engage in the act of appropriate worship, that you give zakat for zakat is the vehicle of prayer, that you fulfil the promise when you make one and that you exercise patience when befallen with a misfortune and the distress of warfare against enemies. These are the ones who have characterized themselves with virtuous qualities and stand true in Allah’s honour and these are the ones who entertain the profound reverence dutiful to Him
The Wise Quran   
It is not righteousness, that you turn your faces towards the east and the west, but righteousness is, one who believes in God, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and who gives wealth for His love to kinsfolk, and orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and in the necks; and who is steadfast in prayer, and gives alms; and those who are sure of their covenant when they make a covenant; and the patient in poverty, and distress, and in time of violence; those are the ones who are true, and those, they are the righteous.

Obsolete and/or older editions
Yusuf Ali (Orig. 1938)   
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and dversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing
OLD Literal Word for Word   
It is not [the] righteousness that you turn your faces towards the east and the west, [and] but the righteous[ness] (is he) who believes in Allah and the Day [the] Last, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and gives the wealth in spite of his love (for it) (to) the near relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and (of) the wayfarer, and those who ask, and in freeing the necks (slaves) and (who) establish the prayer, and give the zakah, and those who fulfill their covenant when they make it; and those who are patient in [the] suffering and [the] hardship, and (the) time (of) [the] stress. Those (are) the ones who are true and those, [they] (are) the righteous
OLD Transliteration   
Laysa albirra an tuwalloo wujoohakum qibala almashriqi waalmaghribi walakinna albirra man amana biAllahi waalyawmi al-akhiri waalmala-ikati waalkitabi waalnnabiyyeena waata almala AAala hubbihi thawee alqurba waalyatama waalmasakeena waibna alssabeeli waalssa-ileena wafee alrriqabi waaqama alssalata waata alzzakata waalmoofoona biAAahdihim itha AAahadoo waalssabireena fee alba/sa-i waalddarra-i waheena alba/si ola-ika allatheena sadaqoo waola-ika humu almuttaqoona