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This Perfect Book is undoubtedly of divine origin: the True Source of Enlightenment for the Pious,
Who have Absolute Faith in the unseen, establish the regular Prayer and expend out of what We have bestowed upon them,
And who have Absolute Faith in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you. And in the Hereafter, they have absolute certainty.
They walk in the light of their Lord: those are the ones who will ultimately achieve salvation.
As for those who are spiritually dead and blind, it is the same to them whether you admonish them or not, they have no tendency to live by Faith.
Allâh has set a seal on their hearts and hearing, and on their sight there is a covering. And (in the Hereafter), they will be subjected to a mighty chastisement.
Among the people are those who have made a false profession of Faith. Yet they are not truly of those who live a life of Genuine Faith.
They seek to delude Allâh and those who live by Faith. Yet they only delude their own selves, but they lack the ability to perceive (this fact).
In their hearts, there is a disease and Allâh has increased their disease. And (in the Hereafter), they will be subjected to an extremely painful chastisement for the lies which they were inclined to invent.
And when they are told not to make mischief on the earth, they say: ‘We are only seeking reforms’.
Verily, it is they who spread corruption, but they lack the ability to perceive.
And when they are asked to live by Faith just as the people who live by Faith, they reply: ‘Are we to live by Faith Just as the feeble-minded live by Faith?’. Truly, they are the feeble-minded, yet they do not realize.
And when they meet with those who live by Faith, they make a false profession of Faith. But when they are alone with their evil ones, they say: ‘We are with you; we were only mocking’.
Allâh scoffs at them and grants them respite by letting them continue in their transgression and blindly wander in their heresy.
Those are the ones who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned spiritual enlightenment in favour of spiritual dankness. So their commerce has not profited them. And they were tempted to walk the other way.
Their parable is like the parable of those who kindle a fire, but when it illuminates what is around them, Allâh takes away their light, leaving them sightless in a manifold darkness.
Deaf, dumb and blind, they are not inclined to return to the truth / or quit their perversion.
Or it is like a rainstorm from the sky wherein darkness, thunder and lightning. They put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps in dread of death. And Allâh encompasses all those who are spiritually dead and blind.
The lightning almost snatches away their sight. And whenever it shines for them, they walk therein. But when darkness falls upon them, they stand still. And had Allâh willed, He would surely have taken away their hearing and sight. Most surely, Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
O’ mankind! worship your Lord Who created you and those who were before you so that you may act piously towards Him,
Who made the earth a place of repose for you and the sky a canopy. He sends down water from the sky and brings forth thereby fruit as provision for you. Now, therefore, do not set up rivals to Allâh after having received the Full Knowledge of the Truth.
And if it happens that you harbour doubts about what We have revealed (of the knowledge of the Truth) to Our Servant, then produce just one Sūrat like it, and call upon your witnesses, other than Allâh, if you were truthful.
But if you don’t - and you will never be able to do so - then guard yourselves (now) against the Fire whose fuel are humans and stones, prepared for those who have no tendency to live by Faith.
Now, therefore, give glad tidings to those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts, that they will have Gardens (in Al-Jannah) beneath which rivers flow. And whenever they are provided with a provision of fruit for nourishment, they will say: ‘This is what we were provided aforetime’ as they were given something resembling it. They will also have in these gardens purified spouses- and therein shall they live forever.
Surely Allâh is not ashamed to coin the similitude even of a mosquito, or aught above it. And those who live by Faith know that it is the (ultimate) truth from their Lord. But those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth say: ‘What did Allâh wish to convey by such a similitude?’. Thereby He lets many be deceived into going away from the truth, and desires many to walk on the right path to salvation.. But He lets none be deceived except for those who indulge in personal disobedience extensively without repentance,
Who break the covenant of Allâh after contracting it, disunite what Allâh has ordered to be joined, and spread corruption on earth: It is they who are doomed to face perdition.
How can you be tempted to reject Allâh, seeing you were lifeless, He brought you into existence, then He will cause you to die, then give you life, then to Him you shall be returned?
He is the One Who created for you all that is on the earth. Then turned He to the sky and fashioned it as seven heavens. And He has full knowledge of all things.
And (mention) when your Lord said to the Angels: ‘Verily, I am going to appoint a vicegerent on the earth’, they said: ‘Will You place upon it someone who will spread corruption therein and shed blood while we celebrate Your praise and venerate Your sanctity?’. He said: ‘I have full Knowledge of that which you cannot encompass in knowledge’.
And He taught Adam all the names and then He presented them to the Angels and said: ‘Inform Me the names of these if you were truthful’.
They said: ‘Highly Exalted Are You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. You are indeed the All-Knowing, the All-Wise’.
He said: ‘O’ Adam, inform them of their names’. When he had informed them of their names, (the Lord) said: ‘Did I not tell you that I have the perfect knowledge of the secrets of the heavens and the earth? And I have full knowledge of whatever you divulge and whatever you conceal’.
Behold! We said to the Angels: ‘Prostrate yourselves before Adam!’ They all prostrated themselves except for Iblīs- (Satan)-, who refused (to prostrate) and displayed an arrogant attitude: There he proved himself to be a fierce enemy of Man.
We said: ‘O' Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Al-Jannah, and eat thereof freely wherever you desire! But don’t approach this tree lest you become of those who voluntarily and consciously abandon the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own.
But Satan made (both of them) to slip away from It and to be dislodged from what they were in. So We said: ‘Now, go down (all of you) as enemies of one another. And you will have on the earth an abode and a provision for a while.’
Then Adam received Words from his Lord Who accepted his repentance. Most certainly He is the One Who is the Oft-Returning (to Mercy), the Most Merciful.
And We said: ’Go down all of you from It! (And soon) you will receive the Full Knowledge of Truth from Me. As for those who yield to the spiritual light of My Word, there will come no fear upon them, neither will they ever grieve’.
But As for those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth, and deny the sacred writings, they are the Denizens of Fire - and therein shall they live forever.
O’ Children of Israel, remember My (divine) grace which I have bestowed upon you: fulfill My Covenant and I will fulfill yours: and show honor and reverence for Me!
And do affirm your Faith in what I’ve revealed of the Qur’ān, confirming the Truth which you already possess. Don’t be the first to deny It or exchange My Signs for a small price. But act piously towards Me.
And don’t confound truth with falsehood, or deliberately conceal the truth!
Now establish the regular Prayer, pay Zakāt and bow along with those who bow (in prayer & worship).
Do you bid others to righteousness and forget yourselves while you recite the Scripture? Don't you have conscious thoughts at least in this sense?
Seek help through patience and prayer (in all your affairs). Indeed, it is difficult except for those who are sincerely devoted (to Allâh).
They know with absolute certainty that they will meet their Lord and that they will be returned to Him.
O’ Children of Israel, remember My (divine) grace which I have bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you above all the peoples.
Then, guard yourselves against a day when none will in aught avail another, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be helped.
And (recall) when We saved you from the clan of Pharaoh who had afflicted you with the worst torment, slaying your children and sparing your women. Therein was a great trial from your Lord.
We parted the sea for you and so We saved you and made the waters of the (Red) Sea to engulf the clan of Pharaoh right in front of your eyes.
And (recall) when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights. Then, you took the Calf (as an object of worship) during his absence. So you were unfair (when you have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of your own whims).
Even then We still forgave you so that you would show gratitude.
And (recall) when We gave Moses the Scripture- the Criterion of rights- so that you might walk on the right path to salvation.
And (recall) when Moses said to his people: ‘O’ my people, surely you have been unfair to yourselves by worshiping the Calf. So repent to your Creator and kill yourselves, that will be better for all of you in the sight of your Creator’. Then, He accepted your repentance. Most certainly He is the Oft-Returning (to mercy), the All-Merciful.
And (recall) when you said: ‘O’ Moses, we will never believe in you unless we see Allâh plainly’. Thus, a thunderbolt seized you right before your eyes.
Then, We raised you up after you were dead so that you would show gratitude.
And We shaded you with clouds and sent down to you manna and quails, (saying): ‘Eat from the pure and wholesome things which We have provided you’. Indeed, they were not unfair to Us, but they were unfair to their own selves (when they voluntarily and consciously have abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims).
And when We said: ‘Enter this village and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight wherever you wish, and enter prostrating at the gate, saying: ‘Relieve (us of the burden of our iniquitous deeds)’. We will deliver you from all the consequences of your iniquitous deeds and increase (Our bounty) for those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith.
As for those who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims, they have changed the expression into another, different from what had been spoken to them. So We sent down upon them an extremely severe punishment from the heavens because they kept on falling into all manner of disobedience and debauchery.
And (mention) when Moses prayed for water for his people, We said: ‘Strike the rock with your staff!’. And there gushed twelve springs out of it, and every tribe knew its drinking-place. ‘Eat and drink from the provision of Allâh, and don’t act wickedly by spreading corruption on the earth’.
You said: ‘O’ Moses, we cannot endure (eating one kind of) food, so call your Lord on our behalf to bring forth of what the earth grows, of its green herbs, cucumbers, garlic, lentils and onions’. (Moses) said: ‘Would you exchange what is better for what is worse?. (You can then) go down to any settlement and there you will definitely find what you have asked for!’ So they were struck with humiliation and poverty, receiving the wrath of Allâh for their persistent and purposeful denial of the Signs of Allâh, and unjustly killing the prophets. This is a well-deserved reward for those who walk in the path of disobedience and go on transgressing.
Indeed, as for those who live by Faith, and those who are Jews, Christians and Sabians - whoever affirms his Faith in the Absolute Oneness of Allâh, believes in the Last Day and strives to do righteous acts, they will have their reward with their Lord. There will come no fear upon them, neither will they ever grieve.
As soon as We took your pledge, We raised the mount above you (saying): ‘Hold on with determination to what We have given to you and remember that which is therein so that you may act piously ’.
Then, you took no heed after that. And had it not been for the grace of Allâh and His Mercy towards you, you would have surely been among those who are doomed to perdition.
And verily you had (already) known about those who transgressed the Sabbath among you and so We said to them: ‘Be apes, despised’.
And We made it an exemplary punishment for those who were present and for those who would succeed them, and (also) an admonition for the Pious.
And (recall) when Moses said to his people: ‘Indeed, Allâh commands you to sacrifice a cow’. They said: ‘Do you aim to make us an object of ridicule?’. He said: ‘God forbid that I would be of the ignorant (who delight in mockery)!’
They said: ‘Call upon your Lord to show us which one’. Moses said: ‘The Lord says: ‘It is a cow which is neither old nor virgin, but of middling age'. Now, therefore, do what you are commanded’.
They said: ‘Call upon your Lord to show us what is its color’. Moses said: “The Lord says: ‘It is yellow, very bright color, appealing to those who see it”.
They said: ‘Call upon your Lord to show us which one. Indeed, all cows do look alike to us. However, if Allâh wills, we shall then be guided to it’.
He said: ‘The Lord says: 'It is a cow neither trained to plow the earth nor to irrigate the field. One free from fault with no spot upon it’. They said: ‘Now you have come with the truth’. So they slaughtered it although they had no intention of doing so.
And (recall) when you slew a man and disputed over it. But Allâh (intended to) bring to light what you had covered up.
So We said: ‘Strike the (victim’s corpse) with part of the (sacrificed cow)’. That is how Allah brings the dead to life and shows you His Signs (of power & glory) so that you may achieve a higher level of consciousness.
And yet, after all this, your hearts became as hard as rocks, or even harder. For there are stones from which rivers gush forth, and some from which water flows when they split open, and others which fall down in awe and reverence of Allâh. Most Certainly Allâh has full knowledge of whatever you do.
Can you (O' Monotheistic Believers) entertain the hope that they will believe in you when a party of them used to hear the Word of Allâh and then deliberately distorted It after they had understood It?
And When they meet with those who live by Faith, they make a false profession of Faith. But when they are alone with one another, they say: ‘Did you talk to them about what Allâh has revealed to you so that they would argue with you about it before your Lord?’. Don't you have conscious thoughts at least in this sense?
Are you unaware that Allâh has full knowledge of whatever they conceal and whatever they proclaim?
And (some) among them are illiterate, not having knowledge of the Scripture, except for hearsay. Indeed, they are just assuming.
Woe betide those who write a book with their own hands and say: ‘This is from Allâh’ so as to exchange it for a small price! Woe unto them for what their hands have written! And woe unto them for what they have gained!
They said: ‘The Fire shall not touch us except for a few days’. Say: ‘Did you make covenant with Allâh? If so, Allâh will never break His covenant. Or do you attribute to Allâh that which you don’t encompass in knowledge?’.
Yea, whoever earns an evil deed while his iniquity surrounds him, they are the Denizens of the Fire: and therein shall they live forever.
But those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts (in this worldly life), they are the Denizens of Al-Jannah: and therein shall they live forever.
And We took the pledge from the Children of Israel: ‘Worship none but Allâh. Be kind to the parents, relatives, orphans and the poor. Speak kindly to the people. Establish the Regular Prayer and pay Zakāt’. Then, you showed a hostile attitude, except for a few of you.
And We also took your pledge that you won’t shed your own blood, neither will you expel your own people from your homes. So you accepted and testified it.
Then, you are those who slay each other and drive out a party of your people from their homes, supporting one another against them by iniquity and transgression. And if it happens that they come to you as captives, you will ransom them. Yet their expulsion was itself unlawful for you. So do you acknowledge one part of the Book and reject the rest? So what is the penalty for those who do that among you except humiliation in this worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection, they will be subjected to the most severe punishment. Most surely Allâh has full knowledge of whatsoever you do.
Those are the ones who have abandoned the Hereafter in favour of the worldly life. So the (divine) punishment won’t be lightened for them; neither shall they be helped.
And Verily, We gave to Moses the Scripture, and followed him up with a succession of Apostles. We gave to Jesus, son of Mary, (Miraculous) Signs, and strengthened him with the holy spirit- Is it ever so, that, when there comes to you an Apostle with what yourselves don’t desire, you display an arrogant attitude (towards him)?- Some you called impostors, and others you sought to kill!
They said: ‘Our hearts are wrapped up in covers, (so we cannot comprehend what you say)’. Nay, but Allâh has excluded them from His Mercy for their persistent and purposeful denial of the Truth. Lo! They have so little Faith.
And when there came to them a (Perfect) Book from Allâh, confirming the Truth which they already possess - although before that they used to pray for victory against those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth - but then when there came to them that which they recognized, they denied It. So the curse of Allâh abides in those who have no tendency to live by Faith.
How deplorable is that for which they sold their own selves: that they should give no credence to what Allâh has revealed of the Full Knowledge of the Truth, grudging that Allâh should send down His bounty upon whom He wills from among His servants. So they have incurred wrath upon wrath. And for those who have no tendency to live by Faith, they will be subjected to a disgraceful punishment.
And When it is said to them: ‘Affirm your Faith in what Allâh has revealed of the Full Knowledge of the Truth’, they say: ‘We affirm our Faith only in that which was revealed to us’. So they refused to give credence to that which came after It although It is the Truth confirming that which they already possess. Say: ‘Why, then, did you slay the Prophets of Allâh aforetime if you were living a life of Genuine Faith?’
And Verily Moses performed plenty of Visible Signs for you. Yet you worshipped the Calf during his absence and so you were unfair ( when you voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of your own whims).
And (recall) when We took your covenant and raised over you the mount (saying to you): ‘Hold firmly to that which We have given you, and hear Our word’. But you said: ‘We do hear, but we disobey ’. Their hearts absorbed fully the adoration of the Calf because of their persistent and purposeful denial of the Truth. Say: ‘How deplorable is that which your belief bids you if ( you think that) you are living a life of Genuine Faith’.
Say: ‘If the home of the Hereafter with Allâh were only for you, not for other people, then long for death if you were truthful’.
Surely they will never ever long for it because of what their hands have put forth. And Allâh knows well those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
And You will definitely find them the greediest of all the people, even more than the Polytheists. Each one of them desires to live a thousand years. Yet such a long life would not remove him from the punishment. And Allâh sees very well whatsoever they do.
Say: ‘Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel (let him know that) it is he who has brought (the Qur’ān) down upon your heart by the will of Allâh, confirming that which was before It as the True Source of Enlightenment, and Glad Tidings to those who live a life of Genuine Faith.
And whoever is an enemy of Allâh, His Angels and His Messengers, including Gabriel and Michael, (let him know that) Allâh is definitely an enemy of those who have no tendency to live by Faith.
We have certainly revealed to you Verses which contain irrefutable Signs (that demonstrate the Divine Origin of the Qur'ân). No one will venture to deny their divine origin except for those who indulge in personal disobedience extensively without repentance.
Why is it that every time they make a covenant, a party of them rejects it as worthless?. In fact, most of them are spiritually dead and blind.
And when there comes to them an Apostle from Allâh confirming the Truth which they already possess, a party of those who have been given the Scripture hurl the Book of Allâh forcefully behind their back as if they had no knowledge of It.
They - (the Children of Israel) - followed that which the devils had falsely recited against the reign of Solomon while Solomon didn’t violate (Allâh's Commandments, neither did he learn or practice witchcraft). But the devils refused to comply with (what Allâh has commanded), teaching the people witchcraft and that which was revealed to the two Angels at Babylon, Hārūt' and Mārūt. These two (Angels) didn’t teach any one unless they used to say: ‘We are just a temptation, thus, follow and honor (what Allâh has commanded)’. Consequently, from these two Angels, they learned how they could divide a man and his wife. But they could not, thus, harm anyone except by the will of Allâh. They learned what hurts them, not what profits them, while knowing well that the buyers of it - (witchcraft) - would have no share in the Hereafter. How deplorable was the price for that which they sold their own selves, If only they had spiritual gift of knowledge (about the dire consequences of their evil acts) .
Had they adhered to faith and acted piously, then the reward from Allâh would have been far better, If only they had the spiritual gift of knowledge.
O’ you who live by Faith! don’t say (while addressing the Prophet): ‘Listen to us’, but instead say: ‘We need your full attention’, and then listen attentively. A painful chastisement awaits those are spiritually dead and blind.
Neither those from among the People of the Book who are tempted to deny (the Absolute Oneness of Allâh), nor those who believe in a plurality of gods, would like to see any good things coming down to you from your Lord. But Allâh singles out for His Mercy whomsoever He wills. And He is the Lord of the great bounty.
Whatever Verse We abrogate or cause it to be forgotten, We bring forth something better than it or similar to it. Are you unaware that Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires?.
Are you unaware that to Allâh belongs (the absolute) sovereignty of the heavens and earth, and other than Allâh, you have neither a protector nor a helper.
Or would you like to question your Messenger as Moses was questioned aforetime?. But whoever voluntarily and consciously abandons his Faith in favour of spiritual darkness has been truly deceived into going away from the path of truth.
Many of the People of the Book wish they could turn you back to spiritual darkness after you have adhered to Faith, out of envy from themselves, (even) after the Truth has become obvious to them. Now, therefore, forgive and overlook until Allâh gives His command. Indeed, Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
Establish the regular Prayer and pay Zakāt. And whatsoever good thing you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allâh. Most certainly Allâh is All-Seer of whatsoever you do.
They say: ‘None will enter Al-Jannah except one who is a Jew or a Christian’. This is no more than wishful thinking. Say: ‘Bring forward your convincing evidence if you are entirely truthful’.
Nay, but whoever submits his whole self to Allâh while he is pursuing righteousness and perfection in Faith, his reward is with his Lord. No fear shall befall them, neither shall they grieve.
The Jews say: ‘The Christians have nothing true to stand on’, and the Christians say: ‘The Jews have nothing true to stand on’, although both of them recite the Scripture. In the same manner the ignorant say the same things. Allâh will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in that which they were inclined to differ.
And who then does greater evil than one who prevents the Mosques of Allâh from commemorating His Holy Name and strives hard for their ruin?. It is not meant for them to enter the Mosques except in reverence and awe. They will have a disgraceful shame (on them) in this worldly life and a mighty punishment in the Hereafter.
To Allâh belong the East and the West, therefore, wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allâh. Indeed, Allâh is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.
They say: ‘Allâh has taken to Himself a son’. Be He Glorified! Nay, but to Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. All are submissive to His will.
And Allâh is the Master Architect of the heavens and earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it: ‘Be’, so there it is.
Those who don’t posses enough knowledge of the Truth say: ‘Why doesn't Allâh speak to us?. Or why doesn't a (miraculous) Sign come to us?’. The same things were spoken by others before them. Their hearts are all alike. Indeed, We have made the Signs (of Allâh's power & glory) visible to a people who believe in (Allâh) with absolute certainty.
Most surely We have sent you for a genuine purpose to announce the Glad Tidings (of of how to attain salvation) and to give (the people) sufficient warning (about how to avoid Hellfire). You won’t be held accountable for (the guilt) of the Denizens of Hell.
Never will the Jews or the Christians be pleased with you unless you voluntarily and consciously abandon your Faith in favour of their own whims. Say: ‘Indeed, the knowledge revealed by Allâh is the only True Knowledge of Truth (i.e. Islam)’. And indeed, if it happens that you voluntarily and consciously abandon the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims, then you shall not have, other than Allah, either a guardian or helper.
Those to whom We have delivered the book, and who recite it with true recitation- it is they who truly believe in it; whereas all who refuse to give credence to It- it is they, they who are doomed to perdition.
O’ Children of Israel, remember My (divine) grace which I have bestowed upon you, and that I preferred you above all the peoples.
Then Guard yourselves against a day when no one will avail another in the least, nor will intercession be accepted from him, nor will compensation be taken from him, nor will they be helped.
And (mention) when Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain words he fulfilled them. The Lord said: ‘Indeed, I will make you Imam (i.e. spiritual leader or model of Faith) for the people’. Abraham said: ‘Will this be for my descendants?’. He replied: ‘My covenant includes not those who voluntarily and consciously abandon the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
And (mention) when We made the House at (Mecca) a place of assembly for the people, as well as (a place of) security. (O’ Monotheistic Believers), take the standing place of Abraham as a place of prayer. We had entrusted Abraham and Ishmael (with House), (saying): ‘Purify My House for those who go around (Ka’ba), and for those who seclude themselves for devotion and prayer, and for those who bow and prostrate (in prayer)’.
And (mention) when Abraham said: ‘My Lord, make this town a secure place and bestow upon its inhabitants - whoever of them believes in Allâh and the Last Day with absolute certainty - fruits’. The Lord said: ‘Whoever renounces his faith, I will let him enjoy for a while, then I will drive him to the punishment of the Fire’. What a dreadful end!
And (mention) when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed): ‘Our Lord, accept this from us. Most certainly You are All-hearing and All-knowing.
Our Lord, make us submissive to You and of our offspring a nation submissive to You. Show us how to perform all the ceremonies of Pilgrimage. And accept our repentance. Most assuredly You are All-Forgiving and All-Merciful.
Our Lord, send among them a Messenger of their own race, who will recite to them Your Verses, teach them the spirit of wisdom and the Scripture, and purify them (from Polytheism & Atheism). Most certainly You are the Almighty, the All-Wise’.
Who will then venture to walk away from the Faith of Abraham except one who has no idea that his mind is blind? We had chosen him in this worldly life, and most surely, he will be among the righteous in the Hereafter.
And (mention) when his Lord said to him: ‘Submit’. He said: ‘I have already submitted my whole self to (the authority of Allâh), the Lord of all the beings.
The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and also Jacob, (saying): ‘O' my sons, Allâh has chosen for you this Monotheistic Faith. Now, therefore, do not die unless you are adhering to it’.
Or were you witnesses when death came to Jacob, when he said to his sons: ‘What will you worship after me?’, they said: ‘We will worship your God and the God of your forefathers, Abraham, Ismail and Isaac, One True God only, and to Him do we submit wholly (to His authority).
That nation is gone. It will have what it earned, and you will have what you have earned. So you won’t be held accountable for what they were inclined to do.
And they say: ‘Be Jews’ - or - ‘Christians’ - ‘and you will have this awesome opportunity for receiving salvation’. Say: ‘Nay, but (we choose to yield to) the spiritual teaching of Abraham who was a Monotheist- having a deep, pure, focused Faith in Allâh-not of the Polytheists’.
Say: (O' Monotheistic Believers), ‘We affirm our Faith in Allâh and in what has been revealed to us of the Full Knowledge of the Truth, and in what has been revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what was given to the other Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction. And we do submit ourselves entirely to Him’.
And if it happens that they affirm their Faith in the like of what you have affirmed, then they will have this awesome opportunity for receiving salvation’. But if they walk away, then they are in utter schism. And Allâh will suffice you against them. He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing.
(Say: ‘Our faith) is an innate gift from Allâh. And who is better at giving gifts than Allâh?. And it is He Whom we worship (in the way He wants us to worship Him).
Say: ‘Are you debating with us concerning Allâh while He is our Lord and your Lord?. Our deeds belong to us, and to you belong yours. We love being totally devoted to Him.
Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Descendants were Jews or Christians?’. Say: ‘Who has greater knowledge, you or Allâh?. Who then does greater evil than one who conceals a testimony that came from Allâh?. Most certainly, Allâh has full knowledge of whatever you do’
That nation is gone. It will have what it earned, and you will have what you have earned. So you won’t be held accountable for what they used to do.
The feeble-minded among the people will say: ‘What has made them turn away from the direction of prayer which they had been facing during their prayers?’. Say: ‘To Allâh belong the East and West. He inspires with light of His Word whomsoever He wills to the straight path’.
As so We made you a moderate community in order that you may be witnesses against mankind and the Messenger may be a witness against you. We have changed the direction of prayer which you had been facing during your prayers in order to identify those who will yield (to what has been reveled to) the Messenger and those who will turn back upon their heels. Indeed, it was difficult but not for those whom Allâh has already given them the revelation in the full knowledge of Him. Never would Allâh make your Faith be in vain. Most certainly Allâh is All-Gentle with the people, All-Compassionate.
Verily We see the turning of your face to the heaven (for spiritual enlightenment). Now, therefore, We shall surely turn you to a (new) direction of prayer (Qibla) that shall satisfy you: turn then your face towards the Holy Mosque (at Mecca). And wherever you are, turn your face towards it. Indeed, those who have been given the Scripture will know that it is the truth from their Lord. Indeed, Allâh has complete knowledge of whatsoever they do.
Even if you were to bring to those who have been given the Scripture every Sign, they would not follow your Qibla, nor are you going to follow their Qibla, neither will they follow each other's Qibla. Verily, if it happens that you yield to their own whims after having received the revelation in the full knowledge (of Allâh), then you will be of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
Those to whom We gave the Scripture know very well (that the site of the Holy Mosque is the true Qibla) as they know their own children: but, behold, a party of them deliberately conceals the truth.
This (Qur’ān) is indeed the (Ultimate) Truth from your Lord. Now, therefore, don’t be of those who harbor doubts.
Every religious sect has an appointed direction of prayer to which it should turn. Now, therefore, pursue righteousness with such breathless haste! (And always remember) wherever you may be, Allâh will bring you all together (on the Day of Judgment). Indeed, Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
From whatsoever place you come forth (for prayer), turn your face towards the Holy Mosque (at Mecca). Indeed, it is the truth from your Lord. Verily Allâh has complete knowledge of whatsoever they do.
(O’ Muhammad) from whatsoever place you come forth (for prayer) turn your face towards the Holy Mosque. (O’ Muslims) whatsoever place you come forth (for prayer), turn your face towards It so that people will have no argument against you, except for those of them who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims. So don’t fear them but show honor and reverence only for Me. Indeed, I will complete My blessings upon you so that you may walk on the path of truth.
Likewise (to complete My blessings upon you), We have sent to you a Messenger of your own race reciting to you the Qur’ānic Verses, purifying you (from Polytheism & Atheism), teaching you (the spirit of) wisdom and the Scripture, and teaching you that which you had no knowledge (of it before).
(The Lord said): ‘Now, therefore, remember to celebrate My praise and declare My absolute majesty and glory. I will bestow My blessings upon you. So give gratitude to Me, and don’t ever act impiously towards Me’.
O’ you who live by Faith! Seek comfort through patience and prayer, for surely Allâh is with those who cling to patience (in time of tribulation).
And don’t regard those who are slain in the cause of Allâh as dead. The truth is that they are alive, but you lack the ability to perceive (their realities).
Most surely We will try you with something of fear and hunger, and diminution of goods, lives and crops. But give glad tidings to those who cling to patience (in time of tribulation).
Who say when a misfortune strikes them: ‘Surely we belong to Allâh and to Him we shall return’.
They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, as well as Mercy, and they are the ones who walk on the right path to salvation.
Truly Safā and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allâh. So whoever makes Hajj to the House or performs 'Umrah- he would not be at fault if he walks between them. And whoever does good voluntarily (can rest assured that) Allâh is All-Appreciative, All-Knowing.
Verily those who conceal, from the people, the irrefutable Signs and the Knowledge of Truth, which We have revealed and shown them clearly in the Scripture- they shall be cursed by Allâh and by the ones who have the power to curse.
As for those who turn to their Lord in repentance, make amends, and openly declare (the truth which they have previously concealed), they are the ones whose repentance I shall accept- for I am Oft-returning, Most Merciful.
Indeed, those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth and die while they are faithless - upon them shall descend the curse of Allâh, the Angels and all mankind.
They will live in that curse forever and the chastisement won’t be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved.
Your God is One True God: There is no other god beside Him. He is the True Merciful, the Most Merciful.
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth: in the alternation of the night and day: in the ships that run in the sea with that which benefits the people: in that which Allâh sends down from the heavens of rain, giving life thereby to the earth after its death and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein: in the changing of the winds and the clouds which are made subservient between the heavens and the earth: they are Signs (of Allâh’s power & glory) for a people who have a higher level of consciousness.
(Despite all these theistic natural signs that demonstrate the Glory of Allâh), there are some among the people who serve fabled gods and worship them instead of Allah: they most commonly demonstrate their own love for the them as they should demonstrate their own love for Allâh. But those who live by Faith demonstrate their own love for Allâh more passionately. If those who voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims could see (their condition)- when they perceive the punishment- (they would certainly know) that all the power belongs to Allâh alone and that Allâh is indeed extremely severe in punishment.
Those who are followed will disown those who follow them. And when the followers see the (divine) punishment awaiting them, (they will become absolutely certain that they will be subjected to it), and the bonds that united them are cut away before them.
The deluded followers will say: ‘If we could only have the opportunity (to go back to the worldly life), we would disown them as they have now forsaken and disowned us. That is how Allâh will show them their evil deeds as a pile of regrets for them. (Feelings of remorse will not avail them in the least), for they will remain in the Fire and will never come out of It.
O’ mankind, eat whatever is on the earth which is lawful, pure and wholesome. And don’t follow the footsteps of Satan. Most certainly he is your open enemy.
For he bids you only to do evil, commit acts of immorality, and attribute to Allâh that which you don’t encompass in knowledge.
And when they are told to yield to what Allâh has revealed of the Full knowledge of the Truth, they say: ‘Nay! but we shall adhere to what we found our fathers adhering’. What! even though their forefathers lacked the ability to perceive and understand; and they were living in spiritual darkness?.
The parable of those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth is as the parable of one who shouts loudly to that which hears nothing but a call and a cry. Deaf, dumb and blind, they lack the ability to perceive and understand.
O’ you who live by Faith! eat only of the pure and wholesome food which We provide you. And give gratitude to Allâh since He is the One Whom you worship.
He has only forbidden you (to eat) the carrion, the blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allâh. But whoever is driven by necessity, not desiring, nor exceeding the limit- no fault shall be on him (for eating). Most certainly Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Indeed, (as for) those who conceal any part of the Book which Allâh has revealed, and purchase a small gain therewith, they fill their bellies with nothing but fire which they will have to consume. And Allâh won’t speak with them on the Day of Judgment, nor will He purify them. And theirs is a painful chastisement.
They are the ones who have have consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of Truth in favour of self-deception, and Forgiveness in favour of punishment. How brave are they in their endeavor to reach the Fire!
That is because Allâh has revealed the Book with the truth. Lo! Those who differ over the Book are definitely in extreme schism.
Expansion of Faith doesn’t lie in turning your faces towards the East or the West (in prayer). But Expansion of Faith lies: in firm belief in Allah, the Last Day, His Angels, all His books, all His Prophets and Messengers: in giving away some of one’s wealth, out of love for Him, for kinsmen, the orphans, the needy, the wayfarer, those who ask and the ransom of slaves and captives: in performing the prescribed prayers: in paying the prescribed Zakāt: in fulfilling one’s promise and pledges: in clinging to patience in time of adversity and hardship, as well as in time of peril. These are ones who are true in their faith: these are the Pious.
O’ you who live by Faith! retaliation is prescribed for you in case of murder: the free man for the free man, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. If he (the convicted person) obtained forgiveness from the brother of the slain, then there should be right and proper follow-up and payment should be paid to him with kindness. This is an alleviation from your Lord, as well as Mercy. So whoever transgresses after that will be subjected to a painful chastisement.
There is life for you in retaliation, O’, you men of high intelligence, so that you may act piously.
It is prescribed that when death approaches any one of you,- if he leaves behind wealth- a bequest should be made in favour of parents and the near relatives according to reasonable manners. This is indeed incumbent on the Pious.
But whoever modifies the bequest after hearing it, then the guilt will only be on those who have made the modification. Most certainly Allâh is All-hearing, All-knowing.
Whoever fears bias or injustice on the part of the testator, and brings about a fair settlement between the heirs, he will incur no sin. Most surely Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
O’ you who live by Faith! ‘Fasting’ is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may act piously.
(Fasting is for) a certain number of days. But if any one of you is ill or on a journey, then (he shall fast) an equal number of days at another time. For those who are able to Fast but with hardship, a redemption by feeding a poor man. Whosoever volunteers to do good - it is better for him; and that you should fast is better for you, if you only knew.
The month of Ramadan, in which the Qur'ân was revealed as the Source of Enlightenment for mankind and self-evident proof of salvation, and as the eternal standard by which to distinguish right from wrong. So whosoever of you witnesses the month must fast during the entire month. And whosoever is sick or on a journey (shall fast) the same number of other days. Allâh desires to provide ease for you and doesn’t desire to create difficulties for you. And (He desires that) you should complete the (prescribed) period, and that you should celebrate the greatness of Allâh for giving you the awesome opportunity for receiving salvation and that you may show appreciation and gratitude.
And when My (devoted) servants ask you concerning Me, (let them be sure that) I am so near. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he implores Me. Now, therefore, let them comply with everything I have commanded, and affirm their Faith in Me so that they may experience continuous spiritual growth.
It is made lawful for you to engage in conjugal relations with your spouses on the night of the Fast. They are your garments and you are theirs. Allâh has full knowledge of that which you used to deceive yourselves in this respect. So He accepted your repentance and forgave you. Now, therefore, lie with them and seek what Allâh has ordained for you. Eat and drink till the white thread becomes distinct to you from the black thread (of night) at dawn-break, then complete the Fasting till nightfall. And do not lie with them as long as you are confined in the Mosque. These are the Limits set by Allâh, therefore, do not draw yourselves near them. That is is how Allâh makes visible His ordinances for the people so that you may act piously.
Don’t devour one another’s wealth unjustly, neither seek to gain access thereby to the authorities so that you may deliberately devour a portion from the wealth of the people wrongfully.
They ask you about the new moons. Say to them: ‘They are appointed terms for the people and for the Pilgrimage’. It is (not part of) the virtue ethics if you enter your houses from the back: Acting piously and going into the houses from their doors are of the major parts of virtue ethics. So act piously towards Allâh so that you may achieve salvation.
And fight in the cause of Allâh against those who fight you. And begin not hostilities. Indeed, Allâh doesn’t demonstrate His own love for the transgressors.
(You have every right to defend yourself) and to slay them wherever you find them (in the battlefield) and expel them from the places whence they have expelled you as persecution is worse than killing. Don’t Fight with them at the Sacred Mosque unless they start fighting with you therein. so, if it happens that they fight with you there, (then you have every right to fight and to) kill them! Such is the requital of those who are spiritually dead and blind.
And If it happens that they refrain (from fighting against you), then (you can rest assured that) Allâh is surely Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Fight them until there will be no persecution and religion will be (dedicated completely) to Allâh. If it happens that they desist, then there must be no hostility against anyone, except the oppressors.
The sacred month is for the sacred month, as for all the violations, there is legal retribution. If it happens that anyone attacks you, (then you have every right to) attack him in the same way that he has attacked you. So act piously towards Allâh and know that Allâh is with the Pious.
And spend of your wealth in the cause of Allâh. And don’t cast yourselves into perdition with your own hands. And pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith. Verily Allâh demonstrates His own love for those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith.
And Perform completely all the rites of Pilgrimage and Umrah in the service of Allâh. But if you are prevented, then offer whatever sacrifice is possible. Don’t shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. If it happens that anyone among you is sick or has an ailment in his scalp, then (he should effect) a redemption by fasting or alms or sacrifice. When you are safe, and you desire to perform Umrah during the Pilgrimage season, then you can offer whatever sacrifice is possible. In case you cannot find an animal (or afford it), then you must Fast for three days during the Pilgrimage and for seven days when you return (to your home) in order to complete the required ten Fasting days. This rule applies only to those whose family is not (living) in the area of the Sacred Mosque. So act piously towards Allâh and know that Allâh is indeed severe in punishment.
Pilgrimage can only be performed during well-known months. so whoever undertakes to perform completely all the ritual of Pilgrimage therein, then there shall be no sexual pleasure, or fornication, or quarrelling during the Pilgrimage. Whatever good action you do, Allâh knows it. Take provision (for the Journey). surely the best provision is unfeigned piety. So act piously, O’, you men of high intelligence.
You would not be at fault if you should seek the bounty of your Lord (by trading during the Pilgrimage). But when you depart from Arafat (the Mount of Mercy), then celebrate the praise of Allâh and declare His glory at the Sacred Monument. Keep on celebrating His praise and declaring His glory since He has given you this opportunity for receiving salvation, whereas you were, before, among those who live in spiritual darkness.
Then depart from the place from which all the people depart and supplicate Allâh for forgiveness. Surely Allâh is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
So when you have successfully completed your Holy Rites, celebrate the praise of Allâh and declare His glory just as you would commemorate your father or with much greater remembrance. Among the people is he who says: ‘Give to us (what we desire to have) in this worldly life’. Such a person will have no beneficial share in the Hereafter.
But among them also is he who says: ‘Our Lord, give to us in this worldly life a single righteous deed and a single righteous deed in the Hereafter. And let the omnipotence of Your Mercy shield us from the torment of the Fire’.
Those ones will have a share of what they have earned. Allâh is Swift in taking account.
Do celebrate the praise of Allâh and declare His glory throughout the Appointed Days. But if any one hastens to leave in two days, there will be no fault on him. And if there is anyone who prefers to stay on, there will be no fault on him if he acts piously. So act piously towards Allâh and know that you are destined to be gathered to Him.
Among the people is he whose words might please you in this worldly life and he calls Allâh to witness as to what is in his heart although he is one among the fiercest opponents of you.
And when he turns his back, he strives to spread corruption everywhere on earth, burning the fields and killing the livestock. Allâh doesn't like and support corruption.
When it is said to him: ‘Act piously towards Allâh’, his vainglory leads him to deception. For him, Hellfire is sufficient- How dreadful is the resting place!
Among the people is he who sells himself, seeking the pleasure of Allâh. Behold! Allâh is Full of Kindness to (His faithful) servants.
O’ you who live by Faith! enter perfectly in Islam and don’t follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is your open enemy.
And if you stumble after the irrefutable Signs have been shown to you (then you’ll need to know that) Allâh is Almighty, All-Wise.
Do they then wait for anything but that Allâh should come to them in the shadows of the clouds with the Angels (in order for them to adhere to faith)?. So the matter is then settled. All matters are returned to Allâh.
Ask the children of Israel how many irrefutable Signs We gave them. And whoever abandons the Grace of Allâh (in favour of ingratitude) after it has come to him should know that Allâh is certainly severe in punishment.
This worldly life has been made to seem fair to those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth. They poke fun at those who live by Faith.Yet those who act piously will be above them on the Day of Resurrection. And Allâh provides to whom He wills the means of subsistence without measure.
Humanity had once been united in one Faith but they differed, so Allâh sent Prophets to announce the Glad Tidings (of how to attain salvation) and to give (the people) sufficient warning (about how to avoid Hellfire). And We sent down with them the Scripture in truth in order to judge between the people regarding that in which they had differed. And none differed over it except for those who were given It after having received the Full Knowledge of the Truth, revolting among themselves. Then Allâh inspired those who adhered to the Faith (through His Word) to the Truth in which they differed. And Allâh inspires (His Word) to whom He pleases in order to lead him to the straight path.
Or do you think you will be admitted into Al-Jannah without being exposed to hardship as they had faced those who passed away before you? They were touched by destitution and affliction, and were shaken till the Messenger and the Monotheistic Believers with him said: ‘When will come the help of Allâh?’. Now, absolutely, the help of Allâh is so near.
They ask you what they should spend. Say: ‘Whatever you spend of good must be for parents and relatives, the orphans, the needy ones and the (hopeless) traveler. So whatever good deed you do, (be sure that) Allâh is Fully Aware of it ’.
Fighting has been prescribed for you although it is detestable to you. But it is possible that you might loathe something, it might turn out to be good for you. It is also possible that you might love something, it might turn out to be bad for you. And Allâh has full knowledge of that which you cannot encompass in knowledge.
They ask you about fighting in the sacred month. Say: ‘Fighting therein is a great sin. But greater is it in sight of Allâh to prevent access to the path of Allâh, to reject Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque and drive out its members." For persecution is worse than killing’. They will continue to fight against you until they make you renounce your faith if they can. And whoever of you renounces his faith and dies faithless, it is they, then, whose deeds will become void in this worldly life and the Hereafter. And it is they who will be the Denizens of the Hell wherein they shall live forever.
Indeed, as for those who live by Faith, and those who emigrate (to escape the persecution) and fight (bravely) in the cause of Allâh, they are the ones who hope to attain the Mercy of Allâh. Indeed, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
They ask you about strong drink and gambling. Say: ‘In both of them there is great sin, as well as (some) benefits for the people. However, their sin is greater than their benefit". They ask you how much they should spend. Say: ‘Whatever you can spare.’ This is how Allâh shows you clearly His Signs so that you may think deeply
Of this worldly life and the Hereafter. They ask you about the orphans. Say: ‘Improvement would be the best for them. If it happens that you mingle your affairs with theirs, (then you can rest assured) that they are your brothers’. Allâh has full knowledge of the one who indulges in corruption from the one who seeks improvement. Had Allâh willed, He could have put you in difficulty. Indeed, Allâh is Almighty, All-Wise.
Don’t Wed polytheistic women until they adhere to Monotheism. A monotheistic servant woman is far better than a polytheist even though she might fascinate you. Don’t let your girls get married to polytheistic men till they adhere to Monotheism. A monotheistic servant is far better than a polytheist even though he might fascinate you. Those invite you to the Fire, whereas Allâh invites you, by His will, to Al-Jannah and to Forgiveness. He shows His Signs clearly to the people so that they may celebrate His praise and declare His glory.
They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is harmful. So keep away from the women during menstruation. Don’t approach them till they are clean. When they have purified themselves, then come to them from where Allâh has ordained for you. Indeed, Allâh demonstrates His own love for those who are truly repentant and those who seek ardently to purify themselves’.
Your wives are your tillage, so go to your tillage in what manner you like. Put forth righteous acts for yourselves. Act piously towards Allâh. And know that you will definitely meet Him (in the Hereafter). So announce the glad tidings to those who live by Faith.
And Don’t make the Name of Allâh a pretext in your oaths to prevent you from doing righteous acts or from observing the commandments of Allâh, or from reconciling between people. Allâh is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Allâh won’t take you to task for what is unintentional in your oaths, but he will take you to task for that which your hearts have gained (intentionally). Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Forbearing.
For those who take an oath not to have sexual pleasure with their wives: there is a waiting time of four months. However, if they return again to (marital relations), then (they can rest assured that) Allâh is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
And If it happens that they made the decision to get divorced, (then they will need to know that) Allâh is indeed All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
The divorced women should keep themselves in waiting three menstrual periods (before remarrying again). It is not lawful for them to conceal what Allâh has created in their wombs if they have Firm Faith in Allâh and the Last Day. Their husbands have the better right to take them back (as their wives) during this waiting period if they desire reconciliation. The women enjoy right similar to what is expected of them according to what is reasonable. But men have a degree over them. Allâh is Almighty, All-Wise.
Divorce may be proclaimed two times and then (the husband) can retain (his wife) on acceptable and respectful manners or release her with kindness. It is not lawful for you (men) to take back from the wives anything of what you have given them unless both of them fear that they may not be able to maintain the limits ordained by Allâh. Therefore, both (husband & wife) would not be at fault if she gave something as ransom for her divorce. These are the limits ordained by Allâh, therefore, don’t transgress them. Whoever transgresses the limits ordained by Allâh, they are the ones who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
But if he divorced his wife a third time, she would not be lawful for him again until she gets married to another husband. But if he also divorced her, both (husband & wife) would not be at fault if they reunited (again) if they would think they could observe the ordinances of Allâh. These are the ordinances of Allâh. He declares them to a people who have spiritual gift of knowledge.
But when you divorce women and they have fulfilled their prescribed period, either retain them on acceptable and respectful manners or release them with kindness. But don’t retain them by violence so that you may not transgress. And whoever does that wrongs himself (when has voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of his own whims). Don’t make what Allâh has revealed of the knowledge of truth an object of ridicule. But remember the favor of Allâh towards you, and that he has sent down to you the Book and wisdom, admonishing you thereby. So act piously towards Allâh and know that Allâh is Omniscient.
But when you have divorced your wives, and they have fulfilled their prescribed period, don’t prevent them from marrying their husbands when they have mutually agreed on reasonable basis. This is given in admonition to him among you who has absolute Faith in Allâh and the Last Day. This is most righteous for you and most pure. And Allâh has full knowledge of that which you cannot encompass in knowledge.
(Divorced) mothers will breastfeed their offspring for two full years. For those who desire to complete the nursing (of their child), the father of the child will be obliged to maintain and clothe them in the mean time according to that which will be reasonable. No person will be obliged beyond his scope. No mother or father should be compelled to what is unreasonable on account of their child. The heir of the father will be obliged to do in like manner. But if they chose to wean the child before the end of two years by common consent and on mutual consideration, then both (husband & wife) would not be at fault. But if you decided on a foster suckling-mother for your children, then you would not be at fault if you fully pay what you offer her according to that which is just. So act piously towards Allâh and know that Allâh is All-Seer of whatsoever you do.
As for those of you who die and leave widows behind, (such widows) should observe a waiting period of four months and ten days, and when they reached their term, then you would not be at fault in that which they would do with themselves according to what is reasonable. Allâh is Well- Acquainted with whatsoever you do.
You would not be at fault in that which you would make public or conceal in your minds concerning your troth with women. Allâh knows well that you will remember them. But make no promise of contract with them privately unless you speak honorable words, and don’t resolve on the knot of marriage until the prescribed period is accomplished. And Know that Allâh has full knowledge of what is in your minds, therefore, beware of Him. And Know that Allâh is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.
You would not be at fault if you divorce women when you have not touched them, or settled any dowry for them, or made provision for them, - he who is wealthy must provide according to his means, and he who is straitened according to his means- a provision according to what will be appropriate or fair. (This is) an obligation incumbent on those who pursue righteousness and perfection in Faith.
However, if you divorce them before you have touched them, and have already settled a dowry for them, you will give them half of what you have settled unless they forgo or he forgoes in whose hand the knot of marriage is. And if you forgo the whole, it will approach nearer to unfeigned piety. Don’t forget liberality among yourselves, for Allâh is All-Seer of whatsoever you do.
Then guard strictly your Prayers, especially the Middle Prayer and stand before Allâh, devoutly obedient.
And if it happens that you are exposed to danger or risk, you may perform your prayer on foot or riding. Consequently, when you are safe, celebrate the praise of Allâh and declare His majestic glory in the same way He has taught you, which you had no knowledge before.
Those of you who are about to die and leave wives behind should bequeath for them a year's maintenance and residence without turning them out. But if they (decided) to leave (with their own free will the residence), then you would not be at fault in what they do with themselves in a lawful way. Allâh is Almighty, All-Wise.
For the divorced women, there is a provision according to what is acceptable. This is an obligation incumbent on the Pious.
That is how Allâh shows you His Signs so that you may achieve a higher level of consciousness.
Have you not considered those who left their homes in thousands for fear of death? Allâh said to them: ‘Die!’ Then He brought them back to life. Indeed, Allâh is All-Gracious to the people, but most of them are impious.
Fight in the cause of Allâh and know that Allâh is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
And who is he that will lend to Allâh a goodly loan which He will multiply it greatly for him many times over? It is Allâh who reduces and enriches. And to Him you shall be returned.
Have you not considered the chiefs of the Children of Israel after Moses? They said to one of their Prophet: ‘Send to us a king and we will fight in the cause of Allâh’. He said: ‘Is it not possible that if you were commanded to fight, you might not do so?’. They said: ‘Why should we not fight in the cause of Allâh since we and our children have been forced to flee our homes?’. However, when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. Allâh is All-Aware of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favor of their own whims.
Their Prophet said to them, ‘Indeed, Allâh had sent to you Saul as a king’. They said: ‘How could he reign over us while we deserve to have the supremacy more than him, and he had not been given enough wealth?’. He said: ‘Indeed, Allâh had chosen him over you and endowed him abundantly with (spiritual) knowledge and physical attractiveness. Consequently, Allâh bestows His supremacy upon whom He wills. Allâh is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.
Their Prophet said to them: ‘Indeed, the Sign of his reign is that the Ark of the Covenant would come to you wherein tranquility from your Lord and relics left by the family of Moses and Aaron, carried by the Angels. Indeed, it is a Sign for you if you live a life of Genuine Faith.
And when Saul set out with the soldiers, he said: ‘Indeed, Allâh will test your Faith by a river. So, whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoever refrains form tasting, it is indeed of me, except the one who takes (thereof) in the hollow of his hand’. However, they drank from it, except a few of them. After he had crossed (the river), he and those who live by Faith with him said: ‘We have no power today (to fight) against Goliath and his soldiers’. Nevertheless, those who had firmly belief that they would meet Allâh said: ‘How often has it happened that a small force has triumphed over a much greater one by the will of Allâh. Surely He is with those who cling to patience (and act piously)’.
And when they went forth against Goliath and his soldiers, they supplicated and prayed: ‘Our Lord, pour upon us patience, plant firmly our feet (in the ground) and make us victorious over those who are spiritually dead and blind.
So they defeated them by the will of Allâh and David killed Goliath. And Allâh gave him kingdom and wisdom and taught him of what He willed. If it had not been for Allâh's repelling some men with others, the earth would have most certainly been corrupted. But Allâh is All-Gracious to all His creatures.
These are the Verses of Allâh, which We recite to you in truth. And most certainly you are one of Our Blessed Messengers.
Those Blessed Messengers, We gave some of them preference over others. To some of them, Allâh spoke directly. And He raised the rank of some others. We gave Jesus, son of Mary, irrefutable Signs and supported him by the Holy Spirit. Had Allâh willed, those who followed after them would not have fought one with another after having received the Full Knowledge of the Truth. Nevertheless, they differed among themselves, and some of them were prone to have Faith (in Allâh) and others slightly more prone to deny (Him). Had Allâh willed, they would not have fought one with another. But Allâh does whatsoever he is pleased.
O’ you who live by Faith! spend from that which We have provided for you before there comes a day when there will be no transaction, no friendship, and no intercession. Those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth are the ones who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
Allâh! There is no other god beside Him. He is the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of all that exists. Neither slumber nor sleep would overtake Him. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him but by His will? He has the full knowledge of what is before them and what is behind them. They encompass nothing of His Perfect Knowledge, except for what He wills. His Kursi (footstool) extends over the heavens and the earth. And He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. He is the Most High, the Most Great.
There is no compulsion in religion. The right (path) has become clearly distinct from the wrong one. So as for whoever renounces the fabled gods or the devil, and accepts Allâh into his life, he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold. It will never break off. Lo! Allâh is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
Allâh is the Guardian of those who live by Faith. He brings them out of darkness into the light. As for those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth, their guardians are the fabled gods who bring them out of light into darkness. Those are the Denizens of Hell- and therein shall they live forever.
Have you not considered the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord, because Allâh has granted him authority?. Abraham said: ‘My Lord is the one who gives life and causes death’. He said: ‘I give life and cause death’. Abraham said: ‘Indeed, Allâh causes the sun to rise from the east, then do cause it to rise from the west. So the one who is spiritually dead and blind was stunned. And Allâh holds back the light of His inspiration from those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims.
Or (take) the similitude of one who passed by a small town which had fallen into utter ruin. He said: ‘How can Allâh bring this town to life after its death?’. So Allâh caused him to die for a hundred years and then raised him up again. He said: ‘How long have you stayed there?’. He replied: ‘I have been here a day or part of a day’. He said: "Nay! but you have been one hundred years. Just look at your food and your drink. They have not yet rotted. But look (there) at your donkey. We will make you a Sign for the people. Now, therefore, look at the bones (and see) how We will raise them, and then We cover them with flesh.’ When it became apparent to him, he said: ‘I know that Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.’
And (Mention) when Abraham said: ‘My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead.’ The Lord asked him: ‘Don't you have enough Faith (in the power of Allâh)?’. He answered: ‘Yes, but I do ask in order to comfort my heart’. The Lord said: ‘Take four birds and cut them into pieces, after that, put on each hill a piece of them and then call them. They will come flying to you in haste. Know that Allâh is Almighty, All Wise.’
The parable of those who spend their money in the cause of Allâh is as the parable of a grain growing seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. Allâh multiplies for whom He wills. Allâh is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
As for those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allâh then do not follow up what they have spent with reproach or injury, they will have their reward from their Lord. There will come no fear on them, neither will they ever grieve.
Kind words and seeking forgiveness are better than almsgiving followed by injury. Allâh is All-Sufficient, All-Forbearing.
O’ you who live by Faith! do not invalidate your Alms by reproach or injury like the one who spends his wealth in order to impress the people while he does not believe in Allâh and the Last Day. His parable is as the parable of a smooth rock with dust upon it, and then heavy rain falls upon it, leaving it smooth and bare. And Allâh holds back the light of His Word from those who are spiritually dead and blind.
The parable of those who spend their wealth to seek the pleasure of Allâh and to invigorate their Faith is as the parable of a garden on elevated ground, when it is touched by heavy rain, it brings forth its fruit twofold. But if it happens that heavy rain does not fall upon it, then light rain will be enough. Allâh is Well-Aware of whatsoever you do.
Would any one of you like to have a garden of palm-trees and grapes with rivers flowing underneath with all kinds of fruit for him therein, while he is old and stricken in years, and his children are weak, then a hurricane strikes and burns up his garden? That is how Allâh shows you clearly His Signs (of power & glory) so that you may take close heed.
O’ you who live by Faith! spend from the good things that you earn (lawfully) and from that which We bring forth from the earth for you, and do not seek to give away the bad things as an alms when you yourselves refuse to take it unless you condone it. Know that Allâh is Self-Sufficient and Worthy of all praise.
The devil (Satan) threatens you with poverty and commands you only what is evil and sinful, whereas Allâh promises you Forgiveness and abundance from Himself. Allâh is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.
Allâh gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever is given wisdom has received many good things. No one is paying attention to this admonition except for those who possess high intelligence and great illumination.
Whatever alms you spend or whatever vow you make, (be sure that) Allâh already knows it. For those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims, there will be no helpers for them.
If you disclose your alms, they are still excellent. If you give them in private to the poor, it will be better for you and expiation for some of your iniquitous deeds. Allâh is Well- Acquainted with whatsoever you do.
It is not incumbent upon you to make people yield to the knowledge of the truth. It is Allah who truly inspires whomever He pleases to embrace the Truth. Whatever good thing you spend, it is for your own benefit. So do not spend except for craving for the countenance of Allâh. Whatever good thing you spend, it will be repaid to you in full and you will not be wronged.
Alms are for the poor who are totally engaged in striving for cause of Allâh and cannot (mange) to travel through the land. The ignorant thinks that they are rich because of their abstinence. You may know them by their appearance. They do not persistently beg people. Whatever good thing you spend, Allâh is Fully Aware of it.
As for those who spend their wealth (in the cause of Allâh) by night and day, in secret or openly, they will have their reward with their Lord. There will come no fear upon them, nor will they ever grieve.
Those who devour usury will not rise again, but as he rises whom Satan has infected by a touch; that is because they say: ‘Selling is the same as usury’, whereas Allâh has made selling lawful and usury forbidden. To whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord, then he desists, he shall have his past gains, and his matter is in the hands of Allâh. But whosoever returns (to usury), those are the Denizens of Hell- therein shall they live forever.
Allâh will bring usury to nothingness, whereas he makes almsgiving profitable. Allâh does not demonstrate His own love for the one who is ungrateful sinner.
Verily those who live by Faith, strive to do righteous acts, establish the regular Prayer and pay Zakāt, their reward is with their Lord. There will come no fear upon them, neither will they ever grieve.
O’ you who live by Faith! act piously towards Allâh and give up what remains of usury if you (intend to) live a life of Genuine Faith.
However, if it happens that you do not give up (usury), then you must beware of a war, which is declared against you from Allâh and His Messenger. But If you repent, then you will have your capital. Do not act unjustly, and you will not be wronged.
If it happens that the debtor is in difficulties of paying his debt, let him have respite till things are easier. But if you remit it as alms, it will be better for you, if you but knew.
And guard yourselves against a day in which you are (destined) to be brought back to Allâh. Then every human person will be paid in full that which he has earned, and they will not be wronged.
O’ you who live by Faith, When you contract a debt for a certain time, write it down. And let a scribe write it down between you according to justice. And do not let the scribe refuse to write according to what Allâh has taught him. Let him (the debtor) who incurs the liability dictate, and he must act piously towards Allâh, His Lord, and not diminish ought thereof. But if the debtor is foolish, or weak, or unable to dictate him, then he must let his agent dictate in justice. Call to witness from among your men two witnesses. But if there are not two men, then one man and two women from among those whom you choose to be witnesses. If one of those women would make a mistake, then the other one should remind her. The witnesses should not refuse when they are called to testify. Do not be averse to writing down (the contract) whether it be small or great, with (record of) the term thereof. That is more equitable in the sight of Allâh and more right for bearing witness, and easier, that you may avoid falling into doubts. When it is a present trade which you transact between your own selves, then you would not be at fault if you did not write it down. Take witnesses whenever you make a commercial contract, and let no harm be done to the scribe, nor to the witness. But if you do so, this is indeed an act of injustice from your part. So act piously towards Allâh. He will teach you (what is in your best interests). Most certainly Allâh is the All-Knowing of each and everything.
If it happens that you are on a journey and you cannot find a scribe, then let pledges be taken (mortgaging). But if one of you trusts the other, let him who is trusted return what he is trusted with and act piously towards Allâh, His Lord. Do not conceal the testimony. For he who conceals it has caused his heart to be sinful. Most certainly Allâh is All-Knowing of whatsoever you do.
Unto Allâh belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth. Whether you allow what is in your minds to be visible or conceal it, Allâh will call you to account according to it. Allâh is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
The Messenger believes in that which has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do those who live by Faith. Every one of them believes in Allâh, His Angels, Scriptures and Messengers. We make no distinction at all between His Messengers. They say: ‘We have heard. And we do comply with everything Allâh has commanded. We implore Your Mercy, O’ Lord, and to You is the final return’.
Allâh will not let any human person be burdened beyond what he can bear. He will be rewarded for that which he has earned, and will be chastised for that (evil deeds) which he has earned. (Those Monotheistic Believers pray): ‘Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or fall into error. Our Lord, do not lay on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us. Our Lord, do not put on us a burden greater than we can bear. Pardon and forgive us. And show Mercy toward us. You are our Great Guardian, so make us victorious over those who have no tendency to live by Faith.
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