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50:1  Qaf. By the glorious Quran.
50:2  Nay! They wonder that a warner came unto them from among themselves so the disbelievers say, “This is an amazing thing.
50:3  Is it that when we have died and we have become dust [we will be returned back to life], that is a returning far from happening.”
50:4  We do know what the earth takes away from them and with Us is a book which guards well.
50:5  Nay! They belied the truth when it came to them so they are in an affair most confused.
50:6  Have they not looked at the heaven above them how We built it high and how We adorned it [with stars] and there are no flaws in it.
50:7  And the earth, We stretched it and We cast therein firm mountains and We caused to grow therein of every beautiful pair.
50:8  To be a clear sign and a remembrance for every slave who turns to Allah.
50:9  And We sent down from the heaven a water most blessed and We caused to grow by it gardens and grains of the harvest
50:10  and the date trees lofty with date-stalks neatly arranged
50:11  as sustenance for the slaves and We caused a dead land to come to life by it thus is the bringing forth [of the dead].
50:12  Before them belied people of Noah, and the owners of the Rass, and Thamud,
50:13  and ‘Ad, and Pharaoh, and brethren of Lot,
50:14  and the people of wooded vale, and people of Tubba. All of them belied the messengers and so My warning came to pass.
50:15  Were we ever worn out by the first creation? Nay! They now are in confusion about a new creation.
50:16  And We indeed created the human being and We know what his soul insinuates to him but We are closer to him than the jugular vein.
50:17  When the two angels meet one sitting on the right and the other on the left.
50:18  He does not utter a word except that in his presence there is a watcher well stationed.
50:19  And the throes of death brought along the truth that is what you used to evade from.
50:20  And the trumpet is blown into. That is the day of which the warning was made.
50:21  And every soul came, along with it a driver and a witness.
50:22  You indeed were in oblivion about this and now We have removed from you your veil so your sight today is sharp.
50:23  And his companion said, “This is what I have with me all ready.”
50:24  So both of you throw in the hellfire every obstinate disbeliever,
50:25  every diligent withholder of good, every transgressive doubting one;
50:26  who made another deity with Allah so throw him both of you in the formidable punishment.
50:27  His companion said, “O our Lord! I did not cause him to transgress but he was in a misguidance far removed.”
50:28  He said, “Do not quarrel in My presence for indeed I had already given you the warning.”
50:29  The word does not change in My presence nor am I a wrongdoer to the slaves.
50:30  A day when We shall say to the hellfire, “Are you full?” and it will say, “Are there more?”
50:31  And the garden is brought near for those who safeguard their own souls - not far at all.
50:32  “This is what had been promised to you.. for everyone who cries to Allah and guards well his duty.
50:33  Who fears Ar-Rahman [The All-merciful] from the unseen and comes with a heart that has turned [to Allah].
50:34  Enter it with peace.” That is the day of the everlasting life.
50:35  There will be for them therein all that they please and from Our presence there will be more.
50:36  And how many a generation before them did We destroy who were greater than them in might and they wandered throughout the lands. Was there any place of escape?
50:37  Indeed in that truly there is a remembrance for anyone who has a heart, or for one who keenly hearkens, while being a witness.
50:38  And We indeed created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six periods and no languor attained to Us.
50:39  Therefore be patient about all that they say and glorify the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before the setting.
50:40  And within the night do glorify Him and in the wake of the prostrations.
50:41  And lend your ear for a day when the caller will call from a place well near.
50:42  A day when they will hear the deafening shriek by the truth. That is the day of the forthcoming [of the dead].
50:43  Truly it is We who gives life and causes death and unto Us is the place of final coming.
50:44  The day when the earth will be rent asunder from them hurriedly coming out. That is a gathering well easy for Us.
50:45  We do know about all that they say but you are not a compeller over them so remind through the Quran whosoever fears My warning.