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68:1  Nuun. By the Pen and all that they inscribe.
68:2  You are not, by the grace of your Lord, insane.
68:3  You will receive an unending reward.
68:4  And you possess a very noble character.
68:5  You will see, and they will see.
68:6  Which of you is the afflicted.
68:7  Your Lord knows best who strays from His path, and He knows best who is guided.
68:8  So, don’t yield to the deniers.
68:9  They wish you would compromise so they, too, could compromise.
68:10  And don’t obey any despicable oath-monger.
68:11  A defamer, a spreader of slander.
68:12  An obstructor of good, a transgressor, a sinner.
68:13  Rude and fake.
68:14  Just because he has wealth and children.
68:15  When Our verses are conveyed to him, he says, “Legends of the ancients.”
68:16  We will brand him on the snout.
68:17  We tested them, just as We tested the garden owners, when they vowed to harvest in the morning.
68:18  And they didn’t make an exception.
68:19  But a visitation from your Lord swept around it while they were asleep.
68:20  And by morning, it was as if harvested.
68:21  At dawn, they called one another.
68:22  “Go early to your crop if you intend to harvest.”
68:23  And they set off, whispering amongst themselves.
68:24  “Make sure no poor person enters your garden today.”
68:25  And they left early, firm in their resolve.
68:26  But when they saw it, they said, “We must have strayed!
68:27  We are deprived!”
68:28  The most prudent among them said, “Didn’t I tell you to offer praise?”
68:29  They replied, “Glory be to our Lord! Indeed, we were wrongdoers.”
68:30  Then they turned to one another, blaming each other.
68:31  They lamented, “Woe to us! We were domineering.
68:32  Our Lord may give us a better substitute. We turn to our Lord in hope.”
68:33  Such is the suffering, yet the suffering of the Hereafter is greater, if they only knew.
68:34  For the righteous with their Lord are the Gardens of Delight.
68:35  Should We treat the submitters like the criminals?
68:36  What’s the matter with you? How do you judge?
68:37  Or do you have a book in which you study?
68:38  In it, you have whatever you prefer?
68:39  Or do you have guarantees from Us, reaching until Resurrection Day, that you will get whatever you judge?
68:40  Ask them, which of them can guarantee that.
68:41  Or do they have partners? Then let them bring their partners, if they are truthful.
68:42  On the day the truth will be laid bare, they will be called upon to prostrate, but they won’t be able to.
68:43  Their eyes will be downcast, covered by disgrace; for they were called upon to prostrate when they were sound.
68:44  Leave Me to those who deny this message. We will progressively lead them from where they don’t know.
68:45  And I will give them time. My plan is firm.
68:46  Or do you ask them for a fee, so they are burdened with debt?
68:47  Or do they have knowledge of the unseen, so they write it down?
68:48  Exercise patience for your Lord’s decree, and don’t be like the Fellow of the Whale, who called out in his affliction.
68:49  Had it not been for a favor from his Lord, he would’ve been thrown onto the barren shore, and he was to blame.
68:50  However, his Lord chose him and made him of the righteous.
68:51  Upon hearing the message, the unbelievers nearly pierce you with their glances and say, “He is surely crazy!”
68:52  However, it is nothing but a reminder to the world.