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44:1  Ha.Mim.
44:2  By the clear Book.
44:3  Indeed, We have sent it down in a blessed night; indeed, We are warning,
44:4  Therein is decided every wise affair,
44:5  An order from Us. Indeed, We are sending,
44:6  A mercy from your Lord; indeed He is the Hearing, the Knowing,
44:7  The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you are sure.
44:8  There is no god but He, He gives life and He gives death, your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers.
44:9  Nay, they are in doubt, playing.
44:10  But watch for a day when the heaven shall bring manifest smoke
44:11  To cover the people, this is a painful punishment.
44:12  'Our Lord! Remove from us the punishment; indeed, We are believers.'
44:13  How can they have the reminder, when verily, they have had a clear messenger,
44:14  Then they turned away from him and said, 'One taught. A mad man.'
44:15  Indeed, We will remove the punishment a little, indeed, you return.
44:16  The day We will assault with the great assault, indeed, We will take vengeance.
44:17  And certainly before them We tried the people of Pharaoh, and there came to them a noble messenger:
44:18  'Send back to me God's servants; indeed, I am to you a faithful messenger;'
44:19  And, 'Do not exalt yourselves above God; indeed, I come to you with clear authority.
44:20  And indeed, I seek refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me.
44:21  And if you do not believe me then leave me alone.'
44:22  Then he called upon his Lord, 'Indeed, these are sinful people.'
44:23  So journey with my servants by night, indeed, you are to be pursued.
44:24  And leave the sea at rest, indeed, they are an army to be drowned.
44:25  How many of gardens and springs did they leave,
44:26  And cornfields and noble places,
44:27  And ease and plenty in which they took delight.
44:28  Thus, and We made it an inheritance for another people.
44:29  And the heaven and the earth did not weep for them, nor were they respited.
44:30  And certainly, We saved the children of Israel from the shameful punishment.
44:31  From Pharaoh; indeed, he was haughty, among the extravagant.
44:32  And surely, certainly We chose them upon knowledge over the worlds;
44:33  And We gave them of signs that in which was a clear trial.
44:34  Indeed these, surely they say,
44:35  'There is nothing but our first death, and We will not be raised.
44:36  So bring our forefathers, if you are truthful.'
44:37  Are they better or the people of Tubba and those before them? We destroyed them, indeed, they were sinners.
44:38  And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in play.
44:39  We created them not except with truth, but most of them do not know.
44:40  Indeed, the Day of Decision is their appointed time all together;
44:41  The day relation shall not avail relation anything, and they shall not be helped;
44:42  Except whomsoever God shall have mercy on; indeed, He is the Mighty, the Compassionate.
44:43  Indeed, the Zaqqum tree,
44:44  The food of the sinful:
44:45  Like molten brass, it shall boil in the bellies,
44:46  Like the boiling of hot water.
44:47  'Take him and drag him to the midst of Hell.
44:48  Then pour over his head the punishment of hot water.
44:49  Taste. Indeed, you are the mighty, the noble.
44:50  Indeed, this is what you disputed about.'
44:51  Indeed, those who fear shall be in a safe place.
44:52  In gardens and springs,
44:53  They shall be clad in fine silk and brocade, face to face.
44:54  Thus. And We will wed them to wide-eyed houris.
44:55  They shall call therein for every fruit in safety.
44:56  They shall not taste death therein except the first death, and He will guard them from the punishment of Hell.
44:57  Grace from your Lord, that, it is the great success.
44:58  And We have only made it easy for your tongue, perhaps they may remember.
44:59  So watch; indeed, they are watching.