←Prev   ar-Rahman (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving, The Merciful) as rendered by/in Samy Mahdy  Next→ 

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55:1  Al-Rahman (The Widely merciful)
55:2  Has taught the Quran.
55:3  He created the human.
55:4  He taught him the demonstration.
55:5  The sun and the moon are by precise calculation.
55:6  And the astral plants and the trees are prostrating.
55:7  And the sky, He raised it; and He placed the balance.
55:8  That you do not transgress in the balance.
55:9  And establish the weights with the equity, and do not lose in the balance.
55:10  And the earth; He placed it for all the creatures.
55:11  Within it are fruits, and palm trees possessors of the sheaths.
55:12  And the grains possessor of the husks and the fragrant plants.
55:13  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:14  He created the human from Silsal, like the pottery.
55:15  And He created the jinn from a smokeless flame of fire.
55:16  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:17  Lord of the two sunrises and Lord of the two sunsets.
55:18  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:19  He merged the two seas, to meet.
55:20  Between them is a waterway barrier, they do not transgress.
55:21  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:22  Exits from them, the pearls and the coral.
55:23  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:24  And for him the running sailing ships, that initiated in the sea like mountains.
55:25  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:26  Everyone who is on it, mortal.
55:27  And there will remain your Lord’s face, possessor of The Majesty and The Honor.
55:28  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:29  Ask Him whoever is in the skies and the earth. Every day he is in God's business.
55:30  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:31  Soon We will be vacated to reckon you, O the weighty two (Human and Jinn).
55:32  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:33  O assembly of the jinn and the humans! If you can penetrate from the diameters of the skies and the earth, so penetrate, you will not penetrate except by a Sultan.
55:34  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:35  It will be sent against you, spalls of fire and molten’ brass, so you in both do not get victory.
55:36  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:37  So if the sky splits, and becomes a rose color, like the melted fat paint.
55:38  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:39  So on that Day, no human and no jinn will be asked about his misdeed.
55:40  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:41  The criminals will be recognized by their marks; so they will be taken by the forelocks and the feet.
55:42  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:43  This is Gohanam (Hell) that the criminals had denied as being a lie.
55:44  They circumambulate between it and between scalding water, boiling.
55:45  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:46  And for whoever feared of his Lord’s stature are two paradises.
55:47  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:48  Possessors of branches with color arts.
55:49  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:50  Therein, are two springs, running.
55:51  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:52  Therein from every fruit are two pairs.
55:53  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:54  Reclining on furnishings whose linings are from silk brocade and the pickings of the two paradises are near to hand.
55:55  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:56  Therein, maidens restrained their glances, have not deflowered them before, humans or jinn.
55:57  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:58  As though they were the rubies and the corals.
55:59  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:60  Is the reward of excellence except excellence?
55:61  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:62  And below them are two paradises.
55:63  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:64  Are dark green.
55:65  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:66  Therein, are two gushing springs.
55:67  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:68  Therein are fruits, date-palms, and pomegranates.
55:69  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:70  Therein are good, finest maidens.
55:71  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:72  Nymphs, castled in the pavilions.
55:73  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:74  Have not deflowered them before, humans or jinn.
55:75  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:76  Reclining on green pillows, and finest exquisite carpets.
55:77  So with which of your Lord’s marvels you falsify?
55:78  Blessed is your Lord’s name, possessor of The Majesty and The Honor.