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54:1  The Hour has come near, and the moon split.
54:2  And if they see a verse, they turn away, and say, “Continuous magic.”
54:3  And they falsified, and followed their desires, and every matter was settled.
54:4  And there came to them from the news, what within it is a rebuking.
54:5  A far-reaching Wisdom, so the warnings do not avail.
54:6  So turn away from them. On a Day when the Caller calls to something denial.
54:7  Their sights humbled, they are exiting from the burial sites, as if they were locusts spreading.
54:8  They race ahead to the Caller, the infidels say, “This is a difficult Day.”
54:9  Before them Noah’s kinfolk falsified. So, they falsified Our slave and said, “Madman,” and he was rebuked.
54:10  So he called his Lord, “I am being overcome, so victory me.”
54:11  So We opened the sky doors with the pouring down water.
54:12  And We burst the earth springs, so the waters met for a matter already measured.
54:13  And We carried him on a possessor of panels and nails.
54:14  Running with Our eyes; a recompense for him (Noah), whom they disbelieved in.
54:15  And We left it as a verse. So, is there anyone who remembers?
54:16  So how were My torment and My warnings?
54:17  And We already have eased the Quran for the reminder. So, is there anyone who would remember?
54:18  Aad falsified, so how were My torment and My warnings?
54:19  Surely, We sent against them a screaming wind on a day of continuous misfortune.
54:20  Taking off the people, as they were trunks of uprooted palm-trees.
54:21  So how were My torment and My warnings?
54:22  And We already have eased the Quran for the reminder. So, is there anyone who would remember?
54:23  Thamud falsified, with the warnings.
54:24  So they said, "Is one humankind from us, we should follow? Surely, we would then be in astray and madness.
54:25  Was the reminder thrown upon him, from between us? Nay, but he is an evil liar.”
54:26  They will know tomorrow who is the evil liar?
54:27  Surely, We are sending the she-camel as infatuation for them, so watch for them and be patient.
54:28  And inform them that the water is divided between them; each drink was appointed to attend (Between the she-camel and them).
54:29  So they called out their friend, so he took the dare, so he hamstrung (it).
54:30  So how were My torment and My warnings?
54:31  So We sent, against them a single shout, so they became like the broken dry stubble fragments.
54:32  And We already have eased the Quran for the reminder. So, is there anyone who would remember?
54:33  Lot’s kinfolk falsified the warnings.
54:34  Surely, We sent against them a stone storm, except Lot’s folk, We saved them before dawn.
54:35  A grace from Us. Thus, We recompensed who was thankful.
54:36  And he already had warned them of Our annihilating, so they were skeptical by the warnings.
54:37  And they seduced him with his guests, so We obliterated their eyes. “So, taste My torment and My warnings.”
54:38  And in the early morning seized them a settled torment.
54:39  So taste My torment and My warnings.
54:40  And We already have eased the Quran for the reminder. So, is there anyone who would remember?
54:41  And already the warnings came to Pharaoh’s folk.
54:42  They falsified with Our verses, all of them, so We took them, with the seizing of One mighty, omnipotent.
54:43  Are your infidels better than all those? Or do you have innocence in the Zaboors (the Scriptures)?
54:44  Or do they say, “We are all together victorious”?
54:45  The gathering will be defeated, and will turn away their back.
54:46  Nay, but the Hour is their appointed time, and the Hour is more disastrous, and most strong.
54:47  Surely the criminals are within astray and insanity.
54:48  On a day when they are dragged into the Fire upon their faces: “Taste the touch of Saqar.”
54:49  Surely everything We created is with a measure.
54:50  And Our command is not except one, like a glance of the sight.
54:51  And already We have destroyed like your sects. So, is there anyone who would remember?
54:52  And everything they did is in the Zaboors (the Scriptures).
54:53  And every small or grand, is written in lines.
54:54  Surely the pious are in paradises and rivers.
54:55  In a seat of truth, at an Omnipotent King.