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55:1  Ar-Rahman [The All-merciful]
55:2  He taught the Quran.
55:3  He created the human being.
55:4  He taught him clarity in speech.
55:5  The sun and the moon are in computation.
55:6  And the star and the tree are both in prostration.
55:7  And the heaven, He raised it up and He brought down the balance.
55:8  So that you do not transgress in the balance.
55:9  And establish the weight with equity and do not fall short of the balance.
55:10  And the earth, He laid it down smoothly for the living beings.
55:11  Therein are fruits and the date-trees with sheathed date-clusters.
55:12  And the seeds with husks, and the fragrance.
55:13  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:14  He created the human being from dry sounding clay like the pottery.
55:15  And He created the Jinns from a smokeless flame from a fire.
55:16  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:17  Lord of the two Easts and Lord of the two Wests.
55:18  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:19  He sent forth the two oceans that meet together.
55:20  Between the two is a barrier. They do not transgress.
55:21  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:22  Out of the two come out pearls and red-corals.
55:23  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:24  And for Him are the ships deployed in the ocean like mountains.
55:25  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:26  Everyone thereupon is going to come to an end.
55:27  But will abide the face of your Lord; Lord of the majesty and of the grace.
55:28  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:29  Everyone in the heavens and in the earth entreats Him. Every day He is in a new manifestation of [His] glory.
55:30  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:31  We will soon make Ourselves ready for you O both you burdens!
55:32  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:33  O you community of the Jinns and of the humans! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and of the earth then pass through. You will not pass except with an authority.
55:34  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:35  Against both of you [without an authority] will be sent flames from a fire and shower of iron so you will not triumph.
55:36  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:37  And when the sky is cleft asunder so that it becomes a red rose like an unguent.
55:38  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:39  On that day neither a man nor a jinn will be asked about his sin.
55:40  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:41  The evildoers will be recognized by their marks so they will be seized by the forelocks and by the feet.
55:42  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:43  “This is the hell which the evildoers belied.”
55:44  They take turns between it [the hellfire] and a scalding boiling water.
55:45  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:46  And as for the one who fears the station of his Lord, there will be two gardens.
55:47  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:48  Both of them full of trees with luxuriant branches.
55:49  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:50  In each of the two [gardens] will be two fountains with free-flowing water.
55:51  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:52  In them there will be two kinds from each fruit.
55:53  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:54  Reclining on beds the stuffing of which is from fine brocade and the fruits of the two gardens are near at hand.
55:55  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:56  In them are maidens with gaze confined [to their spouses] neither man nor jinn had attained to them before them.
55:57  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:58  As though they are pearls and rubies.
55:59  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:60  Is the reward for excellence any other than the excellence?
55:61  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:62  And below these two [gardens], there are two [other] gardens.
55:63  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:64  Dark in color from extreme greenness.
55:65  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:66  In them are two fountains with slow flowing water.
55:67  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:68  In them are fruits and dates and pomegranates.
55:69  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:70  In them are mates of refined goodness and excellence
55:71  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:72  Mates of paradise confined in their tents.
55:73  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:74  Neither man nor jinn had attained to them before them.
55:75  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:76  Reclining on green carpets and tapestry of excellence.
55:77  Then which of the graces of your Lord will both of you [Jinns and Humans] belie?
55:78  Blessed is the name of your Lord; Lord of the Majesty and of the Grace.