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89:1  I swear by the dawn:
89:2  By the ten nights:
89:3  By the even and odd:
89:4  And by the night when it passes away:
89:5  Is this not a sufficient oath for highly intelligent one?
89:6  Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with‘Ād,
89:7  With Iram, the city of the pillars,
89:8  The like of which had never been created in the land?
89:9  And with Thamūd, who hewed out the rocks in the valley?
89:10  And with Pharaoh, lord of stakes?
89:11  All of them went beyond the bounds (of moral & divine principles) in the lands,
89:12  And increased therein the corruption.
89:13  So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of punishment.
89:14  Most certainly your Lord is Ever Watchful.
89:15  As for man, whenever his Lord tries him, then treats him with honor and gives him great comfort and extravagant living, he would say: "My Lord has honored me".
89:16  But, whenever He tries him differently by straitening his means of livings, he says: "My Lord has undeservedly humiliated me!"
89:17  No indeed! In fact, you do not honor the orphan,
89:18  Neither do you exhort one another to feed the poor.
89:19  You devour greedily the inheritance of others indiscriminately,
89:20  And you have immense love for wealth.
89:21  No indeed! When the earth is made to crumble into dust,
89:22  And your Lord will come with Angels, rank on rank,
89:23  And Gehenna is brought out. On that day man will remember (his obligations towards his Lord). But how will the remembrance then profit him?.
89:24  He will regretfully say: "Alas! I wish I had sent forth righteous acts for my life!"
89:25  No one will be able to chastise as the way He is going to chastise on that day.
89:26  No one will be able to bind as the way He is going to bind.
89:27  As for you,“O' tranquil soul!
89:28  Return to your Lord, highly gratified and well-pleasing to Him!
89:29  So join My (pious) servants,
89:30  And peacefully enter My Paradise!”