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90:1  I (do not need to) swear by this town (Mecca):
90:2  You are free in this town.
90:3  And I swear by the father and that which he begets:
90:4  We have certainly created man to cope with adversity.
90:5  Does he think that no one has power over him?!
90:6  He says (boastfully): "I have squandered huge fortunes."
90:7  Does he think that no one sees him?
90:8  Have We not made for him two eyes,
90:9  A tongue, and two lips,
90:10  And shown him the two ways?
90:11  Yet he tried not to break through the ‘Steep Path’.
90:12  And what will make you know exactly what the ‘Steep Path’ is?
90:13  It is setting a slave free
90:14  Or feeding hungry people in the days of famine,
90:15  An orphan near of kin,
90:16  Or a needy man living in misery,
90:17  Then he (who used to boast) becomes of those who live by Faith and exhort one another to patience and compassion.
90:18  Those are the companions of the right side
90:19  Those who give no credence to our Signs are the Owners of the left .
90:20  Upon them will be Fire closed over.