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God and His Messenger
declare disassociation from those with whom you made a contract among the ones who were polytheists
who violated it:
Roam about on the earth for four months and know that you
will not
be ones who frustrate God and that God
is One Who Covers with shame the ones who are ungrateful.
And the announcement from God and His Messenger to humanity on the day of the greater pilgrimage to Makkah is that God
is free from the ones who are polytheists and
so is His Messenger. Then, it will be better for you if you repented. But if you turned away, then, know that you
are not ones who frustrate God. And give thou tidings to those who were ungrateful of a painful punishment.
But those with whom you made a contract—among the ones who are polytheists—
and again, they reduce you not at all nor do they back anyone against you, then, fulfill their compact with them until their
term of contract expires. Truly, God loves the ones who are Godfearing.
When the months of pilgrim sanctity were drawn away, then, kill the ones who are polytheists wherever you found them and take them and besiege them and sit in every place of ambush. Then, if they repented and performed the formal prayer and gave the purifying alms, then, let them go their way. Truly, God
is Forgiving, Compassionate.
And if anyone of the ones who are polytheists sought asylum with thee, then, grant him protection so that he hears the assertions of God. Again, convey thou him to a place of safety. That is because they
are a folk who know not.
How will there be for the ones who are polytheists a compact with God and with His Messenger but for those with whom you made a contract near the Masjid al-Haram? If they go straight with you, then, go straight with them. Truly, God loves the ones who are Godfearing.
How? And if they get the better of you, they regard not ties of relationship with you nor a pact? They please you with their mouths, but their hearts refuse
compliance and many of them are ones who disobey.
They sold out the signs of God for a little price and barred
others from His way. Truly, how evil is what they had been doing.
They regard not towards one who believes either ties of relationship or a pact. And those, they are the ones who exceed the limits.
But if they repented and performed the formal prayer and gave the purifying alms, then, they
are your brothers/sisters in
your way of life, We explain the signs distinctly for a folk who know.
But if they broke their sworn oaths after their compact and discredited your way of life, then, fight the leaders of ingratitude. Truly, they, their sworn oaths are nothing to them, so that perhaps they will refrain themselves.
Will you not fight a folk who broke their sworn oaths and were about to expel the Messenger? Began they the first time against you? Will you dread them? God has a better right that you should dread Him if you had been ones who believe.
Fight them! God will punish them by your hands and cover them with shame and help you against them. And He will heal the breasts of a folk, ones who believe,
and He causes to be put away the rage in their hearts. And God turns to whom He wills in forgiveness. And God
is Knowing, Wise.
Or assumed you that you would be left before God knows those who struggled among you? And take not
anyone to yourselves other than God and His Messenger and the ones who believe as intimate friends. And God
is Aware of what you do.
It had not been for the ones who are polytheists to frequent the places of prostration to God while they
are ones who bear witness against themselves of their ingratitude. Those, their actions were fruitless. They
are ones who will dwell in the fire forever!
Only he frequents places of prostration to God who believed in God and the Last Day and performed the formal prayer and gave the purifying alms and dreads none but God. Perhaps those will be among the ones who are truly guided.
Made you the giving of water to drink to the ones who are pilgrims and frequenting the Masjid al-Haram the same as he who believed in God and the Last Day and struggled in the way of God? They
are not on the same level with God. And God guides not the folk, ones who are unjust.
Those who believed and emigrated and struggled in the way of God with their wealth and their lives
are sublime in their degree with God. And those, they are the ones who are victorious.
Their Lord gives them good tidings of mercy from Him and His contentment and of Gardens for them in which
is abiding bliss.
They are ones who will dwell in them forever, eternally. Truly, God, with Him
is a sublime compensation.
O those who believed! Take not to yourselves your fathers and brothers/sisters as protectors if they embraced disbelief instead of belief. And whoever of you turns away to them, then, those, they
are the ones who are unjust.
Say: If had been your fathers and your children and your brothers/sisters and your spouses and your kinspeople and the wealth you gained and the transactions you dread slacken and the dwellings with which you are well-pleased were more beloved to you than God and His Messenger and struggling in His Way, then, await until God brings His command. And God guides not the folk, ones who disobey.
God, certainly, helped you in many battlefields and on the day of Hunayn when you were impressed with your great numbers, but it avails you not at all. And the earth was narrow for you for all its breadth. Again, you turned as ones who draw back.
Again, God caused His tranquility to descend on His Messenger and on the ones who believed and caused armies you see not to descend and punished those who were ungrateful. And this
is the recompense
of the ones who were ungrateful.
Again, God will turn to whom He will in forgiveness after that. And God
is Forgiving, Compassionate.
O those who believed! Truly, the ones who are polytheists are unclean, so let them come not near the Masjid al-Haram after this year. And if you feared being poverty-stricken, God will enrich you out of His grace if He willed. Truly, God
is Knowing, Wise.
Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day nor forbid what God and His Messenger forbade nor practice the way of life of The Truth among those who were given the Book until they give the tribute out of hand and they
be ones who comply.
And the Jews said: Ezra
is the son of God and the Christians said: The Messiah
is the son of God. That
is the saying with their mouths. They conform with the sayings of those who were ungrateful before. God took the offensive. How they are misled!
They took to themselves their learned Jewish scholars and their monks as lords—other than God—and the Messiah son of Mary. And they were only commanded to worship The One God.
There is no god but He! Glory be to Him above the partners they ascribe!
They want to extinguish the light of God with their mouths, but God refuses so that He fulfill His light even if the ones who are ungrateful disliked it.
It is He Who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the way of life of The Truth so that He may uplift
it over all ways of life, even if the ones who are polytheists disliked it.
O those who believed! Truly,
there are many of the learned Jewish scholars and monks who consume the wealth of humanity in falsehood and bar from the way of God and those who treasure up gold and silver and spend it not in the way of God. Give to them tidings of a painful punishment,
on a Day it will be hot in the fire of hell. Then, by it are branded their foreheads and their sides and their backs.
It will be said: This is what you treasured up for yourselves so experience what you had been treasuring up.
Truly, the period of months with God is twelve
lunar months in the Book of God. On the day when He created the heavens and the earth of them. Four
are sanctified. That is the truth-loving way of life. So do not wrong yourselves in it. And fight the ones who are polytheists collectively, as they fight you collectively. And know that God is with the ones who are Godfearing.
Truly, the postponing
a Sacred Month is an increase in ingratitude. By it are caused to go astray those who were ungrateful, for they permit it a year, and forbid it a year, so that they agree with the period that God forbade, and they permit what God forbade. Made to appear pleasing to them was the evil of their actions. And God guides not the folk, the ones who are ungrateful.
O those who believed! What
was it with you when
was said to you: Move forward in the way of God, you inclined heavily downwards to the earth? Were you so well-pleased with this present life instead of the world to come? But the enjoyment of this present life is not but little
compared to the world to come.
Unless you move forward, He will punish you with a painful punishment and will have in exchange for you a folk other than you. And you will not injure Him at all. And God
is Powerful over everything.
If you help him not, then, surely, God helped him when those who were ungrateful drove him out. The second of two, when they
were both in the cavern, he says to his companion: Feel no remorse. Truly, God is with us. Then, God caused His tranquility to descend on him and confirmed him with armies that you see not and made the word of those who were ungrateful the lowest. And the Word of God
is Lofty. God
is Almighty, Wise.
Move forward light and heavy and struggle with your wealth and your lives in the way of God. That
is better for you if you had been knowing.
If it had been a near advantage and an easy journey, they would have followed thee, except the destination of the journey was distant for them. And they will swear by God: If we were able, we would, certainly, have gone forth with you. They will cause themselves to perish. And God knows that they
are the ones who lie.
God pardon thee! Why hadst thou given permission to them before it becomes clear to thee those who were sincere and thou hast known who
are the ones who lie?
They ask not permission of thee, those who believe in God and the Last Day, that they struggle with their wealth and their lives. And God
is Knowing of the ones who are Godfearing.
is only those who ask permission of thee who believe not in God and the Last Day and whose hearts were in doubt, so they go this way and that in their doubts.
And if they wanted to go forth, certainly, they would have prepared for it some preparation, except God disliked arousing them, so He caused them to pause and it was said: Sit along with the ones who sit at home.
If they went forth with you, they would have increased nothing for you, but ruination. And they would have rushed to and fro in your midst with insolent dissension. And among you
are ones who would have harkened to them. And God
is Knowing of the ones who are unjust.
Certainly, they were looking for dissension before. And they turned around and around for thee the commands until The Truth drew near, and the command of God became manifest
although they
were ones who dislike
Among them
is he who says: Give me permission and tempt me not. But they descended into dissension. And, truly, hell
is that which encloses the ones who are ungrateful.
If lights on thee benevolence, they are raised to anger, but if an affliction lights on thee, they say: Surely, we took our commands before. And they turn away and they
are glad.
Say: Nothing will light on us but what God had been prescribing for us. He is our Defender. And in God let the ones who believe put their trust.
Say: Are you watching for something, but one of the two fairer things
to befall us? And we watch for you, whether God will light on you a punishment from Him or from our hands. So watch! We
are ones who are waiting with you.
Say: Spend willingly or unwillingly. There
will be only non-acceptance. Truly, you, you had been a folk, ones who disobey.
And nothing prevented their contributions being accepted from them but that they were ungrateful to God and His Messenger and that they not approach formal prayer but while they are lazy and they spend but
as ones who dislike to spend.
So let not their wealth impress thee nor their children. God wants only to punish them in this present life and so that their souls depart while they
are ones who are ungrateful.
And they swear by God that they
are, truly, of you while they
are not of you. They
are but a folk
who are in fear.
If they find a shelter or a place to creep into or a place of retreat, they would turn to it as they rush away.
And among them
there are some who find fault with thee about charities. If they were given a part of it, they were well-pleased, but if they are not given of it, that is when they are displeased.
Better if they were well-pleased with what God gave them and His Messenger. And they had said: God
is Enough for us. God will give to us of His grace and so will His Messenger. Truly, to God we
are ones who quest.
Charities are only for the poor and the needy and the ones who work to collect it and the ones whose hearts are brought together and to
free the bondsperson and the ones who are in debt and in the way of God and for the traveler of the way.
is a duty to God. And God
is Knowing, Wise.
And among them are those who malign the Prophet and say: He is unquestioning. Say: He is unquestioning of what is good for you. He believes in God and believes in ones who believe. And he
is a mercy to those of you who believed. And those of you who malign the Messenger of God, for them
is a painful punishment.
They swear by God to you to please you, but God and His Messenger have better right that they should please Him if they had been ones who believe.
Know they not that whoever opposes God and His Messenger, then, truly, for him
will be the fire of hell—one who will dwell in it forever? That is the tremendous degradation.
The ones who are hypocrites are fearful that should be sent down against them a Chapter of the Quran to tell them what is in their hearts. Say: Ridicule us, but, truly, God is One Who Drives Out that of which you
are fearful.
And if thou hadst asked them, they would say: Truly, we had only been engaging in idle talk and playing. Say:
Was it God and His signs and His Messenger that you had been ridiculing?
Make no excuses! Surely, you disbelieved after your belief. If We pardon a section of you, We will punish another section because, truly, they had been ones who sin.
The ones who are male hypocrites and the ones who are female hypocrites, some
are of some other. They command that which is unlawful and prohibit that which is honorable and close their hands. They forgot God so He forgot them. Truly, the ones who are hypocrites, they
are the ones who disobey.
And God promised the males, ones who hypocrites and the females, ones who are hypocrites and the ones who are ungrateful, the fire of hell, ones who will dwell in it forever! It
will be enough for them. God cursed them. And for them
is an abiding punishment.
Like those before you
who had been with more strength than you and more wealth and children, they enjoyed their apportionment so you enjoyed your apportionment as enjoyed those who
were before you their apportionment. And you engaged in idle talk as they engaged in idle talk. As to those, their actions were fruitless in the present and
are such in the world to come. And those, they
are the ones who are losers.
Approaches them not the tidings of those before them—
the folk of Noah and of Ad and of Thamud, and of a folk of Abraham, and of the Companions of Midian, and that which are cities overthrown? Their Messengers approached them with the clear portents. So it had not been God who did wrong to them, rather, they had been doing wrong to themselves.
The males, ones who believe and the females, ones who believe, some
are protectors of some other. They command to that which is honorable and they prohibit that which is unlawful and they perform the formal prayer and give the purifying alms and obey God and His Messenger. Those, God will have mercy on them. Truly, God is Almighty, Wise.
God promised males, the ones who believe and the females, the ones who believe, Gardens beneath which rivers run, ones who will dwell in them forever and good dwellings in the Gardens of Eden. And the greater contentment is with God. That,
it is the winning of the sublime triumph.
O Prophet! Struggle with the ones who are ungrateful and the ones who are hypocrites and be thou harsh against them. And their place of shelter will be hell. Miserable will be the Homecoming!
They swear by God that they said not
against the Prophet but, certainly, they said the word of ingratitude and they were ungrateful after their submission
to God. And they were about to do something that they never attain. And they sought revenge but that God would enrich them and His Messenger with His grace. And if they repent, it would be better for them. And if they turn away, God will punish them with a painful punishment in the present and in the world to come. And
there is not for them on earth either a protector or a helper.
And of them
are some who made a contract with God
saying: If He gave us of His grace, we will be charitable and, certainly, we will be among the ones in accord with morality.
Then, when He gave them of His grace, they were misers with it and turned away and they
were ones who turn aside.
made the consequence hypocrisy in their hearts until a Day they will meet Him because they broke with God what they promised Him, because they had been lying against
Know they not that God knows their conspiring secretly and their secret? And that God
is The Knower of the unseen.
Those who find fault with ones who are volunteer donors to charities from among the ones who believe and those who find not but their striving to give, so they derided them. God will deride them. And they will have a painful punishment.
Ask for forgiveness for them or ask not for forgiveness for them, if thou hast asked for forgiveness for them seventy times, God will never forgive them. That
is because they were ungrateful to God and His Messenger. And God guides not the folk, the ones who disobey.
The ones who are left behind were glad of their positions behind the Messenger of God. And they disliked struggling with their wealth and themselves in the way of God. And they said: Move not forward in the heat. Say: The fire of hell
has more severe heat. Would that they had been understanding!
So let them laugh a little and weep much as a recompense for what they had been earning.
Then, God returned thee to a section of them. And they asked thy permission for going forth. Then, say: You will never ever go forth with me nor fight an enemy with me. You were well-pleased sitting the first time. Then, sit—ones who await with who lagged behind.
Pray thou not formally for any of them who died, ever, nor stand up at his grave. Truly, they were ungrateful to God and His Messenger and died while they are ones who disobey.
And let not their wealth impress you nor their children. For God only wants to punish them with these in the present and their souls depart while they were ones who are ungrateful.
When a Chapter of the Quran was caused to descend
saying that: Believe in God and struggle along with His Messenger, those imbued with affluence ask permission of thee. And they said: Forsake us. We would be with the ones who sit at home.
They were well-pleased to be with those who stay behind. And a seal was set on their hearts so they understand not.
But the Messenger and those who believed with him struggled with their wealth and their lives. Those, for them
are good deeds. And those, they
are the ones who will prosper.
God prepared for them Gardens beneath which rivers run, ones who will dwell in them forever. That is the winning of the sublime triumph.
And the ones who make excuses drew near from among the nomads that permission be given them. And they sat back, those who lied against God and His Messenger. There will light on those who were ungrateful among them a painful punishment.
Not on the weak nor on the sick nor on those who find nothing to spend is there fault if they
were true to God and His Messenger. There is no way against the ones who are doers of good. And God
is Forgiving, Compassionate.
Nor on those who when they approached thee that thou wouldst find mounts to carry them, thou hadst said: I find not what will carry you. So they turned away while their eyes overflow with tears of grief when they find nothing
for them to spend
in the way of God.
The way
of blame is only against those who ask thee permission to
remain behind and they are rich. They were well-pleased to be with those who stay behind. And God set a seal on their hearts so that they know not.
They will make excuses to you when you returned to them. Say: Make no excuses. We will never believe you. Surely, God told us news about you. God and His Messenger will consider your actions. Again, you will be returned to One Who Knows the unseen and the visible. Then, He will tell you of what you had been doing.
They will swear to you by God when you turned about to them so that you renounce them. So renounce them. Truly, they
are a disgrace. And their place of shelter
will be hell, as a recompense for what they had been earning.
They swear to you so that you will be well-pleased with them. So while you be well-pleased with them, then, truly, God is not well-pleased with the folk, the ones who disobey.
The nomads
are stauncher in ingratitude and hypocrisy and more likely not to know the ordinances that God caused to descend to His Messenger. And God is Knowing, Wise.
And of the nomads
are some who take what they spend to themselves as something owed
them and await for some turn of your fortunes. Theirs
will be the reprehensible turn of fortune. And God
is Hearing, Knowing.
And of the nomads
are some who believe in God and the Last Day and take for himself what he spends—as an offering to God—and blessings of the Messenger that will be sent for them. No doubt
these are not but an offering from them. God will cause them to enter into His mercy. Truly, God
is Forgiving, Compassionate.
As for the forerunners, the ones who take the lead among the ones who emigrate and the helpers and those who followed them with kindness, God was well-pleased with them and they were well-pleased with Him. He prepared for them Gardens beneath which rivers run, ones who will dwell in them forever, eternally. That is the winning of the sublime triumph.
And from around you of the nomads
are ones who are hypocrites. And from among the people of the city,
some grew bold in hypocrisy. Thou hast not known them but We know them. We will, truly, punish them two times
in this world. Again, they will be returned to a tremendous punishment.
And others acknowledged their impieties. They mixed actions, ones in accord with morality with others that are bad deeds. Perhaps God will turn to them in forgiveness. Truly, God
is Forgiving, Compassionate.
Take charity from their wealth to purify them and make them pure with it. And invoke blessings for them. Truly, thy entreaties
will bring a sense of comfort and rest to them. And God
is Hearing, Knowing.
Know they not that God
is He Who accepts remorse from His servants and takes charities and that God, He
is The Accepter of Repentance, The Compassionate?
And say: Act! God will consider your actions and
so will His Messenger and the ones who believe. And you will be returned
to Him, One Who Knows of the unseen and the visible. Then, He will tell you what you had been doing.
there are others, ones who are waiting in suspense for the command of God. Either He will punish them or He will turn to them in forgiveness. And God
is Knowing, Wise.
Mention those who took to themselves places of prostration by injuring and in ingratitude and separating and dividing between the ones who believe and as a stalking place for whoever warred against God and His Messenger before. And they will, certainly, swear that: We wanted nothing but the fairer. And God bears witness that they
are, truly, ones who lie.
And stand not up in it ever! A place of prostration that was founded from the first day on God-consciousness
is more rightful that thou hast stood up in it. In it
are men who love to cleanse themselves. And God loves the ones who cleanse themselves.
Is one who founded his structure on the God-consciousness of God and His contentment better than he who founded his structure on the brink of a crumbling, tottering bank of a river so that it tumbled with him into the fire of hell? And God guides not the folk, the ones who are unjust!
The structure they built will cease not the skepticism in their hearts until their hearts are cut asunder. And God
is Knowing, Wise.
Truly, God bought from the ones who believe themselves and their properties. For them is the Garden! They fight in the way of God so they kill and are slain.
It is a promise rightfully on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Quran. And who is more true to His compact than God? Then, rejoice in the good tidings of the bargain that you made in trading with Him. And that,
it is the winning the sublime triumph
for the repentant worshippers, the ones who praise, the ones who are inclined to fasting, the ones who bow down, the ones who prostrate themselves, the ones who command that which is honorable and the ones who prohibit that which is unlawful, and the ones who guard the ordinances of God, and give thou good tidings to the ones who believe!
It had not been for the Prophet and those who believed to ask for forgiveness for ones who are polytheists—even if they had been imbued with kinship—after it became clear to them that they
are the Companions of Hellfire.
And had not been Abraham asking for forgiveness for his father only because of a promise he had promised him? Then, when it became clear to him that, truly, he
was an enemy to God, he cleared himself from him. Truly, Abraham
was sympathetic and forbearing.
God would not have been causing a folk to go astray after He guided them until He makes manifest to them of what they should be Godfearing. Truly, God
is Knowing of everything.
Truly, God, to Him
belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and He causes to die. And
there is not for you other than God, either a protector or a helper.
Certainly, God turned towards the Prophet and the ones who emigrate and the helpers who followed him in the hour of adversity after the hearts of a group of people were about to swerve among them. Again, He turned towards them. Truly, He
is Gentle, Compassionate.
And upon the three who were left behind when the earth became narrow for them—for all its breadth—and their souls became narrow for them and they thought that
there was no shelter from God, but in Him, again, He turns to them in forgiveness so that they would turn towards
Him. Truly, God, He
is The Accepter of Repentance, The Compassionate.
O those who believed! Be Godfearing of God and be with the ones who are sincere.
It had not been for the people of the city and among the nomads around them to stay behind from the Messenger of God nor prefer themselves more than himself. That
is because they
were neither lit on by thirst nor fatigue nor emptiness in the way of God nor tread they any treading
on any ground—enraging the ones who are ungrateful—nor glean any gleaning
of ground against the enemy but as an action in accord with morality written down for them. Truly, God wastes not the compensation
of the ones who are doers of good.
Nor spend they contributions—
be they small or great—nor cross they over a valley, but it was written down for them that God will give recompense to them for the fairer of what they had been doing.
And it had not been for the ones who believe to move forward collectively. If every band moved not forward of them but a section
of people only, that they become learned in the way of life and that they warn their folk when they returned to them so that perhaps they will beware?
O those who have believed! Fight the ones who are close to you of the ones who are ungrateful. And let them find harshness in you. And know that God
is with the ones who are Godfearing.
And whenever there was caused to descend a Chapter of the Quran, some of them say: Which of you had this increased in belief? As for those who believed, it increased them in belief and they rejoice at the good tidings.
But as for those who, in their hearts,
is a sickness, it increased disgrace to their disgrace and they died while they are the ones who are ungrateful.
Consider they not that they are tried one time or two times a year? Again, they neither repent nor they recollect.
And whenever there was caused to descend a Chapter of the Quran, some looked at some others
saying: Is anyone seeing you? Again, they took flight. God turned away from their hearts because they
are a folk who understand not.
there drew near to you a Messenger from among yourselves. It
was grievous to him that you fell into misfortune. He is anxious for you and to the ones who believe, gentle, compassionate.
But if they turned away, say: God
is enough for me.
There is no god but He. In Him I put my trust. And He
is the Lord of the Sublime Throne.
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