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89:1  By the dawn.
89:2  By ten nights.
89:3  By the even and the odd.
89:4  By the night when it travels on.
89:5  Is there in that an oath for a possessor of understanding?
89:6  Did you not see how your Lord did with 'Ad?
89:7  Iram, possessors of the columns,
89:8  The like of which was not created in the lands.
89:9  And Thamud, those who hollowed out the rocks in the valley.
89:10  And Pharaoh, possessor of the stakes.
89:11  Those who were immoderate in the lands,
89:12  And multiplied corruption in them.
89:13  So your Lord poured upon them a scourge of punishment.
89:14  Indeed, your Lord is surely in the place of watching.
89:15  And as for man, when his Lord tests him and honours him and favours him, then he says, 'My Lord honoured me.'
89:16  And as for when He tests him and straitens for him his provision, then he says, 'My Lord abased me.'
89:17  Not so, nay, you do not honour the orphan.
89:18  And you do not urge one another to feed the poor.
89:19  And you devour the inheritance, a greedy devouring.
89:20  And you love wealth, much love.
89:21  Not so, when the earth is crushed, crushing, crushing.
89:22  And your Lord comes, and the angels, rank, rank.
89:23  And Hell is brought on that day. On that day man will remember. And how will he have the reminder?
89:24  He will say, 'O I wish I had sent forward for my life.'
89:25  So on that day no one will punish as His punishing,
89:26  And no one will bind as His binding.
89:27  O tranquil soul!
89:28  Return to your Lord, pleased, pleased with.
89:29  And enter among My servants,
89:30  And enter My Garden.