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90:1  I swear by this land.
90:2  And you are free in this land.
90:3  By a begetter and what he begot.
90:4  Surely, certainly We created man in trouble.
90:5  Does he think that no one has power over him?
90:6  He says, 'I have destroyed much wealth.'
90:7  Does he think that no one sees him?
90:8  Did We not make for him two eyes,
90:9  And a tongue, and two lips?
90:10  And We guided him to the two ways.
90:11  And he rushed not to the mountain road.
90:12  And what will make you know what the mountain road is?
90:13  Freeing a neck
90:14  Or feeding in a day of hunger
90:15  An orphan near of kin
90:16  Or a poor person cleaving to the dust.
90:17  Then he was of those who believed and instructed one another in patience, and instructed one another in mercy.
90:18  Those are the fellows of the right.
90:19  But those who disbelieved in Our signs, they are the fellows of the left;
90:20  Upon them is fire closed-in.