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76:1  Does there come on man a period of time he was not a thing mentioned?
76:2  Indeed, We created man from a sperm mixture; We test him. And We made him hearing, seeing.
76:3  Indeed, We guided him to the way, whether grateful and whether ungrateful.
76:4  Indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and fetters and a blaze.
76:5  Indeed, the righteous will drink from a cup of wine, its mixture is Kafur,
76:6  A spring, the servants of God will drink from it, they will make it flow forth, streaming.
76:7  They fulfil the vow and they fear a day, its evil is widespread.
76:8  And they give food for His love to the poor and the orphan and the captive.
76:9  'We only feed you for the face of God. We do not desire a recompense nor thanks from you;
76:10  Indeed, we fear from our Lord a distressful, calamitous day.'
76:11  So God guarded them from the evil of that day and He made them experience brightness and happiness;
76:12  And He recompensed them a Garden and silk because they were patient.
76:13  Reclining in it on raised couches. They will not see in it sun nor intense cold.
76:14  And near over them its shades; and hung low its cluster of fruits, hanging low.
76:15  And there will be passed around them vessels of silver and cups, glass,
76:16  Glass of silver, they measured it, measuring.
76:17  And in it they shall be given to drink a cup of wine, its mixture is Zanjabil,
76:18  A spring in it named Salsabil.
76:19  And there will go round about them perpetual children. When you see them you will think them scattered pearls.
76:20  And when you look there you will see pleasure and a great kingdom.
76:21  On them garments of green fine silk and brocade. And they will be adorned with bracelets of silver; and their Lord will give them to drink a pure drink.
76:22  Indeed, this is a recompense for you, and your striving is thanked.
76:23  Indeed We, We have sent down upon you the Quran, descending gradually;
76:24  So be patient for the judgment of your Lord, and do not obey any sinner or disbeliever among them.
76:25  And remember the name of your Lord morning (Dawn to sunrise) and evening (Mid-afternoon to sunset),
76:26  And of the night, so prostrate to Him, and glorify Him night long.
76:27  Indeed, these love the transitory life, and leave behind them a heavy day.
76:28  We created them and strengthened their forms; and when We will, We exchange their similitudes, an exchange.
76:29  Indeed, this is a reminder, so he who willed took a way to his Lord.
76:30  And you will not will except that God wills. Indeed, God is knowing, wise.
76:31  He makes whomever He wills enter into His mercy; and the wrongdoers, He has prepared for them a painful punishment.