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80:1  HE FROWNED, and he turned his back
80:2  Because the blind man came to him
80:3  But what assured thee that he would not be cleansed by the Faith
80:4  Or be warned, and the warning profit him
80:5  As to him who is wealthy
80:6  To him thou wast all attention
80:7  Yet is it not thy concern if he be not cleansed
80:8  But as to him who cometh to thee in earnest
80:9  And full of fears
80:10  Him dost thou neglect
80:11  Nay! but it (the Koran) is a warning
80:12  (And whoso is willing beareth it in mind
80:13  Written on honoured pages
80:14  Exalted, purified
80:15  By the hands of Scribes, honoured, righteous
80:16  Cursed be man! What hath made him unbelieving
80:17  Of what thing did God create him
80:18  Out of moist germs
80:19  He created him and fashioned him
80:20  Then made him an easy passage from the womb
80:21  Then causeth him to die and burieth him
80:22  Then, when he pleaseth, will raise him again to life
80:23  Aye! but man hath not yet fulfilled the bidding of his Lord
80:24  Let man look at his food
80:25  It was We who rained down the copious rains
80:26  Then cleft the earth with clefts
80:27  And caused the upgrowth of the grain
80:28  And grapes and healing herbs
80:29  And the olive and the palm
80:30  And enclosed gardens thick with trees
80:31  And fruits and herbage
80:32  For the service of yourselves and of your cattle
80:33  But when the stunning trumpet-blast shall arrive
80:34  On that day shall a man fly from his brother
80:35  And his mother and his father
80:36  And his wife and his children
80:37  For every man of them on that day his own concerns shall be enough
80:38  There shall be faces on that day radiant
80:39  Laughing and joyous
80:40  And faces on that day with dust upon them
80:41  Blackness shall cover them
80:42  These are the Infidels, the Impure