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74:1  O you The Enrobed one (in the mantle).
74:2  Stand, so warn.
74:3  And your Lord, so aggrandize.
74:4  And your clothes, so purify.
74:5  And the abomination, so abandon.
74:6  And do not confer favor, to get more multiply.
74:7  And for your Lord, so be patient.
74:8  So, when it is blown in Al-Naqour (The Horn).
74:9  So, on that Day, it will be a difficult day.
74:10  For the infidels, not easy.
74:11  Forsake Me with, whom I created, alone.
74:12  And I set up extended money for him.
74:13  And children as witnesses.
74:14  And I prepared smoothly for him, a smooth preparation.
74:15  Then, he covets that I will increase!
74:16  Nay! Surely, he was for Our verses, stubborn.
74:17  I will overstrain, against him escalatory.
74:18  Surely, he thought and estimated.
74:19  So, being killed (Cursed), how he estimated.
74:20  Then: being killed (Cursed), how he estimated.
74:21  Then he looked.
74:22  Then he frowned and scowled.
74:23  Then he turned his back and arrogated.
74:24  So he said, “Surely this is none except magic was imitated.
74:25  This is nothing except a humankind's saying.”
74:26  I will flame him in Saqar.
74:27  And what cognizes you, what is Saqar?
74:28  It neither remains, nor forsakes.
74:29  It is scorching to humankind.
74:30  Over it are Nineteen.
74:31  And We did not set up the fire’s companions except angels, and We did not set up their number except an infatuation for those who disbelieved; to be certain those who were given the Book; and those who believed may increase in faith; and those given the Book and the believers do not doubt; and those in whose cores is a disease and the infidels will say, “What did Allah wanted with this as example?” Thus, Allah strays whoever He wills, and guides whoever He wills. And none knows your Lord’s troops except Him. And this is none except a reminder for humankind.
74:32  Nay! And by the moon.
74:33  And by the night when it departed.
74:34  And by the morning when it brightened.
74:35  It is one, surely of the grandest ones.
74:36  A warning for humankind.
74:37  To whomever from you wishes to advance or to lag behind.
74:38  Every soul by what it has earned, a hostage.
74:39  Except for the Right companions.
74:40  In Paradises, they question.
74:41  About the Criminals.
74:42  “What insert you in Saqar?”
74:43  They said, “We were not among those who prayed.
74:44  Nor did we feed the needy person.
74:45  And we were discoursed, with the discoursing ones.
74:46  And we were falsified with The Religion Day (Divine Debt System).
74:47  Until, certainty came to us.”
74:48  So it has not benefited them, the intercession of intercessors.
74:49  So what the matter with them, they are from the Reminder, averting?
74:50  As if they were panicked donkeys.
74:51  Were, fled from a lion.
74:52  Nay, but every person among them wants to be given propagated scrolls.
74:53  No, but surely! they do not fear the Hereafter.
74:54  No, but surely it is a reminder.
74:55  So whoever wills, shall remember it.
74:56  And they will not remember, except that Allah wills. He is The Piety Worthy, and The Forgiveness Worthy.