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33:1  O Prophet! Fear Allah and (do) not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Indeed, Allah is All-Knower, All-Wise.
33:2  And follow what is inspired to you from your Lord. Indeed, Allah is of what you do All-Aware.
33:3  And put your trust in Allah. And is sufficient Allah (as) Disposer of affairs.
33:4  Not (has) made Allah for any man [of] two hearts in his interior. And not He (has) made your wives whom you declare unlawful [of them] (as) your mothers. And not He has made your adopted sons your sons. That (is) your saying by your mouths, but Allah says the truth, and He guides (to) the Way.
33:5  Call them by their fathers; it (is) more just near Allah. But if not you know their fathers - then (they are) your brothers in [the] religion and your friends. But not is upon you any blame in what you made a mistake in it, but what intended your hearts. And that is Allah (is) Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
33:6  The Prophet (is) closer to the believers than their own selves, and his wives (are) their mothers. And possessors (of) relationships, some of them (are) closer to another in (the) Decree (of) Allah than the believers and the emigrants, except that you do to your friends a kindness. (It) is that in the Book written.
33:7  And when We took from the Prophets their Covenant and from you and from Nuh and Ibrahim and Musa and Isa, son (of) Maryam. And We took from them a covenant strong
33:8  That He may ask the truthful about their truth. And He has prepared for the disbelievers a punishment painful.
33:9  O you who believe! Remember (the) Favor (of) Allah upon you when came to you (the) hosts and We sent upon them a wind and hosts not you (could) see them. And that is Allah of what you do All-Seer.
33:10  When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when grew wild the eyes and reached the hearts the throats, and you assumed about Allah the assumptions.
33:11  There - were tried the believers and shaken (with a) shake severe.
33:12  And when said the hypocrites and those in their hearts (was) a disease, "Not promised us Allah and His messenger except delusion."
33:13  And when said a party of them, "O People (of) Yathrib! No stand for you, so return." And asked permission a group of them (from) the Prophet, saying, "Indeed, our houses (are) exposed," and not they (were) exposed. Not they wished but to flee.
33:14  And if had been entered upon them from all its sides then they had been asked the treachery, they (would) have certainly done it and not they (would) have hesitated over it except a little.
33:15  And certainly they had promised Allah from before, not they would turn their backs. And is (the) promise (to) Allah to be questioned.
33:16  Say, "Never will benefit you the fleeing, if you flee from death or killing, and then not you will be allowed to enjoy except a little."
33:17  Say, "Who (is) it that (can) protect you from Allah If He intends for you any harm or He intends for you a mercy?" And not they will find for them from besides Allah any protector and not any helper.
33:18  Verily, knows Allah those who hinder among you and those who say to their brothers, "Come to us," and not they come (to) the battle except a few,
33:19  Miserly towards you. But when comes the fear, you see them looking at you, revolving their eyes like one who faints (on him) from [the] death. But when departs the fear, they smite you with tongues sharp miserly towards the good. Those - not they have believed, so made worthless Allah their deeds. And is that for Allah easy.
33:20  They think the confederates (have) not withdrawn. And if (should) come the confederates they would wish if that they (were) living in (the) desert among the Bedouins, asking about your news. And if they were among you not they would fight except a little.
33:21  Certainly, is for you in (the) Messenger (of) Allah an example good for (one) who has hope (in) Allah and the Day the Last, and remembers Allah much.
33:22  And when saw the believers the confederates, they said, "This (is) what promised us Allah and His Messenger, and spoke the truth Allah and His Messenger." And not it increased them except (in) faith and submission.
33:23  Among the believers (are) men (who) have been true (to) what they promised Allah [on it]. And among them (is he) who has fulfilled his vow and among them (is he) who awaits. And not they alter (by) any alteration -
33:24  That may reward Allah the truthful for their truth and punish the hypocrites if He wills or turn in mercy to them. Indeed, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
33:25  And turned back Allah those who disbelieved, in their rage, not they obtained any good. And sufficient is Allah (for) the believers (in) the battle, and is Allah All-Strong, All-Mighty.
33:26  And He brought down those who backed them among (the) People (of) the Scripture from their fortresses and cast into their hearts [the] terror, a group you killed and you took captive a group.
33:27  And He caused you to inherit their land, and their houses, and their properties and a land not you (had) trodden. And is Allah on every thing All-Powerful.
33:28  O Prophet! Say to your wives, "If you desire the life (of) the world and its adornment, then come, I will provide for you and release you (with) a release good.
33:29  But if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the Home (of) the Hereafter, then indeed, Allah has prepared for the good-doers among you a reward great."
33:30  O wives (of) the Prophet! Whoever commits from you immorality clear, will be doubled for her the punishment two fold. And is that for Allah easy.
33:31  And whoever is obedient among you to Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness, We will give her her reward twice; and We have prepared for her a provision noble.
33:32  O wives (of) the Prophet! You are not like anyone among the women. If you fear (Allah), then (do) not be soft in speech, lest should be moved with desire he who, in his heart (is) a disease, but say a word appropriate.
33:33  And stay in your houses and (do) not display yourselves (as was the) display (of the times of) ignorance the former. And establish the prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Only wishes Allah to remove from you the impurity, (O) People (of) the House! And to purify you (with thorough) purification.
33:34  And remember what is recited in your houses of (the) Verses (of) Allah and the wisdom. Indeed, Allah is All-Subtle, All-Aware.
33:35  Indeed, the Muslim men and the Muslim women, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the men who give charity and the women who give charity and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard (it), and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember has prepared Allah for them forgiveness and a reward great.
33:36  And not (it) is for a believing man and not (for) a believing woman, when has decided Allah and His Messenger a matter that (there) should be for them (any) choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger certainly, he (has) strayed (into) error clear.
33:37  And when you said to the one, bestowed favor Allah on him and you bestowed favor on him, "Keep to yourself your wife and fear Allah." But you concealed within yourself what Allah (was to) disclose. And you fear the people, while Allah has more right that you (should) fear Him. So when ended Zaid from her necessary (formalities), We married her to you so that not there be on the believers any discomfort concerning the wives (of) their adopted sons when they have ended from them necessary (formalities). And is (the) Command (of) Allah accomplished.
33:38  Not (there can) be upon the Prophet any discomfort in what has imposed Allah on him. (That is the) Way (of) Allah concerning those who passed away from before. And is (the) Command (of) Allah a decree destined.
33:39  Those who convey (the) Messages (of) Allah and fear Him and (do) not fear anyone except Allah. And sufficient is Allah (as) a Reckoner.
33:40  Not is Muhammad (the) father (of) anyone of your men but (he is the) Messenger (of) Allah and Seal (of) the Prophets. And is Allah of every thing All-Knower.
33:41  O you who believe! Remember Allah (with) remembrance much
33:42  And glorify Him morning and evening.
33:43  He (is) the One Who sends His blessings upon you and His Angels so that He may bring you out from the darkness[es] to the light. And He is to the believers Merciful.
33:44  Their greetings (on the) Day they will meet Him (will be), "Peace." and He has prepared for them a reward noble.
33:45  O Prophet! Indeed, We have sent you (as) a witness and a bearer of glad tidings and (as) a warner
33:46  And as one who invites to Allah by His permission, and (as) a lamp illuminating.
33:47  And give glad tidings (to) the believers that for them (is) from Allah a Bounty great.
33:48  And (do) not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their harm, and put your trust in Allah. And sufficient is Allah (as) a Trustee.
33:49  O you who believe! When you marry believing women and then, divorce them from before [that] you have touched them, then not for you on them any waiting period (to) count concerning them. So provide for them and release them (with) a release good.
33:50  O Prophet! Indeed, We [We] have made lawful to you your wives (to) whom you have given their bridal money and whom you possess rightfully from those (whom) has given Allah to you, and (the) daughters (of) your paternal uncles and (the) daughters (of) your paternal aunts and (the) daughters (of) your maternal uncles and (the) daughters (of) your maternal aunts who emigrated with you, and a woman believing if she gives herself to the Prophet if wishes the Prophet to marry her - only for you, from excluding the believers. Certainly, We know what We have made obligatory upon them concerning their wives and whom they possess rightfully, that not should be on you any discomfort. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful
33:51  You may defer whom you will of them or you may take to yourself whom you will. And whoever you desire of those whom you (had) set aside - then (there is) no blame upon you. That (is) more suitable that may be cooled their eyes and not they grieve and they maybe pleased with what you have given them - all of them. And Allah knows what (is) in your hearts. And is Allah All-Knower, Most Forbearing.
33:52  (It is) not lawful for you (to marry) women from after (this) and not to exchange them for (other) wives even if pleases you their beauty, except whom you possess rightfully And is Allah over all things an Observer.
33:53  O you who believe! (Do) not enter (the) houses (of) the Prophet except when permission is given to you for a meal, without awaiting its preparation. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, then disperse and not seeking to remain for a conversation. Indeed, that was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of (dismissing) you. But Allah not is shy of the truth. And when you ask them (for) anything then ask them from behind a screen. That (is) purer for your hearts and their hearts. And not is for you that you trouble (the) Messenger (of) Allah and not that you should marry his wives from after him, ever. Indeed, that is near Allah an enormity.
33:54  Whether you reveal a thing or conceal it, indeed, Allah is of all things All-Knower.
33:55  (There is) no blame upon them concerning their fathers and not their sons and not their brothers and not sons (of) their brothers and not sons (of) their sisters and not their women and not what they possess rightfully And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is over all things a Witness.
33:56  Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who believe! Send blessings on him and greet him (with) greetings.
33:57  Indeed, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, has cursed them Allah in the world and the Hereafter and prepared for them a punishment humiliating.
33:58  And those who harm the believing men and the believing women for other than what they have earned, then certainly, they bear false accusation and sin manifest.
33:59  O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters and (the) women (of) the believers to draw over themselves [of] their outer garments. That (is) more suitable that they should be known and not harmed. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
33:60  If (do) not cease the hypocrites and those who in their hearts (is) a disease and those who spread rumors in the city, not We will let them overpower you, then not they will remain your neighbors therein except (for) a little,
33:61  Accursed, wherever they are found, they are seized and massacred completely.
33:62  (Such is the) Way (of) Allah with those who passed away from before and never you will find in (the) Way (of) Allah any change.
33:63  Ask you the people about the Hour. Say, "Only its knowledge (is) with Allah. And what will make you know? Perhaps the Hour is near."
33:64  Indeed, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and has prepared for them a Blaze,
33:65  Abiding therein forever, not they will find any protector and not any helper.
33:66  (The) Day will be turned about their faces in the Fire they will say, "O we wish we (had) obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!"
33:67  And they will say, "Our Lord! Indeed, we [we] obeyed our chiefs and our great men, and they misled us (from) the Way.
33:68  Our Lord! Give them double [of] punishment and curse them (with) a curse great."
33:69  O you who believe! (Do) not be like those who abused Musa then cleared him Allah of what they said. And he was near Allah honorable.
33:70  O you who believe! Fear Allah and speak a word right.
33:71  He will amend for you your deeds and forgive for you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger certainly has attained an attainment great.
33:72  Indeed, We [We] offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to bear it and they feared from it; but bore it the man. Indeed, he was unjust ignorant.
33:73  So that may punish Allah the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women and the polytheist men and the polytheist women and will turn (in Mercy) Allah to the believing men and the believing women. And is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.