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77:1  By the emissaries (wind), one after another.
77:2  Then by the stormers (wind) stormily.
77:3  And by the propagators (wind) a propagation.
77:4  Then by the separators, a separation.
77:5  Then by the throwers (Angels) of, a reminder.
77:6  Excusing or warning.
77:7  Surely what you are promised will occur.
77:8  So when the stars are obliterated.
77:9  And when the sky is slit.
77:10  And when the mountains were blown up.
77:11  And when the messengers are gathered to their appointed time.
77:12  For which day they postponed?
77:13  Till the decisive adjudication day.
77:14  And what cognizes you what is the decisive adjudication day?
77:15  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:16  Did We not destroy the formers?
77:17  Then We will follow them up with the later ones.?
77:18  Thus We do with the criminals.
77:19  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:20  Did We not create you from humiliated water?
77:21  So We set it in a well settled place?
77:22  Till a known time, predestinated.
77:23  So we estimated. So, how graciously is the estimator.
77:24  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:25  Did We not set up the earth as a receptacle?
77:26  For the living and the dead?
77:27  And set in it, monumental stabilizers (mountains), and watering you sweet water?
77:28  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:29  “Launch, to what you were falsified by it.”
77:30  “Launch, to a shadow possessor of three forks.”
77:31  Not shady, nor availing against the flames.
77:32  It spews sparks as big as the castles.
77:33  As if they were yellow camels.
77:34  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:35  This is a Day they will not speak.
77:36  And will not be permitted for them, so they will make excuses.
77:37  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:38  This is the decisive adjudication day; We have gathered you, and the formers.
77:39  So if you have a plan, so plan against Me.
77:40  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:41  Surely the pious will be in shades and springs.
77:42  And fruits from what they desire.
77:43  “Eat and drink a wholesome appetite, with what you were working.”
77:44  Surely thus We rewarded the benefactors.
77:45  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:46  “Eat and enjoy a little; surely you are criminals.”
77:47  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:48  And if it is said to them, “Kneel”, they do not kneel.
77:49  Woe on that Day for the falsifiers.
77:50  So with what narration, after it, will they believe?