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41:1  Haa. Me’im.
41:2  (This Qur’ān is) the Revelation in Knowledge of the True Merciful (God), the Most Merciful.
41:3  A Book whose Verses are fully elucidated- an Arabic Qur’ān for a people endowed with knowledge.
41:4  It contains glad tidings (of how to attain eternal salvation), and sufficient warning (about how to avoid Hellfire). Yet most of them walk away, and so they do not hear.
41:5  And they say: “Our hearts are under veils from that to which you invite us, and there is (also) deafness in our ears, and a barrier stands between ourselves and you. Subsequently, do what you intend to do and so will we."
41:6  Say: “I am only a human being like yourselves. It has been revealed to me that your god is One True God. Now, therefore, take the straight path to Him and seek His Forgiveness. Woe betide the Polytheists-
41:7  Who do not pay Zakāt and have no Faith in the Hereafter.
41:8  Most surely those who live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts will have a never-ending reward."
41:9  Say: "How is it that you have no faith in the One Who created the earth in two days?! How is it that you set up equals with Him?! Lo! He is the Lord of all the beings.”
41:10  And He placed therein firmly-set mountains above its surface. And He showered it with His Blessings and ordained therein its various means of sustenance (for all its inhabitants in another two days)- totaling four days exactly- (an answer) for all those who ask (about its creation).
41:11  Then turned He to the sky when it was smoke, saying to it and to the earth, "Submit wholly to Me, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do submit willingly.”
41:12  Thus, He formed the seven heavens in two days and inspired in each firmament its affair. He embellished the lowest sky with lamps and kept it safe. Such is the ordaining of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.
41:13  But if it happens that they walk away (from the Faith), then say: “I warn you of a thunderbolt like the one (that struck the people of) ‘Ād’ and Thamūd.”
41:14  Behold, the Messengers (of Allâh) came to them from before them and behind them, (saying): “Worship no one but Allâh". They said: "Had our Lord willed, He would have surely sent down Angels (to us). Surely we pledge not to give credence to (this nonsense message) with which you have been sent.”
41:15  As for (the people of) ‘Ād’, they behaved arrogantly in the land without any justification whatsoever, saying: "Who is more powerful than us?" Did they not see that Allâh, Who created them (out of nothing), is far more powerful than them? (Not only they behaved arrogantly but also) went on acting impiously towards Our Signs.
41:16  So We unleashed upon them a furious wind in very unfortunate days in order to give them a taste of a humiliating chastisement in this worldly life. But far more humiliating is the chastisement of the Hereafter. And they will never be able to get help.
41:17  As for (the people of) Thamūd, We showed them the right path, but they preferred walking in darkness over coming to the Full Knowledge of the Truth. So the chastisement of thunderbolt overtook them for what they used to gain.
41:18  And We saved those who adhered to Monotheistic Faith and used to act piously.
41:19  (Beware of) the day when the enemies of Allâh will be gathered to the Fire. They will be assembled in rows.
41:20  Till, when they reach (Hell), their ears, eyes and skins will testify against them as to what they used to do.
41:21  And they will say to their skins: "Why did you testify against us?" They will say: “It is Allâh who has caused us to speak just as He causes all things to speak.” He is the One who created you the first time, and to Him were you to return.
41:22  And you did not cover yourselves, (when you used to commit iniquitous deeds), lest your hearing or your eyes or your skins should bear witness against you. Actually you speculated that Allâh would not know much of what you used to do.
41:23  But this assumption of yours which you did entertain brought you to ruin. Now you find yourselves among those who are doomed to eternal perdition.”
41:24  So, if they endure (the punishment), still the Fire is their everlasting abode. And if they ask for favor, then are they of those who are barred from receiving favors.
41:25  And We have assigned to them intimate companions, who have adorned for them whatever is before them and whatever is behind them. And the Word (of Chastisement) has come into effect against them among the nations of jinn and men, that have passed away before them. Verily they are doomed to perdition.
41:26  Those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth say: “Do not listen to this Qur’ān but create disturbances in the midst of its (recitation) so that you may overcome.”
41:27  So We will definitely make those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth to taste a severe punishment. And We will definitely chastise them with the worst of what they used to do:
41:28  That is the reward of the enemies of Allâh: the Fire, which will be their everlasting abode- appropriate reward for their persistent and purposeful denial of Our Signs.
41:29  And those who were tempted to abandon their faith will say: “Our Lord, show us the ones who deceived us into going away (form the Truth) from among the jinn and mankind: We will trample them under our feet so that they will surely become among the lowest of the low."
41:30  Most surely those who used to say: “Our Lord is Allâh”and then behaved uprightly and religiously, the Angels will descend upon them, saying: “Fear not, neither grieve. Now, therefore, be ready to hear the joyful news of Al-Jannah, which you were promised.
41:31  We are your guardians in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. You will have therein whatever you desire. And you will have therein whatever you ask for:
41:32  A welcome gift from the One Who is Oft- Forgiving and Most Merciful."
41:33  And, who is better in speech than one who invites to (the Omnipotent Mercy of) Allâh, strives to do righteous acts and says: "Indeed, I am one of those who wholly submit themselves (to the Authority of Allâh)."
41:34  Not equal are the good deed and the evil deed. Repel against the evil deed with one which is better. Thus, it could be possible that the one who used to be your enemy might become (one day) your best friend.
41:35  But this can only be achieved by those who are patient and who are fortunate.
41:36  In case there comes to you an evil suggestion from the devil, then seek refuge in Allâh. Most certainly, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knowing.
41:37  Of His Signs (of power & glory) are the night and the day, the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or the moon, but do prostrate to Allâh, who created them, if you truly worship Him (in the way He wants us to worship Him).
41:38  But if they behaved arrogantly, then (let them know that) those who are with your Lord celebrate the praise of Allâh and declare His absolute majesty and glory day and night without being worn out.
41:39  (One) of His Signs (of power & glory) is that you see the earth devoid of life, but when We send down water thereon, it trembles and grows. Indeed, the One Who has given it life is the Granter of life to the dead. Indeed He is Most Capable of doing whatsoever He desires.
41:40  Those who seek to rebut Our Signs - the Qur’ān- are not hidden from Us. Who is better: the one who will be thrown into the Fire or the one who will be saved on the Day of Resurrection? Do whatever you desire! Most certainly He is All-Seer of what you do.
41:41  Indeed, those who persistently refuse to yield to the Scripture -the Qur’ān- after it has been revealed to them (will be condemned), for it is certainly an Irrefutable Book.
41:42  Falsehood cannot approach It from before it or from behind it. (It is) the Revelation in the Knowledge of the All-Wise, Worthy of all praise.
41:43  Nothing is said to you, (Muhammad), but what was said to the other Messengers who were before you. Most certainly your Lord is the Lord of Forgiveness and (also) the Lord of painful chastisement.
41:44  And if We had made the Qur’ān in a foreign language other than Arabic, they would have certainly argued: “Why are its Verses not explained in detail (in our language)? Is it a foreign (recitation) and an Arab Messenger?" Say: "It is for those who live by Faith a True Source of enlightenment and Healing. As for those who persistently refuse to yield to the Truth, there is deafness in their ears and upon them is spiritual blindness. They are like one who is called from far away.
41:45  And verily We gave Moses the Scripture. But disagreement arose therein. Had it not been for a Word that had already gone forth from your Lord, (the retribution of Allâh would have overtaken them) and then the whole issue would have been settled between them. Verily they are deeply skeptical about It.
41:46  Whoever strives to do a righteous act, it is for his own benefit. And whoever strives to do an evil deed, it is for his own loss. And your Lord is not ever unfair to the servants.
41:47  To Him is referred the Knowledge of the Hour. No fruit comes forth from its sheath, nor does a female conceive or gives birth except with His knowledge. And (Beware) of the day when He will call to them: "Where are My (so- called) partners?" They will say: "We proclaim to You that none of us is a witness."
41:48  Those whom they used to worship (& venerate) will fail them. And They will realize that there is no way to escape (from the Punishment).
41:49  Man never gets tired of imploring and praying for good things. But if evil touches him, then he will give up hope, falling into despair.
41:50  Most surely, if it happens that we let him taste Mercy from Us after some affliction that has touched him, he will definitely say: "This is due to me. I do not deem that the Hour will ever come to pass. Even if I am brought back to my Lord, surely I will be better off with Him.” Then, We most certainly will inform those who persistently refuse to yield to Truth of whatever they have been doing. And We will let them taste harsh chastisement.
41:51  And when We show favor to a human being, he turns away and withdraws aside. And when evil touches him, then he is full of prolonged supplication.
41:52  Say: “Tell me, since (this Qur’ān) is truly from Allâh, and you have no Faith in it, then, who is in greater deception than the one who is in a prolonged schism?"
41:53  We will show them Our Signs (of power & glory) on the horizons and within themselves until it becomes evident to them that (this Qur’ān) is the ultimate truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is a Witness over all things?
41:54  Ah indeed! Are they casting doubt on the meeting with their Lord? Most surely He distinctly encompasses all things.