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81:1  When the sun is shrouded in darkness
81:2  when the stars are dimmed
81:3  when the mountains are set in motion
81:4  when pregnant camels are abandoned
81:5  when wild beasts are herded together
81:6  when the seas boil over
81:7  when souls are sorted into classes
81:8  when the baby girl buried alive is aske
81:9  for what sin she was killed
81:10  when the records of deeds are spread open
81:11  when the sky is stripped away
81:12  when Hell is made to blaz
81:13  and Paradise brought near
81:14  then every soul will know what it has brought about
81:15  I swear by the planet
81:16  that recede, move, and hide
81:17  by the night that descends
81:18  by the dawn that softly breathes
81:19  this is the speech of a noble messenger
81:20  who possesses great strength and is held in honour by the Lord of the Throne––
81:21  he is obeyed there and worthy of trust
81:22  Your companion is not mad
81:23  he did see him on the clear horizon
81:24  He does not withhold what is revealed to him from beyond
81:25  This is not the word of an outcast devil
81:26  So where are you [people] going
81:27  This is a message for all people
81:28  for those who wish to take the straight path
81:29  But you will only wish to do so by the will of God, the Lord of all people