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72:1  Say, “It was revealed to me that a band of jinn listened, then declared, ‘We heard an amazing Quran.
72:2  It guides towards righteousness, so we have believed in it, and we won’t associate anyone with our Lord.
72:3  And that exalted is the grandeur of our Lord; He has taken neither a female companion, nor a son.
72:4  Yet, the foolish among us have spoken nonsense about God.
72:5  We thought that neither humans nor jinn would ever utter lies about God.
72:6  Certain humans used to seek refuge with the men of the jinn, which only exacerbated their fear and fatigue.
72:7  And they had thought, as you thought, that God would never resurrect anyone.
72:8  We probed the heavens and found them with stern guards and flaming meteors.
72:9  We used to occupy places there to eavesdrop. But now, whoever attempts to listen finds a blazing meteor lying in wait for him.
72:10  And we don’t know whether ill is intended for those on earth, or whether their Lord intends for them a right path.
72:11  Among us are the righteous, and among us are less than that; we follow diverse paths.
72:12  We’ve realized that we can’t escape God on Earth, nor can we evade Him by fleeing.
72:13  Upon hearing the guidance, we believed in it. Whoever believes in his Lord fears neither loss nor oppression.
72:14  Among us are the submitters, and among us are the deviants. Those who submit have found the path of righteousness.
72:15  As for the deviants, they will be fuel for Hellfire.”
72:16  Had they remained on the path, We would have provided them with abundant water to drink.
72:17  To test them through it. Whoever turns away from his Lord’s remembrance, He will subject him to escalating suffering.
72:18  The places of worship are for God. Don’t call upon anyone else alongside God.
72:19  When God’s servant stood up, calling upon Him, they nearly mobbed him in aggression.
72:20  Say, “I only pray to my Lord, and I associate none with Him.”
72:21  Say, “I hold no power over harm or righteousness for you.”
72:22  Say, “No one can protect me from God, nor can I find refuge apart from Him.
72:23  My only duty is to convey God’s revelations. Whoever disobeys God and His Messenger will reside eternally in the blistering flames of Hell.”
72:24  When they see what they were promised, they will realize who was weaker in helpers and fewer in numbers.
72:25  Say, “I don’t know whether what you’ve been promised is near, or if my Lord has set a distant time for it.”
72:26  He is the Knower of the unseen, and He doesn’t disclose His unseen to anyone.
72:27  Except to a messenger whom He has approved. Then, He assigns guardians before and after him.
72:28  To ensure they deliver their Lord’s messages. He is fully aware of their capabilities, and He has enumerated all things in numbers.