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71:1  We sent Noah to his people: “Warn your people before a severe punishment comes to them.”
71:2  He said, “O my people, I am a manifest warner to you.
71:3  Worship God, fear Him, and obey me.
71:4  He will forgive your sins and delay you to a specified term. When God’s appointed time arrives, it can’t be deferred—if only you could understand.”
71:5  He implored, “My Lord, I appealed to my people night and day.
71:6  But my call only increases their flight away.
71:7  Whenever I urged them to seek Your forgiveness, they would stick their fingers in their ears, cover their heads with their garments, persist in their stubbornness, and grow increasingly arrogant.
71:8  I called out to them openly.
71:9  And I appealed to them publicly, and I spoke with them privately.
71:10  I urged, ‘Seek forgiveness from your Lord, for He is Ever-Forgiving.
71:11  He will send down abundant rain upon you.
71:12  And provide you with wealth and sons, and bless you with gardens, and grant you rivers.
71:13  What’s the matter with you, that you don’t ascribe dignity to God.
71:14  When He created you in stages.
71:15  Don’t you see how God created seven heavens in perfect harmony?
71:16  And He made the moon a luminary in them, and He made the sun a glowing lamp.
71:17  And God germinated you from the earth like plants.
71:18  Then He will return you to it, and He will extract you once again.
71:19  And God made the earth a spread for you.
71:20  So you may move along its wide roads.’”
71:21  Noah implored, “My Lord, they defied me, and they followed those whose wealth and children only amplify their loss.”
71:22  They devised a formidable plot.
71:23  They said, “Never abandon your gods. Never abandon Wadd, nor Suwa, nor Yaghoos, nor Yaooq, nor Nassr.
71:24  They misled many. So, increase the wrongdoers in nothing but straying.”
71:25  Because of their sins, they were drowned and entered into fire, finding no allies to defend them against God.
71:26  Noah prayed, “O my Lord, don’t leave a single disbeliever on earth.
71:27  If You let them remain, they will mislead Your devotees, and they will only give birth to sinful unbelievers.
71:28  My Lord, forgive me, my parents, and anyone who enters my home as a believer, and all believing men and women. And don’t increase the wrongdoers in anything but ruin.”