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What is in the heavens and what is in the earth gave glory to God; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
He is the one who drove those of the people of the Book who disbelieved forth from their homes to the first emigration; you thought not that they would go out, and they thought that they, their fortresses, protect them from God. Then God came to them from where they did not expect, and He cast terror in their hearts. They ruin their houses with their hands and the hands of the believers; so take example, O possessors of eyes!
And if not that God had written emigration upon them, surely He would have punished them in the world; and for them in the hereafter is the punishment of fire.
That is because they, they split from God and His messenger; and whoever splits from God, then indeed, God is severe in punishment.
What you cut of palm tree or you left them standing upon their roots, then with the permission of God, and that He may disgrace the disobedient;
And what God restored to His messenger from them, and you did not press forward horses nor riding camels against it; but God gives His messengers authority over whom He wills, and God is powerful over everything.
What God restored to His messenger from the people of the towns: then for God, and for His messenger, and for the relatives, and the orphans, and the poor, and the wayfarer, that it does not become a thing taken by turns between the rich among you. And what the messenger gave you, then take it; and what he forbade you, then desist from it. And fear God, indeed, God is severe in punishment.
For the needy, the emigrants, those who were driven out of their homes and their wealth, they seek grace from God and pleasure, and they help God and His messenger; those, they are the truthful.
And those who settle the home and the faith before them love who emigrated to them; and they do not find in their breasts a need of what they were given; and they prefer over themselves, even though poverty was with them. And whoever is guarded from the covetousness of his soul, then those, they are the prosperous.
And those who came after them say, 'Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers, those who preceded us in the faith. And do not make in our hearts rancour towards those who believed; our Lord! Indeed, You are pitying, compassionate.'
Do you not see those who are hypocrites? They say to their brothers, those who disbelieved among the people of the Book, 'Surely, if you are driven out, surely we will definitely go out with you; and we will not obey anyone concerning you ever; and if you are fought, surely we will definitely help you.' And God bears witness indeed they are surely liars.
Surely, if they are driven out, they will not go out with them; and surely, if they are fought, they will not help them. And surely, if they help them, surely they will definitely turn away the backs; then they will not be helped.
Surely you are more intense of fear in their breasts than God; that is because they are people who do not understand.
They will not fight you all together except in fortified towns or from behind walls; their valour between them is intense; you think they are all together, but their hearts are separate. That is because they are people who are not intelligent.
Like the similitude of those who were before them recently; they tasted the evil result of their affair, and for them is painful punishment.
Like the similitude of the devil when he said to man, 'Disbelieve.' Then when he disbelieved, he said, 'Indeed, I am free of you. Indeed, I fear God, the Lord of the worlds.'
So the end of both of them was that they are in the fire, to dwell forever in it. And that is the recompense of the wrongdoers.
O those who believed! Fear God; and let a soul look to what it has sent forward for tomorrow; and fear God; indeed, God is aware of what you do.
And do not be like those who forgot God, so He made them forget their souls; those, they are the disobedient.
Not equal are the fellows of the fire and the fellows of the Garden; the fellows of the Garden, they are the successful.
Had We sent down this, the Quran, upon a mountain, surely you would have seen it humbled, split from the fear of God. And those, the similitudes, We strike them for mankind; perhaps they may think.
He is God; the one who there is no god but He; the knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Merciful, the Compassionate.
He is God; the one who there is no god but He; the King, the Holy, the Peace, the Faithful, the Protector, the Mighty, the Compeller, the Great. Glory be to God from what they associate.
He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner; for him are the best names. What is in the heavens and the earth gives glory to Him; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.
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