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13:1  Alif. Lam. Ra. These are the Verses of the Book- (the Qur'ân). And what has been sent down to you from your Lord is the Truth. But most of the people have no tendency to live by Faith .
13:2  It is Allâh Who raised up the heavens without any pillars that you can see, then He established Himself above the Throne. And He made the sun and the moon subservient. Each one runs (in its orbit) for a specified term. He regulates the Matter (of all things), distinctly explaining the Revelations, so that you may come to believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord.
13:3  He is the One Who spread out the earth and placed thereon firm hills and flowing rivers, and fruits of every kind in pairs. He causes the night to cover completely the day. Surely, in that are signs (of Allâh’s power & glory) for a people who persist in meditation.
13:4  On the earth there are large tracts (of natural forest) side by side, vineyards, various crops and date palms having a single root and others having several roots. They are all watered by the same water, yet some of them, We make more pleasing to the sense of taste. Surely, in that are Signs (of Allâh’s power & glory) for a people who possess a higher level of consciousness.
13:5  If (they) astound you, then surely you will be more stunned by their saying: ‘What! When we are dust, shall we indeed then be raised up again in new creation?’ Those are the ones who voluntarily and consciously persist in disbelief in their Lord. They are the ones who will have chains around their necks. They will be the Denizens of the Hell to abide therein.
13:6  They urge you earnestly to hasten the evil before the good, yet (many) exemplary punishments have definitely occurred before them. Indeed, your Lord is full of forgiveness for the people despite their continual deliberate yielding to their whims. And indeed, Your Lord is (also) extremely severe in punishment.
13:7  Those who voluntarily and consciously refuse to Yield to the Truth say: ‘Why has not a sign been sent down upon him from his Lord?’ You are sent only to warn and to every people there is a guide.
13:8  Allâh already knows what every female bears and what the wombs fall short or exceed. Everything with Him is (perfectly) measured.
13:9  He is the All-Knowing of the unseen and the seen, the Most Supreme, the Most High.
13:10  It is the same to Him whether any of you conceals his thoughts or proclaims them openly, whether he hides himself in the darkness of night or goes forth freely by day.
13:11  For each one, there are successive (Angels) before and behind him. They protect him by the Command of Allâh. Verily, Allâh will never change the condition of a people unless they intend to change what is in their hearts. And If Allâh intends to inflict punishment on a people, it will be (impossible) to prevent it, nor can they find a protector other than Him.
13:12  He is the One Who shows you the lightning (as a source of) fear and hope, and who generates the heavy clouds.
13:13  Thunder glorifies His praises, and so do the Angels because of having a reverence for Him. He sends the thunderbolts and therewith He hits forcibly and deliberately whom He wills. Yet they dispute concerning (the power & the glory of) Allâh. And He is Great and Mighty in power.
13:14  The call of truth belongs to Him alone. Those fabled gods they invoke beside Him can never respond to them in any way. It is just like a thirsty person who stretches out his hands to water (in the hope) that it will reach his mouth, but it will not reach it. The supplications of those who refuse to Yield to the Truth will lead to nothing except perdition.
13:15  And unto Allâh falls in prostration whosoever is in the heavens and on the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows in the mornings and evenings.
13:16  Say: ‘Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?’ Say: ‘Have you then taken besides Him guardians who possess no power to profit or hurt themselves?’ Say: ‘Is the blind one equal to the one who is enlightened? Or darkness equal to light? Or do they assign to Allâh partners who created the like of His creation so that creation may seem alike to them?’ Say: ‘Allâh is the Creator of all things, and He is the Unique Oneness, the Omnipotent’.
13:17  He sends down water from the sky and the valleys flow according to their measure, and the flood carries along the swelling foam. From that (ore) which they heat in the fire in order to make adornments and utensils out of that rises a scum the like of it. This is how Allâh strikes both the truth and falsehood. As for the foam, it vanishes as jetsam and what avails the people remains on the earth. This is how Allâh strikes the parables.
13:18  For those who respond to (the call) of their Lord is the best reward - (Al-Jannah). As for those who do not respond to His call: even if they had all that is on the earth and the like of it with it, they would surely (be willing to) offer it to ransom (themselves from the torment). For them there will be the dreadful reckoning. Their dwelling place will be Gehenna- Evil indeed is the cradle!
13:19  Shall he then who knows that what is revealed to you from your Lord is the truth be like the one who is (spiritually) blind? Only those who are highly intelligent people will take heed:
13:20  Those are the ones who fulfill their promise to Allâh and do not break their pledge -(abandoning polytheism in favor of absolute monotheism):
13:21  Those who join what Allâh has commanded to be joined, show honor and reverence for their Lord, and desire to be saved from the dreadful reckoning.
13:22  And those who cling to patience, seeking the countenance of their Lord, establish the regular prayer, and spend out of that which We have bestowed on them, in secret and openly, and respond to evil with good. It is they who will have the ultimate abode of ecstasy:
13:23  The Everlasting Gardens which they will enter along with those who were righteous among their fathers, spouses and offspring. The Angels will enter unto them from every gate (saying):
13:24  ‘Peace be upon you for all that you had patiently endured’. How excellent, is then, the final home.
13:25  But those who break the Covenant of Allâh after pledging (to adhere to absolute monotheism), and sever what Allâh has commanded to be joined, and act wickedly by spreading corruption on the land- it is they who will be deprived of Allâh's Mercy, and will have the evil abode -(Gehenna).
13:26  Allâh expands and straitens provision for whom He wills. They rejoice in this worldly life, whereas the worldly life in comparison with the Hereafter is but a brief enjoyment.
13:27  And Those who refuse to Yield to the Truth say: ‘If only one (miraculous) Sign were sent down upon him from his Lord’. Say: “Indeed, Allâh holds back His light from whomsoever He wills, and illuminates the path of those who turn to Him in repentance."
13:28  Those who Live by Faith, their hearts find comfort in celebrating the Praises of Allâh. Surely, in celebrating the praise of Allâh the (pious) hearts do find comfort!
13:29  ) Blessed are those who Live by Faith and strive to do righteous acts, for their is the best place of final return.
13:30  And so We have sent you, (O’ Muhammad), to a community before whom other communities have passed away so that you may recite to them what We have revealed to you. Yet they persistently refuse to acknowledge the True Merciful (God)! Say: ‘He is my Lord. There is no other god beside Him. I depend on Him with full trust, and to Him is my recourse.
13:31  Even if it were a book that could cause the mountains to be removed (from their places), or the earth to be torn asunder, or the dead to speak, (it would certainly have been this Qur'ân). Nay, the commandment belongs entirely unto Allâh . Do those who live by Faith know that had Allâh willed, He could have made all the people come to Faith? But as for those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth, disaster will continue to strike them because of what they do, or it will reside close by their homes, until the Promise of Allâh will come to pass. Verily, Allâh will never fail in His Promise.
13:32  Indeed (many) Messengers (of Allâh) were mocked at before you, (O’ Muhammad), but I granted respite to those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth, then I seized them. How (dreadful) was then My chastisement!
13:33  Is then He Who watches every person and knows what he has earned (like the fabled gods)? Yet they ascribe to Allâh partners. Say: ‘Name them! Is it that you seek to inform Him of that which He does not knows on the earth? Or are these merely empty words?’ Nay, but the guile of those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth seems fair to them. And they have been turned away from the right path. And whoever Allâh allows to go astray will be left with no guide.
13:34  For them is a chastisement in this worldly life, whereas the chastisement of the Hereafter is more grievous. And none can give them protection against (the chastisement of) Allâh.
13:35  A parable of Al-Jannah which is promised to the Pious: underneath it rivers flow, its fruit and shade are perpetual. This is the reward of the Pious, whereas the requital of those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth is the Fire.
13:36  Those unto whom We gave the Scripture rejoice in what has been revealed to you, and of the confederates are some who refuse to give credence to some parts of It- (the Qur'ân). Say: "I have only been commanded to worship Allâh in the way He wants us to worship Him. To Him I invite and to Him is my return.”
13:37  And So We have sent It (-the Qur'ân -) down to be a decisive word in Arabic. If it happens that you follow their (vain) tendencies after receiving the knowledge of Truth, then there will be none to give you protection against (the chastisement of) Allâh.
13:38  Indeed, We sent Messengers before you and blessed them with wives and offspring. It was not (possible) for a Messenger to bring a Sign without the will of Allâh. For every matter, there is prescribed term.
13:39  Allâh obliterates and entrenches whatever He desires. With Him is the Mother of the Book -(the Preserved Tablet).
13:40  Whether We let you behold part of that which We have promised them or cause you to die, your duty is only to convey ( the Message), and Ours is the reckoning.
13:41  Have they not seen that We come to the land, curtailing it of its outlying regions? Allâh judges: there is none has the power to adjust His verdict. And He is Swift in taking account.
13:42  Indeed, those who were before them did devise plots, but Allâh is the Master of all plans. He has full knowledge of what every person earns, and those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth will know for whom will be the ultimate abode of ecstasy .
13:43  Those who persistently refuse to Yield to the Truth say: ‘You (O’ Muhammad) are not a Messenger (of Allâh)’. Say: ‘Allâh is Sufficient as a witness between you and me and whosoever has spiritual gift of knowledge of the Scripture’.