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61:1  Glorified to Allah whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth. He is the Al-Aziz (Almighty), Al-Hakeem (The Wise).
61:2  O you who believed! Why do you say what you do not do?
61:3  Bigged hateful with Allah that you say what you do not do.
61:4  Surely Allah loves those who fight in His pathway, as a row, as like they were a packed construction.
61:5  And when Moses said to his kinfolk, “O my kinfolk, why do you hurt me, and already you know that I am Allah’s Messenger to you?” So, when they aberrated, Allah aberrated their cores. And Allah does not guide the debauchees’ kinfolk.
61:6  And when Jesus, Mary’s son said, “O Israel's children, I am Allah’s Messenger to you, confirming what is between my hands among the Torah, and preacher with a messenger who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad.” So, when he came to them with the proof, they said, “This is obvious magic.”
61:7  And who is more oppressor than he who slandered against Allah the lie while he is being invited to The Islam. And Allah does not guide the oppressor kinfolk.
61:8  They want to extinguish Allah’s light with their mouths, and Allah will complete His light, even though the infidels hate it.
61:9  He is the one who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the truth religion, to raise it over the whole religion, even though the polytheists hate it.
61:10  O you who believed! Shall I usher you upon a trade that will save you from a painful torment?
61:11  You believe in Allah and His Messenger and effort in Allah’s pathway with your money and yourselves. That is goodness for you, if you were knowing.
61:12  He will forgive you your misdeeds; and will enter you, paradises beneath which the rivers are running, and good residences in Eden Paradises. That is The Great Winning.
61:13  And another (thing) you love it, victory from Allah and a near conquest; and preach (Good tidings) the believers.
61:14  O you who believed! Be Allah's victory supporters, as Jesus, Mary’s son said for the disciples, “Who are my victory supporters for Allah?” The disciples said, “We are Allah's victory supporters.” So, a category among Israel’s children believed, while another category disbelieved. So., We supported those who believed against their enemy, so they became uppermost.