By the figs and the olives (might refer to Mt. of olives just outside the wall of AL-Quds (Jerusolem) where Isa (Jesus) was sent or to the parable of Allah's light) – see Y.Ali, note, 619
And by Mount Sinai (where, Allah declared in words His Supreme Majesty to Mussa (Moses)
And by this town -Macca-, the haven which confers security (where you Muhammad were chosen for the final mission
We created man in the best of shape and form and distinctly upright
Then We abased the proud to an inhabitant of the realm of Hell in requital of his ill-deeds
But not those who believed with hearts impressed with religious and spiritual virtues and deeds of wisdom and piety; these will have passed through nature to Eternity
And so, what then drives people in the light of all this to deny religion and deny judgment by Allah your Creator
Is Allah not the Most just of all judges Who will compensate those who were wronged in life and were oppressed and their grievances no one ever redressed
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