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60:1  O you who believe! Do not take my enemy and your enemy as allies. You approach them with affection when they have disbelieved in that which has come to you from the truth. They expelled the messenger and [expel] you because you believe in Allah, your Lord. If you truly have come out to strive in My way and to seek My good pleasure. You offer them affection in secret when I fully know all that you conceal and all that you reveal and whosoever does that among you, he has indeed gone astray from the right way.
60:2  If they have you at a disadvantage, they become enemies to you and they stretch their hands and their tongues towards you with evil and they desire that you should also disbelieve.
60:3  Neither your ties of kinship nor your children will ever be of any benefit to you. On the day of resurrection, He will part between you and Allah is All-seeing about all that you do.
60:4  Indeed there is a most excellent model for you in the person of Abraham and in those who were with him when they said to their people, “We indeed have disavowed you and all that you worship besides Allah. We have rejected you and between us and you has come to be the enmity and the hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone.” Except the word [of promise] of Abraham for his father saying, “I most certainly seek forgiveness for you but I have no control over anything for you from Allah. O Our Lord! In You, we put our trust and unto You we turn back and unto You is the place of final coming.”
60:5  O our Lord! Do not make us a trial for those who disbelieve and forgive us O our Lord! For you are The All-mighty, The All-wise.
60:6  Indeed there is a most excellent model for you in them for such who looks forward to Allah and the last day and whosoever turns back then truly Allah is The All-self-sufficient, The All-praiseworthy.
60:7  Perhaps Allah may well put affection between you and between those who have been your enemy from among them and Allah is All-powerful and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
60:8  Allah does not bar you from those who have not fought against you in the religion and who have not driven you out of your homes that you be kind to them and that you treat them with equity. Truly Allah loves those who are equitable.
60:9  Allah only bars you from those who have fought against you in the religion and have driven you out from your homes and they have collaborated in driving you out f[rom your homes] that you ally with them and whosoever allies with them, truly those are the ones who have wronged their own souls.
60:10  O you who believe, when the believing women come to you migrating [in the way of Allah], do try them [in faith]. Allah knows all about their belief and if you find them to be believing women then do not return them to the disbelievers. They [believing women] are not lawful to them [the disbelievers] and they [the disbelievers] will not be lawful for them [believing women] and give them what they have spent [as dowry] and there is no restriction on you to marry them if you give them their dowries and do not hold unto the guardianship of the disbelieving women so ask for what you have spent and let them ask for what they have spent. That is the judgment of Allah. He judges between you and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.
60:11  And if anyone from your wives escapes you to the disbelievers and you in turn get the same opportunity [over them] then give them whose wives have gone forth the like of what they have spent and revere Allah in Whom you are believers.
60:12  O you the prophet! When the believing women come to you pledging their allegiance to you that they will not ascribe any as partner to Allah, that they will not steal, and that they will not commit adultery, and that they will not kill their children, and that they will not commit any opprobrium that they contrive between their hands and between their legs and that they will not disobey you in any matter of fair kindness then accept their pledge of allegiance and ask Allah to forgive them. Truly Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
60:13  O you who believe! Do not take as ally a people Allah is wroth with. They have indeed lost hope in the hereafter as the disbelievers have lost hope about the people of the graves.