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91:1  By the sun and its brightness
91:2  And by the moon as it reflects it [brightness of the Sun]
91:3  And by the day, when it displays it [brightness of the Sun]
91:4  And by the night, when it veils it [brightness of the Sun]
91:5  And by the sky and what it constitutes,
91:6  And by the earth and what makes it spread [prolong] its existence
91:7  And by the soul and what shapes it
91:8  Then inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right
91:9  Certainly, the one who keeps it [soul] pure is successful
91:10  And, certainly, the one who corrupts it is ruined
91:11  The people of Thamood denied the Truth by committing transgression
91:12  When the most wicked man among them came forward [to disobey divine directive]
91:13  Allah's Messenger had then warned them about Allah's she-camel and her [allotted time of] drink
91:14  But they rejected him, and crippled her. For this sin of theirs, their Lord let loose His anger upon them, and razed their dwellings to the ground
91:15  And He has not to be afraid of its consequences