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63:1  When the hypocrites come to you, they say, 'We bear witness, indeed you are surely the messenger of God.' And God knows, indeed you are surely His messenger; and God bears witness, indeed the hypocrites are surely liars.
63:2  They took their oaths as a covering, then they hindered from the way of God. Indeed they, evil is what they used to do.
63:3  That is because they, they believed, then they disbelieved, so a seal has been set on their hearts, so they do not understand.
63:4  And when you see them, their bodies please you; and if they speak, you hear their speech as if they were pieces of wood propped up; they think every noise is against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. God fight them. How are they turned away?
63:5  And when it is said to them, 'Come, the messenger of God will seek forgiveness for you.' They turn their heads, and you see them, they turn away and they are proud.
63:6  Equal on them whether you seek forgiveness for them or you do not seek forgiveness for them. God will not forgive them; indeed, God does not guide the disobedient people.
63:7  They are the ones who say, 'You should not spend on whoever is with the messenger of God until they disperse.' And for God are the treasures of the heavens and the earth; but the hypocrites do not understand.
63:8  They say, 'Surely, if we return to Al Madinah, the mightier will surely, definitely drive out the lower from it. And for God is the might and for His messenger and for the believers, but the hypocrites do not know.
63:9  O those who believed! Let not your wealth nor your children divert you from the remembrance of God. And whoever does that, then those, they are the losers.
63:10  And spend from what We have provided you before death comes upon one of you and he says, 'My Lord! If only You would defer me to a near term, then I would give charity and be among the righteous.'
63:11  And God will not defer a soul when its term has come; and God is aware of what you do.