Name of the Translation:

Word to Word Color Coded Interpretative Translation of the Holy Quran



Vision for Accessibility

Sultan Salahuddin’s dream was to bring a simpler, more accessible English interpretation of the Holy Qur’an to the world. This vision fueled his passion to co-author an interpretative translation, aiming to provide a word-by-word understanding of the sacred text in English, enhanced by a unique color-coding system. This system ensures that no word from the Arabic text is overlooked, making the translation process meticulous and comprehensive.

The Benefit of Color-Coding

The added benefit of this color-coding is profound—it enables every non-native Arabic speaker to grasp the meaning of each word, thus enriching their understanding as they read and memorize the Quran in Arabic. This method transforms the experience, making it inclusive for readers and memorizers of all ages.

The Belief in Untranslatability

Sultan Salahuddin firmly believes that the Qur’an is untranslatable in its true essence but can be interpretatively translated, reflecting the authors' understanding and knowledge. He passionately states, “This interpretative translation, by the Will of Allah, holds immense value for English-speaking individuals who do not speak Arabic. It bridges a significant gap, offering them a closer connection to the divine words of Allah.”

The Essence of Interpretative Translation

He further explains, “An interpretative translation is a human endeavor to understand the divine words of Allah. No translation can capture the true essence of the Holy Qur’an as revealed in Arabic. The genuine meaning can only be fully grasped in its original Arabic form. Thus, an interpretative translation is an approximation, a humble attempt to explain the Qur’an’s meaning. The one and only authentic form of the Qur'an remains in Arabic.”

Addressing the Modern Disconnect

One of the primary reasons for embarking on this project goes beyond just providing a translation; it addresses a fundamental issue in the modern engagement with the Qur’an. The Qur’an was sent down as a revelation to humankind, intended to guide and enlighten. However, over time, many people have lost the true essence of understanding the Qur’an, reducing their interaction with it to mere recitation without comprehension. This detachment from the true meaning creates a significant spiritual void.

The Importance of Comprehension and Action

Sultan Salahuddin reflects on a profound question that every believer must consider: How can one understand the true message of the Holy Quran, if it is not understood? If the divine message is not understood, how can it be followed and acted upon? And if it is not acted upon, how can one hope to draw closer to Allah? This disconnect is a critical concern that Salahuddin aims to address through his work.

Sultan Salahuddin reflects on a profound question that every believer must deeply contemplate: How can one truly understand the message of the Holy Qur’an if its words are not comprehended? If the divine message is not understood, how can it be followed and acted upon in daily life? And if it is not acted upon, how can one hope to draw nearer to Allah and fulfill His divine purpose? This disconnect between recitation and understanding is a critical concern that Salahuddin aims to address through his work. His goal is to transform the way people engage with the Qur’an, ensuring that its sacred teachings are not just read, but fully understood, internalized, and practiced. This reflective and thought-provoking approach seeks to rekindle a deeper spiritual connection with Allah, encouraging believers to move beyond mere recitation towards a more meaningful and purposeful relationship with the divine words of Allah.

Reigniting the True Purpose of the Qur’an

By providing an interpretative translation that is accessible and easy to understand, Sultan Salahuddin hopes to reignite the true purpose of the Qur’an—guidance, reflection, and implementation. He believes that understanding the Qur’an is crucial for acting upon its teachings and getting closer to Allah. This interpretative translation is not just a scholarly endeavor; it is a spiritual mission to help believers internalize and live by the divine guidance from Allah.

A Beacon of Understanding

Sultan Salahuddin's involvement has made this English interpretative translation accessible and understandable for people of all ages. His dedication and expertise in teaching diverse age groups have made this project a beacon of understanding, illuminating the path for countless individuals on their spiritual journey. This project was fulfilled only to please Allah and to gain His pleasure, a heartfelt offering of devotion and faith.

From Sultan Salahuddin

“May Allah Accept our work and make it a means of understanding the Holy Quran for Many”.

رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbanā ‘Ātinā  Ad-Dunyā Ĥasanatan Wa Fī Al-‘Ākhirati Ĥasanatan Wa Qinā `Adhāba An-Nāri

Our LordGrant us good in the world and good in the Hereafter and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”

Thank you

Sultan Salahuddin




Early Passion for Quranic Studies

Mohammed Farooq, since his early childhood, has been dedicated to reading and understanding the Holy Quran in English with the guidance of his paternal uncle. His passion for Quranic studies grew progressively, and he developed a deep understanding of the Holy Quran from a young age.

Mastery of Arabic Language

To further his knowledge, he professionally learned the Arabic language and spent a significant portion of his life among native Arabic speakers.

Aspiration to Author an Interpretative Translation

For more than a decade, Mohammed Farooq aspired to author an interpretative translation of the Holy Quran. When the opportunity arose, he committed himself to the project full-time. His extensive knowledge of the Quran became a cornerstone of the project.

Expertise and Contribution

His expertise in Arabic language and grammar enabled him to produce an accessible interpretative translation of the Holy Quran.

Vision and Dedication

At the age of 70+, Mohammed Farooq recognized the urgent need for an easy-to-understand interpretative translation of the Holy Quran in English. He remarked, "I have read many translations in various languages, and it is true that no translation can be called a translation but rather an interpretative translation of the Holy Quran. My effort on this project is to bring the closest interpretative translation of the Quran in English that is not only easy to understand but also does justice to the Arabic text of The Holy Quran."

From Mohammad farooq

“May Allah Accept our work”.


قَالَا رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنْفُسَنَا وَإِنْ لَمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
Qālā Rabbanā Žalamnā Anfusanā Wa ‘In Lam Taghfir Lanā Wa Tarĥamnā Lanakūnanna Mina Al-Khāsirīna
Both of them said, “Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on uswe will surely be among the losers.“

Rabbanaa zalamnaaa anfusanaa wa illam taghfir lanaa wa tarhamnaa lanakoonanna minal khaasireen


Thank you

Mohammad Farooq