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at-Takwir (The Overthrowing, The Cessation)
as rendered by Linda "iLham" Barto
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Linda “iLHam” Barto rendition of Surah The Overthrowing, The Cessation(at-Takwir)
81:1 When the sun folds!
81:2 When the stars fade away!
81:3 When the mountains vanish!
81:4 When the full-term, pregnant camels are abandoned!
81:5 When the wild beasts herd together!
81:6 When the oceans are swollen!
81:7 When the souls are paired [with their bodies]!
81:8 When the baby girl, buried alive, is questioned…
81:9 …for what crime she was killed!
81:10 When the scrolls are laid open!
81:11 When the sky is stripped!
81:12 When Hell is ignited!
81:13 When Paradise is presented!
81:14 Each soul will then know what it has forwarded.
81:15 Truly, I [the Lord] attest by the planets that recede,…
81:16 …orbit, and set.
81:17 [I attest by] the night as it dissipates…
81:18 …and the dawn as it breathes.
81:19 Truly, this is the statement of a most honorable messenger [the angel Gabriel].
81:20 [He is] empowered and honored before the Lord of the Throne.
81:21 [He is] respectful and faithful.
81:22 Also, your companion [the Prophet] is not possessed [of an evil spirit].
81:23 Without a doubt, he saw (Gabriel) on the horizon, clearly.
81:24 (The Prophet) does not withhold knowledge of the unseen.
81:25 It is not the word of Satan, the condemned.
81:26 Where will you go?
81:27 This is no less than a message to the worlds.
81:28 [It is] for whoever among you will go straight.
81:29 You cannot plan except as Allah wills. [He is] the Lord of the Worlds.


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