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at-Takwir (The Overthrowing, The Cessation)
as rendered by Torres Al Haneef (partial translation)
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Torres Al Haneef (partial translation) rendition of Surah The Overthrowing, The Cessation(at-Takwir)
81:1 "When the sun is folded up,"
81:2 "and when the stars fall,"
81:3 "and when the mountains vanish,"
81:4 "and when the pregnant camels (ready to deliver their young) are abandoned,"
81:5 "and when the wild animals are herded together,"
81:6 "and when the oceans are on fire,"
81:7 "and when the souls are reunited,"
81:8 and when the baby girl who was buried alive is aske
81:9 "for what crime she was killed,"
81:10 "and when the scrolls are spread open,"
81:11 "and when the sky is torn off,"
81:12 "and when Hell is set to plaze,"
81:13 "and when the Gardenis brought near,"
81:14 (then) every soul will know what it has prepared (for itself)
81:15 "So, I call to witness the planets that recede,"
81:16 "and rise and set,"
81:17 "and the night as it darkens,"
81:18 "and the dawn as it breathes (away the darkness),"
81:19 "that this is truly the word of a noble Messenger (from Allah),"
81:20 "he (Jibr???l) is powerful, and has a place of honour with the Lord of the Throne,"
81:21 he is obeyed and trustworthy
81:22 And your companion (Mu?ammad) is not crazy
81:23 "He saw him (Jibr???l) without any doubt, on the clear horizon,"
81:24 "and he is not hiding anything of the Unseen,"
81:25 and this is not the speech of a cursed devil
81:26 "Where, then, are you going?"
81:27 "This is no less than a Reminder to all creation,"
81:28 to those of you who wish to walk straight
81:29 and you will not wish to unless Allah wills -- the Lord of the Worlds


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