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86:1  By the sky and the night-comer––
86:2  What will explain to you what the night-comer is
86:3  The piercing star––
86:4  there is a watcher over every soul
86:5  Man should reflect on what he was created from
86:6  He is created from spurting fluid
86:7  then he emerges from between the backbone and breastbone
86:8  God is certainly able to bring him back to life
86:9  On the Day when secrets are laid bar
86:10  he will have no power and no one to help him
86:11  By the sky and its recurring rain
86:12  by the earth that cracks open
86:13  This is truly a decisive statement
86:14  it is not something to be taken lightly
86:15  They plot and scheme
86:16  but so do I
86:17  [Prophet], let the disbelievers be, let them be for a while