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Allah has heard the speech of her who disputed with you about her husband and complained to Allah, and Allah hears your discussion, for Allah listens and sees.
Those of you who divorce their women by likening them to their mothers, they are not their mothers, their mothers are only those who gave birth to them, and they say something unacceptable and false, and Allah is lenient and forgiving.
And those who divorce their women by likening them to their mothers and go back on their word, they must free a slave before the two touch, that is what you are admonished with, and Allah is informed of what you do.
And who is unable, he must fast two consecutive months before the two touch, and he who does not find (the means) must feed sixty poor, that is in order for you to believe in Allah and His messenger, and these are the limits of Allah, and for those who reject (the truth) is a painful punishment.
Those who transgress the limits of Allah and His messenger will be defeated just like those before them were defeated, and We have already sent clear proofs, and for those who reject (the truth) is a humiliating punishment.
On the day Allah raises them all and informs them of what they did, Allah counted it and they forgot it, and Allah is a witness to everything.
Don´t you see that Allah knows what is in the heavens and on earth, and there is not a secret meeting of three, but He is the fourth with them, nor of five, but He is the sixth with them, nor of less or more than that but He is with them wherever they are, then He informs them of what they did on the day of resurrection, for Allah knows everything.
Don´t you see how those who were forbidden from secret meetings returned to what they were forbidden from and conspired to sin and rebellion and disobedience to the messenger, and when they came to you they greeted you in a way Allah does not have you greeted and say to themselves: why does Allah not punish us for what we say? Hell is enough for them, they will enter it, and it is a bad journey.
Oh you believers, when you meet in secret, do not conspire to sin and rebellion and disobedience to the messenger, but conspire to righteousness and awareness (of Allah), and beware of Allah to whom you will be gathered.
For secret meetings are from the devil so that he worries the believers, and he will not harm them at all except by the permission of Allah, and on Allah let the believers rely.
Oh you believers, when you are told to make room in gatherings, make room, Allah will make room for you, and when you are told to get up, get up, Allah will elevate those of you who believe and who were given knowledge in rank, and Allah is informed of what you do.
Oh you believers, when you have a private meeting with the messenger, give charity in advance of your private meetings, that is better and purer for you, and if you don´t find (the means), then Allah is forgiving and merciful.
Do you hesitate to give charity before your private meetings? If you don´t do it and Allah has turned to you in forgiveness, then keep up prayer and give Zakat and obey Allah and His messenger, and Allah is informed of what you do.
Don´t you see those who befriend a people whom Allah is angry with, they are neither part of you nor them and knowingly swear upon a lie.
Allah has promised them a severe punishment, for bad is what they used to do.
They adopt their faith by way of protection then divert from the way of Allah, so theirs is a humiliating punishment.
Neither their wealth nor children will help them the least against Allah; those are the inmates of the fire where they will remain.
On the day Allah raises all of them and they swear to Him like they swore to you and think that they have a case, but no, they are liars.
The devil has taken possession of them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah; those are the party of the devil, for sure the party of the devil are the losers.
Those who transgress the limits of Allah and His messenger, those are the lowest.
Allah has decreed that I and My messengers will win, for Allah is strong and mighty.
You will not find people who believe in Allah and the last day showing love to those who transgress the limits of Allah and His messenger, even if they were their fathers or sons or brothers or families; for those, Allah has written faith in their hearts and helps them with a spirit from Him and enters them into gardens through which rivers flow where they will remain. Allah is content with them and they are content with Him. Those are the party of Allah, for sure the party of Allah are the successful.
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